Rove:Throw out all primary results and give voters a fresh face for November


Then how do you explain all the talk show hosts who hate Trump? Ever listen to the Michael Medved show? The sissy cries like a baby for hours a day about Trump. Glenn Beck? Forget about it. He's worse than Medved.

Don't listen to those screwballs on the left that tell you the people on the right march in lockstep to orders of Limbaugh and Hannity. These are Democrats, and Democrats are born liars. They've been successful by brainwashing people with their nonsense.
Well, I listen to Rush and Hannity and Levin when I can, and things they say on the radio invariably end up elsewhere. "RINO" and "establishment" and "low information" and constant "Marxism" and "socialism" and "communism" claims, for example.

The Salem network talkers like Medved and Hewitt and Gallagher don't have nearly the influence within the party that the Big Three do. Then there's Beck and Savage, who are probably 4 and 5 in influence, and they're Cruz and Trump supporters, respectively.

Hey, maybe it's all a huge coincidence, but I don't think so.

You should think so. Look at this thread alone. How many of us on the right are bashing Rove? We've been bashing the guy the last couple of years. What talk show host on the right bad mouths Rove? Nobody.

What you people are going to have to learn is that we on the right think for ourselves. Nobody tells us what to think or how to vote. That's what you've been brainwashed into believing from the left.
Huh? Of COURSE talk radio is bashing Rove. He's "establishment", he's a "RINO". Levin tears into those guys like a shark into a carcass.

And now it has become far more, where conservative talk radio listeners are acting out in ways their heroes do.

I'm a financial advisor, and during discussions about their money and taxes, the conversation often (and unfortunately) swings to politics. I can tell which radio host the guy is most likely a fan of, just by their words. Levin listeners, for example, can cram "freedom" and "liberty" into virtually any sentence. Beck listeners are the hardcore religious folks who are absolutely terrified and can be counted on to ask about stashing gold coins somewhere. On and on and on.

Then I look over at the wife, and most likely she'll be rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

I don't buy the denials for a minute, I see it constantly. Conservative Talk Radio fans are like professional wrestling fans, they think the schtick is REAL.
You're full of shit and prove it everyday. Many listeners to those shows call to disagree. All the time. Medved has long been my favorite but I can't take his relentless assault on Trump, and I would consider myself a fan. He's just the guy that pisses liberals off the most so it's music to my ears.

I know I'm not alone, but good for you that you can spend your time listening to all the conservative talk shows while managing people's money.
Yes, the listeners call in to disagree with the host for "backing Trump" or "backing Cruz".

The hosts themselves are quite frustrated at what they have created. Rush has gone to the point of "banning" himself from sounding like he's backing either guy (Rush Self-Imposes Ban on Opining About the Big Lewandowski Story, Maybe Others Like These on Amnesty for Illegals and a Hoaxer's Push for Guns at the RNC - The Rush Limbaugh Show) and Hannity spent his entire opening monologue one day this week bemoaning the division in the party. How ironic. They create this monster, now it's biting them on the butt.

See, I'm providing specific examples, you're just denying and being nasty. I get that stuff from the partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum all the time, always a good sign.

But by all means, keep listening to your guys, believe every bit of it. It's quite a show.

I listen to who I want and just proved you wrong. I've been a loyal Medved listener but am turned off to him right now. So that doesn't fit your your stupid theory, repeating it doesn't make it truer.

No, talk show hosts didn't create the division, you did some picking and choosing to bolster your own bias and I gave you an example to prove your theory is wrong. I don't have the time to listen to radio as much as you do and can't say about Hannity but last time I saw his show he was in the Trump camp. No, the GOP isn't unified, it's the establishment vs everyone else.

How did radio jocks do that? You honestly think that many people spend their days listening to talk radio? No division on the left? You sling shit in ever direction and think it comes across as you being in some superior position. Right now, you're the show.
Well, I listen to Rush and Hannity and Levin when I can, and things they say on the radio invariably end up elsewhere. "RINO" and "establishment" and "low information" and constant "Marxism" and "socialism" and "communism" claims, for example.

