Ross Perot donated to Trump’s re-election campaign before death: report

Perot worked with CIA in efforts to get hostages out of Lebanon and other places as well. But silly me...I served as combat infantrymen in USMC...but I digress...I will let CIA link clarify.

This would be the same Ollie North that sold the Iranians missiles and then diverted the money to Drug Smugglers in Central America that flooded our cities with cocaine?

With friends like these, our country could do without enemies.
So after 12 years you came out and got the boot because of homosexuality restrictions?

No, after 11 years I got out because honestly, I didn't sign up to protect the Jews and the Oil Companies.

Bitter little piggy, aren't you?
There is a hell. It exists in the form of your angry, twisted mind.

You Wingnuts should be angrier at Perot than I am. He gave you 8 years of Clinton.

Sounds like the fact that he was a wealthy capitalist does not fit with your Antifa Marxist beliefs.

Naw, what annoys me is that he used his money to try to buy office. I'm not keen on living in a plutocracy. I'm not sure why you are.
“Jews and oil companies?” Our military defends these United States of America our people and our way of life. Sounds like when the shit hit the fan in Kuwait you turned pussy and ran.
“Use of money to buy office.” Better read your history pal. The only candidate that never used money to campaign was George Washington. His reputation preceded him and was elected twice almost by acclamation.
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Perot worked with CIA in efforts to get hostages out of Lebanon and other places as well. But silly me...I served as combat infantrymen in USMC...but I digress...I will let CIA link clarify.

This would be the same Ollie North that sold the Iranians missiles and then diverted the money to Drug Smugglers in Central America that flooded our cities with cocaine?

With friends like these, our country could do without enemies.
The $$$ went to the Contra rebel’s fighting communism. The cocaine you speak of has been around in US cities since the 19th Century. BTW so has herb and opioids and hash.
Ross Perot was self-made man who grew up poor in The Great Depression to become a multi-billionaire. I also know dirt about him but too polite to repeat.
“Jews and oil companies?” Our military defends these United States of America our people and our way of life. Sounds like when the shit hit the fan in Kuwait you turned pussy and ran.

Naw, I waited until the War for Jews and Oil was over, then I didn't re-enlist a fourth time.

How was our "Freedom" or "way of life" at risk over which despot got to take oil out of the Rumalia oil fields? If the Kuwaitis themselves weren't too keen on fighting for the Emir, (Saddam defeated them in one day), why should we have been?

“Use of money to buy office.” Better read your history pal. The only candidate that never used money to campaign was George Washington. His reputation preceded him and was elected twice almost by acclamation.

Here's the difference. Most other candidates have gotten support of people to raise that money. Perot, and now Trump, just throw a bunch of money around to create a fake issue, convince dumb people to follow them, and hilarity follows.

The $$$ went to the Contra rebel’s fighting communism. The cocaine you speak of has been around in US cities since the 19th Century. BTW so has herb and opioids and hash.

The Contras were drug-dealing terrorists... and we supported them. since then, the people of Nicaragua have put Daniel Ortega back into office twice in legitimate elections.
As an atheist, I'm sorry there isn't a hell for this little fucker to burn in.
That explains why your heart is full of piss and vinegar.

That I don't believe in magic fairy tales?

Um. Okay. Look, man, if your belief in an invisible sky pixie and his Zombie son are the only things keeping you from going on a murderous rampage, please keep believing that.
As an atheist, I'm sorry there isn't a hell for this little fucker to burn in.
That explains why your heart is full of piss and vinegar.

That I don't believe in magic fairy tales?

Um. Okay. Look, man, if your belief in an invisible sky pixie and his Zombie son are the only things keeping you from going on a murderous rampage, please keep believing that.
Odd how some people feel that vomiting hatred toward someone else effects the other person, and not themselves.

That's like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.
Odd how some people feel that vomiting hatred toward someone else effects the other person, and not themselves.

That's like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.

Buddy, you are the one trying to impose bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.
Odd how some people feel that vomiting hatred toward someone else effects the other person, and not themselves.

That's like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.

Buddy, you are the one trying to impose bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.
When did I try to impose any belief on anyone?

I'll wait for you to recant your accusation. If you're up to it.
When did I try to impose any belief on anyone?

I'll wait for you to recant your accusation. If you're up to it.

when you all try to ban gay marriage and abortion and elect morons because they are "right with Jesus".

I'm fine with you guys when you keep your God Bullshit in your churches.

It's when you take it out in public I have a problem.

So after 12 years you came out and got the boot because of homosexuality restrictions?

No, after 11 years I got out because honestly, I didn't sign up to protect the Jews and the Oil Companies.

Bitter little piggy, aren't you?
There is a hell. It exists in the form of your angry, twisted mind.

You Wingnuts should be angrier at Perot than I am. He gave you 8 years of Clinton.

Sounds like the fact that he was a wealthy capitalist does not fit with your Antifa Marxist beliefs.

Naw, what annoys me is that he used his money to try to buy office. I'm not keen on living in a plutocracy. I'm not sure why you are.

The People said "NO!"

What People?

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