Roy Moore For US Senate from Alabama!!

I honestly think that is the best post you have ever made!

Did the drugs finally wear off?

You must understand that the delusional anti-Establishment Orange Jesus worshippers are so out there, they believe that a candidate who lost to an abortion-supporting liberal in the most conservative state in the union is a good choice.

It doesn't take anyone with an IQ over 70 to know that a water oak running under the Republican ticket in Alabama could beat a liberal Democrat as long as he wasn't a pederast.
Good screw gays.. I’m
Sick of them
They exist whether you like it or not. Suck it up buttercup. You aren’t entitled to people coddling your selfish worldview.
Not for long we are deregulating gun laws.. heheeh

As a convicted felon, you can't own a gun. But I can. And most of my friends do. And plenty of homosexuals do.

Your thinly veiled threat of shooting gays is truly sick. Quit worrying about what someone else does in the bedroom and get a life.
I have one shhh

One? lol Ok.

I currently have 22 of them. From rifles that reach out to 1,000 yards to handguns that work great close up. I even have one that isn't on any registry.

Why are your guns registered? None of mine are.
The only real threat to Sessions in the GOP primary is Tommy Tuberville.

Now there's a gay transsexual name, Tommy Tuberville. :lol:

You OBVIOUSLY do not know who he is, do you?

Just when I thought you were showing promise, you moved right back to Stupidville!

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
The only real threat to Sessions in the GOP primary is Tommy Tuberville.

Now there's a gay transsexual name, Tommy Tuberville. :lol:

You OBVIOUSLY do not know who he is, do you?

Just when I thought you were showing promise, you moved right back to Stupidville!

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
The only real threat to Sessions in the GOP primary is Tommy Tuberville.

Now there's a gay transsexual name, Tommy Tuberville. :lol:

You OBVIOUSLY do not know who he is, do you?

Just when I thought you were showing promise, you moved right back to Stupidville!

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
Yes it does.......LOL

LSU Tigers.........Auburn Tigers.

You OBVIOUSLY do not know who he is, do you?

Just when I thought you were showing promise, you moved right back to Stupidville!

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
Yes it does.......LOL

LSU Tigers.........Auburn Tigers.


They play Saturday.

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
Yes it does.......LOL

LSU Tigers.........Auburn Tigers.


They play Saturday.
And here in Alabama it's the Super Bowl to us.

Ok.............I'm behind the times on this one..........Looking to vote for the coach now.

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
Yes it does.......LOL

LSU Tigers.........Auburn Tigers.


They play Saturday.

You OBVIOUSLY do not know who he is, do you?

Just when I thought you were showing promise, you moved right back to Stupidville!

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
Yes it does.......LOL

LSU Tigers.........Auburn Tigers.


Do you realize that in the last 4 years Alabama has lost a total of 4 games, and every one of them were Tigers?

2019 - LSU
2018 - Clemson
2017 - Auburn
2016 - Clemson

It seems Tigers are his Kryptonite!

If Auburn wins Saturday, that will be a two-fer!
Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
Yes it does.......LOL

LSU Tigers.........Auburn Tigers.


They play Saturday.

Why is that elephant holding down an LSU Tiger?
Auburn Tigers

That doesn't answer the question, and the game is Saturday.
Yes it does.......LOL

LSU Tigers.........Auburn Tigers.


Do you realize that in the last 4 years Alabama has lost a total of 4 games, and every one of them were Tigers?

2019 - LSU
2018 - Clemson
2017 - Auburn
2016 - Clemson

It seems Tigers are his Kryptonite!

If Auburn wins Saturday, that will be a two-fer!

Took 8 years for LSU to do it..........Clemson has a good team.........but nice point......looking forward to an Auburn Rug.
I honestly think that is the best post you have ever made!

Did the drugs finally wear off?

You must understand that the delusional anti-Establishment Orange Jesus worshippers are so out there, they believe that a candidate who lost to an abortion-supporting liberal in the most conservative state in the union is a good choice.