The Salem network talkers like Medved and Hewitt and Gallagher don't have nearly the influence within the party that the Big Three do. Then there's Beck and Savage, who are probably 4 and 5 in influence, and they're Cruz and Trump supporters, respectively.

Hey, maybe it's all a huge coincidence, but I don't think so.

You should think so. Look at this thread alone. How many of us on the right are bashing Rove? We've been bashing the guy the last couple of years. What talk show host on the right bad mouths Rove? Nobody.

What you people are going to have to learn is that we on the right think for ourselves. Nobody tells us what to think or how to vote. That's what you've been brainwashed into believing from the left.
Huh? Of COURSE talk radio is bashing Rove. He's "establishment", he's a "RINO". Levin tears into those guys like a shark into a carcass.

And now it has become far more, where conservative talk radio listeners are acting out in ways their heroes do.

I'm a financial advisor, and during discussions about their money and taxes, the conversation often (and unfortunately) swings to politics. I can tell which radio host the guy is most likely a fan of, just by their words. Levin listeners, for example, can cram "freedom" and "liberty" into virtually any sentence. Beck listeners are the hardcore religious folks who are absolutely terrified and can be counted on to ask about stashing gold coins somewhere. On and on and on.

Then I look over at the wife, and most likely she'll be rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

I don't buy the denials for a minute, I see it constantly. Conservative Talk Radio fans are like professional wrestling fans, they think the schtick is REAL.
You're full of shit and prove it everyday. Many listeners to those shows call to disagree. All the time. Medved has long been my favorite but I can't take his relentless assault on Trump, and I would consider myself a fan. He's just the guy that pisses liberals off the most so it's music to my ears.

I know I'm not alone, but good for you that you can spend your time listening to all the conservative talk shows while managing people's money.
Yes, the listeners call in to disagree with the host for "backing Trump" or "backing Cruz".

The hosts themselves are quite frustrated at what they have created. Rush has gone to the point of "banning" himself from sounding like he's backing either guy (Rush Self-Imposes Ban on Opining About the Big Lewandowski Story, Maybe Others Like These on Amnesty for Illegals and a Hoaxer's Push for Guns at the RNC - The Rush Limbaugh Show) and Hannity spent his entire opening monologue one day this week bemoaning the division in the party. How ironic. They create this monster, now it's biting them on the butt.

See, I'm providing specific examples, you're just denying and being nasty. I get that stuff from the partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum all the time, always a good sign.

But by all means, keep listening to your guys, believe every bit of it. It's quite a show.

I listen to who I want and just proved you wrong. I've been a loyal Medved listener but am turned off to him right now. So that doesn't fit your your stupid theory, repeating it doesn't make it truer.

No, talk show hosts didn't create the division, you did some picking and choosing to bolster your own bias and I gave you an example to prove your theory is wrong. I don't have the time to listen to radio as much as you do and can't say about Hannity but last time I saw his show he was in the Trump camp. No, the GOP isn't unified, it's the establishment vs everyone else.

How did radio jocks do that? You honestly think that many people spend their days listening to talk radio? No division on the left? You sling shit in ever direction and think it comes across as you being in some superior position. Right now, you're the show.
So an exception disproves a theory. Okay, got it.

I'm just an independent. Nothing special. And there's far more of me than there are of you. The wingers are the minority, but they're convinced they and their "side" have all the answers. They think THEY are superior.

I know talk radio fans won't admit the influence it has on them. I'd be stunned if you did.
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.

I hope conservatives whether you are for Trump or Cruz or anyone else who has dropped out of the race really begins to understand the enemy is the establishment and you better get your shit wired tight because there is no doubt now that the elites shall take the nomination out of the hands of the people and choose the nominee themselves.

