Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

Roseanne should stfu, take her punishment and be adult about it. Enough of the excuses and explanations. But..its roseanne. She will continue to tweet and dig herself deeper with her lame bullshit. She fucked up. Now she has to live with it. Or not.
See libs can’t even get their condemnation quotes correct. That because emotion leads their fray and not facts
She never said the woman was an ape
She did say that she looked like an offspring combo of the Muslim brotherhood (a real thing) and Planet of the Apes(a fictional move from 50 years ago)

Yes.......not a racist comment at all--when the movie was playing I never heard anyone say that the characters were supposed to be Negroid.............but all the celebrities that have called Trump an oragutan are supposed to get a pass? Enough of the double standard b.s. and Negroes are the last ones that should be calling anyone racism is well documented as the most violent in America today....even most Negroes say their fellow Negroes are the most racist of all.

More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics - Rasmussen Reports®

Come on, get your jokes correct. Bill Maher's Schick is that the orangutan is Donnies daddy, not that the perp in the WH is all orangutan, just half.

Please, boycott his sponsors all you want.

Black racism? Hahaha. Another Joke from the right? I thought you guys had no sense of humor.
Roseanne should stfu, take her punishment and be adult about it. Enough of the excuses and explanations. But..its roseanne. She will continue to tweet and dig herself deeper with her lame bullshit. She fucked up. Now she has to live with it. Or not.

This controversy gives her a great platform to expound on unpleasant facts in our society.....people are so tired of poltical correctness....anyone who dares to disregard it and tell the truth becomes a instant hero or heroine in her case. Up with Rosanne down with political correctness.
See libs can’t even get their condemnation quotes correct. That because emotion leads their fray and not facts
She never said the woman was an ape
She did say that she looked like an offspring combo of the Muslim brotherhood (a real thing) and Planet of the Apes(a fictional move from 50 years ago)

Yes.......not a racist comment at all--when the movie was playing I never heard anyone say that the characters were supposed to be Negroid.............but all the celebrities that have called Trump an oragutan are supposed to get a pass? Enough of the double standard b.s. and Negroes are the last ones that should be calling anyone racism is well documented as the most violent in America today....even most Negroes say their fellow Negroes are the most racist of all.

More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics - Rasmussen Reports®

Come on, get your jokes correct. Bill Maher's Schick is that the orangutan is Donnies daddy, not that the perp in the WH is all orangutan, just half.

Please, boycott his sponsors all you want.

Black racism? Hahaha. Another Joke from the right? I thought you guys had no sense of humor.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics - Rasmussen Reports®
MrGracie was on ambien and had to stop. Nasty nasty stuff. So yeah...if they want to jump into this fight, they might regret the outcome.
She should have said Valerie is ugly like an ape, but those republicans will put you back in chains....she would still have her show.

I guess I'm missing the context of her remark. Did she actually call someone an ape or was she merely comparing their looks to the character in the movie? Do we really suppose a lot of people don't say stuff like this in private and all she is guilty of is saying it in public? And was it really a racist remark or merely being called that and one of Roseanne's typical off-colour remarks? Do we really think racism is dead and that there aren't a zillion people (most often Blacks) who harbor race-based feelings? Have we become a culture of censorship and fascist thinking where we destroy anyone now who doesn't fit our stereotype molds? Is it then also a racist remark to call Trump an Orange buffoon? Apparently ABC was on a hair trigger already that Roseanne would make incendiary remarks (just imagine, her entire show and career, popularity and success has been BASED on that!), and apparently being sorry or apologizing just doesn't cut it in today's world, once labeled, that is as good as a court conviction. What really surprised me was last night I discovered that Laff TV had pulled her old reruns off their network as well! Apparently Roseanne is worse than a murderer; had she or somebody KILLED someone, I don't think they would have pulled the shows.

The real shame is the pointlessness of railing about Jarrett and Soros, etc., on Twitter at this point. It just makes no sense, was poor judgement on Roseanne's part, just reinforces the stereotype already levied against Trump supporters and most of all, killed what was looking to be one of the most successful TV shows since Big Bang Theory.

BTW, I always understood Valery Jarrett to be IRANIAN, not Black.
She should have said Valerie is ugly like an ape, but those republicans will put you back in chains....she would still have her show.

I guess I'm missing the context of her remark. Did she actually call someone an ape or was she merely comparing their looks to the character in the movie? Do we really suppose a lot of people don't say stuff like this in private and all she is guilty of is saying it in public? And was it really a racist remark or merely being called that and one of Roseanne's typical off-colour remarks? Do we really think racism is dead and that there aren't a zillion people (most often Blacks) who harbor race-based feelings? Have we become a culture of censorship and fascist thinking where we destroy anyone now who doesn't fit our stereotype molds? Is it then also a racist remark to call Trump an Orange buffoon? Apparently ABC was on a hair trigger already that Roseanne would make incendiary remarks (just imagine, her entire show and career, popularity and success has been BASED on that!), and apparently being sorry or apologizing just doesn't cut it in today's world, once labeled, that is as good as a court conviction. What really surprised me was last night I discovered that Laff TV had pulled her old reruns off their network as well! Apparently Roseanne is worse than a murderer; had she or somebody KILLED someone, I don't think they would have pulled the shows.

