Rotten Egg Rolls: Europol & INTERPOL


Sep 23, 2010
I smelled a rotten egg roll as soon as I saw Eric Holder threatening Chinese hackers:

[ame=]Eric Holder - U.S. Charges Five in Chinese Army With Hacking - YouTube[/ame]​

The victims operate in Pennsylvania, and a grand jury there returned an indictment against members of the Chinese military, accusing them of hacking to spy and steal secrets, Holder said.

The indictment alleges that People’s Liberation Army officers “maintained unauthorized access to victim computers to steal information from these entities that would be useful” to the victims’ competitors in China, the attorney general said.

Chinese hackers infiltrated U.S. companies, Attorney General Holder says
Posted 9:27 am, May 19, 2014, by CNN Wire, Updated at 10:30am, May 19, 2014

Chinese hackers infiltrated U.S. companies, Attorney General Holder says | - Denver, Colorado News, Weather, Sports and more

There’s no denying that a whole lot of hacking is going on. I simply doubt this Administration’s sincerity when China is involved. My suspicions have company:

Europol claimed 359 raids connected to the Blackshades investigation, with the FBI confirming 97 arrests in 16 countries. The arrests were trumpeted with press conferences on both sides of the Atlantic. But it’s unclear how many actually used the software for criminal activity—instead of merely possessing it. And it’s unclear whether the charges against all of these supposed hackers will actually stick.

FBI’s Huge Hacker Bust Could Be Bogus
Quinn Norton

FBI?s Huge Hacker Bust Could Be Bogus - The Daily Beast

I don’t know about the dozens. I do know there is zero chance of China handing over anybody for prosecution even if the Administration is serious about challenging Communist China. Frankly, I think the whole thing looks like the Administration talking tough about China to cover their weaknesses everywhere else. See this thread:

Europol’s involvement in going after hackers should be examined with a strong magnifying class.

Europol was created by the Council of the European Union which is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. So why was it based in The Hague? —— headquarters for the United Nations’ phoney judiciary:

Europol is an international policing organisation focusing on law enforcement intelligence collection, analysis and information sharing. Based in The Hague, Europol works with 41 member countries from around the world.

Anything that hands the United Nations authority of any kind should be avoided at all costs. Prosecuting hackers from foreign countries is a new story, but I’ll wager that this Administration is planning to empower Europol just as Taqiyya the Liar empowered INTERPOL by amending President Ronald Reagan’s 1983 EO 12425:

Wither Sovereignty
Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America - Is The ICC Next?
By Steve Schippert, Clyde Middleton December 23, 2009

ThreatsWatch.Org: PrincipalAnalysis: Wither Sovereignty

INTERPOL is not officially a United Nations agency, but in recent years it has been promoting the UN’s global agenda. INTERPOL and so-called environmental crimes is the UN’s most obscene abuse of police powers for political purposes.

NOTE: The United Nations will never prosecute Communist China for an environmental crime.

Finally, handing a crime, real or invented, over to the United Nations’ phoney judicial system is a backdoor approach to legitimating non-existent International law. Europol going after hackers reeks of the same United Nations agenda.
Stand easy boys and girls. Everything is coming up roses. Another former Democrat senator in an Administration down by the head with former Democrat senators is on the case:

The U.S. Ambassador to China, Max Baucus, met with Zheng Zeguang, assistant foreign minister, on Monday shortly after the United States charged the five Chinese, accusing them of hacking into American nuclear, metal and solar companies to steal trade secrets.

China confronts U.S. envoy over cyber-spying accusations
By Sui-Lee Wee
BEIJING Tue May 20, 2014 9:19am EDT

China confronts U.S. envoy over cyber-spying accusations | Reuters

By the way, Eric Holder should look the other way when the Chinese steal solar trade secrets so that solar energy frauds like Solyndra is just as costly to the Chicoms as it was to American taxpayers.
Europol (short for European Police Office) is the European Union's law enforcement agency that handles criminal intelligence. It became fully operational on 1 July 1999. The International Criminal Police Organization, or INTERPOL, is an intergovernmental organization facilitating international police cooperation. It was established as the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC) in 1923 and adopted its telegraphic address as its common name in 1956. It is the second largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations by member states (source: Wikipedia).

