ROTFLMFAO~Joe Walsh announces Trump primary challenge: 'I'm in'

Looks like I have a reason now to register as a Republican so I can vote for him in the primary.

You can do what you want, but that action would be pretty pointless.

Mr. Walsh has virtually no money and no volunteers, no base of support. I don't see how he can even run a half ways credible campaign, much less be a serious threat to become President.

The only thing that is fueling him now, is the fact that the Lame Stream Media is feeding Walsh's delusion he is "important" somehow, just like they do with Dave Duke.

The libs would throw Walsh under the bus immediately, if he somehow "did" win the nomination.
Oh, he won't become president, but if he can get enough support from Democrats in the primaries, he can win his party's nomination.
So we are going to take down a president with the best unemployment rate in 50 years, an all time low in black and Hispanic unemployment, a strong stock market, one who is making China go nuts as it handles its insurrection in Hong Kong, is actually BUILDING A BARRIER against illegal DemonRATS crossing from Latin America, and creating the strongest military back to where it was or better than under the communist sponsored Surrender Monkey.....and has lowered the taxes for at least 80% of its citizens.....Yes go for that...girl! ROTFLMFAO
Of course we are since trump inherited these economic conditions.
ROTFLMFAO.... YOU LIE AS EASY AS YOU SAY your name.....You are one big lying asshole!
Spits an repeatedly proven insane poster. :cuckoo:

About your drool cup........
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You can do what you want, but that action would be pretty pointless.

Mr. Walsh has virtually no money and no volunteers, no base of support. I don't see how he can even run a half ways credible campaign, much less be a serious threat to become President.

The only thing that is fueling him now, is the fact that the Lame Stream Media is feeding Walsh's delusion he is "important" somehow, just like they do with Dave Duke.

The libs would throw Walsh under the bus immediately, if he somehow "did" win the nomination.
Oh, he won't become president, but if he can get enough support from Democrats in the primaries, he can win his party's nomination.
So we are going to take down a president with the best unemployment rate in 50 years, an all time low in black and Hispanic unemployment, a strong stock market, one who is making China go nuts as it handles its insurrection in Hong Kong, is actually BUILDING A BARRIER against illegal DemonRATS crossing from Latin America, and creating the strongest military back to where it was or better than under the communist sponsored Surrender Monkey.....and has lowered the taxes for at least 80% of its citizens.....Yes go for that...girl! ROTFLMFAO
Of course we are since trump inherited these economic conditions.
ROTFLMFAO.... YOU LIE AS EASY AS YOU SAY your name.....You are one big lying asshole!
Spits an repeatedly proven insane poster.: cuckoo:

About your drool cup........
Pawn, you get any dumber you'll forget how to inhale!
I hope Walsh hires some protection because he`ll need it. Cult 45 will target him.
Yeah, don't go near 5th Avenue!
Your group eh?
I'm no Trumpista. They're the ones applauding what he said and constantly talking about a civil war. They're an obvious danger to the republic.

No, you're a Stalinist constantly lying about what Trump said and engaged in civil war against the Republic.
Yes, they are all turning on Joe Walsh now.

Trumpism is less a political movement and more a cult, every day.
Yes it's amazing that Walsh is way more conservative, yet the trumpers fall in line.

Walsh is not even in the same time zone as conservative. You radical leftists LOVE him, that in itself proves that he is a hack.
You clearly don't know Joe Walsh. One of his complaints is deficits. I forgot that isn't conservative anymore.

I do know Walsh, he pretended to be Tea Party to get elected, then once in office went full tilt NeoCon. Like Paul Ryan, his is a fraud and a liar.

YOU would never vote for him, you are only promoting him because he could be defeated by you Communists.

If only the Republicans had done what the democrats wanted and nominated Jeb!, Hillary would be president right now and civil rights would be a thing of the past...
Correct I wouldn't vote for him. But that's because he's wrong about guns and abortion. But he is right about trump.

So, Republicans should back Walsh because he can be beat by the Stalinists? :rofl:
Yes it's amazing that Walsh is way more conservative, yet the trumpers fall in line.

Walsh is not even in the same time zone as conservative. You radical leftists LOVE him, that in itself proves that he is a hack.
You clearly don't know Joe Walsh. One of his complaints is deficits. I forgot that isn't conservative anymore.

I do know Walsh, he pretended to be Tea Party to get elected, then once in office went full tilt NeoCon. Like Paul Ryan, his is a fraud and a liar.

YOU would never vote for him, you are only promoting him because he could be defeated by you Communists.

If only the Republicans had done what the democrats wanted and nominated Jeb!, Hillary would be president right now and civil rights would be a thing of the past...
Correct I wouldn't vote for him. But that's because he's wrong about guns and abortion. But he is right about trump.