The real shame is the pointlessness of railing about Jarrett and Soros, etc., on Twitter at this point. It just makes no sense, was poor judgement on Roseanne's part, just reinforces the stereotype already levied against Trump supporters and most of all, killed what was looking to be one of the most successful TV shows since Big Bang Theory.

BTW, I always understood Valery Jarrett to be IRANIAN, not Black.

She was born in Iran and is an apologist for islam but her parents were American.
Valerie Jarrett, Ingrid Mattson: White House Opens Wider to Islam
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In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke

Jarrett isn't black moron, she is an Arab.


No, she's not.

Both of her parents are black Americans.

Even if her parents were Iranian (which they're not) - Iran is Persian, not Arab.

Iran is less Persian than America is white.

Iran is about 70-80% Persian, and less than 2% Arab.

My point stands.

Im not going to argue the per centages...that Iran is Persia is simply Iranian propaganda. They arent. But they have a lot of persians.
The United States is a white country though. It has a greater per centage of its population as white than Iran does as Persian.
MrGracie was on ambien and had to stop. Nasty nasty stuff. So yeah...if they want to jump into this fight, they might regret the outcome.
What bs! Whatever the merits and/or drawbacks of ambien--it did not make Roseanne tweet the poison she chose to tweet. Did taking the drug lower her inhibitions? Probably---it must suck big-time to be outed by your drug habit!


You guys see this as some great call to arms in the war on PC. Roseanne is not a heroine..she's just sleazy has-been comedienne. The support of the far right is just another millstone around her neck.
A month from'll be, "Roseanne who?". "Oh yeah, that fat racist bitch."
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke

Jarrett isn't black moron, she is an Arab.


No, she's not.

Both of her parents are black Americans.

Even if her parents were Iranian (which they're not) - Iran is Persian, not Arab.

Iran is less Persian than America is white.

Iran is about 70-80% Persian, and less than 2% Arab.

My point stands.

Im not going to argue the per centages...that Iran is Persia is simply Iranian propaganda. They arent. But they have a lot of persians.
The United States is a white country though. It has a greater per centage of its population as white than Iran does as Persian.


Iran is Persia. It's not "propaganda" to recognize that Iran occupies the same geographic territory as Persia, and is populated by a majority of ethnic Persians.
We have dipshits on this board who actually bleev that if your parents are working in Iran when you are born, that makes you Persian! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

And they haven't a clue just how stupid they sound.

Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia
She should have said Valerie is ugly like an ape, but those republicans will put you back in chains....she would still have her show.

I guess I'm missing the context of her remark. Did she actually call someone an ape or was she merely comparing their looks to the character in the movie? Do we really suppose a lot of people don't say stuff like this in private and all she is guilty of is saying it in public? And was it really a racist remark or merely being called that and one of Roseanne's typical off-colour remarks? Do we really think racism is dead and that there aren't a zillion people (most often Blacks) who harbor race-based feelings? Have we become a culture of censorship and fascist thinking where we destroy anyone now who doesn't fit our stereotype molds? Is it then also a racist remark to call Trump an Orange buffoon? Apparently ABC was on a hair trigger already that Roseanne would make incendiary remarks (just imagine, her entire show and career, popularity and success has been BASED on that!), and apparently being sorry or apologizing just doesn't cut it in today's world, once labeled, that is as good as a court conviction. What really surprised me was last night I discovered that Laff TV had pulled her old reruns off their network as well! Apparently Roseanne is worse than a murderer; had she or somebody KILLED someone, I don't think they would have pulled the shows.

The real shame is the pointlessness of railing about Jarrett and Soros, etc., on Twitter at this point. It just makes no sense, was poor judgement on Roseanne's part, just reinforces the stereotype already levied against Trump supporters and most of all, killed what was looking to be one of the most successful TV shows since Big Bang Theory.

BTW, I always understood Valery Jarrett to be IRANIAN, not Black.

She was born in Iran and is an apologist for islam but her parents were American.

Right! So just who was the muslim brotherhood (Jarrett?) then and who was planet of the apes? I need some context. Other than just SAYING Roseanne made a "racist" remark (the horror), where EXACTLY was the racism? And has racism now become a cultural taboo we pretend isn't still everywhere, but it is OK to judge people based on age, sex, religion, or political affiliation (and a hundred other things)?
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke

Jarrett isn't black moron, she is an Arab.


No, she's not.

Both of her parents are black Americans.

Even if her parents were Iranian (which they're not) - Iran is Persian, not Arab.

Iran is less Persian than America is white.

Iran is about 70-80% Persian, and less than 2% Arab.

My point stands.

Im not going to argue the per centages...that Iran is Persia is simply Iranian propaganda. They arent. But they have a lot of persians.
The United States is a white country though. It has a greater per centage of its population as white than Iran does as Persian. say you are not going to argue percentages..and argue percentages!
She should have said Valerie is ugly like an ape, but those republicans will put you back in chains....she would still have her show.

