Rove:Throw out all primary results and give voters a fresh face for November

And none of this will matter if Kasich gets the nod. We'll have sanity and he'll beat Hillary by more than 10 points in the general. Get the Canadian out of the race and let the inevitable man pick up the rest of the "2/3rds anything but Tiny Hands" delegates...and more at the convention....
Ground control to Major Tom, ground control to Major Tom.....

Might want to read this hangover...

03/24/16 Both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump trailed Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, in their own head-to-head scenarios, by 5 and 10 percentage points, respectively. Kasich also finished ahead of Clinton in hypothetical matchups in recent polls from Quinnipiac and Fox News, by 8 points and 11 points, respectively. Polls suggest Kasich has best chance of beating Clinton
More Scholars Say Ted Cruz Can't Be President
January 2016...A growing number of legal scholars are saying that Senator Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, is not eligible to run for president of the United States....An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him...

Tell you think that a liberal-dominated USSC, with an empty seat at stake, will hesitate upon a Cruz nomination to "suddenly!" take up this question of law say around...oh...August or September this year?

If you think there's going to be chagrin and vote-chaos from a brokered convention, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Hillary will win by default no matter who the GOP scrambles together at the last minute. Their blunder will make the entire party look like buffoons.. Cruz has to go, and he has to go very, very soon. His delegates will no doubt cast their votes behind Kasich in June....just as Rubio's will. And then it's game-over for Tiny Hands. Legitimately too..

That's the advanced-calculus I've been talking about works for Kasich. The math actually IS behind him since 2/3 of the GOP is the "anti-Trump" vote. The last man standing reaps all the fruit from that tree at the RNC convention..completely within normal rules. If the GOP flicked Cruz out now, Kasich would win 8 states easily, maybe more. He's got rich backers in California too. If Carl Rove plays the game I think he's playing, then he's really playing with fire. Cruz has to go now, not later. It's a gamble that will pay off as Kasich builds his appeal through Fox News. You know the drill. Less air time with more subtle jabs at Tiny Hands. More air time with lots of focus on how much the establishment hates Kasich (which they actually do) and how he'll save the country with some of his unusual ideas...

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This is truly unreal. His sheer brazenness in blatantly discussing overthrowing the will of the people is appalling.
Well, we've had "the will of the People" in the White House for the last 7 years and we had "the will of the People" in the White House for 8 years before that, not to mention it's "the will of the People" that has turned Washington D.C. into a cesspool of self serving scumbags, it seems the people are fucking morons so personally I'm all for "overthrowing their will".

"I don’t think we should be governing ourselves. What we need is a king, and every now and then if the king’s not doing a good job, we kill him." -- George Carlin

so we should let the elite party bosses choose our leaders for us? WTF is wrong with you?
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
Calling me a Clinton supporter won't change the fact that Trump supporters want him to be the next Hitler. You almost make me want to vote for that c*nt, just to smear it in your face.

you are wrong about what Trump supporters want. They want a real leader for a change, they want someone who owes no favors to special interests, they want someone who knows how to negotiate and get a fair deal. They want someone who speaks his mind even when what he says is not PC.

They also want the establishment assholes in both parties removed from power.

you are wrong about what Trump supporters want. They want a real leader for a change, they want someone who owes no favors to special interests, they want someone who knows how to negotiate and get a fair deal. They want someone who speaks his mind even when what he says is not PC

They also want the establishment assholes in both parties removed from power.
So....they want Kasich then.

you are wrong about what Trump supporters want. They want a real leader for a change, they want someone who owes no favors to special interests, they want someone who knows how to negotiate and get a fair deal. They want someone who speaks his mind even when what he says is not PC

They also want the establishment assholes in both parties removed from power.
So....they want Kasich then.

Kasich is establishment. He would be no better than Bush or Clinton (Bill). Hillary would be much worse than any of them. An angry old feminist lesbian liar.
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
And none of this will matter if Kasich gets the nod. We'll have sanity and he'll beat Hillary by more than 10 points in the general. Get the Canadian out of the race and let the inevitable man pick up the rest of the "2/3rds anything but Tiny Hands" delegates...and more at the convention....

You are insane if you believe that.

Do you know how many Republican voters will stay home on election day if the establishment once again F's us over and puts in ANOTHER RINO?

I don't care what the stupid polls say. Polls are only predictions and not fact. If the RNC screws over all those people who wanted somebody other than Kasich, a lot of people will be changing their party affiliation.
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
Calling me a Clinton supporter won't change the fact that Trump supporters want him to be the next Hitler. You almost make me want to vote for that c*nt, just to smear it in your face.
Yes liberals are this Stupid.
Kasich is a joke...........not personally..........but in this election. He has only 1 State Won, and he is in it to force a brokered convention........

He has no hope at all to win it, unless they steal it.

If they do that they give the election to Hillary.........but the reality is the establishment don't really care if Hillary wins as long as they do the favors they demand.
Kasich is a joke...........not personally..........but in this election. He has only 1 State Won, and he is in it to force a brokered convention........

He has no hope at all to win it, unless they steal it.

