Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

We need to nip this in the butt. Put abortion on the ballot. Should abortion be legal or not. Majority rules.

Anyone who has had an abortion and is now anti abortion needs to shut the hell up. You had a choice and you chose wrong. I want to have the right to choose for myself too.

Just like guns. If we make guns illegal, no one will get shot. But Americans want to have the right to bare arms and decide for themselves if they want to commit murder or not.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
We need to nip this in the butt. Put abortion on the ballot. Should abortion be legal or not. Majority rules.

Anyone who has had an abortion and is now anti abortion needs to shut the hell up. You had a choice and you chose wrong. I want to have the right to choose for myself too.

Just like guns. If we make guns illegal, no one will get shot. But Americans want to have the right to bare arms and decide for themselves if they want to commit murder or not.

I only bare my arms in the summertime. How about ewe?
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

why don't you take your atheist ass and run away to China?
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

And the GOP is going to find out that this is turning off most voters. They have alienated an awful lot of us just to woo the religious right. This may solidify red states but its going to cost them the swing states.

And I love it!!!

Who haven't the GOP alienated? Blacks, muslims, women, hispanics, mormons, athiests, agnostics, anyone in a union, government employees, etc.

They can't win. This is going to be fun.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

So much for the separation of church and state when the federal government can order Catholics to pay for things which violate their religion.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

So much for the separation of church and state when the federal government can order Catholics to pay for things which violate their religion.

she's too stupid to see the irony..
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

Really? Where in the constitution does it declare itself to be "Godless"?
By Sahil Kapur

Legislation introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to reverse the Obama administration’s birth control rule would effectively permit any employer to deny contraception coverage in their employee health plans, critics note.

“Any employer could deny birth control coverage under Rubio’s bill and all the employer would have to do is say it’s for a religious reason,” said Jessica Arons, Director of the Women’s Health and Rights Program at the liberal Center for American Progress. “There is no test to prove eligibility. It’s a loophole you could drive a truck through.”

The Rubio bill, The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, comes in response to a Catholic firestorm over the fact that the administration’s exemption on its birth control rule does not include religious hospitals and universities along with churches. But this bill appears to go far beyond that, permitting any employer to claim the religious exemption without a criteria.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters Thursday the measure would grant the exemption to “not just Catholic employers — to all employers.”

Rubio’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC

Are we trying to control costs or not? This should be an out of pocket expense.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

So much for the separation of church and state when the federal government can order Catholics to pay for things which violate their religion.

That's different... somehow.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

why don't you take your atheist ass and run away to China?

Why should I? I'm Native American, we have a Godless Constitution, and George Washington's "Treaty of Tripoli"...

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We need to nip this in the butt. Put abortion on the ballot. Should abortion be legal or not. Majority rules.

Anyone who has had an abortion and is now anti abortion needs to shut the hell up. You had a choice and you chose wrong. I want to have the right to choose for myself too.

Just like guns. If we make guns illegal, no one will get shot. But Americans want to have the right to bare arms and decide for themselves if they want to commit murder or not.

I only bare my arms in the summertime. How about ewe?

Know won is ever going two overturn row vs wade. Abortion is not murder. Its a seed. Did you pay four a funeral when you had a miscarrage?
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

No. They gave us a nation where religion and God were an intregal part of our society by preventing government from infringing on it.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

why don't you take your atheist ass and run away to China?

Why should I? I'm Native American, we have a Godless Constitution, and George Washington's "Treaty of Tripoli"...

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great point. America was founded by Christians, who had slaves and committed genocide on Native Americans.
You know, every time we get into something about free abortions or free birth control, I become more convinced that perhaps government should fund mandatory birth control and abortions for Liberals. 60 years or so, and we'll be done with them once and for all.

You know...

this is a really fucked-up thing to say about fellow citizens. That's why i neg-repped you for it.

Your retaliation is to negrep me this comment:

This was pretty much the argument for requiring the mandate in the first place.

At least I'm not talking eliminationist bullshit, so again...

Fuck you, asshole.
Do I really need to put smiley faces or type LOL after my idle musings for you?
I take everything you say as a joke. Why can't you occasionally see humor in my posts?
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

why don't you take your atheist ass and run away to China?

Why should I? I'm Native American, we have a Godless Constitution, and George Washington's "Treaty of Tripoli"...

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have your own constitution? The I guess then the Constitution of the CSA was ok?
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We need to nip this in the butt. Put abortion on the ballot. Should abortion be legal or not. Majority rules.

Anyone who has had an abortion and is now anti abortion needs to shut the hell up. You had a choice and you chose wrong. I want to have the right to choose for myself too.

Just like guns. If we make guns illegal, no one will get shot. But Americans want to have the right to bare arms and decide for themselves if they want to commit murder or not.

I only bare my arms in the summertime. How about ewe?

Know won is ever going two overturn row vs wade. Abortion is not murder. Its a seed. Did you pay four a funeral when you had a miscarrage?

It will be overturned eventually, because it's bad case law.

And yes, my wife and I did.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

So much for the separation of church and state when the federal government can order Catholics to pay for things which violate their religion.

That's different... somehow.

The Catholic church is "exempt" - just not Catholic institutions that employ folks of all (or no) faiths. Why is that so difficult to grasp? No one whined about it for eight years under Bush.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

No. They gave us a nation where religion and God were an intregal part of our society by preventing government from infringing on it.

Over reach much? What a right wing talking point.
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

Hey, asshole I'll make you a deal. I'll separate my church from your state if you separate your state from my church, OK?

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