RT : Poland was "planning" an attack ON Germany in 1939, Ukraine was going to attack Moscow - and that is why Moscow "had" to attack Ukraine....

Ukey conscripting women and 16 year old boys
Begging bowls the world over .

The original Ukey force of up to 200000 has been all but wiped out .

And dear Uncle P only used around 20% of his force .

Remnant Ukeys are there for chopping into pieces . And that's precisely what is happening
Ukraine was going to attack Moscow - and that is why Moscow "had" to attack Ukraine....

Did you even watch the video? Not what he said at all. He said maps obtained at sites in Ukraine after they conquered it showed attack plans. He did not say that was the reason they invaded Ukraine.

They invaded Ukraine because it was in a state of civil war and the corrupt Kiev government was attacking the ethnic Russian Slavs in the East that wanted independence. Russia has a long history of defending Slavs. Ukraine fucked around and found out.
Did you even watch the video? Not what he said at all. He said maps obtained at sites in Ukraine after they conquered it showed attack plans. He did not say that was the reason they invaded Ukraine.

They invaded Ukraine because it was in a state of civil war and the corrupt Kiev government was attacking the ethnic Russian Slavs in the East that wanted independence. Russia has a long history of defending Slavs. Ukraine fucked around and found out.
What Ukraine Civil War? Let us have some history on it with sources. Thanks.
Wow, really this dumb?



They have been in a state of civil war since we helped overthrow their government in 2014.
Right. But that is not why Putin decided to invade Ukraine last February. He considers Ukraine to belong to Russia, like Crimea, and all other lands which belonged to the USSR.

Give excuses all you like, Donbas is part of Ukraine and it was a Ukrainian issue, started by Putin in order to invade Ukraine and take the whole country.

Crimea has a majority Russians, never mind how it became that way, invade and annex it to Russia.

Donbas and other areas are majority Russians, because they are next to Russia, invade and annex to Russia.

When is Mexico going to invade parts of US in order to "take back" land because the areas are mostly of Hispanic origin? Any other country would like to think that way? Which ones?
Did you even watch the video? Not what he said at all. He said maps obtained at sites in Ukraine after they conquered it showed attack plans. He did not say that was the reason they invaded Ukraine.

They invaded Ukraine because it was in a state of civil war and the corrupt Kiev government was attacking the ethnic Russian Slavs in the East that wanted independence. Russia has a long history of defending Slavs. Ukraine fucked around and found out.
That's exactly what Hitler said as his reason for attacking Czechoslovakia. You have just made Litwin's point for him.
Crimea has a majority Russians, never mind how it became that way, invade and annex it to Russia
He didn‘t “invade” Crimea. Crimea has been their primary Naval port in the south since the 1700’s.

Even the Ukraine government leased it to the Russians for 50 years.

Most of Ukraine was indeed Russia before it was changed to “the Ukraine” by a Soviet dictator. But hey, we should fight a war in order to preserve these borders? I think not. Russia can have all the ethnic Russians in those areas for all I care. If you want to pick up a gun and fight them over it, go right on ahead and do it. But we both know you won’t, so you’re really just full of shit.
That's exactly what Hitler said as his reason for attacking Czechoslovakia. You have just made Litwin's point for him.
Again, that was because of stupid borders drawn up that didn‘t represent the people. All of that land was once Prussia.
Germany really got fucked over by the end of WWI, the West took too much away from Germany, and that backfired with WWII.

The people in the Donbas region voted themselves what they wanted, to join Kiev, to be independent, or join Russia. But the West would not accept actual democracy in practice because the people didn‘t vote how they wanted (they voted for independence). So they started a war over it. Now Russia will likely take over the region. Pretty dumb move to not support their independence.
He didn‘t “invade” Crimea. Crimea has been their primary Naval port in the south since the 1700’s.

Even the Ukraine government leased it to the Russians for 50 years.