The explosive networking growth of NASDAQ and eTrade effectively makes Europol and Interpol two heads in discussions of three main sectors of modern era crime:

1. intellectual property crime
2. industrial pollution
3. political terrorism

As with McCarthyism, these sorts of crimes create opportunities for law officials and law pundits to make egregiously wild jurisprudence claims in the name of social security. Hence, we find numerous news reports of zany accusations (i.e., Chinese hackers seeking to destroy the NSA's hold on cyber-highways, etc.).

It is a strange and funny note that the internationally broadcasted instructional cooking show "Iron Chef" (Japan) has been translated in the USA into the highly-successful show "Iron Chef America" (Food Network, Cooking Channel).

In other words, it seems that modern media networks create both spaces for black-tie ranting and mercantilism milking. One of these but only one of these could be globally positive, so we need only choose.


Europol (short for European Police Office) is the European Union's law enforcement agency that handles criminal intelligence. It became fully operational on 1 July 1999. The International Criminal Police Organization, or INTERPOL, is an intergovernmental organization facilitating international police cooperation. It was established as the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC) in 1923 and adopted its telegraphic address as its common name in 1956. It is the second largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations by member states (source: Wikipedia).

The explosive networking growth of NASDAQ and eTrade effectively makes Europol and Interpol two heads in discussions of three main sectors of modern era crime:

1. intellectual property crime
2. industrial pollution
3. political terrorism

As with McCarthyism, these sorts of crimes create opportunities for law officials and law pundits to make egregiously wild jurisprudence claims in the name of social security. Hence, we find numerous news reports of zany accusations (i.e., Chinese hackers seeking to destroy the NSA's hold on cyber-highways, etc.).

It is a strange and funny note that the internationally broadcasted instructional cooking show "Iron Chef" (Japan) has been translated in the USA into the highly-successful show "Iron Chef America" (Food Network, Cooking Channel).

In other words, it seems that modern media networks create both spaces for black-tie ranting and mercantilism milking. One of these but only one of these could be globally positive, so we need only choose.



To Abishai100: America should never cooperate with any ‘International’ organization regardless of the sales pitch.

INTERPOL’s connection to Nazi Germany is one of the reasons Europol was created. A second International organization was considered prudent in the event INTERPOL’s Nazi connection becomes a problem. Note how their areas of investigation overlap. See this thread for a more detailed analysis of INTERPOL in America:

This excerpt is from another thread that details how the United Nations is using INTERPOL to punish so-called environmental crimes INVENTED by the United Nations. Note that I used to call the president by his middle name —— Hussein —— before I decided to call him Barack Taqiyya:

None other than Bolivia’s Socialist president, Evo Morales, called for an International climate justice tribunal to punish environmental miscreants:

Morales warns of climate 'genocide'
Bolivian leader says agreement essential as climate summit remains deadlocked on final day of talks.
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2010 06:49 GMT

Morales asks to save Kyoto Protocol, create global climate court
Dec 9, 2010, 18:18 GMT

Morales warns of climate 'genocide' - Americas - Al Jazeera English

The United Nations arresting Americans in their own country is not possible without INTERPOL. Without INTERPOL a global climate court is as meaningless as is the rest of the UN’s judicial system —— The World Court, and its spinoffs, the International Criminal Court, special tribunals, and whatever else they get away with.

To make it all work INTERPOL needs the authority to investigate American industries in order to charge them with an environmental crime even if a targeted company did not violate American laws. When Hussein amended President Reagan’s EO he handed INTERPOL the necessary authority.