I guess I'm missing the context of her remark. Did she actually call someone an ape or was she merely comparing their looks to the character in the movie? Do we really suppose a lot of people don't say stuff like this in private and all she is guilty of is saying it in public? And was it really a racist remark or merely being called that and one of Roseanne's typical off-colour remarks? Do we really think racism is dead and that there aren't a zillion people (most often Blacks) who harbor race-based feelings? Have we become a culture of censorship and fascist thinking where we destroy anyone now who doesn't fit our stereotype molds? Is it then also a racist remark to call Trump an Orange buffoon? Apparently ABC was on a hair trigger already that Roseanne would make incendiary remarks (just imagine, her entire show and career, popularity and success has been BASED on that!), and apparently being sorry or apologizing just doesn't cut it in today's world, once labeled, that is as good as a court conviction. What really surprised me was last night I discovered that Laff TV had pulled her old reruns off their network as well! Apparently Roseanne is worse than a murderer; had she or somebody KILLED someone, I don't think they would have pulled the shows.

The real shame is the pointlessness of railing about Jarrett and Soros, etc., on Twitter at this point. It just makes no sense, was poor judgement on Roseanne's part, just reinforces the stereotype already levied against Trump supporters and most of all, killed what was looking to be one of the most successful TV shows since Big Bang Theory.

BTW, I always understood Valery Jarrett to be IRANIAN, not Black.

She was born in Iran and is an apologist for islam but her parents were American.

Right! So just who was the muslim brotherhood (Jarrett?) then and who was planet of the apes? I need some context. Other than just SAYING Roseanne made a "racist" remark (the horror), where EXACTLY was the racism? And has racism now become a cultural taboo we pretend isn't still everywhere, but it is OK to judge people based on age, sex, religion, or political affiliation (and a hundred other things)?
The racist bitch Barr was parroting some tired old memes which are based on lies. She got what she deserved.

Jarrett is neither a member of the Muslim Brotherhood nor Iranian. Nor did George Soros help the Nazis confiscate the property of Jews and keep that property for himself.

She's a fucking retard parroting retarded bullshit and had it all shoved right back up her gigantic fat ass from whence it came.

Bravo to ABC for firing her retarded racist dirigible ass.
Comparing white guys to monkeys is not racist.

WHY is tell

Sorry - comparing white guys to primates doesn't have a long and dark history.

Comparing Black People To Monkeys Has A Long, Dark Simian History

Well, you do have a in genetically speaking it has been scientifically proven that we all have dna links to chimps....and that Negroids are the closest relatives of the chimps. In fact chimps have 97% of the dna humans have.

Are Negros Closer to Apes Than to Humans? - Letters to the Jim Crow Museum - Jim Crow Museum - Ferris State University
She should have said Valerie is ugly like an ape, but those republicans will put you back in chains....she would still have her show.

I guess I'm missing the context of her remark. Did she actually call someone an ape or was she merely comparing their looks to the character in the movie? Do we really suppose a lot of people don't say stuff like this in private and all she is guilty of is saying it in public? And was it really a racist remark or merely being called that and one of Roseanne's typical off-colour remarks? Do we really think racism is dead and that there aren't a zillion people (most often Blacks) who harbor race-based feelings? Have we become a culture of censorship and fascist thinking where we destroy anyone now who doesn't fit our stereotype molds? Is it then also a racist remark to call Trump an Orange buffoon? Apparently ABC was on a hair trigger already that Roseanne would make incendiary remarks (just imagine, her entire show and career, popularity and success has been BASED on that!), and apparently being sorry or apologizing just doesn't cut it in today's world, once labeled, that is as good as a court conviction. What really surprised me was last night I discovered that Laff TV had pulled her old reruns off their network as well! Apparently Roseanne is worse than a murderer; had she or somebody KILLED someone, I don't think they would have pulled the shows.

The real shame is the pointlessness of railing about Jarrett and Soros, etc., on Twitter at this point. It just makes no sense, was poor judgement on Roseanne's part, just reinforces the stereotype already levied against Trump supporters and most of all, killed what was looking to be one of the most successful TV shows since Big Bang Theory.

BTW, I always understood Valery Jarrett to be IRANIAN, not Black.

She was born in Iran and is an apologist for islam but her parents were American.

Right! So just who was the muslim brotherhood (Jarrett?) then and who was planet of the apes? I need some context. Other than just SAYING Roseanne made a "racist" remark (the horror), where EXACTLY was the racism? And has racism now become a cultural taboo we pretend isn't still everywhere, but it is OK to judge people based on age, sex, religion, or political affiliation (and a hundred other things)?
The racist bitch Barr was parroting some tired old memes which are based on lies. She got what she deserved.

Jarrett is neither a member of the Muslim Brotherhood nor Iranian. Nor did George Soros help the Nazis confiscate the property of Jews and keep that property for himself.

She's a fucking retard parroting retarded bullshit and had it all shoved right back up her gigantic fat ass from whence it came.

Bravo to ABC for firing her retarded racist dirigible ass.
Both are loopy kunts...

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