And Cruz people you better wake up and smell the coffee that the insiders are only using Cruz to block the Donald.

It's war people. Check out what this scumbucket has said.

And this is the line that killed me. I wanted to bazooka barf. The sons of bitches actually think this might be their only hiccup.

"The thing that the party has to do is to make sure the voters believe their votes matter to keep them in the party for November."

Karl Rove hints at throwing out primary results as he says GOP needs 'fresh face' candidate to beat Hillary in November
  • Republican establishment leader launches trial-balloon on Hugh Hewitt's radio show
  • Donald Trump's campaign fears an effort by the Republican Party to stack the deck against him during the July nominating convention
  • Rove's comment suggests someone who hasn't run in any primary elections might be offered as an anyone-but-Trump alternative
  • The billionaire might arrive at the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but short of a majority needed to clinch the contest

Rove hints at throwing out primary results: GOP needs 'fresh face'
It’s amusing and telling how conservatives are just now coming to realize what most everyone else has known for years: Rove is scum.
"Rove:Throw out all primary results and give voters a fresh face for November"


“With Trump or Cruz we lose the election.”
Well, I listen to Rush and Hannity and Levin when I can, and things they say on the radio invariably end up elsewhere. "RINO" and "establishment" and "low information" and constant "Marxism" and "socialism" and "communism" claims, for example.

The Salem network talkers like Medved and Hewitt and Gallagher don't have nearly the influence within the party that the Big Three do. Then there's Beck and Savage, who are probably 4 and 5 in influence, and they're Cruz and Trump supporters, respectively.

Hey, maybe it's all a huge coincidence, but I don't think so.

You should think so. Look at this thread alone. How many of us on the right are bashing Rove? We've been bashing the guy the last couple of years. What talk show host on the right bad mouths Rove? Nobody.

What you people are going to have to learn is that we on the right think for ourselves. Nobody tells us what to think or how to vote. That's what you've been brainwashed into believing from the left.
Huh? Of COURSE talk radio is bashing Rove. He's "establishment", he's a "RINO". Levin tears into those guys like a shark into a carcass.

And now it has become far more, where conservative talk radio listeners are acting out in ways their heroes do.

I'm a financial advisor, and during discussions about their money and taxes, the conversation often (and unfortunately) swings to politics. I can tell which radio host the guy is most likely a fan of, just by their words. Levin listeners, for example, can cram "freedom" and "liberty" into virtually any sentence. Beck listeners are the hardcore religious folks who are absolutely terrified and can be counted on to ask about stashing gold coins somewhere. On and on and on.

Then I look over at the wife, and most likely she'll be rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

I don't buy the denials for a minute, I see it constantly. Conservative Talk Radio fans are like professional wrestling fans, they think the schtick is REAL.
You're full of shit and prove it everyday. Many listeners to those shows call to disagree. All the time. Medved has long been my favorite but I can't take his relentless assault on Trump, and I would consider myself a fan. He's just the guy that pisses liberals off the most so it's music to my ears.

I know I'm not alone, but good for you that you can spend your time listening to all the conservative talk shows while managing people's money.
Yes, the listeners call in to disagree with the host for "backing Trump" or "backing Cruz".

The hosts themselves are quite frustrated at what they have created. Rush has gone to the point of "banning" himself from sounding like he's backing either guy (Rush Self-Imposes Ban on Opining About the Big Lewandowski Story, Maybe Others Like These on Amnesty for Illegals and a Hoaxer's Push for Guns at the RNC - The Rush Limbaugh Show) and Hannity spent his entire opening monologue one day this week bemoaning the division in the party. How ironic. They create this monster, now it's biting them on the butt.

See, I'm providing specific examples, you're just denying and being nasty. I get that stuff from the partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum all the time, always a good sign.

But by all means, keep listening to your guys, believe every bit of it. It's quite a show.

