Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

Rosanne was stupid, no doubt. Just like with Griffin, the NFL players and others, just stupid and their employer has a right to terminate their employment, I think that is silly to but this is the days we live in.
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke
Has it been pointed out yet that she's Iranian?

That explains why Roseanne put Muslim Brotherhood in the tweet. Is this Valerie Jarrett also Muslim??

What's with all these Iranians in the Oval Office? Obama had this one and Huma Abedin may have sunk Hillary's campaign accidently because of giving her email-filled laptop to hubby who used it sex-text teens and got caught. If Hillary had won, that would have been yet another Iranian woman as a top presidential advisor.

I sure don't like this Muslim/Iranian business. I expect they are moles, planted here to get into high-level campaigns.
Jarrett isn't Iranian.

That is like saying Obama isn't Kenyan.
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke
Has it been pointed out yet that she's Iranian?

That explains why Roseanne put Muslim Brotherhood in the tweet. Is this Valerie Jarrett also Muslim??

What's with all these Iranians in the Oval Office? Obama had this one and Huma Abedin may have sunk Hillary's campaign accidently because of giving her email-filled laptop to hubby who used it sex-text teens and got caught. If Hillary had won, that would have been yet another Iranian woman as a top presidential advisor.

I sure don't like this Muslim/Iranian business. I expect they are moles, planted here to get into high-level campaigns.
Jarrett isn't Iranian.

That is like saying Obama isn't Kenyan.

And just like with Obama, you can't prove Jarrett is Iranian.

In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke
Has it been pointed out yet that she's Iranian?

That explains why Roseanne put Muslim Brotherhood in the tweet. Is this Valerie Jarrett also Muslim??

What's with all these Iranians in the Oval Office? Obama had this one and Huma Abedin may have sunk Hillary's campaign accidently because of giving her email-filled laptop to hubby who used it sex-text teens and got caught. If Hillary had won, that would have been yet another Iranian woman as a top presidential advisor.

I sure don't like this Muslim/Iranian business. I expect they are moles, planted here to get into high-level campaigns.
Jarrett isn't Iranian.

That is like saying Obama isn't Kenyan.

And just like with Obama, you can't prove Jarrett is Iranian.


That bitch may not have been born in Iran but she is a Communist Iranian from the core.

Who do you think masterminded that stupid deal to give the Iranians billions and lift all economic sanctions against he Mullahs? It wasn't that dumbnass affirmative action Obama Negro. He isn't smart enough to find Iran on a map. It was the Jarrett bitch that gave away the store to the Mullahs.

That asshole was part of the Obama disaster and deserves to be ridiculed. She also looks like an ape.
Has it been pointed out yet that she's Iranian?

That explains why Roseanne put Muslim Brotherhood in the tweet. Is this Valerie Jarrett also Muslim??

What's with all these Iranians in the Oval Office? Obama had this one and Huma Abedin may have sunk Hillary's campaign accidently because of giving her email-filled laptop to hubby who used it sex-text teens and got caught. If Hillary had won, that would have been yet another Iranian woman as a top presidential advisor.

I sure don't like this Muslim/Iranian business. I expect they are moles, planted here to get into high-level campaigns.
Jarrett isn't Iranian.

That is like saying Obama isn't Kenyan.

And just like with Obama, you can't prove Jarrett is Iranian.


That bitch may not have been born in Iran but she is a Communist Iranian from the core.

Who do you think masterminded that stupid deal to give the Iranians billions and lift all economic sanctions against he Mullahs? It wasn't that dumbnass affirmative action Obama Negro. He isn't smart enough to find Iran on a map. It was the Jarrett bitch that gave away the store to the Mullahs.

That asshole was part of the Obama disaster and deserves to be ridiculed. She also looks like an ape.

Now you're saying she wasn't born in Iran but she's Iranian?
BTW, Bill Maher often says some really insensitive things on his show.

Bill Maher Calls Himself a "House ******"

Bill Maher needs to go to. Just like Roseanne is a right wing racist, Maher is a left wing bigot.

BTW that's not the first time he said ******.

Rosanne Barr ran for President under the Green Party and the Peace and Freedom Party which are left wing in nature, the darling of the left Cindy Sheehan is a member of the Peace and Freedom Party.
We don't use racial slurs on each other. It's a strictly black American thing.
Polock mick **** hunky bogtrotter limey ginger.............................................
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
What kind of racial slurs do whites use that totally upsets white people???
I'm trying to image it...or remember if it ever happened. Pretty sure it doesn't.

"Hey honkey!"
"Hey! How ya doin', cracka?"
"Oh pretty good, whitey!"
"That's good to hear, my redneck!"

Whites just don't do that shit. It must be a black thing.

bwaaaaaaaaaa yep ...........anyhow the good thing about this Roseanne affair is that all is much clearer now(as in to win a battle you must know who your enemies are) and thus all the liberal b.s. will wake up even more whites to the fact that it is them against us....the battle lines are forming.....the choices are clear....we must make America Great again with all that implies. To the ramparts boys! Victory will be ours.
Polock mick **** hunky bogtrotter limey ginger.............................................
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
What kind of racial slurs do whites use that totally upsets white people???
I'm trying to image it...or remember if it ever happened. Pretty sure it doesn't.

