
Now some may have noticed I drop Cruz from my siggy and are asking "Why FIRES?"

I doubt anyone even noticed your sig before now.

As for why fires?


Would you mind sharing just what the test was where you scored an IQ of 214?

Rubio is NOT running for prez. He's running for points and power. The same is true for most of the other 20 or so Rs who may or may not be running. The R debates should be just as funny as the last few times.

Love the new bumper sticker:
"I'm a Republican and I'm not running for president".

The Democrats are happy to have a debate with Rubio on these topics. They should change "trying to" to "will" on #3. Looks like a home run ad for the Dems.
Reported April 19, 2015:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, was launched five years ago but more Americans today say they are unhappy with the law than those who claim to be happy with it, a recent Gallup poll confirmed.

The survey also showed that in the half-decade the law has been in place, support for it has never surpassed 48 percent, and in November 2014, only 37 percent of Americans said they approved of Obamacare.
Here's the part you left out:

"The latest update, based on interviewing conducted April 1-4, shows that Americans have returned to the more positive evaluation of a year and a half ago -- albeit one that remains net negative. The shift in attitudes over the past four months may reflect the public's awareness of data showing that the percentage of Americans who are uninsured has dropped substantially since the ACA-mandated open enrollment periods for obtaining insurance began to take effect."
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.
Now some may have noticed I drop Cruz from my siggy and are asking "Why FIRES?" Well Cruz came out in support of TPP and I do NOT support a bill that destroys jobs. So I have switched to Rubio and I found a little Democrat ANTI-Rubio poster the democrats were running around the net with and after reading it i agreed with it.

So let's look shall we?

1, NOT raising the minimum wage.......When Boeing workers got a raise in Seattle EVERYBODY'S rent went up and besides you are ONLY changing the number NOT fixing the problem.

2, No protections keeping immigrant families together......First off the proper word is ILLEGAL not immigrant. The American tax payer is NOT accountable to keep together ANY ILLEGAL dealings or groups.

3, Trying to repeal Obamacare.....Drop the first two words and just DO the second two. I'm great with that.

4, Denying climate change science....... The word science is a lie and the word HOAX is the truth. No greater scam has ever been used to steal your money your liberty and your choice.

So while democrats are using this as a slam I support those things.

The Democrats are happy to have a debate with Rubio on these topics. They should change "trying to" to "will" on #3. Looks like a home run ad for the Dems.
People are realizing that Obamacare is a horrible joke. Even with subsidies people can not afford the copay.

Rubio is Latino and Hillary is scared shitless of him taking away her so called "dreamers". I hate that fake word so much.

Wishful thinking.

Millions are thrilled to have it and millions more want it.

Fix what's wrong and get on with it.

As for Latinos going over to Rubio, he's still anti-working class, anti-American and being Latino doesn't change that.
Now some may have noticed I drop Cruz from my siggy and are asking "Why FIRES?" Well Cruz came out in support of TPP and I do NOT support a bill that destroys jobs. So I have switched to Rubio and I found a little Democrat ANTI-Rubio poster the democrats were running around the net with and after reading it i agreed with it.

So let's look shall we?

1, NOT raising the minimum wage.......When Boeing workers got a raise in Seattle EVERYBODY'S rent went up and besides you are ONLY changing the number NOT fixing the problem.

2, No protections keeping immigrant families together......First off the proper word is ILLEGAL not immigrant. The American tax payer is NOT accountable to keep together ANY ILLEGAL dealings or groups.

3, Trying to repeal Obamacare.....Drop the first two words and just DO the second two. I'm great with that.

4, Denying climate change science....... The word science is a lie and the word HOAX is the truth. No greater scam has ever been used to steal your money your liberty and your choice.

So while democrats are using this as a slam I support those things.

The Democrats are happy to have a debate with Rubio on these topics. They should change "trying to" to "will" on #3. Looks like a home run ad for the Dems.


But the Hildabeast campaign has said repeatedly Rubio is the candidate they most fear.

Let's see.....Rubio is young, smart, telegenic....he has charisma...and people seem to like him. Plus he is Latino.

Meanwhile...the Hildabeast is very old, out of touch, rich white woman....a liar...a thief...a has all the charm of a collapsed out house.

Rucio is very bad for the Hildabeast....very bad. :(
Reported April 19, 2015:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, was launched five years ago but more Americans today say they are unhappy with the law than those who claim to be happy with it, a recent Gallup poll confirmed.

