Rove:Throw out all primary results and give voters a fresh face for November

Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.

I hope conservatives whether you are for Trump or Cruz or anyone else who has dropped out of the race really begins to understand the enemy is the establishment and you better get your shit wired tight because there is no doubt now that the elites shall take the nomination out of the hands of the people and choose the nominee themselves.

And Cruz people you better wake up and smell the coffee that the insiders are only using Cruz to block the Donald.

It's war people. Check out what this scumbucket has said.

And this is the line that killed me. I wanted to bazooka barf. The sons of bitches actually think this might be their only hiccup.

"The thing that the party has to do is to make sure the voters believe their votes matter to keep them in the party for November."

Karl Rove hints at throwing out primary results as he says GOP needs 'fresh face' candidate to beat Hillary in November
  • Republican establishment leader launches trial-balloon on Hugh Hewitt's radio show
  • Donald Trump's campaign fears an effort by the Republican Party to stack the deck against him during the July nominating convention
  • Rove's comment suggests someone who hasn't run in any primary elections might be offered as an anyone-but-Trump alternative
  • The billionaire might arrive at the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but short of a majority needed to clinch the contest

Rove hints at throwing out primary results: GOP needs 'fresh face'

Rove never gets tired of screwing the Republican party with his stupid advice, does he?
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.

I hope conservatives whether you are for Trump or Cruz or anyone else who has dropped out of the race really begins to understand the enemy is the establishment and you better get your shit wired tight because there is no doubt now that the elites shall take the nomination out of the hands of the people and choose the nominee themselves.

And Cruz people you better wake up and smell the coffee that the insiders are only using Cruz to block the Donald.

It's war people. Check out what this scumbucket has said.

And this is the line that killed me. I wanted to bazooka barf. The sons of bitches actually think this might be their only hiccup.

"The thing that the party has to do is to make sure the voters believe their votes matter to keep them in the party for November."

Karl Rove hints at throwing out primary results as he says GOP needs 'fresh face' candidate to beat Hillary in November
  • Republican establishment leader launches trial-balloon on Hugh Hewitt's radio show
  • Donald Trump's campaign fears an effort by the Republican Party to stack the deck against him during the July nominating convention
  • Rove's comment suggests someone who hasn't run in any primary elections might be offered as an anyone-but-Trump alternative
  • The billionaire might arrive at the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but short of a majority needed to clinch the contest

Rove hints at throwing out primary results: GOP needs 'fresh face'

Rove never gets tired of screwing the Republican party with his stupid advice, does he?

Spot On. A stupid Bush Family lackey. He's completely lost without George Bush's butthole to jam his nose into.
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.

I hope conservatives whether you are for Trump or Cruz or anyone else who has dropped out of the race really begins to understand the enemy is the establishment and you better get your shit wired tight because there is no doubt now that the elites shall take the nomination out of the hands of the people and choose the nominee themselves.

And Cruz people you better wake up and smell the coffee that the insiders are only using Cruz to block the Donald.

It's war people. Check out what this scumbucket has said.

And this is the line that killed me. I wanted to bazooka barf. The sons of bitches actually think this might be their only hiccup.

"The thing that the party has to do is to make sure the voters believe their votes matter to keep them in the party for November."

Karl Rove hints at throwing out primary results as he says GOP needs 'fresh face' candidate to beat Hillary in November
  • Republican establishment leader launches trial-balloon on Hugh Hewitt's radio show
  • Donald Trump's campaign fears an effort by the Republican Party to stack the deck against him during the July nominating convention
  • Rove's comment suggests someone who hasn't run in any primary elections might be offered as an anyone-but-Trump alternative
  • The billionaire might arrive at the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but short of a majority needed to clinch the contest

Rove hints at throwing out primary results: GOP needs 'fresh face'

These idiots are blind to the anger of conservatives. We already feel as though our elected leaders are weak, now they want to disenfranchise the primary voters. If and when Hillary wins POTUSA they will surely blame it on the voters not being smart enough to understand their brilliance. They are truly delusional. Does Rove have any clue on why a political idiot canidate like Trump is winning? These guys need to be taken to the wood shed.
Kasich is a joke...........not personally..........but in this election. He has only 1 State Won, and he is in it to force a brokered convention........

He has no hope at all to win it, unless they steal it.

If they do that they give the election to Hillary.........but the reality is the establishment don't really care if Hillary wins as long as they do the favors they demand.

this election really boils down to the people vs. the establishment/media coalition. If the people lose, this country will never recover, we will become a large version of Greece.
The moron eagle hasn't figured out that Kasich isn't planning on winning the nomination, he's planning on the "establishment cons" to give it to him to deny Trump and Cruz.

But you and I both know that the "people" are not going to elect Trump in the general. 75% of this country can't stand that dumb ass. So half of the cons will stay home, and some of the "establishment" cons will even hold their nose and vote for........just to make sure Trump is denied.
Of course he is there to block the election............Hell Rubio has more delegates than him and he's out of the race. The establishment doesn't want Trump or Cruz.................and that is clear......Mr. Moron..........