"Hey honkey!"
"Hey! How ya doin', cracka?"
"Oh pretty good, whitey!"
"That's good to hear, my redneck!"

Whites just don't do that shit. It must be a black thing.

bwaaaaaaaaaa yep ...........anyhow the good thing about this Roseanne affair is that all is much clearer now(as in to win a battle you must know who your enemies are) and thus all the liberal b.s. will wake up even more whites to the fact that it is them against us....the battle lines are forming.....the choices are clear....we must make America Great again with all that implies. To the ramparts boys! Victory will be ours.
Oh? What does that imply?
We aren't any of those things and don't use racial slurs, especially against each other.
Liar....I've heard all sorts of racial slurs used white on white. But hey..if you say it often MIGHT make it true/ Maybe.....
What kind of racial slurs do whites use that totally upsets white people???
I'm trying to image it...or remember if it ever happened. Pretty sure it doesn't.

"Hey honkey!"
"Hey! How ya doin', cracka?"
"Oh pretty good, whitey!"
"That's good to hear, my redneck!"

Whites just don't do that shit. It must be a black thing.

bwaaaaaaaaaa yep ...........anyhow the good thing about this Roseanne affair is that all is much clearer now(as in to win a battle you must know who your enemies are) and thus all the liberal b.s. will wake up even more whites to the fact that it is them against us....the battle lines are forming.....the choices are clear....we must make America Great again with all that implies. To the ramparts boys! Victory will be ours.
Oh? What does that imply?
It implies that you libs think you can get away with your double-standards, and that regardless how much you claim otherwise the most intolerant people in America vote Democrat.
It's been that way throughout history and remains the same today.
Amazing how many conservatives support calling black people apes

VJ is Iranian, right?
No, she's American.
She was born in Iran...with American parents. Which makes her Iranian..and American.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You people are priceless.

Her father was an American contractor working in Iran when she was born.

That does not make her Iranian.

Jesus, you people parrot the stupidest bullshit! :lol:
No it doesn't, but now we know why they love Iran so much
Why. I just can't fight this level of retard.
VJ is Iranian, right?
No, she's American.
She was born in Iran...with American parents. Which makes her Iranian..and American.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You people are priceless.

Her father was an American contractor working in Iran when she was born.

That does not make her Iranian.

Jesus, you people parrot the stupidest bullshit! :lol:
No it doesn't, but now we know why they love Iran so much
Why. I just can't fight this level of retard.
And now we know why Roseanne supports Trump: racism.

Her support for Trump always seemed a bit odd to me. She was at odds with him on most major issues, including the economy, all things LGBT, education, and religious pandering.

But now it all makes perfect sense.

remember when Obama made the "typical white person" comment?

now it all makes perfect sense, if you support Obama you are a racist.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to get you through the day, skinhead.

I get through every day just fine, shithead
haha, I seriously doubt that, skinhead. 100 to 1 you have clinical mental illness of some sort.

I see your problem...... far left end of the bell curve .
100 pages plus on Rosanne Barr?
Serious ?

Apparently she is in more heads than Trump.

Put me on the I don't give a shit list.

You'd give a shit if Sharpton said similar things about whites..
Not really. Sharpton and Rosanne are both are both pieces of shit that have absolutely zero effect upon my life or my emotions.

You really know nothing about Sharpton.

Sharpton is a con man and a snitch for the FBI.....negroes just cannot find a decent leader.....thus they stay on the democratic plantation....praying dat uncle sam will take care of them.

Sharpton admits working with FBI on '80s wiretaps
Apparently you were asleep for the 8 years liberals called GWB a chimp and posted photo shops of him.

Typical liberal moonbat.

Comparing white guys to monkeys is not racist.

Besides, Junior did look a tad chimpish :)

Apparently you were asleep for the 8 years liberals called GWB a chimp and posted photo shops of him.

Typical liberal moonbat.

Comparing white guys to monkeys is not racist.

Besides, Junior did look a tad chimpish :)


He is an elitist republican......he should become a democrat and hook up with obama on netflix...I am sure they would work well together...morons always look out for each other.

BTW what happend to all those celebrities that referred to Trump as an orangutan
Apparently you were asleep for the 8 years liberals called GWB a chimp and posted photo shops of him.

Typical liberal moonbat.

Comparing white guys to monkeys is not racist.

Besides, Junior did look a tad chimpish :)


He is an elitist republican......he should become a democrat and hook up with obama on netflix...I am sure they would work well together...morons always look out for each other.

BTW what happend to all those celebrities that referred to Trump as an orangutan

You mean the guy who got cancel by ABC because of something he said that offended someone, even though his ratings never took a hit. That guy?

I pay to watch him. I hope HBO stays above all bull shit politically correct nonsense.
Liberals are sentiment vampires. They must suck the blood of feelings out of every incident with the hopes that they can turn all of the USA into perpetually offended walking dead
Apparently you were asleep for the 8 years liberals called GWB a chimp and posted photo shops of him.

Typical liberal moonbat.

Comparing white guys to monkeys is not racist.

Besides, Junior did look a tad chimpish :)

If comparing white guys to monkeys is not racist, then the same applies to comparing black guys to monkeys. You’ve been conditioned with white guilty. Ergo you think double standards are okay.

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