So, Republicans should back Walsh because he can be beat by the Stalinists? :rofl:
I don't know what you want to back. He's certainly more small government than trump. Trump is quite the socialist, that seems to be what you like.
Walsh is not even in the same time zone as conservative. You radical leftists LOVE him, that in itself proves that he is a hack.
You clearly don't know Joe Walsh. One of his complaints is deficits. I forgot that isn't conservative anymore.

I do know Walsh, he pretended to be Tea Party to get elected, then once in office went full tilt NeoCon. Like Paul Ryan, his is a fraud and a liar.

YOU would never vote for him, you are only promoting him because he could be defeated by you Communists.

If only the Republicans had done what the democrats wanted and nominated Jeb!, Hillary would be president right now and civil rights would be a thing of the past...
Correct I wouldn't vote for him. But that's because he's wrong about guns and abortion. But he is right about trump.

So, Republicans should back Walsh because he can be beat by the Stalinists? :rofl:
I don't know what you want to back. He's certainly more small government than trump. Trump is quite the socialist, that seems to be what you like.

Mr. Walsh is a pathetic loser. It really doesn't matter what he says he wants, he will never be in a position to enact him.

The libs are embracing him because of their Trump Hate, and that's also why they gave him a pass on his history of racial slurs.
You clearly don't know Joe Walsh. One of his complaints is deficits. I forgot that isn't conservative anymore.

I do know Walsh, he pretended to be Tea Party to get elected, then once in office went full tilt NeoCon. Like Paul Ryan, his is a fraud and a liar.

YOU would never vote for him, you are only promoting him because he could be defeated by you Communists.

If only the Republicans had done what the democrats wanted and nominated Jeb!, Hillary would be president right now and civil rights would be a thing of the past...
Correct I wouldn't vote for him. But that's because he's wrong about guns and abortion. But he is right about trump.

So, Republicans should back Walsh because he can be beat by the Stalinists? :rofl:
I don't know what you want to back. He's certainly more small government than trump. Trump is quite the socialist, that seems to be what you like.

Mr. Walsh is a pathetic loser. It really doesn't matter what he says he wants, he will never be in a position to enact him.

The libs are embracing him because of their Trump Hate, and that's also why they gave him a pass on his history of racial slurs.
I don't think libs are embracing him. He's more anti lib than trump is. But he's also right that trump has been a disaster.
I do know Walsh, he pretended to be Tea Party to get elected, then once in office went full tilt NeoCon. Like Paul Ryan, his is a fraud and a liar.

YOU would never vote for him, you are only promoting him because he could be defeated by you Communists.

If only the Republicans had done what the democrats wanted and nominated Jeb!, Hillary would be president right now and civil rights would be a thing of the past...
Correct I wouldn't vote for him. But that's because he's wrong about guns and abortion. But he is right about trump.

So, Republicans should back Walsh because he can be beat by the Stalinists? :rofl:
I don't know what you want to back. He's certainly more small government than trump. Trump is quite the socialist, that seems to be what you like.

Mr. Walsh is a pathetic loser. It really doesn't matter what he says he wants, he will never be in a position to enact him.

The libs are embracing him because of their Trump Hate, and that's also why they gave him a pass on his history of racial slurs.
I don't think libs are embracing him. He's more anti lib than trump is. But he's also right that trump has been a disaster.

Libs are indeed embracing Mr. Walsh.

He spoke last week on ultraliberal George Stephanopolous' program, and was given free reign. Wasn't questioned at all about his past alleged racial slurs or other attacks on Obama, wasn't even asked what he would do as President.

The fact he wasn't needled, when he went into ABC voluntarily is able equivalent to an embrace in my view.
Correct I wouldn't vote for him. But that's because he's wrong about guns and abortion. But he is right about trump.

So, Republicans should back Walsh because he can be beat by the Stalinists? :rofl:
I don't know what you want to back. He's certainly more small government than trump. Trump is quite the socialist, that seems to be what you like.

Mr. Walsh is a pathetic loser. It really doesn't matter what he says he wants, he will never be in a position to enact him.

The libs are embracing him because of their Trump Hate, and that's also why they gave him a pass on his history of racial slurs.
I don't think libs are embracing him. He's more anti lib than trump is. But he's also right that trump has been a disaster.

Libs are indeed embracing Mr. Walsh.

He spoke last week on ultraliberal George Stephanopolous' program, and was given free reign. Wasn't questioned at all about his past alleged racial slurs or other attacks on Obama, wasn't even asked what he would do as President.

