Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

This is war..Trump just won relection

That's just stupid but -

You really believe that a majority of Americans are anti-first amendment?

I disagree.

What did you post when Kathy Griffin was fired for the bloody trump head? You were against HER right to free speech.

Oh, but suddenly, you're in favor of Barr's free speech.

Fucking ignorant hypocrite aka RWNJ cupcake is all triggered and offended and yadda yaddda.

Write this down - BOTH have the right to say what they said and the rest of us have the right to react. ABC has the right to fire Barr just as CNN had the right to fire Griffin.


Roseanne quits Twitter after epic racist, anti-Semitic meltdown

Racist Roseanne can't apologize for such evil.
oh STFU, fake indian.

Thanks for confirming your hate and racism.

Lots of those on USMB....LOTS!
She's become an insufferable ****, and finally mouthed off one too many times. She can moonlight as a Faux News pundit now.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the show was a hit. The democrats are very skin thinned....want to make everything personal.....just because she supports Trump. Pathetic.
Nah ratings tanked and the season ended with no momentum. Roseanne exposing herself as a racist is a dream cover for the creators for the garbage they made. It's better for finding new work.

Actually, the show was doing pretty well. Shoot, they were even working on the new season when this happened.

Like I said, Disney (who owns her show), saw the success of Black Panther, and they don't want any kind of scandal to effect the box office of Black Panther 2. Lots of black people went to the first one, and Disney doesn't want to alienate them with the show Roseanne.
Quality and ratings were tanking at the end. A joke from one of the episodes was a guy bringing over donuts. That was literally the entire joke. Trash television.

No....not really....

The ratings for the "Roseanne" reboot were huge

From CNN's Frank Pallotta and Brian Stelter

Back after a 21-year hiatus, the "Roseanne" reboot notched 25 million viewers total when it first premiered earlier this year, according to Nielsen's TV ratings.

The high ratings accounted for three days of time-shifted viewing -- that is, people watching on DVRs and on demand.

The first episodes of the series brought in TV's highest ratings in the advertiser-coveted 18-to-49 demographic for any comedy telecast since 2014.

They also topped the show's original finale 21 years ago by 10% in total viewers, a remarkable accomplishment at a time when ratings across TV have fallen precipitously.

Ratings slipped in the second week of episodes of the reboot, with an average of 15.2 million people tuning in.
Amazing how many conservatives support calling black people apes
Of course this is ok when you're a network that caters to the left.

But but but - you also say that CNN caters to the left?

But, you were in favor of them firing Kathy Griffin for her bloody trump head, right?

So, which is it?

Do you think all Americans should have equal free speech? Or would that be just for trumpanzees?

Triggered and offended? Hypocrite.

RWNJ cupcakes can hand it out but they're just too fragile to take it. You should all be forced to eat gay chocolate cake.

Oh yeah. and of course, I LOVE Olbermann.
I thought it was a good joke....everyone knows what a pos valerie jarret is and was...ya know the idiot who was obama's most trusted advisor. Upgrading her to the status of being from the planet of the apes is hardly anything worthy of getting someone fired.

'Roseanne' Canceled at ABC Following Racist Tweet

Thread title is a lie.

She did not get fired for making a joke.

Question for you RWNJs - what about when Kathy Giffords did the "joke" with the bloody trump head?

You were all calling for HER head. But suddenly, you believe Barr should not face consequences for her words.

BOTH had a right to say what they did.
And the rest of us have the right to react.

Just once, I'd like to see you dummies stand up for America. That means standing up for the rights of ALL Americans.


Griffin was fired from her cushy New Years eve job. Griffin is as much of a slug as Rosanne.
:afro: :blsmile: :hyper: :poke: So now we have the left beating up on Roseanne Barr for her recent racially charged statement on Twitter. But we all know the several stupid/assinine/racially insulting remarks Joe Biden made especially during the Obama years.
So what's the big deal with what Roseanne Barr said?
:cul2: :lalala: :poop:
The left is beating up on her? Where? She has every right to say what she did.
And now we know why Roseanne supports Trump: racism.

Her support for Trump always seemed a bit odd to me. She was at odds with him on most major issues, including the economy, all things LGBT, education, and religious pandering.

But now it all makes perfect sense.
What's worse? What Roseanne said...what Griffin did...or y'all accusing Trump of wanting to fuck his daughter?
Griffin paid a heavy price for a tasteless joke.
Roseanne Barr will pay a heavy price for a racist tweet.
All is fair
:afro: :blsmile: :hyper: :poke: So now we have the left beating up on Roseanne Barr for her recent racially charged statement on Twitter. But we all know the several stupid/assinine/racially insulting remarks Joe Biden made especially during the Obama years.
So what's the big deal with what Roseanne Barr said?
:cul2: :lalala: :poop:
The left is beating up on her? Where? She has every right to say what she did.

And Disney has the right to fire her....
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke
The best part is Roseanne also tweeted an idiotic rant about George Soros which is completely false. I hope he sues her into bankruptcy for libel.

“By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth-were you aware of that? But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?”
Here's the kind of pig they'll hire:

Fake tweet, snowflake OP

Is it ? If so, I sincerely apologize. Please provide a link, and then I will acknowledge it.
Cortney O'Brien - RETRACTION: Olbermann Did Not Tweet Out that Profanity-Laced Rant Against Trump

My mistake then, I did not realize it was fake.

Olbermann however is an asshole, and has tweeted some nasty stuff about our president. He is polarizing, and not a good pick for a network that will claim to not have biases.
That's just stupid but -

You really believe that a majority of Americans are anti-first amendment?

I disagree.

What did you post when Kathy Griffin was fired for the bloody trump head? You were against HER right to free speech.

Oh, but suddenly, you're in favor of Barr's free speech.

Fucking ignorant hypocrite aka RWNJ cupcake is all triggered and offended and yadda yaddda.

Write this down - BOTH have the right to say what they said and the rest of us have the right to react. ABC has the right to fire Barr just as CNN had the right to fire Griffin.

The one that should have been fired was Valerie Jarret, and Obama, in 2012. I voted for the jihadist in 2008, but after seeing what he did in his first term, WOW, how could anyone, with an ounce of decency, vote for these killers ?
And now we know why Roseanne supports Trump: racism.

Her support for Trump always seemed a bit odd to me. She was at odds with him on most major issues, including the economy, all things LGBT, education, and religious pandering.

But now it all makes perfect sense.

Rosanne has always been a racist. She saw trump as her messiah....

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