I listen to who I want and just proved you wrong. I've been a loyal Medved listener but am turned off to him right now. So that doesn't fit your your stupid theory, repeating it doesn't make it truer.

No, talk show hosts didn't create the division, you did some picking and choosing to bolster your own bias and I gave you an example to prove your theory is wrong. I don't have the time to listen to radio as much as you do and can't say about Hannity but last time I saw his show he was in the Trump camp. No, the GOP isn't unified, it's the establishment vs everyone else.

How did radio jocks do that? You honestly think that many people spend their days listening to talk radio? No division on the left? You sling shit in ever direction and think it comes across as you being in some superior position. Right now, you're the show.

The left has this belief that conservatives are very much of a minority in this country.

I'm a liberal, my friends and family are liberal, most of my neighbors are liberal, therefore, most people in the country must be liberal.

Oh sure, there are conservatives too. They are in fly-over country in their pickup trucks, or on their yachts sipping martinis, but they are not the norm. The norm is liberalism.

In the United States of America, there are liberals, and people that have been told to not think like me. They've been told to think differently by talk radio people. If not for talk radio, those people would be liberals too. They are told what to think and why they think that way.

See, this is how liberals really think. It's why when we win elections, the first thing that comes out of them is somebody cheated. Somebody rigged the voting machines. Somebody chased the minorities away. Somebody closed the polls early in Democrat districts. Those evil Republicans are asking for ID to vote. Gerrymandering!

It has to be something, because it certainly can't be that the majority of voters believe in conservatism. And this is why they think that talk radio is the controlling factor. It pops their bubble.
Huh? Of COURSE talk radio is bashing Rove. He's "establishment", he's a "RINO". Levin tears into those guys like a shark into a carcass.

And now it has become far more, where conservative talk radio listeners are acting out in ways their heroes do.

I'm a financial advisor, and during discussions about their money and taxes, the conversation often (and unfortunately) swings to politics. I can tell which radio host the guy is most likely a fan of, just by their words. Levin listeners, for example, can cram "freedom" and "liberty" into virtually any sentence. Beck listeners are the hardcore religious folks who are absolutely terrified and can be counted on to ask about stashing gold coins somewhere. On and on and on.

Then I look over at the wife, and most likely she'll be rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

I don't buy the denials for a minute, I see it constantly. Conservative Talk Radio fans are like professional wrestling fans, they think the schtick is REAL.
You're full of shit and prove it everyday. Many listeners to those shows call to disagree. All the time. Medved has long been my favorite but I can't take his relentless assault on Trump, and I would consider myself a fan. He's just the guy that pisses liberals off the most so it's music to my ears.

I know I'm not alone, but good for you that you can spend your time listening to all the conservative talk shows while managing people's money.
Yes, the listeners call in to disagree with the host for "backing Trump" or "backing Cruz".

The hosts themselves are quite frustrated at what they have created. Rush has gone to the point of "banning" himself from sounding like he's backing either guy (Rush Self-Imposes Ban on Opining About the Big Lewandowski Story, Maybe Others Like These on Amnesty for Illegals and a Hoaxer's Push for Guns at the RNC - The Rush Limbaugh Show) and Hannity spent his entire opening monologue one day this week bemoaning the division in the party. How ironic. They create this monster, now it's biting them on the butt.

See, I'm providing specific examples, you're just denying and being nasty. I get that stuff from the partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum all the time, always a good sign.

But by all means, keep listening to your guys, believe every bit of it. It's quite a show.

Enjoy the show...............the establishment needs to go down...........if that means President Trump............

Oh fucking well...............He's got them reeling and I love it.

Just for the record...

Mary Ann.

Mary Ann was always the Hot one......Ginger always was second.......

Tina Louise was more hair and makeup, but I sure as hell would never so NO.
The fix is in Republicans. The establishment has already planned on Trump being dumped and them bringing in a Hail Mary candidate to try to grasp victory at the last minute. Likely Ryan, possibly Kasich.

