Rubio Promises Anti-Choice Activists He'll Fight Abortion Rights 'At Home And Around The World'

There is no such thing as an anti-choice activist. No one is against choice. Well, the democrats are closest to anti-choice but it depends on choice of what. The democrats don't like choice, they like control. Government approved speech, actions, jobs, pay, and on and on.
Yes I am sure people around the world will listen to him , after they stop laughing

He went on to compare the fight against abortion rights to the battles for abolition, civil rights and women’s suffrage :disbelief:

Say what! the bible thumping crackers fought against both those measures

Rubio Promises Anti-Choice Activists He ll Fight Abortion Rights At Home And Around The World Right Wing Watch
This is the actual speech... unedited for dramatics. Senator Marco Rubio No Issue is More Important Than Protecting Babies From Abortion
The message is not as dire sounding (iffy), and he fails to see that pro-choice means not just an option for abortion but the choice to have a baby, have a baby and give it up for adoption, and the use of birth control. Choice means there is more than one thing from which to choose concerning a woman's reproductivity... hence the word choice. Rubio, like most people, see only what they want to see, hear only what they want to hear, and want to make decisions for the majority based on their limited and biased thinking. I love how he down plays women's rights.. like we are too dumb to think for ourselves. We outnumber men about 5 to 1. We technically carry the vote. If women organized... we could be the force to reckon with and we would rule this country.
I just got a power surge.... whoooo! Something to think about. Men keep pissing us never know.
What? He's running for Emperor of the World?

He's against basic human rights so this isn't surprising.

Wasn't it Rubio who said something a while back about making US aid dependent on certain issues?

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