The survey also showed that in the half-decade the law has been in place, support for it has never surpassed 48 percent, and in November 2014, only 37 percent of Americans said they approved of Obamacare.
Here's the part you left out:

"The latest update, based on interviewing conducted April 1-4, shows that Americans have returned to the more positive evaluation of a year and a half ago -- albeit one that remains net negative. The shift in attitudes over the past four months may reflect the public's awareness of data showing that the percentage of Americans who are uninsured has dropped substantially since the ACA-mandated open enrollment periods for obtaining insurance began to take effect."
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.
Marco has had a replacement for Obamacare since March

Rubio rolls out ObamaCare alternative TheHill
Now some may have noticed I drop Cruz from my siggy and are asking "Why FIRES?" Well Cruz came out in support of TPP and I do NOT support a bill that destroys jobs. So I have switched to Rubio and I found a little Democrat ANTI-Rubio poster the democrats were running around the net with and after reading it i agreed with it.

So let's look shall we?

1, NOT raising the minimum wage.......When Boeing workers got a raise in Seattle EVERYBODY'S rent went up and besides you are ONLY changing the number NOT fixing the problem.

2, No protections keeping immigrant families together......First off the proper word is ILLEGAL not immigrant. The American tax payer is NOT accountable to keep together ANY ILLEGAL dealings or groups.

3, Trying to repeal Obamacare.....Drop the first two words and just DO the second two. I'm great with that.

4, Denying climate change science....... The word science is a lie and the word HOAX is the truth. No greater scam has ever been used to steal your money your liberty and your choice.

So while democrats are using this as a slam I support those things.

The Democrats are happy to have a debate with Rubio on these topics. They should change "trying to" to "will" on #3. Looks like a home run ad for the Dems.
Reported April 19, 2015:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, was launched five years ago but more Americans today say they are unhappy with the law than those who claim to be happy with it, a recent Gallup poll confirmed.

The survey also showed that in the half-decade the law has been in place, support for it has never surpassed 48 percent, and in November 2014, only 37 percent of Americans said they approved of Obamacare.

Very dishonest, a lot of people don't like what was offered with the ACA (a sop to the insurance companies) they wanted universal healthcare for all and they are counted in the don't like statistics
Reported April 19, 2015:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, was launched five years ago but more Americans today say they are unhappy with the law than those who claim to be happy with it, a recent Gallup poll confirmed.

The survey also showed that in the half-decade the law has been in place, support for it has never surpassed 48 percent, and in November 2014, only 37 percent of Americans said they approved of Obamacare.
Here's the part you left out:

"The latest update, based on interviewing conducted April 1-4, shows that Americans have returned to the more positive evaluation of a year and a half ago -- albeit one that remains net negative. The shift in attitudes over the past four months may reflect the public's awareness of data showing that the percentage of Americans who are uninsured has dropped substantially since the ACA-mandated open enrollment periods for obtaining insurance began to take effect."
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.

"It's law"

Laws can be repealed.
Here's the part you left out:

"The latest update, based on interviewing conducted April 1-4, shows that Americans have returned to the more positive evaluation of a year and a half ago -- albeit one that remains net negative. The shift in attitudes over the past four months may reflect the public's awareness of data showing that the percentage of Americans who are uninsured has dropped substantially since the ACA-mandated open enrollment periods for obtaining insurance began to take effect."
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.

"It's law"

Laws can be repealed.


Six years in, and the GOP has still not put an alternative on the table.

I guess they're utterly stumped, eh?
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.

"It's law"

Laws can be repealed.


Six years in, and the GOP has still not put an alternative on the table.

I guess they're utterly stumped, eh?
Guess you're reading comp-challenged
Here's the part you left out:

"The latest update, based on interviewing conducted April 1-4, shows that Americans have returned to the more positive evaluation of a year and a half ago -- albeit one that remains net negative. The shift in attitudes over the past four months may reflect the public's awareness of data showing that the percentage of Americans who are uninsured has dropped substantially since the ACA-mandated open enrollment periods for obtaining insurance began to take effect."
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.
Marco has had a replacement for Obamacare since March

Rubio rolls out ObamaCare alternative TheHill
That is not an ObamaCare replacement. You should read the article.

It is a stop gap measure if the federal exchange subsidies are overturned by the Supreme Court. It is not a comprehensive plan to replace ObamaCare.

Rubio has not put an actual bill on the table.

“Such a ruling should prove once and for all that ObamaCare cannot be fixed and must be fully repealed and replaced,” he writes. “That must be the ultimate goal of Congress and our next president.
Rubio is at best a VP choice, he's not ready to be POTUS.
Now that could be true as he is not polished. But at this point I am willing to overlook polish and take honesty something Hillary lacks.

