Rubio goes on homophobic rant ending political career.

Being opposed to it does not mean you see it as a "danger". nice spin attempt, but once again you FAIL.

Rubio expressed his beliefs, if you disagree with him, don't vote for him.

A politician who has the guts to take a stand and stand by his principles is to be admired, not denigrated.

Remember how both HRC and obozo were against gay marriage when they thought it was the politically safe position? Its called hypocrisy or pandering, and the dims do it constantly.

Rubio said it was a danger, and you said most Americans agreed with him. You're an idiot.

most do agree with him. the voters of california voted against it twice.

But, lets settle it. Lets let the people vote as they did in Ireland. Then its over one way or the other.

There's currently 60% support for legal same sex marriage in the US. That's the same as Ireland's was going into that landslide.

We don't have national referendums. We have a Supreme Court.

Let the Right pass its Marriage Amendment to the Constitution if they can. There's your 'referendum'.

The SC can rule on whether state laws banning gay marriage are constitutional. It cannot decree that gay marriage is constitutional. Do you understand the difference?

There is no material difference. It can rule that same sex marriage is constitutionally protected and that same sex couples are entitled to the same marriage rights that states offer to opposite sex couples.

Wrong, there is a huge difference. The SC court cannot create law as you want them to.
well, good for you. Jesus was attacked, he was crucified for his faith. Christians and Jews are being beheaded and burned for their faith right now in the mid east. Are you naive or uninformed?

:lol: oh my, such dramatic fear mongering in the land of the free...

i guess you must prefer your persecutions Taliban style........... :uhoh3:

Its happening in Europe right now. Ignoring it will only bring it here faster.
Just because you think that, does not make it correct.
Like I said, come back to reality.

You don't want polygamists to have religious freedom in this country do you? You want the GOVERNMENT to keep polygamists from having any religious rights, don't you?

No, I think that polygamists should be left alone and government should not be involved.

Oh really? So now you support legal polygamy but oppose legal same sex marriage.

lol, I'd have made great lawyer, if I wasn't so lazy lolol.

The Feds should stay out of both.

Only because you don't care for the Constitution.

Because I do care about the Constitution.
The Feds are totally ignoring the Constitution and it's both parties who are doing it.
Redfish is not a Taliban type individual, but he is a persecutor and inquisitor of the old evangelical/fundmental style.

Bullshit, I want everyone to be able to worship, or not, as they choose, not as the govt dictates.

This country was founded to get away from minority rule, but you fools want us to revert to that. You want 2% of the population to dictate how the 98% must live and what they must accept as normal.
let's get something straight about this all encompassing "CHRISTIAN" label being thrown around.

the TRUTH is, it's only the religious fundamentalists who are feeling threatened by the evil 'PC'

Where Christian churches other religions stand on gay marriage Pew Research Center

Wrong, this is much bigger than the silly gay marriage BS. But if you want to focus on that, are you aware of the muslim position on gay marriage? or homosexuality in general? Are you aware of the muslim postion on the very existence of Christianity?
let's get something straight about this all encompassing "CHRISTIAN" label being thrown around.

the TRUTH is, it's only the religious fundamentalists who are feeling threatened by the evil 'PC'

Where Christian churches other religions stand on gay marriage Pew Research Center

60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also.

thats what the polls say, but if it were put to a vote in every state I think the results would be quite different.

Ask one of your gay marriage advocates if they would be OK with gay civil unions that gave them the exact same rights and benefits as a man/woman marriage. They will say no, because its not about rights and equality, its about the word "marriage". They want to use the govt of mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. Thats what this whole thing is about.
Rubio said it was a danger, and you said most Americans agreed with him. You're an idiot.

most do agree with him. the voters of california voted against it twice.

But, lets settle it. Lets let the people vote as they did in Ireland. Then its over one way or the other.

There's currently 60% support for legal same sex marriage in the US. That's the same as Ireland's was going into that landslide.

