'Round them up and deport them'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.

I've read this repeatedly here, mostly recently in the link above. Not wanting to derail that thread and because I believe this is a genuine issue, I'm starting a new thread to ask the question -


When talking about "the border", most people are really talking about Mexico - migrant farm workers and drug cartels. We know that very few are coming across the southern border. We know we have about 17,500 Border Patrol Agents on our southern border compared to about 1000 guarding our northern border, which is arguably a much bigger threat to our national security. We know "the fence" is an expensive, feel-good boondoggle that doesn't actually accomplish much. We know that the Obama administration has deported more illegals than any other president.

THAT is not what this thread is about.

I'm asking how you would find illegal immigrants.

And, how would you propose paying for it?

One idea for tracking illegals that RWs don't like is issuing driver's licenses. For some unknown reason, they seem to believe that no one ever drives without a license.

So, how would you go about finding illegals?

And how would you pay for it?
I am all for offering illegal immigrants a driver license ... It would be a lot easier and less expensive to find them ... Just arrest them when they show up.

Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.

I've read this repeatedly here, mostly recently in the link above. Not wanting to derail that thread and because I believe this is a genuine issue, I'm starting a new thread to ask the question -


When talking about "the border", most people are really talking about Mexico - migrant farm workers and drug cartels. We know that very few are coming across the southern border. We know we have about 17,500 Border Patrol Agents on our southern border compared to about 1000 guarding our northern border, which is arguably a much bigger threat to our national security. We know "the fence" is an expensive, feel-good boondoggle that doesn't actually accomplish much. We know that the Obama administration has deported more illegals than any other president.

THAT is not what this thread is about.

I'm asking how you would find illegal immigrants.

And, how would you propose paying for it?

One idea for tracking illegals that RWs don't like is issuing driver's licenses. For some unknown reason, they seem to believe that no one ever drives without a license.

So, how would you go about finding illegals?

And how would you pay for it?
we already find thousands every year, but under obama they are released back into society.
Deporting the rest? All of them? Unlikely, BUT if we make it just as uncomfortable for them to remain, they may just decide to go back on their own.

No education for the children of illegals. No free health care. No government services whatsoever except perhaps for a subsidy to purchase transportation out of our country.
We didn't have to pay them to get here, why would we have to pay them to leave? The ones I see have nice, new cars. They can drive to and through Mexico. Simple.

The average Illegal Alien has more disposable income than yer average American.

And apparently they're voting in our elections. Thanks Veterans!
I think they should round them up and drop them on your doorstep you're so worried over them
Keep the mexicans, deport the liberals.

Heck, I thought this thread would suggest deporting domestic terrorists like these ignorant, right wing losers --

Why would we do any of that? Just pass laws having very severe penalties for any business or individual who hires an illegal.

Make an example of a few of them with fines and jail time, and the illegals will head back across the border on their own.

Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.

I've read this repeatedly here, mostly recently in the link above. Not wanting to derail that thread and because I believe this is a genuine issue, I'm starting a new thread to ask the question -


When talking about "the border", most people are really talking about Mexico - migrant farm workers and drug cartels. We know that very few are coming across the southern border. We know we have about 17,500 Border Patrol Agents on our southern border compared to about 1000 guarding our northern border, which is arguably a much bigger threat to our national security. We know "the fence" is an expensive, feel-good boondoggle that doesn't actually accomplish much. We know that the Obama administration has deported more illegals than any other president.

THAT is not what this thread is about.

I'm asking how you would find illegal immigrants.

And, how would you propose paying for it?

One idea for tracking illegals that RWs don't like is issuing driver's licenses. For some unknown reason, they seem to believe that no one ever drives without a license.

So, how would you go about finding illegals?

And how would you pay for it?
Easy to find them, and no need to deport them.

Cut out all assistance to the able bodied, and they will drive out the illegals as they scramble to find jobs to avoid starvation.
We didn't have to pay them to get here, why would we have to pay them to leave? The ones I see have nice, new cars. They can drive to and through Mexico. Simple.

The average Illegal Alien has more disposable income than yer average American.

And apparently they're voting in our elections. Thanks Veterans!
Hey, at least most of them work.

If we sent one chronically unemployed American to Mexico for every illegal we catch working here, Mexico would seal the border for us.
Why would we do any of that? Just pass laws having very severe penalties for any business or individual who hires an illegal.

Make an example of a few of them with fines and jail time, and the illegals will head back across the border on their own.

God, sounds like a brutal method of making the dependent class go to WORK!!!!!

Just when they thought Obama had freed them from the tyranny of work forever.

Inhumane, I tell ya!!
Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.

I've read this repeatedly here, mostly recently in the link above. Not wanting to derail that thread and because I believe this is a genuine issue, I'm starting a new thread to ask the question -


When talking about "the border", most people are really talking about Mexico - migrant farm workers and drug cartels. We know that very few are coming across the southern border. We know we have about 17,500 Border Patrol Agents on our southern border compared to about 1000 guarding our northern border, which is arguably a much bigger threat to our national security. We know "the fence" is an expensive, feel-good boondoggle that doesn't actually accomplish much. We know that the Obama administration has deported more illegals than any other president.

THAT is not what this thread is about.

I'm asking how you would find illegal immigrants.

And, how would you propose paying for it?

One idea for tracking illegals that RWs don't like is issuing driver's licenses. For some unknown reason, they seem to believe that no one ever drives without a license.

So, how would you go about finding illegals?

And how would you pay for it?

We know that very few are coming across the southern border

We do? Link?

I'm asking how you would find illegal immigrants.

Any time one interacts with government, deport them.

And, how would you propose paying for it?

We can use the money we currently spend for their education, incarceration or healthcare.
Why would we do any of that? Just pass laws having very severe penalties for any business or individual who hires an illegal.

Make an example of a few of them with fines and jail time, and the illegals will head back across the border on their own.


A few workers are still coming here for work and some companies actually advertise jobs for illegals. Either way, the workers do the work Americans won't do and then go back to Mexico until the next year.

If we want Americans to do those jobs, they employers would have to offer a living wage and we already know how likely that is. Family farms are being driven into bankruptcy and big business is buying them out at auction for pennies on the dollar. We need to address that.

The real problem isn't the migrant farm workers. Its the drug cartels who sell to Americans.
Stats and Summaries U.S. Customs and Border Protection


NOTE the date of this article:
Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero and Perhaps Less Pew Research Center s Hispanic Trends Project

Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero—and Perhaps Less
By Jeffrey S. Passel, D’Vera Cohn and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera

The May 3 update includes the full methodology appendix and a statistical profile of Mexican immigrants in the United States.

The largest wave of immigration in history from a single country to the United States has come to a standstill. After four decades that brought 12 million current immigrants—most of whom came illegally—the net migration flow from Mexico to the United States has stopped and may have reversed, according to a new analysis of government data from both countries by the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center.

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