Rubio rocks!

Why not just enforce the laws on the books?

Because politicians can't score any political points for doing that.

It would be my preferred course of action though. But one twist, instead of rolling up to a factory with buses to round up all of the illegal workers, just take one car and arrest the owner/manager. Revoke their business lisence for that state and shut down the factory. Go after the cause, not the symptom.
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Why not just enforce the laws on the books?

Because politicians can't score any political points for doing that.

It would be my preferred course of action though. But one twist, instead of rolling up to a factory with buses to round up all of the illegal works, just take one car and arrest the owner/manager. Revoke their business lisence for that state and shut down the factory. Go after the cause, not the symptom.

Well the far left talks about this but will not do it as they need this illegal slave labor for their "cause".

While agree that the people who hire these people should be punished it is often hard to find out who is in the country legally and who is not. Many of the illegals (for the far left undocumented workers) have SS cards and driver licenses so it hard to verify they are who they say they are. And the far left is against such laws being in place.
Why not just enforce the laws on the books?

Because politicians can't score any political points for doing that.

It would be my preferred course of action though. But one twist, instead of rolling up to a factory with buses to round up all of the illegal workers, just take one car and arrest the owner/manager. Revoke their business lisence for that state and shut down the factory. Go after the cause, not the symptom.

Closing the factory would put the non-illegals out of work too. How mad do you want citizens to get at illegals?
I don't know if either would be interested in #2 spot, especially Ryan since he's already been there, but I like them both.

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