We don't have national referendums. We have a Supreme Court.

Let the Right pass its Marriage Amendment to the Constitution if they can. There's your 'referendum'.

The SC can rule on whether state laws banning gay marriage are constitutional. It cannot decree that gay marriage is constitutional. Do you understand the difference?

There is no material difference. It can rule that same sex marriage is constitutionally protected and that same sex couples are entitled to the same marriage rights that states offer to opposite sex couples.

Wrong, there is a huge difference. The SC court cannot create law as you want them to.
Your nonsense has been exploded before. Marriage equality is going to be the law of the land, and there is nothing you can do about it.
You are entitled to believing "Because I do care about the Constitution. The Feds are totally ignoring the Constitution and it's both parties who are doing it." And you are still wrong.
"Bullshit, I want everyone to be able to worship, or not, as they choose, not as the govt dictates. This country was founded to get away from minority rule, but you fools want us to revert to that. You want 2% of the population to dictate how the 98% must live and what they must accept as normal."

So we are back to minority rule according to you. You were saying you are the majority. You are not. The majority is for marriage equality. A much smaller minority is not. But even so: your minority is not going to dictate to the rest of us.
let's get something straight about this all encompassing "CHRISTIAN" label being thrown around.

the TRUTH is, it's only the religious fundamentalists who are feeling threatened by the evil 'PC'

Where Christian churches other religions stand on gay marriage Pew Research Center

Wrong, this is much bigger than the silly gay marriage BS. But if you want to focus on that, are you aware of the muslim position on gay marriage? or homosexuality in general? Are you aware of the muslim postion on the very existence of Christianity?

So now you are on the side of the Muslims? Too few here to count.

The fact is that the great majority of American Christians oppose the far right evangelical wacks.
let's get something straight about this all encompassing "CHRISTIAN" label being thrown around.

the TRUTH is, it's only the religious fundamentalists who are feeling threatened by the evil 'PC'

Where Christian churches other religions stand on gay marriage Pew Research Center

60% favor same sex marriage in the country.
40% of the population does not and they should have their rights also.

thats what the polls say, but if it were put to a vote in every state I think the results would be quite different.

Ask one of your gay marriage advocates if they would be OK with gay civil unions that gave them the exact same rights and benefits as a man/woman marriage. They will say no, because its not about rights and equality, its about the word "marriage". They want to use the govt of mandate societal acceptance of homosexuality as a normal human condition. Thats what this whole thing is about.

Your willingness to accept gay marriage under a different name is proof you have no case against gay marriage.
"We are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech"

completely ridonkulous! :rolleyes: ...only the overly emotional fringe believes such nonsense! ^

So publicly saying homosexual sex is sinful is not hate speech, hateful, or homophobic?
So...publicly saying that Judaism is sinful is not hate speech, hateful, or

so basically you can't answer the question without admitting Rubio was right.

Thanks for playing.

and no, saying Judaism is sinful is not hate speech. Saying Jews are out to control the world is hate speech, but still protected.
The point is that America was colonized by a numerous majority of white Europeans of differing denominations. Throughout the 19th century, the white Protestant conservative majority evangelized society and culture. That began to fall apart in the 1960s as minorities, women, immigrants, and other religious and non-religious groups empowered themselves.

The acceptability of 'civil union' is to no longer up for dialogue. The far right Christians closed that door a decade ago and will not be allowed to re-open it.

This is not going to change.
A Kasich-Paul ticket looks more and more realistic.

How likely do you think it is that the final ticket will be Paul/Kasich or Kasich/Paul?

Kasich/Rubio. Rubio did not hurt himself by expressing a view held by a majority of americans. The northeast and west coast media are not the USA.
Majority of Americans disagree with you, Redfish. Kasich and Paul will be the finishers.

A Kasich/Paul ticket is fine with me. Whoever the GOP runs will demolish HRC.

Really? What would you be willing to bet on that?

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