Roving black mobs too many to ignore


Jan 31, 2014
Roving black mobs too many to ignore

Regular people are now reporting the actual news to the news people's websites since they won't do it themselves...people are waking up....they see who the menace is and hopefully will get tired of being told to turn the other cheek and be nice and be tolerant and don't be "racist" for hating groups of armed thugs assaulting your family members....they are just "youth" being bad...bullshit.
Whites are the devil while at the same time white flight is racist. I guess complaining about being led to the slaughter is racist too.
Another GOP thread about scary blacks.

I think it's time for a gay one. Then one about Hispanics. Then...............
The roving mobs of feral whites here on the Board are becoming very apparent.
The media is afraid that if they put this in the news whites may start arming themselves or worse there will be packs of feral whites.

I never leave the house unarmed.
Another GOP thread about scary blacks.

I think it's time for a gay one. Then one about Hispanics. Then...............

Why do you so readilly write off black on white violence? You know this is a serious problem, but you pretend like its not true? Why? Dont you think its important to point out dangerous behavior? If mobs of young white guys were caving in the heads of unsuspecting black people every day all over the country, wouldnt you be angry about it? Wouldnt you think something must immediately be done?
Another GOP thread about scary blacks.

I think it's time for a gay one. Then one about Hispanics. Then...............

Why do you so readilly write off black on white violence? You know this is a serious problem, but you pretend like its not true? Why? Dont you think its important to point out dangerous behavior? If mobs of young white guys were caving in the heads of unsuspecting black people every day all over the country, wouldnt you be angry about it? Wouldnt you think something must immediately be done?

Look up how black on white violence compares to black on black violence. That should help you see there is no conspiracy.

Now remember than blacks are barely 2 generations removed from not having rights in this country. Most black people grew up with their dads and granddads having ZERO faith in white people. And they continued to be discriminated against in the workplace, and getting loans, and so on and so on and so on...

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ORION is a racist piece of shit, but that doesnt mean these attacks on white people should be written off because he is the messenger. These mobs are clearly going after white people. The knockout game is almost always white people. I saw ONE knockout video where a black bum was the target, otherwise its ALL white people. "Polar bear hunting" is a game that clearly has a racial component. White people are being attacked for the color of their skin, but no one really seems to care. That sucks man.
The REAL racists are the ones who make light of this trend to try and minimize the threat of growing black on white violence. The same people would take to the streets in protest if the colors were reversed.
You know whats fucked up... these black youths are indoctrinated by their culture to be angry at white people. Theyre pissed about how their people were treated in the past based on the color of their skin, and black people had to somtimes live in fear of white people. They never lived through it themselves though, so they have no idea what that is like. White people today however know exactly what that is like. We know that we should be scared of black neighborhoods. We know we should be cautious around groups of black people because they are beating us senseless every day. Only a naive fool would ignore reality. Black people on the other hand are perfectly safe in white neighborhoods.

Black people bitch about be looked differently. Well no shit! They earned that reputation. They steal, rob, assault, rape and murder at significantly higher rates than any other racial group in the nation. Do I have to pretend like that shit isnt true in order to not be called a fucking racist? It not their skin, its their culture. Their culture is poison. Black people will continue to under achieve as long as that culture exists.

African americans just need to become americans. Why the fuck do we all need to be different? Diversity sucks. Lets all be the same. It will be way cooler that way and certainly more peaceful.
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O.R.I.O.N., Novasteve, Tank, Katzndogs, Shitspeeders, and sometimes Matthew (but he at least means well).

^ USMB's resident racists. I'm pretty sure none of them would disagree with that label.
So its racist to point out the growing trend of racist attacks on whites. Again when some degenerate here labels me with the buzz words of liberals. Hater,Bigot,Racist,Nazi etc etc its a badge of honor.
ORION is a racist piece of shit, but that doesnt mean these attacks on white people should be written off because he is the messenger. These mobs are clearly going after white people. The knockout game is almost always white people. I saw ONE knockout video where a black bum was the target, otherwise its ALL white people. "Polar bear hunting" is a game that clearly has a racial component. White people are being attacked for the color of their skin, but no one really seems to care. That sucks man.
:lol: Only because you are an israel firster...:D
Nothing like a few numbers to see if there's a problem.. Much better than anectdotes and
winged out press pieces...

FBI ? Table 43

TOTALS (2011)
Arrest Total White Black Indian Asian % W B I A
Agg assault 305,220 194,981 102,597 4,540 3,102 63.9 33.6 1.5 1.0
Other assaults 952,421 625,330 304,083 14,875 8,133 65.7 31.9 1.6 0.9


Agg assault 31,173 17,372 13,176 376 249 55.7 42.3 1.2 0.8
Other assaults 144,865 85,813 56,467 1,638 947 59.2 39.0 1.1 0.7

Juvenile Assaults ((Our govt is 12 years BEHIND in summarizing this of course. 1999)
(remember 18 and UNDER)
O.R.I.O.N., Novasteve, Tank, Katzndogs, Shitspeeders, and sometimes Matthew (but he at least means well).

