Roseanne: Black Obama advisor comes from planet of the apes

But you want to boycott the NFL because you don't like the actions of a few. Hypocrisy. It is your calling card.

The league allowed it to go on for at least two seasons, then realized they were losing money because of it. They are the hypocrites.

The one on the right is cuter. The one on the left still looks like Michael
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke
Has it been pointed out yet that she's Iranian?

That explains why Roseanne put Muslim Brotherhood in the tweet. Is this Valerie Jarrett also Muslim??

What's with all these Iranians in the Oval Office? Obama had this one and Huma Abedin may have sunk Hillary's campaign accidently because of giving her email-filled laptop to hubby who used it sex-text teens and got caught. If Hillary had won, that would have been yet another Iranian woman as a top presidential advisor.

I sure don't like this Muslim/Iranian business. I expect they are moles, planted here to get into high-level campaigns.
I'm not a Loser.

Maybe, but you are a foreigner, you said. What are you doing on an American forum talking about race if you don't even live here?

Trying to divide and weaken us like the Russians are always doing, I suppose. I think that's pretty terrible and am putting you on ignore.
Roseanne will make the money back on Fox or someplace else.
Not on an ad-based venue, she won't. They didn't lose millions when they cancelled the show. They lost millions when Roseanne had an episode of mental illness, live on Twitter

Yeah, it's my opinion. Shall we revisit this in a few months, and see if it was correct? I'll remind ya. ;)

That fine. Sometimes we are right in our predictions and sometimes we are wrong.

For instance, I listened to the Left Wing shitheads and thought that Crooked Hillary bitch was going to win the Presidency. How dumb was that?
When someone makes a remark involving apes, why do snowflakes always associate it with black people?
Why, when a racial slur is made , do Trumpettes defend it?

The remark was obviously racist.

Yet here you are defending it.

The problem with Trumpettes is that many have their racism so inbred into their very being that they don't know what a piece of shit they really are.

Like Trump. Like the poster to whom I am replying.

They are not only racist, but damn proud of it.

Racist people are lowlife, ignorant peopkle - i.e. Trumpette material.

Go fuck yourself.

Why do you stupid Moon Bats defend MS-13 and all those Illegals assholes that flood into our country? How come you defend the murderous BLM assholes? How come you defend all the filthy ass welfare queens. queers, Feminazis, abortionists, Muslims and the Communists?

You Moon Bats defend the scum of this country.

In this case that shithead Muslim Jarrett looks very much like one of the characters from Planet of the Apes so Roseanne was pretty much correct.
Why cancel her show? Roseanne didn’t say anything about blacks that racist right wingers don’t say here all the time
Faun did you know Democrats started the KKK, voted for slavery, implemented Jim Crow laws and welfare to destroy the black family? All these thing did not occur due to "right wing" policies. All but one Dixiecrat remained racist democrats until the day they died.
That was back in the day when conservatives were Democrat. Now they're Republican. You'll notice in the last election, that virtually every white nationalist, KKKer, etc..., who voiced an endorsement, endorsed the Republican.
Watch millions of people boycott ABC for a week.
I liked Rosanne and I know everyone says things on social media they wish they could take back, myself included. I was perfectly fine with picking apart Obama and his buddies knowing how he has always affiliated himself with criminals and racists. Even the judges he has appointed and put in areas near sanctuary cities are corrupt hence the reason they vote in favor of these cities and go against federal laws.

But that said, there is NEVER any excuse for being nasty against someone's race and skin color which is something no one can help. We're told not to judge lest we be judged ourselves. We all do it, but we should only pick apart their rotten deeds not what they look like. I cringe whenever anyone does that because I know so many fantastic people of all colors and feel horrible for them when this happens. One that comes to mind right now is Candace Owens who I think is not only beautiful outside, more importantly she has a beautiful mind. One could only hope to have a fraction of her thoughts. Another is a black man who just drowned gave his life in the news who was trying to help a women in a flooded area. I hurt bad for these people especially when hearing racist remarks that are for no reason but because their skin is a different color.

I do believe in second chances also though and would have wanted Rosanne to get one until they stated she's had many other incidences in the past like this so it wasn't her first time. Maybe some day she'll learn and become a better person but until then she should avoid the camera and stay off social media altogether.
Never liked Rosanne, never thought she was funny. I never watched her original show, never watched the new show. I really disliked her after the Anthem debacle from a while back and don’t care that she lost her job. People are saying she was a conservative. Had no idea. It doesn’t matter, I still don’t like her. Good riddance.
Watch millions of people boycott ABC for a week.
I liked Rosanne and I know everyone says things on social media they wish they could take back, myself included. I was perfectly fine with picking apart Obama and his buddies knowing how he has always affiliated himself with criminals and racists. Even the judges he has appointed and put in areas near sanctuary cities are corrupt hence the reason they vote in favor of these cities and go against federal laws.