And who will the UN’s court actually prosecute after INTERPOL makes the arrest? Answer: Every American that global government Communists want to silence:

Anti-Greens are ‘Criminals’, According to Interpol, Environmental crime is a serious and growing international problem
The UN and Interpol How the UN will gain power
By Barry Napier Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The UN and Interpol How the UN will gain power
Briefly, there is no better proof than Evo Morales that displaced Communists flocked to environmental causes after the Soviet Union imploded. Once the Communists got behind environmental scams the UN pulled out all stops. In October 2009, the UN General Assembly named Morales World Hero of Mother Earth. The “accolade” paid off when Morales came up with a new gimmick for getting to PC (population controls):

Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving "Mother Earth" the same rights as humans — having just passed a domestic law that does the same for bugs, trees and all other natural things in the South American country.​

UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans
By Steven Edwards, Postmedia News

UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans

Throughout all of the years I have been watching the UN advance its population control agenda, I have to admit I never saw insect Rights coming:

Here’s how the roadmap leading to population controls is laid out:

The earth’s Rights will become equal Rights. In order to save Mother Earth the human population will have to be reduced in order the insure the Rights of every other living thing. The justification for enforcing PC is no more complicated than that.

The scam began to take treaty form in 1992 with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997. So UN nut jobs like Morales only built upon a foundation that was already in place.

Involving INTERPOL adds one more step to legitimating the UN’s judicial system. Using INTERPOL, Hussein & Company can send “environmental criminals” to a UN court where a guilty verdict is assured. There is not a chance they would risk losing a case in an American court.

A little background on INTERPOL’s business

INTERPOL provides 184 member nations with information on the whereabouts of international criminals.

There are 192 UN member states. The number of countries in the world is usually put at 196. So INTERPOL is giving the same information to nearly every country in the world. Many of INTERPOL’s 184 clients are America’s enemies. It does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that an unfriendly Muslim government can warn every terrorist not on an actual battlefield to change locations before the “cops” get there. If you ask me Hussein invited the fox into the henhouse.

The United Nations and INTERPOL have grown close in recent years. INTERPOL is controlled by 13 UN member states.

NOTE: I always said that Democrats should never be allowed anywhere near America’s intelligence agencies. The United Nations without INTERPOL is dangerous enough. Hussein inviting INTERPOL into this country’s affairs confirms my distrust of Democrats. Democrats hate America’s intelligence community; ergo, bring in INTERPOL because they can be trusted. In addition: INTERPOL has the organizational skills to train the leadership in Hussein’s ragtag riffraff organizations like ACORN. I believe that is one of the reasons he amended EO 12425. INTERPOL has to have diplomatic immunity to protect itself, and protect its connection to Hussein’s promised Civilian National Security Force, from the prying eyes of the FBI and local police forces. Eric Holder is in place to see that nothing goes wrong. The question is this: Are Hussein’s people starting to look like the reincarnation of long-dead Nazis?

Just to be clear. I see Communists and Nazis as one and the same. I don’t want to fall into the trap of appearing to favor Communists because I attack Nazis. The Nazi trap has been a mainstay of the Left since the 1930s; Nazis are bad so Communists must be good.

More background info in this excerpt:

Generally, foreign military and police organizations are restricted from operating in the United States without oversight by the CIA, FBI, Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security or though some other arrangement that makes such operations subject to U. S. authority. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed Executive Order 12425 that allowed the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to operate in the United States but generally subject to the same laws that restrict CIA, FBI and other Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Specifically, INTERPOL agents were not immune from being prosecuted for violating American laws.

One of those laws is 42 U.S.C. § 1983 which prohibits law enforcement authorities from violating an American's constitutionally protected rights. Presumably, that does not apply to INTERPOL as a result of this Executive Order President Obama has just signed.