^ USMB's resident racists. I'm pretty sure none of them would disagree with that label.
So its racist to point out the growing trend of racist attacks on whites. Again when some degenerate here labels me with the buzz words of liberals. Hater,Bigot,Racist,Nazi etc etc its a badge of honor.

1/6 agrees with the label so far. 5 to go.
What does it mean? Hell if I know.. But ARREST rates are way higher for black juvies.
But this doesn't mean there's a rampant NATIONAL problem. Primarily an URBAN big city
problem.. And it goes together with opportunities, community morality, and education services.. I'll wager..
You know whats fucked up... these black youths are indoctrinated by their culture to be angry at white people. Theyre pissed about how their people were treated in the past based on the color of their skin, and black people had to somtimes live in fear of white people. They never lived through it themselves though, so they have no idea what that is like. White people today however know exactly what that is like. We know that we should be scared of black neighborhoods. We know we should be cautious around groups of black people because they are beating us senseless every day. Only a naive fool would ignore reality. Black people on the other hand are perfectly safe in white neighborhoods.

Black people bitch about be looked differently. Well no shit! They earned that reputation. They steal, rob, assault, rape and murder at significantly higher rates than any other racial group in the nation. Do I have to pretend like that shit isnt true in order to not be called a fucking racist? It not their skin, its their culture. Their culture is poison. Black people will continue to under achieve as long as that culture exists.

African americans just need to become americans. Why the fuck do we all need to be different? Diversity sucks. Lets all be the same. It will be way cooler that way and certainly more peaceful.

Glad to see someone admit they live in fear. When you live in fear you don't think rationally. You exhibit body language that signals you are a victim. That tells any predator in the area you are fair game.

Black people are not indoctrinated to be angry at white people. They are taught their history and they see how it affected their ancestors, grandparents and parents living conditions. They then see how it shapes the perception people have of themselves now in this day and age. People like you are a problem. Stop being afraid of your own shadow. When you get attacked by a Black criminal then attribute that to them being a criminal and not because they are Black.
You know whats fucked up... these black youths are indoctrinated by their culture to be angry at white people. Theyre pissed about how their people were treated in the past based on the color of their skin, and black people had to somtimes live in fear of white people. They never lived through it themselves though, so they have no idea what that is like. White people today however know exactly what that is like. We know that we should be scared of black neighborhoods. We know we should be cautious around groups of black people because they are beating us senseless every day. Only a naive fool would ignore reality. Black people on the other hand are perfectly safe in white neighborhoods.

Black people bitch about be looked differently. Well no shit! They earned that reputation. They steal, rob, assault, rape and murder at significantly higher rates than any other racial group in the nation. Do I have to pretend like that shit isnt true in order to not be called a fucking racist? It not their skin, its their culture. Their culture is poison. Black people will continue to under achieve as long as that culture exists.

African americans just need to become americans. Why the fuck do we all need to be different? Diversity sucks. Lets all be the same. It will be way cooler that way and certainly more peaceful.

Glad to see someone admit they live in fear. When you live in fear you don't think rationally. You exhibit body language that signals you are a victim. That tells any predator in the area you are fair game.

Black people are not indoctrinated to be angry at white people. They are taught their history and they see how it affected their ancestors, grandparents and parents living conditions. They then see how it shapes the perception people have of themselves now in this day and age. People like you are a problem. Stop being afraid of your own shadow. When you get attacked by a Black criminal then attribute that to them being a criminal and not because they are Black.
I notice you said "when", not "if". Probably because it's such a common occurrence that it's expected. You've just inadvertently confirmed Godboy's points. Good job.
Nothing like a few numbers to see if there's a problem.. Much better than anectdotes and
winged out press pieces...

FBI ? Table 43

TOTALS (2011)
Arrest Total White Black Indian Asian % W B I A
Agg assault 305,220 194,981 102,597 4,540 3,102 63.9 33.6 1.5 1.0
Other assaults 952,421 625,330 304,083 14,875 8,133 65.7 31.9 1.6 0.9


Agg assault 31,173 17,372 13,176 376 249 55.7 42.3 1.2 0.8
Other assaults 144,865 85,813 56,467 1,638 947 59.2 39.0 1.1 0.7

Juvenile Assaults ((Our govt is 12 years BEHIND in summarizing this of course. 1999)
(remember 18 and UNDER)

And from the web site a white person has a higher percentage of dying at the hands of another white person, than a black person...oops..

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