Most of Ukraine was indeed Russia before it was changed to “the Ukraine” by a Soviet dictator. But hey, we should fight a war in order to preserve these borders? I think not. Russia can have all the ethnic Russians in those areas for all I care. If you want to pick up a gun and fight them over it, go right on ahead and do it. But we both know you won’t, so you’re really just full of shit.
Revisionists history won't change the fact that a Russian President before Purina GAVE Crimea to Ukraine and Purina never liked it
It belonged to Ukraine when in fact it was Invaded and then annexed.
Had it belonged to Russia there would have been no need to annex it.
Revisionists history won't change the fact that a Russian President before Purina GAVE Crimea to Ukraine and Purina never liked it
It belonged to Ukraine when in fact it was Invaded and then annexed.
Had it belonged to Russia there would have been no need to annex it.
So now you want to go to war over Crimea?

You people are nuts.
despite the Titloose invented garbage

The attack on Ugledar was a diversion operation.
Ugledar ( Vuhledar) was originally defended by two territorial brigades. The Ukrainian command pulled two artillery brigades, one motorized infantry brigade and parts of one tank brigade from other front lines to hold onto Ugledar. The Russian attack thus did what it was supposed to do. It allowed for Russian breakthroughs at the northeastern Kharkiv front and in Bakhmut because Ukraine had moved forces away from those fronts. The fighting around Ugledar has cost Russia some, but not big losses.

Even the Times itself admits that the Russian effort in Ugledar ( Vuhledar) put the Ukrainian army into a bad situation:

The fighting over Vuhledar has come at a cost for Ukraine, too, both in terms of casualties and in the vast amounts of ammunition it has expended to repel Russia’s growing number of ground troops. Kyiv’s allies this week expressed concern about their ability to meet the demand, raising the possibly that Ukrainian commanders might at some point have to limit shelling to the most important targets.

Russia lost probably two company sizes equivalents. Some 300 casualties plus three dozen piece of larger equipment. That was simply the cost of the business
despite the Titloose invented garbage

The attack on Ugledar was a diversion operation.
Ugledar ( Vuhledar) was originally defended by two territorial brigades. The Ukrainian command pulled two artillery brigades, one motorized infantry brigade and parts of one tank brigade from other front lines to hold onto Ugledar. The Russian attack thus did what it was supposed to do. It allowed for Russian breakthroughs at the northeastern Kharkiv front and in Bakhmut because Ukraine had moved forces away from those fronts. The fighting around Ugledar has cost Russia some, but not big losses.

Even the Times itself admits that the Russian effort in Ugledar ( Vuhledar) put the Ukrainian army into a bad situation:

Russia lost probably two company sizes equivalents. Some 300 casualties plus three dozen piece of larger equipment. That was simply the cost of the business
US proximity mines were used, according to a Russian soldier.

However, it is time to come up with sources. LINKS.
Again, that was because of stupid borders drawn up that didn‘t represent the people. All of that land was once Prussia.
Germany really got fucked over by the end of WWI, the West took too much away from Germany, and that backfired with WWII.

The people in the Donbas region voted themselves what they wanted, to join Kiev, to be independent, or join Russia. But the West would not accept actual democracy in practice because the people didn‘t vote how they wanted (they voted for independence). So they started a war over it. Now Russia will likely take over the region. Pretty dumb move to not support their independence.
First, the fact that someone is an ethnic Russian does not mean he or she wants to live under the Russian government. There are ethnic Russians all over Europe and in the US who want nothing to do with the Russian government. This is an obvious excuse for Nazi and Russian imperialism.

Second, the referendum the Russians ran in Donbas and Crimea did not include the choice to remain in Ukraine. The people could vote to become part of Russia or to become semi independent within the Russian Federation, but they could not choose to remain part of Ukraine. Do you really think a country that throws people in prison for disagreeing with what the government says would give people an honest choice?
Do you really think a country that throws people in prison for disagreeing with what the government says would give people an honest choice
That is what Zelensky is doing now.

I never claimed Russia is righteous in everything it is doing. Merely that Ukraine is just as bad if not worse.

Why is it we are allowed to meddle in foreign countries’ affairs, bomb their governments out of existence, and invade them, but Russia is not?

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