Rove:Throw out all primary results and give voters a fresh face for November


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.

I hope conservatives whether you are for Trump or Cruz or anyone else who has dropped out of the race really begins to understand the enemy is the establishment and you better get your shit wired tight because there is no doubt now that the elites shall take the nomination out of the hands of the people and choose the nominee themselves.

And Cruz people you better wake up and smell the coffee that the insiders are only using Cruz to block the Donald.

It's war people. Check out what this scumbucket has said.

And this is the line that killed me. I wanted to bazooka barf. The sons of bitches actually think this might be their only hiccup.

"The thing that the party has to do is to make sure the voters believe their votes matter to keep them in the party for November."

Karl Rove hints at throwing out primary results as he says GOP needs 'fresh face' candidate to beat Hillary in November
  • Republican establishment leader launches trial-balloon on Hugh Hewitt's radio show
  • Donald Trump's campaign fears an effort by the Republican Party to stack the deck against him during the July nominating convention
  • Rove's comment suggests someone who hasn't run in any primary elections might be offered as an anyone-but-Trump alternative
  • The billionaire might arrive at the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but short of a majority needed to clinch the contest

Rove hints at throwing out primary results: GOP needs 'fresh face'
Ol turd-blossum much as I can't stomach Trump, I'd never vote for someone who didn't go out and face the voters this time around. All they've been through and some Paul Ryan type tries to swipe it? NO WAY! My cutoff line would probably be Super Tuesday.....anybody still in then I'd consider if there isn't a first ballot winner at the convention. (like Rubio heh heh).
They keep floating these trial balloons out there to get the voter's reaction. Apparently the strategy is to keep giving Trump bad press to bring his poll numbers down enough to get people thinking he can't win and therefore shouldn't be the nominee. THEN they can screw him over at the convention without repercussions. That's why everything Trump says is twisted to mean something else or blown way out of proportion. It's all about wearing down his supporters.
So far, the voter's reaction has not been favorable to them. If they can't change that, the dilemma they'll be facing is whether it's worth risking the destruction of the party (possibly permanently) to keep Trump from becoming the next President.
Rove is a has-been trying to recapture some credibility. He is a joke. move on.
Rove is on the outside looking in

His ability to Influence is no better than mine
I've lost a lot of respect for Karl Rove over the past few months.

Here's where I love Karl and now I have to not only walk away but organize to attack him. And work to destroy him.

I was sitting there a long time ago on Bush vs Gore watching CNN. Judy Woodruff called Florida for Gore.

Hehehehehe. It was one of the best moments ever on live tv of electoral history. I'm cracking up here remembering and savoring the moment.

Rove called in. :lmao: Had to tell Judy the panhandle had not voted yet. Different time zones. Bernie Shaw face palmed. The rest is history.

But Karl as excellent as he was is not the same man as how he was then.

Power broker and completely has forgotten about the little people who gave him so much power. Fuck Karl. And I really will next week.

Pity. He was a good man.
Like Romney , Rove is another person who had a hand in Obama getting a second term to cause us more damage. so for them to think people gives a crap what they advise or has to say. these elitist snobs in politics should go try a real job for a change and stop torturing us like a Democrat politician always does once they leave ruling over us. take Carter, Billy Clinton, etc.
First they can't replace Trump at the convention he will have his chance even if he doesn' reach 1237 second before someone else could be presented as an alternative to him they would have to be willing to accept the nomination and I highly doubt anyone who has not been running is going to step into that hornets nest.
This looks like a recipe that will cause absolute chaos and division. Would the GOP really dare and try and pull this stunt?

Why were these rules devised this way? Why bother having these Primaries if then those voting at the convention can just say we'll vote for someone who didn't even bother to put themselves up for the job in the first place.

This does seem very undemocratic, especially as the remaining candidates have been under the microscope for months, put in a lot of hard work and are then to be told to get lost!

As someone who is Liberal and a big Hillary supporter as much as this might seem like fun to watch the GOP implode I have to put that aside and just look on this Karl Rove suggestion with utter disbelief.

Its a complete insult to all those people who have worked to organise these Primaries, all the people on the ground who have canvassed and more importantly the voters.

What sort of message will this send out for the primaries in 2020, its bad enough that both in the USA and Europe people are becoming more disconnected from politics, apathy and a feeling that no matter what they vote they still get screwed.

If this crazy Rove idea becomes reality then it will be a poor day for democracy.
Rove:Throw out all primary results and give voters a fresh face for November

Oh, you'll get a fresh face alright..........a new party being formed.
Rove is a traitor, and Israeli firster who does not give a crap about what the American people want.

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