Democrats and the liberal dominated media would chew Rubio up and spit him out on the sidewalk, that's my opinion. As a VP he could help the ticket but the top of the ticket needs to be a candidate that can bitch slap the liberal media, at least hold their own. Rand has proven he can do that, Christie is pretty good at that also.

The thing is the GOP candidate will be running against the liberal media, it has no problem twisting the facts, intentionally distorting or taking comments out of context, or outright lying. They got Romney good when during one of the presidential debates the freaking debate moderator jumped into the debate taking Obama's side, and the moderator was wrong. That presented Romney with a great opportunity to bitch slap that moderator back in her place, instead it stunned Romney and he lost all momentum in that debate. The liberal media are sneaky bastards the GOP needs a candidate who can at least hold there own or its over.
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.

"It's law"

Laws can be repealed.


Six years in, and the GOP has still not put an alternative on the table.

I guess they're utterly stumped, eh?
Guess you're reading comp-challenged
Nope. You are. Rubio has not put an ObamaCare replacement on the table.
If Rubio ever gets around to writing an actual comprehensive health care reform bill to replace ObamaCare, I wonder if Fox News will whine, "TL;DNR" like they did with the ACA. ;)
We don't want to repeal Obamacare, not yet not until we finish using it to destroy Democrats.
Yeah, right. :badgrin:

The longer it is around, the more popular it will become.

Hey, when will we see those 93 million people lose their health insurance that was predicted by the right wing whackjobs for 2014 2015?

Wait. Let me guess...

We don't want to repeal Obamacare, not yet not until we finish using it to destroy Democrats.
Yeah, right. :badgrin:

The longer it is around, the more popular it will become.

Hey, when will we see those 93 million people lose their health insurance that was predicted by the right wing whackjobs for 2014 2015?

Dude, you are in denial. Obamacare was so toxic to Dem's in the 2014 election they forced Obama to go on national tv and take the blame for it and they still got wiped out. :laugh:
Rubio is at best a VP choice, he's not ready to be POTUS.
Now that could be true as he is not polished. But at this point I am willing to overlook polish and take honesty something Hillary lacks.

Democrats and the liberal dominated media would chew Rubio up and spit him out on the sidewalk, that's my opinion. As a VP he could help the ticket but the top of the ticket needs to be a candidate that can bitch slap the liberal media, at least hold their own. Rand has proven he can do that, Christie is pretty good at that also.

The thing is the GOP candidate will be running against the liberal media, it has no problem twisting the facts, intentionally distorting or taking comments out of context, or outright lying. They got Romney good when during one of the presidential debates the freaking debate moderator jumped into the debate taking Obama's side, and the moderator was wrong. That presented Romney with a great opportunity to bitch slap that moderator back in her place, instead it stunned Romney and he lost all momentum in that debate. The liberal media are sneaky bastards the GOP needs a candidate who can at least hold there own or its over.

sneaky bastards....:rofl:
We don't want to repeal Obamacare, not yet not until we finish using it to destroy Democrats.
Yeah, right. :badgrin:

The longer it is around, the more popular it will become.

Hey, when will we see those 93 million people lose their health insurance that was predicted by the right wing whackjobs for 2014 2015?

Dude, you are in denial. Obamacare was so toxic to Dem's in the 2014 election they forced Obama to go on national tv and take the blame for it and they still got wiped out. :laugh:
The trend line is moving up.

Like I said. You'll see.
Now some may have noticed I drop Cruz from my siggy and are asking "Why FIRES?" Well Cruz came out in support of TPP and I do NOT support a bill that destroys jobs. So I have switched to Rubio and I found a little Democrat ANTI-Rubio poster the democrats were running around the net with and after reading it i agreed with it.

So let's look shall we?

1, NOT raising the minimum wage.......When Boeing workers got a raise in Seattle EVERYBODY'S rent went up and besides you are ONLY changing the number NOT fixing the problem.

2, No protections keeping immigrant families together......First off the proper word is ILLEGAL not immigrant. The American tax payer is NOT accountable to keep together ANY ILLEGAL dealings or groups.

3, Trying to repeal Obamacare.....Drop the first two words and just DO the second two. I'm great with that.

4, Denying climate change science....... The word science is a lie and the word HOAX is the truth. No greater scam has ever been used to steal your money your liberty and your choice.

So while democrats are using this as a slam I support those things.
i have had the ticket down to Rubio/Cruz/Walker/Martinez for quite some time now.

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