The fact he wasn't needled, when he went into ABC voluntarily is able equivalent to an embrace in my view.
I'm sure they happily let him bash trump. But if Joe ever seriously became close to being president you can bet they would question those things. Did Joe say anything that wasn't true?
So, Republicans should back Walsh because he can be beat by the Stalinists? :rofl:
I don't know what you want to back. He's certainly more small government than trump. Trump is quite the socialist, that seems to be what you like.

Mr. Walsh is a pathetic loser. It really doesn't matter what he says he wants, he will never be in a position to enact him.

The libs are embracing him because of their Trump Hate, and that's also why they gave him a pass on his history of racial slurs.
I don't think libs are embracing him. He's more anti lib than trump is. But he's also right that trump has been a disaster.

Libs are indeed embracing Mr. Walsh.

He spoke last week on ultraliberal George Stephanopolous' program, and was given free reign. Wasn't questioned at all about his past alleged racial slurs or other attacks on Obama, wasn't even asked what he would do as President.

The fact he wasn't needled, when he went into ABC voluntarily is able equivalent to an embrace in my view.
I'm sure they happily let him bash trump. But if Joe ever seriously became close to being president you can bet they would question those things. Did Joe say anything that wasn't true?

The man is running for President, why shouldn't he answer the questions immediately? If he isn't qualified, the people have a right to know ASAP, don't they?
I don't know what you want to back. He's certainly more small government than trump. Trump is quite the socialist, that seems to be what you like.

Mr. Walsh is a pathetic loser. It really doesn't matter what he says he wants, he will never be in a position to enact him.

The libs are embracing him because of their Trump Hate, and that's also why they gave him a pass on his history of racial slurs.
I don't think libs are embracing him. He's more anti lib than trump is. But he's also right that trump has been a disaster.

Libs are indeed embracing Mr. Walsh.

He spoke last week on ultraliberal George Stephanopolous' program, and was given free reign. Wasn't questioned at all about his past alleged racial slurs or other attacks on Obama, wasn't even asked what he would do as President.

The fact he wasn't needled, when he went into ABC voluntarily is able equivalent to an embrace in my view.
I'm sure they happily let him bash trump. But if Joe ever seriously became close to being president you can bet they would question those things. Did Joe say anything that wasn't true?

The man is running for President, why shouldn't he answer the questions immediately? If he isn't qualified, the people have a right to know ASAP, don't they?
I doubt they had him on to push his own election. I'm sure it was just to have another person to bash trump. Now again did he say anything that wasn't true?
Mr. Walsh is a pathetic loser. It really doesn't matter what he says he wants, he will never be in a position to enact him.

The libs are embracing him because of their Trump Hate, and that's also why they gave him a pass on his history of racial slurs.
I don't think libs are embracing him. He's more anti lib than trump is. But he's also right that trump has been a disaster.

Libs are indeed embracing Mr. Walsh.

He spoke last week on ultraliberal George Stephanopolous' program, and was given free reign. Wasn't questioned at all about his past alleged racial slurs or other attacks on Obama, wasn't even asked what he would do as President.

The fact he wasn't needled, when he went into ABC voluntarily is able equivalent to an embrace in my view.
I'm sure they happily let him bash trump. But if Joe ever seriously became close to being president you can bet they would question those things. Did Joe say anything that wasn't true?

The man is running for President, why shouldn't he answer the questions immediately? If he isn't qualified, the people have a right to know ASAP, don't they?
I doubt they had him on to push his own election. I'm sure it was just to have another person to bash trump. Now again did he say anything that wasn't true?

I read Mr. Walsh's transcript, and he lied continuously. The biggest lie was that he said that the President is "unfit". A complete and total lie, if he was under oath, it would be perjury.
I don't think libs are embracing him. He's more anti lib than trump is. But he's also right that trump has been a disaster.

Libs are indeed embracing Mr. Walsh.

He spoke last week on ultraliberal George Stephanopolous' program, and was given free reign. Wasn't questioned at all about his past alleged racial slurs or other attacks on Obama, wasn't even asked what he would do as President.

The fact he wasn't needled, when he went into ABC voluntarily is able equivalent to an embrace in my view.
I'm sure they happily let him bash trump. But if Joe ever seriously became close to being president you can bet they would question those things. Did Joe say anything that wasn't true?

The man is running for President, why shouldn't he answer the questions immediately? If he isn't qualified, the people have a right to know ASAP, don't they?
I doubt they had him on to push his own election. I'm sure it was just to have another person to bash trump. Now again did he say anything that wasn't true?

I read Mr. Walsh's transcript, and he lied continuously. The biggest lie was that he said that the President is "unfit". A complete and total lie, if he was under oath, it would be perjury.
All the reasons he gives for him being unfit are true.

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