The GOP establishment isn't interested in anyone's 'votes'. But at least all the rubes in the Republican party will finally get to see these scumbags for what they are.

So how about you people going to the convention start whining about it being a 'gun-free zone' like you whine about every other place that doesn't have guns. Get yourselves all armed up with rifles slung over your shoulders.

Don't let them push you around.
...and you shoot em in the womb. What's your point????

No one knows what that even means Marty Meme. Try again.
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.

I hope conservatives whether you are for Trump or Cruz or anyone else who has dropped out of the race really begins to understand the enemy is the establishment and you better get your shit wired tight because there is no doubt now that the elites shall take the nomination out of the hands of the people and choose the nominee themselves.

And Cruz people you better wake up and smell the coffee that the insiders are only using Cruz to block the Donald.

It's war people. Check out what this scumbucket has said.

And this is the line that killed me. I wanted to bazooka barf. The sons of bitches actually think this might be their only hiccup.

"The thing that the party has to do is to make sure the voters believe their votes matter to keep them in the party for November."

Karl Rove hints at throwing out primary results as he says GOP needs 'fresh face' candidate to beat Hillary in November
  • Republican establishment leader launches trial-balloon on Hugh Hewitt's radio show
  • Donald Trump's campaign fears an effort by the Republican Party to stack the deck against him during the July nominating convention
  • Rove's comment suggests someone who hasn't run in any primary elections might be offered as an anyone-but-Trump alternative
  • The billionaire might arrive at the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but short of a majority needed to clinch the contest

Rove hints at throwing out primary results: GOP needs 'fresh face'
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.

I hope conservatives whether you are for Trump or Cruz or anyone else who has dropped out of the race really begins to understand the enemy is the establishment and you better get your shit wired tight because there is no doubt now that the elites shall take the nomination out of the hands of the people and choose the nominee themselves.

And Cruz people you better wake up and smell the coffee that the insiders are only using Cruz to block the Donald.

It's war people. Check out what this scumbucket has said.

And this is the line that killed me. I wanted to bazooka barf. The sons of bitches actually think this might be their only hiccup.

"The thing that the party has to do is to make sure the voters believe their votes matter to keep them in the party for November."

Karl Rove hints at throwing out primary results as he says GOP needs 'fresh face' candidate to beat Hillary in November
  • Republican establishment leader launches trial-balloon on Hugh Hewitt's radio show
  • Donald Trump's campaign fears an effort by the Republican Party to stack the deck against him during the July nominating convention
  • Rove's comment suggests someone who hasn't run in any primary elections might be offered as an anyone-but-Trump alternative
  • The billionaire might arrive at the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but short of a majority needed to clinch the contest

Rove hints at throwing out primary results: GOP needs 'fresh face'

It's amazing how timeless some of the old adages are. For example, "better late than never" fits this situation perfectly. Some percentage? of republicans have finally figured out that Rove is the "scumbag" progressives have been describing for decades.

What's even more remarkable is the number of Republicans who have finally admitted what a colossal blunder the Iraq war was after defending the Bushies and their disastrous dreams of military conquest and reformation of the M.E's political jungle so loudly obscenely, ignorantly, blindly.....just fill in about 15 more adverbs for "stupidly" or "unthinkingly" and a few Fu c$ % ^ & Ass*%@?& you'd be just about there. Unfortunately this about face is about 13 years too late to save several hundred thousand innocent lives.

your basic premise is wrong. Many of us on the right thought that Rove was a clown 20 years ago. He is and was, a political hack, nothing has changed. Carville and Begala are two more political hacks but on the other side.

you are also wrong about Iraq. Many on the right were opposed to that waste of lives and money, but it was authorized and funded by both parties and widely supported by both Clintons. AND, the dems who supported it had access to exactly the same intel that Bush had. So, they all have blood on their hands.