Between the 2 I chose Trump..............he was not my first choice but that choice is gone and so I made a decision...............and that is where I stand..........

If either one WINS LEGITIMATELY then I will vote for either one in the General. If the GOP Hijacks it.............they can kiss my ass because I'll never vote for a candidate that had to STEAL THE ELECTION FROM THE VOTERS to win.....

If any of you want that loser..................that is your problem and not mine.......whoever that may be should it happen.
Throw out Rove. He's a sleazy Bush Family sycophant. He's wrong on just about everything. Keep in mind, he's one of the cretins who gave us the horrific Iraq War nightmare. I'm shocked any Network would still allow him on the air. Shame on Fox News.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

Rove really is useless. O'Reilly should dump him. It's embarrassing.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

Rove really is useless. O'Reilly should dump him. It's embarrassing.

I agree. Every time I see Rove on that show, I feel like taking that poster board and beating him over his Fn head with it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

the benefit of Watters world is that it shows the ignorance of many americans, especially the ones being indoctrinated in colleges.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

the benefit of Watters world is that it shows the ignorance of many americans, especially the ones being indoctrinated in colleges.

No it shows you can create a false image by cherry picking what you show on tv. The same as if you wanted to show how dangerous cruise ships are and you only show an hour of cruise ship disasters, and don't show the millions of miles of people having the time of their life on a cruise without an incident.

It is a form of lying.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

the benefit of Watters world is that it shows the ignorance of many americans, especially the ones being indoctrinated in colleges.

Yeah, but I hate cheap take-offs. Howard Stern has been doing that bit for 20 years or so. If Bill O thinks he's a comedian, let him think of something original.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

the benefit of Watters world is that it shows the ignorance of many americans, especially the ones being indoctrinated in colleges.

No it shows you can create a false image by cherry picking what you show on tv. The same as if you wanted to show how dangerous cruise ships are and you only show an hour of cruise ship disasters, and don't show the millions of miles of people having the time of their life on a cruise without an incident.

It is a form of lying.

Can you prove that the people he shows are not random, or that they don't represent a majority? If so, you have a valid point, if not, you are FOS.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

the benefit of Watters world is that it shows the ignorance of many americans, especially the ones being indoctrinated in colleges.

Yeah, but I hate cheap take-offs. Howard Stern has been doing that bit for 20 years or so. If Bill O thinks he's a comedian, let him think of something original.

If you think its a rip off, don't watch it. that's why I don't watch MSNBC or CNN.

I personally think is presents a sad commentary on America when so many people are so ignorant.
Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

the benefit of Watters world is that it shows the ignorance of many americans, especially the ones being indoctrinated in colleges.

No it shows you can create a false image by cherry picking what you show on tv. The same as if you wanted to show how dangerous cruise ships are and you only show an hour of cruise ship disasters, and don't show the millions of miles of people having the time of their life on a cruise without an incident.

It is a form of lying.

Can you prove that the people he shows are not random, or that they don't represent a majority? If so, you have a valid point, if not, you are FOS.

He made the claim, you back it up. You present some study that shows people just love staying at minimum wage.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.

So sad to think anyone still listens to that pathetic little fatbody. WTF's wrong with O'Reilly? Rove's just an old useless Bush Family lackey.

Bill O likes to lighting things up on his show. Rove is just entertainment. I never watch anything live. I always record things so I can skip segments like Rove (and commercials) and move on to the next segment. He also has that Watter's World segment which is nothing but a cheap Howard Stern takeoff. I skip that too.

the benefit of Watters world is that it shows the ignorance of many americans, especially the ones being indoctrinated in colleges.

No it shows you can create a false image by cherry picking what you show on tv. The same as if you wanted to show how dangerous cruise ships are and you only show an hour of cruise ship disasters, and don't show the millions of miles of people having the time of their life on a cruise without an incident.

It is a form of lying.
Something at which most conservatives excel.

Indeed, most on the right have been lying for so long they don’t even know what the truth is anymore.
Getting back to the douchebag Rove, it is amazing he is not in prison for his part in inflicting the world with the Bush administration. How about totally reform this idiotic voting system? Have Rand Paul, and all the democrats and republicans on a ballot for a one day election and see who wins.
Get ready for Mr Kasich

Getting back to the douchebag Rove, it is amazing he is not in prison for his part in inflicting the world with the Bush administration. How about totally reform this idiotic voting system? Have Rand Paul, and all the democrats and republicans on a ballot for a one day election and see who wins.

I couldn't agree more. No other Democratic type system has this long of an election process.

You have two or three debates within the parties. You don't go state to state to have primary elections---you have the primary election on one day for the entire country like the general election. When the nominees are selected, you once again have two or three debates, and then you vote.

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