But that said, there is NEVER any excuse for being nasty against someone's race and skin color which is something no one can help. We're told not to judge lest we be judged ourselves. We all do it, but we should only pick apart their rotten deeds not what they look like. I cringe whenever anyone does that because I know so many fantastic people of all colors and feel horrible for them when this happens. One that comes to mind right now is Candace Owens who I think is not only beautiful outside, more importantly she has a beautiful mind. One could only hope to have a fraction of her thoughts. Another is a black man who just drowned gave his life in the news who was trying to help a women in a flooded area. I hurt bad for these people especially when hearing racist remarks that are for no reason but because their skin is a different color.

I do believe in second chances also though and would have wanted Rosanne to get one until they stated she's had many other incidences in the past like this so it wasn't her first time. Maybe some day she'll learn and become a better person but until then she should avoid the camera and stay off social media altogether.
And besides, it's not Roseanne's fault. It's the fault of her sleeping pill.
Watch millions of people boycott ABC for a week.
I liked Rosanne and I know everyone says things on social media they wish they could take back, myself included. I was perfectly fine with picking apart Obama and his buddies knowing how he has always affiliated himself with criminals and racists. Even the judges he has appointed and put in areas near sanctuary cities are corrupt hence the reason they vote in favor of these cities and go against federal laws.

But that said, there is NEVER any excuse for being nasty against someone's race and skin color which is something no one can help. We're told not to judge lest we be judged ourselves. We all do it, but we should only pick apart their rotten deeds not what they look like. I cringe whenever anyone does that because I know so many fantastic people of all colors and feel horrible for them when this happens. One that comes to mind right now is Candace Owens who I think is not only beautiful outside, more importantly she has a beautiful mind. One could only hope to have a fraction of her thoughts. Another is a black man who just drowned gave his life in the news who was trying to help a women in a flooded area. I hurt bad for these people especially when hearing racist remarks that are for no reason but because their skin is a different color.

I do believe in second chances also though and would have wanted Rosanne to get one until they stated she's had many other incidences in the past like this so it wasn't her first time. Maybe some day she'll learn and become a better person but until then she should avoid the camera and stay off social media altogether.

Roseanne didn't attack the race. She made fun of Jarrett's looks and she was pretty much correct.

Roseanne has been the same person her entire career. An entertainer that it is crass, vulgar and represents the gritty working class of America. That is her nature. Remember when she did an almost vulgar rendition of the Star Spangled Banner? It was the same Roseanne. She says she is like that because she was a Jew raised among Mormons so she is confused about everything.

Valarie Jarrett did more harm to this country working for the Obama administration and being an operative for the Iranian Mullahs than most people realize. A real villain. Who do you think was the real driver behind that disastrous Iran deal? She is part of that Obama scum that did great harm to this country and she deserves ridicule.

Kudos to Roseanne for doing it. She should more.
In a now deleted to eat, the sitcom actress called African American former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett comes from planet of the apes.
Roseanne Rips Ex-Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett With Racially Charged Joke
Has it been pointed out yet that she's Iranian?

That explains why Roseanne put Muslim Brotherhood in the tweet. Is this Valerie Jarrett also Muslim??

What's with all these Iranians in the Oval Office? Obama had this one and Huma Abedin may have sunk Hillary's campaign accidently because of giving her email-filled laptop to hubby who used it sex-text teens and got caught. If Hillary had won, that would have been yet another Iranian woman as a top presidential advisor.

I sure don't like this Muslim/Iranian business. I expect they are moles, planted here to get into high-level campaigns.
Jarrett isn't Iranian.
How you know they are referring to blacks if your own mind isn't in the gutter?
If you are going to switch from overt to covert racism, at least be a little better at it.

I am not surprised that Trump voters enjoy calling black people apes
It is his base
Omg this rosanne things getting better.

She claims ambian is why she said what she said. Lol

And she’s mad at her co stars for throwing her under the bus. They’ll never work again. She fucked them all good.

You know what they say happens if you sleep with dogs? You wake up with fleas get nicer by the day.
Now you want to punish her co-stars.
What a **** you are.

But you want to boycott the NFL because you don't like the actions of a few. Hypocrisy. It is your calling card.
And the truth is I don't want to punish her co stars. I never said I did. I said she fucked them good with her stupid mouth and they'll stand to lose millions. I just said that's what you get when you sleep with dogs. Rosanne is the dog and she gave them all fleas.

I feel bad for the ones who needed the gig.

By the way, Rosanne's an evil bitch. She works hard to make sure Tom Arnold never gets work. Fuck her

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