The effect of Obama's amendment is to give them immunity from violating any American law. Agents of INTERPOL will now presumably have the same protection that foreign diplomats have while in this country. It is that immunity that has been used by other countries to spy on the United States. This arrangement, for example, now would make it possible for an American citizen being seized by INTERPOL agents and taken out of the country outside the reach of American courts and the rights they would enforce, most notably habeas corpus or the right for a judge to review a person's detention. The extent to which INTERPOL would be exempt from American extradition laws now becomes questionable.

Likewise, INTERPOL agents could seize property, including firearms, without search warrants and conduct other warrantless searches. They could break into homes and businesses to search and seize records without fear of prosecution, either criminally or civilly. In short, the powers that INTERPOL would have by being immune to U. S. law is virtually the same as martial law provides.

Moreover, INTERPOL's files and records are immune from U. S. court orders, including search warrants and civil subpoenas. And INTERPOL is protected from Freedom Of Information inquires from American media.

Beaufort Observer
Obama gives INTERPOL immunity to operate at will in the USA.
December 28, 2009

Obama gives INTERPOL immunity to operate at will in the USA

I like to think that anyone who reads this thread will end up with a good handle on the danger Hussein brought into this country.

I don’t expect the media to run with the INTERPOL story at this late date, nor will the Democrats protect America’s independence from INTERPOL. That’s why it is so aggravating to see that crap about recess appointments getting coverage, and so little in the media about such an important betrayal.

Aside from the lack of coverage to date, I have a gnawing suspicion that INTERPOL enjoys the same respect the United Nations and the Nobel Peace Prize gets in the MSM. And just like the UN, and the Nobel Peace Prize, you never heard a bad word said about INTERPOL in any movie or TV show.

I must say that there are so many problems with INTERPOL if I had to zero in on two I would choose:

1. INTERPOL’s alliance with the United Nations.

2. INTERPOL (the UN) having the authority to label anyone a criminal when they speak out against the UN’s numerous environmental frauds.

Carry #2 to its logical conclusion and INTERPOL can declare every member of Congress an “International” criminal if they vote against Cap-And-Trade.

Finally, if the media, and the Congress, continue to ignore INTERPOL they are either blind, or in full agreement with Hussein. Hussein and INTERPOL left unchallenged is a look into a certain future. The day will come when the American people wake up in Communist chains and ask themselves “How did this happen?”

With all of the scandals surrounding that piece of garbage in the White House his EO giving INTERPOL authority and DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY in this country fell through the cracks. Maybe a story out of the UK will at least warn Americans of the danger from INTERPOL.

This story is heart wrenching in itself, but INTERPOL’s involvment is criminal:

King's parents were arrested Sunday in southeastern Spain after a European arrest warrant was issued by Interpol at the request of British police. Their son is receiving medical treatment for a brain tumor. After his parents' arrest, he was admitted to a Spanish hospital.


The spokesman said Ashya King's parents told the judge they don't want to return to the U.K. They were arrested Sunday in southeastern Spain after a European arrest warrant was issued by Interpol at the request of British police. Their son is receiving medical treatment for a brain tumor and is currently at a Malaga hospital.

Sep 1, 9:28 AM EDT
Spain orders custody for parents of ill UK boy
By danica kirka

News from The Associated Press
Question every American should be asking: How long will it be before Democrats inject INTERPOL into the ACA?
Arming EPA agents with military weaponry is all part of disarming the American people —— the Chicago sewer rat’s EO granting INTERPOL diplomatic immunity in this country —— and the United Nations inventing environmental crimes:

“Our report discovered that when the EPA comes knocking they are armed with a thousand lawyers, arrest/criminal data, credit, business and property histories, plus a ‘Special Agent’ with the latest in weaponry and technology,” Mr. Andrzejewski added.

The agency spends nearly $75 million each year for criminal enforcement, including money for a small militia of 200 “special agents” charged with fighting environmental crime.

EPA spends millions on military-style weapons, watchdog group reports
By Kellan Howell - The Washington Times - Saturday, October 10, 2015

EPA spends millions on military-style weapons, watchdog group reports - Washington Times

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