It doesn't take anyone with an IQ over 70 to know that a water oak running under the Republican ticket in Alabama could beat a liberal Democrat as long as he wasn't a pederast.
What’s a pederast, Toro?
Damn kid fucker
Hey, are we on the same side now??
I don't have sides. I go by what I think is right, logical and constitutional.
Roy is an admitted kid fucker

Admitted? Did he tell you during pillow talk?
No he did it during an interview.
I'm surprised you didnt know that considering you know EVERYTHING;)

Yeah, that's what you thought you heard. If that were any way true, he never would have lost a close race.
Roy Moore needs to be put out to pasture.

No, we are not making gay sex illegal. And please tell us, Roy, what does that even mean?
Why can’t he have a diverse opinion?
He is a fucking bigot and ideologue . He has not respect for the constitution or the rule of law. He can have his ridiculous, knuckle dragging opinions -just stay the fuck out of government

He is a fucking bigot and ideologue .
Pot meet kettle.
Ok enough of this character assassination of Roy Moore............Which is what it was.

The Character Assassination of Roy Moore – Veterans News Report

The same believability factor plagues the Washington Post. MARK LEVIN Exposes WaPo Hit Piece on Judge Moore As Complete Fabrication gets to the heart of the false reporting.

“How did the WaPo know there were four women, who they were, and how to contact them?… A Washington Post reporter just happens to be in Alabama talking to Roy Moore supporters… And he happens to hear what no one has reported in 38 years, no political opponents – No one… That Roy Moore, 38 years ago, made advances to teenage girls. Four of them. Now, the four girls do no know each other, they have never met. Yet the person who the Post reporter happened to run into and speak to, the person who supposedly told the reporter the story about the four girls, happened to know all four girls and how to contact them?

When Judge Roy Moore rose to national prominence it was over his defense of the Ten Commandments and defiance of the unconstitutional dictates of the illegitimate court culture that expresses an anti-Christian viewpoint.

“Judge Moore is National hero. Let the cultural war turn into a judicial battle that will see the Federal black robes cast into the pit of hell. Those who understand the nature of our Republic have a duty to rally to the cause of this courageous jurist. Civil disobedience against the central court tyrants is not only appropriate, but necessary.”

The demons within the engrained establishment are inflicting payback as they rally round the stench from their deep state dung heap.
Sexual Blackmail in the Siegelman Case? | Harper's Magazine

We can now add sexual blackmail to the long list of misconduct charges lodged against the federal prosecutors who led a vendetta-like case against former Alabama Governor Don E. Siegelman.\

Moreover, Leura Canary, the U.S. attorney in Montgomery, remains in office after Alabama Republican senators Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby derailed the Obama administration’s efforts to put a successor in place by lodging objections. While Sessions and Shelby both deny they’re trying to keep Canary in office, the consequence of their serial objections, for which they offer no public explanation, is just that. Both show remarkable concern about the prospect of Canary’s removal and replacement by a new prosecutor unconnected to them. What has Jeff Sessions so bothered? I have a hunch

Time’s Adam Zagorin reported in 2007 that a key witness in the Siegelman investigation offered evidence implicating Sessions in bribery allegations far more substantial than those raised against Siegelman. The prosecutor handling the matter quickly scurried to sweep these allegations under the carpet. I then disclosed that the prosecutor handling the matter was the wife of Sessions’s attorney, a fact that under applicable Justice ethics standards required her withdrawal from the matter. It appears that the Justice Department has never investigated or acted on any of this evidence of prosecutorial misconduct involving Sessions. While the statute of limitations may now shield Sessions from criminal charges, a new U.S. attorney in Montgomery may very well feel compelled to examine the gross and ongoing ethics lapses within the office.

Canary, who oversaw the prosecution of Siegelman even as she purported to have recused herself from the case, is the wife of William Canary, a leading Alabama G.O.P. campaign advisor and close friend of Karl Rove.

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