Rubio Criticizes Romney's Tax Plan

Aug 7, 2012
Rubio Criticizes Romney's Tax Plan

Rubio: Don't Target Three of the Largest Deductions

"....One of Mitt Romney’s top surrogates acknowledged Tuesday that the GOP candidate’s tax plan will only be revenue neutral if it sparks a degree of economic growth most economists regard as wildly implausible. At the same time he warned Romney against targeting popular tax benefits as sources of new revenue to help pay for his plan to cut taxes by $5 trillion.

Taken together, the comments illustrate just how difficult it would be for any president to reform the tax code, and serve as a reminder that Romney’s tax plan is particularly dubious — and would likely require either increasing middle class taxes or tolerating significantly higher budget deficits. “There will be a very helpful debate about whether things like the charitable deduction, the health insurance premium, the home interest deduction should be part of the deal,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) at a Bloomberg View event.

“ is troubling, because it really helps the middle class,” he said. “Do you really want to hurt charitable giving in a country when you are saying that you want to rely less on government and more on private institutions to deal with these issues? And how are you going to raise taxes on people on their health care premiums when you are saying you want there to be a system in place where folks can have more control over their own money?”...."

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