If they do that they give the election to Hillary.........but the reality is the establishment don't really care if Hillary wins as long as they do the favors they demand.

this election really boils down to the people vs. the establishment/media coalition. If the people lose, this country will never recover, we will become a large version of Greece.
Kasich is a joke...........not personally..........but in this election. He has only 1 State Won, and he is in it to force a brokered convention........

He has no hope at all to win it, unless they steal it.

If they do that they give the election to Hillary.........but the reality is the establishment don't really care if Hillary wins as long as they do the favors they demand.

this election really boils down to the people vs. the establishment/media coalition. If the people lose, this country will never recover, we will become a large version of Greece.
The moron eagle hasn't figured out that Kasich isn't planning on winning the nomination, he's planning on the "establishment cons" to give it to him to deny Trump and Cruz.

But you and I both know that the "people" are not going to elect Trump in the general. 75% of this country can't stand that dumb ass. So half of the cons will stay home, and some of the "establishment" cons will even hold their nose and vote for........just to make sure Trump is denied.
Kasich is a joke...........not personally..........but in this election. He has only 1 State Won, and he is in it to force a brokered convention........

He has no hope at all to win it, unless they steal it.

If they do that they give the election to Hillary.........but the reality is the establishment don't really care if Hillary wins as long as they do the favors they demand.

this election really boils down to the people vs. the establishment/media coalition. If the people lose, this country will never recover, we will become a large version of Greece.
The moron eagle hasn't figured out that Kasich isn't planning on winning the nomination, he's planning on the "establishment cons" to give it to him to deny Trump and Cruz.

But you and I both know that the "people" are not going to elect Trump in the general. 75% of this country can't stand that dumb ass. So half of the cons will stay home, and some of the "establishment" cons will even hold their nose and vote for........just to make sure Trump is denied.

I understand what you are saying, but you left out the fact that 75% of the people cant stand Hillary and think that she is a criminal and a liar.

It reminds me of the governor's election we had here in La some years ago. Edwin Edwards, a known criminal vs David Duke, a known KKK idiot. The people chose the criminal over the racist, by voting against the racist.

If it comes to Trump vs Clinton, it will be a contest to see which one gets the most people to vote against them. Assuming of course that Hillary is not under indictment.

Trump vs Sanders would be a real interesting race, capitalism vs socialism.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.
First they can't replace Trump at the convention he will have his chance even if he doesn' reach 1237 second before someone else could be presented as an alternative to him they would have to be willing to accept the nomination and I highly doubt anyone who has not been running is going to step into that hornets nest.

Totally agree, the best and brightest of the GOP, namely Paul Ryan, sees this mess and is smart enough not to burn his political capital on a failed presidential run. They burnt the cake and now they want to cover it with frosting and serve it to us.
Joe Scarborough said this morning, that Trump supporters are looking for a Hitler figure to lead them. There's no denying it when even republicans are saying it.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. You assholes want a government that completely controls your miserable lives so that you are never held responsible for anything.

Hillary Clinton is a lot closer to Hitler or Mao than Trump will ever be.
And none of this will matter if Kasich gets the nod. We'll have sanity and he'll beat Hillary by more than 10 points in the general. Get the Canadian out of the race and let the inevitable man pick up the rest of the "2/3rds anything but Tiny Hands" delegates...and more at the convention....
If Kasich gets the nod republican turnout will be less than 20%.
Rove's a fat ass dunce. He's usually wrong. Why are people still listening to anything he has to say? I mean, even Fox News dumped him for being so wrong about so much in the last Election. He should go away now.

Nah, O'Reilly has him on all the time; him and his stupid poster board.
Kasich is a joke...........not personally..........but in this election. He has only 1 State Won, and he is in it to force a brokered convention........

He has no hope at all to win it, unless they steal it.

If they do that they give the election to Hillary.........but the reality is the establishment don't really care if Hillary wins as long as they do the favors they demand.

this election really boils down to the people vs. the establishment/media coalition. If the people lose, this country will never recover, we will become a large version of Greece.
The moron eagle hasn't figured out that Kasich isn't planning on winning the nomination, he's planning on the "establishment cons" to give it to him to deny Trump and Cruz.

But you and I both know that the "people" are not going to elect Trump in the general. 75% of this country can't stand that dumb ass. So half of the cons will stay home, and some of the "establishment" cons will even hold their nose and vote for........just to make sure Trump is denied.

I understand what you are saying, but you left out the fact that 75% of the people cant stand Hillary and think that she is a criminal and a liar.

It reminds me of the governor's election we had here in La some years ago. Edwin Edwards, a known criminal vs David Duke, a known KKK idiot. The people chose the criminal over the racist, by voting against the racist.

If it comes to Trump vs Clinton, it will be a contest to see which one gets the most people to vote against them. Assuming of course that Hillary is not under indictment.

Trump vs Sanders would be a real interesting race, capitalism vs socialism.

Actually I think that's the way it always is. I know for the most part, I don't vote for a candidate because I think they are great, I vote for my candidate to keep the other candidate out.

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