Roy Moore – Yet Another Hateful Rightwing Bigot

You are a white Supremacist. You should be locked up. Your hateful bigotry is more disgusting.

So, you advocate putting people in prison for holding what you deem to be the wrong opinions?

It is interesting to note that those who most loudly purport to condemn “bigotry” are usually the very worst and most dangerous bigots of all. Thank you for illustrating this point for me.
‘Roy Moore, a Republican US Senate candidate in Alabama, said in a 2005 interview that he believes "homosexual conduct" should be illegal.
A phone call to Moore wasn't returned. A spokesperson for Moore's campaign, Noel Fritsch said he wouldn't answer CNN's questions about Moore's current position.

Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, "Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?"

"I think homosexuality should be illegal," Moore said.’

Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal' - CNNPolitics

Such is the contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law common to most on the right.

Such is the ignorance, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right.

Conservatism is the bane of the American Nation – its hateful, wrongheaded agenda poses the greatest threat to the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.
Great American.

Great American? Don't make me laugh so hard this early.

Would a great American, when he was the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, put a huge granite monument to the 10 Commandments in the courthouse lobby and not allow any other displays there? Then defy a federal court order to remove it? Or defy the SCOTUS and order other judges in the state to do the same?

Roy Moore is what is worst about the social conservatives.
He stands with the American people. Sorry your racist ass can't comprehend that.
He stands with the American people. Sorry your racist ass can't comprehend that.

Please show me ONE example of my being a racist. Otherwise, you are just posting bullshit as usual.

And if you can't see the unconstitutional nature of what Moore has done, you need to retake a high school civics class.
He stands with the American people. Sorry your racist ass can't comprehend that.

Please show me ONE example of my being a racist. Otherwise, you are just posting bullshit as usual.

And if you can't see the unconstitutional nature of what Moore has done, you need to retake a high school civics class.
Courts interpretation can change over time. It has with several cases. Engle v. Vitale and Abington v. Schemp come to mind. Nothing says they can't reverse those...especially the Roe ruling.
He stands with the American people. Sorry your racist ass can't comprehend that.
Exactly how was he being racist?
It's the game the left set. If you support Donald a white person...your a racist. Henceforth I will assume any future support I might have as being considered racist. I did not make this societal model...liberals and liberal media/education have. So hence my comment. I get the racist tag all the time on this board. What makes him so special?
He stands with the American people. Sorry your racist ass can't comprehend that.
Exactly how was he being racist?
It's the game the left set. If you support Donald a white person...your a racist. Henceforth I will assume any future support I might have as being considered racist. I did not make this societal model...liberals and liberal media/education have. So hence my comment. I get the racist tag all the time on this board. What makes him so special?

First of all, I am not a liberal. Second, since you have adopted their bullshit attack you neither get to complain about it anymore, and you sound like a liberal.
Opinions that conflict with yours does not a bigot make....

Being Roy Moore does.
Why are you a fan of depravity/homosexuality?

You are a white Supremacist. You should be locked up. Your hateful bigotry is more disgusting. What people do in the privacy of their home is none of my or your business.
Too bad they don't keep in in the privacy of their own home.

Judge Moore was elected Judge. Removed from the bench and elected AGAIN. Now he has resigned to run for the senate. He has a very good chance of winning because the public still has their own morals and policies.
He stands with the American people. Sorry your racist ass can't comprehend that.

Please show me ONE example of my being a racist. Otherwise, you are just posting bullshit as usual.

And if you can't see the unconstitutional nature of what Moore has done, you need to retake a high school civics class.
Courts interpretation can change over time. It has with several cases. Engle v. Vitale and Abington v. Schemp come to mind. Nothing says they can't reverse those...especially the Roe ruling.

He put a 5,000 lb monument with the 10 Commandments on it in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court, and allowed no other displays in the lobby. That completely blows out the separation of church and state. When a higher court ruled against him, he still refused to remove it. So he, as a judge, expects people to follow his rulings, but he will not accept any rulings from higher courts.
Opinions that conflict with yours does not a bigot make....

Being Roy Moore does.
Why are you a fan of depravity/homosexuality?

You are a white Supremacist. You should be locked up. Your hateful bigotry is more disgusting. What people do in the privacy of their home is none of my or your business.
Too bad they don't keep in in the privacy of their own home.

Judge Moore was elected Judge. Removed from the bench and elected AGAIN. Now he has resigned to run for the senate. He has a very good chance of winning because the public still has their own morals and policies.
Gay pride parades not needed.
He stands with the American people. Sorry your racist ass can't comprehend that.
Exactly how was he being racist?
It's the game the left set. If you support Donald a white person...your a racist. Henceforth I will assume any future support I might have as being considered racist. I did not make this societal model...liberals and liberal media/education have. So hence my comment. I get the racist tag all the time on this board. What makes him so special?

First of all, I am not a liberal. Second, since you have adopted their bullshit attack you neither get to complain about it anymore, and you sound like a liberal.
Hey, I like your conservative beliefs. No problem dude.
‘Roy Moore, a Republican US Senate candidate in Alabama, said in a 2005 interview that he believes "homosexual conduct" should be illegal.
A phone call to Moore wasn't returned. A spokesperson for Moore's campaign, Noel Fritsch said he wouldn't answer CNN's questions about Moore's current position.

Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, "Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?"

"I think homosexuality should be illegal," Moore said.’

Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal' - CNNPolitics

Such is the contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law common to most on the right.

Such is the ignorance, hate, and bigotry common to most on the right.

Conservatism is the bane of the American Nation – its hateful, wrongheaded agenda poses the greatest threat to the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.
Despite conservatism being very popular with most Americans, it is at its root profoundly contrary to the best iconic American values and the potential of humanitarianism enshrined in the American sense of fairness. With education the population can learn to embrace American liberalism.
Unless y'all are Alabamians, I don't see how or why this concerns you...

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