If you lefties would stop trying to make everything political, we might be able to get something done, because we actually agree on quite a bit.

your basic premise is wrong. Many of us on the right thought that Rove was a clown 20 years ago. He is and was, a political hack, nothing has changed.
The "many" of you were way too few. As a matter of fact I was posting on the most popular political forum in '03 '04 '05 (I've mentioned this before) all I heard were self-righteous rwingies loudly and obscenely labeling anyone opposing the war "unpatriotic" traitors even, commies, you name it. Fuck they said the stupidest, most ignorant things. I never heard criticism of Goebbels I mean Rove, where were the many of you then? Out protesting French Fries?

So, they all have blood on their hands.

Yup, they do. Except for the 126 Democratic Representatives who voted against the war resolution, let's not forget the Independent, Sanders, also in opposition. And the 21 Democratic Senators who voted Nay. Most of the gullible and cowardly and mislead have since apologized or made excuses I believe, for their Aye vote. Stop trying to minimize the opposition to the war, it was real, it was loud, there were hundreds of thousands in the streets. Stop trying to minimize your gullibility, your culpability in that bloody war if you were silent then. But you were probably a willing righty then too, eh? The story below is similar to hundreds of others I've heard. It's about one of the CIA officers responsible for intelligence on Iraq in the year leading up to the U.S. invasion. Any idea why he had tears in his eyes while he told his story to the reporter? Sure you do.

If you lefties would stop trying to make everything political, we might be able to get something done, because we actually agree on quite a bit.

Are you being sarcastic or just silly? After you repubs have spent almost 8 yrs. as the party of No? Trying to delegitimize Obama's Presidency? Wasting 8 yrs while America nose-dived into a mood in which a Trump could become a serious candidate for the Republican party? You know the rest of the World is either laughing, or scratching their heads, don't you? You probably missed my post about the meeting major Republicans had the night Obama was inaugurated, during which they conspired how to destroy his Presidency?

"On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE".

"After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning."
Read the rest or watch the video at Frontline.

We sure know now what they were planning, eh? Exactly, how to fuck everything up for as long as Obama was President, because he was black? I don't know, you tell me. Where were the "many of you" protesting the birther movement? And all the other disrespect for the Presidency that went on? I'm not talking about the policies, I'm asking where was the support for the Office? Yeah, silence. You silent Americans make me sicker than the crazies.

"If you lefties would stop trying to make everything political"

Really? Here's my basic premise, you hypocritical clowns can fuck off for all I care, go vote for your brother righty, Trump.

How's that for political, chump? Oh, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't politicize a few hundred thousand innocent deaths. My bad.
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
Calling me a Clinton supporter won't change the fact that Trump supporters want him to be the next Hitler. You almost make me want to vote for that c*nt, just to smear it in your face.
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
And none of this will matter if Kasich gets the nod. We'll have sanity and he'll beat Hillary by more than 10 points in the general. Get the Canadian out of the race and let the inevitable man pick up the rest of the "2/3rds anything but Tiny Hands" delegates...and more at the convention....
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
And none of this will matter if Kasich gets the nod. We'll have sanity and he'll beat Hillary by more than 10 points in the general. Get the Canadian out of the race and let the inevitable man pick up the rest of the "2/3rds anything but Tiny Hands" delegates...and more at the convention....
Ground control to Major Tom, ground control to Major Tom.....
This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.
Well, we've had "the will of the People" in the White House for the last 7 years and we had "the will of the People" in the White House for 8 years before that, not to mention it's "the will of the People" that has turned Washington D.C. into a cesspool of self serving scumbags, it seems the people are fucking morons so personally I'm all for "overthrowing their will".

"I don’t think we should be governing ourselves. What we need is a king, and every now and then if the king’s not doing a good job, we kill him." -- George Carlin
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.
Yeah because they are all the same. Scarborough is a driveby feeding his target audience.

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