
Aside from the idiotic back and fourth from the OP....Rubio probably poses the greatest threat to Hillary in a head-to-head match up. Electorally, he should be able to take Florida which is 29 EVs off the table. The GOP needs 65. I can see him doing well out west with Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. I believe that is 23 votes. That gets him into striking distance if he is able to pierce the Clinton firewall in the Industrial NE and Midwest.
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
In the Bill of Rights where is healthcare? It's NOT a right therefore NOT a valid demand.

Non sequitur.

In the Bill of Rights, where are airport screenings?
Non Sequitur is not valid in this case.
ACA you are FORCED to pay for.
Airport screenings you are not.
Apple vs Orange.
Not apples and oranges, by the way. There are a lot of stupid people who use the old, "Show me in the Constitution where (blank) is." It betrays a massive ignorance of how our government and our Constitution work.
Aside from the idiotic back and fourth from the OP....Rubio probably poses the greatest threat to Hillary in a head-to-head match up. Electorally, he should be able to take Florida which is 29 EVs off the table. The GOP needs 65. I can see him doing well out west with Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. I believe that is 23 votes. That gets him into striking distance if he is able to pierce the Clinton firewall in the Industrial NE and Midwest.
Which is why he would be a good VP candidate matched up with a Presidential candidate from another big swing state like, say, Ohio.

Go Kucinich! :D
Aside from the idiotic back and fourth from the OP....Rubio probably poses the greatest threat to Hillary in a head-to-head match up. Electorally, he should be able to take Florida which is 29 EVs off the table. The GOP needs 65. I can see him doing well out west with Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. I believe that is 23 votes. That gets him into striking distance if he is able to pierce the Clinton firewall in the Industrial NE and Midwest.
Which is why he would be a good VP candidate matched up with a Presidential candidate from another big swing state like, say, Ohio.

Go Kucinich! :D

That puts Florida back into play. Nobody votes for VP (see Paul Ryan in 2012).
I don't think Kucinich wins you Ohio outright.
Rubio is still on my list. (I begin by giving all candidates benefit of the doubt. Then I eliminate them one by one.)

Hillary lost out with me years ago. There may be a Democrat that comes into the picture that I might vote for....but I doubt it.
Cruz lost me with TPP so I know what you mean.

I hate to break it to you, but Marco Rubio supports the TPP as well.

Paul is pretty much the only Republican candidate who doesn't.
Aside from the idiotic back and fourth from the OP....Rubio probably poses the greatest threat to Hillary in a head-to-head match up. Electorally, he should be able to take Florida which is 29 EVs off the table. The GOP needs 65. I can see him doing well out west with Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. I believe that is 23 votes. That gets him into striking distance if he is able to pierce the Clinton firewall in the Industrial NE and Midwest.
Which is why he would be a good VP candidate matched up with a Presidential candidate from another big swing state like, say, Ohio.

Go Kucinich! :D

That puts Florida back into play. Nobody votes for VP (see Paul Ryan in 2012).
I don't think Kucinich wins you Ohio outright.
Winning Florida is easy, just take the NASA vote. You can talk down climate and support Space Shuttle gen2 and do just fine.
Regarding his plan to protect the American economy, Rubio said new job growth is dependent on international trade. He called on Congress to give Trade Promotion Authority to President Obama so the president can finalize controversial trade deals that have drawn criticism from members of his own party. Rubio also criticized former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's role in the Obama administration's foreign policy.

Marco Rubio unveils The Rubio Doctrine

Vote for cloture: Yea

If Rubio ran on fresh blood against a tired, outdated Hillary...he could win

But running on Reagan policies that predate even Hillary, will doom him
You missed his announcement speech
What showed he was his own man

List three things
Obviously pointed at Hillary:
They're busy looking backwards. So they do not see how jobs and prosperity today depend on our ability to complete -- compete in a global economy. And so our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing and borrowing and regulating like it was 1999
How does that make him stand out from the rest of the clown car?

Rubio needs to show he is something new and different to beat Hillary.
Aside from the idiotic back and fourth from the OP....Rubio probably poses the greatest threat to Hillary in a head-to-head match up. Electorally, he should be able to take Florida which is 29 EVs off the table. The GOP needs 65. I can see him doing well out west with Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. I believe that is 23 votes. That gets him into striking distance if he is able to pierce the Clinton firewall in the Industrial NE and Midwest.
Which is why he would be a good VP candidate matched up with a Presidential candidate from another big swing state like, say, Ohio.

Go Kucinich! :D

That puts Florida back into play. Nobody votes for VP (see Paul Ryan in 2012).
I don't think Kucinich wins you Ohio outright.
Winning Florida is easy, just take the NASA vote. You can talk down climate and support Space Shuttle gen2 and do just fine.

The NASA vote....

You're dumber than I tell people.
Here's the part you left out:

"The latest update, based on interviewing conducted April 1-4, shows that Americans have returned to the more positive evaluation of a year and a half ago -- albeit one that remains net negative. The shift in attitudes over the past four months may reflect the public's awareness of data showing that the percentage of Americans who are uninsured has dropped substantially since the ACA-mandated open enrollment periods for obtaining insurance began to take effect."
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.

"It's law"

Laws can be repealed.

It has been passed more than 50 times.

If a Republican gets into the WH, he will have to decide whether to take health care away from millions.
If Rubio ran on fresh blood against a tired, outdated Hillary...he could win

But running on Reagan policies that predate even Hillary, will doom him
You missed his announcement speech
What showed he was his own man

List three things
Obviously pointed at Hillary:
They're busy looking backwards. So they do not see how jobs and prosperity today depend on our ability to complete -- compete in a global economy. And so our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing and borrowing and regulating like it was 1999
How does that make him stand out from the rest of the clown car?

Rubio needs to show he is something new and different to beat Hillary.
Getting into the General will be a difficult needle to thread. But if he does, he'll be able to compare/contrast a lot easier than some others in the RCC.

The problem Rubio faces is that if he can't muster the charisma factor, he's gone. There will have to be a lot of smoke and mirrors for him to win because Clinton's record is superior to his in every way shape and form. Make it a contest of ideals and the future and perhaps he is able to win the day.
If Rubio ran on fresh blood against a tired, outdated Hillary...he could win

But running on Reagan policies that predate even Hillary, will doom him
You missed his announcement speech
What showed he was his own man

List three things
Obviously pointed at Hillary:
They're busy looking backwards. So they do not see how jobs and prosperity today depend on our ability to complete -- compete in a global economy. And so our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing and borrowing and regulating like it was 1999
How does that make him stand out from the rest of the clown car?

Rubio needs to show he is something new and different to beat Hillary.
Getting into the General will be a difficult needle to thread. But if he does, he'll be able to compare/contrast a lot easier than some others in the RCC.

The problem Rubio faces is that if he can't muster the charisma factor, he's gone. There will have to be a lot of smoke and mirrors for him to win because Clinton's record is superior to his in every way shape and form. Make it a contest of ideals and the future and perhaps he is able to win the day.
Name a piece of legislation where she was the sponsor or cosponsor
If Rubio ran on fresh blood against a tired, outdated Hillary...he could win

But running on Reagan policies that predate even Hillary, will doom him
You missed his announcement speech
What showed he was his own man

List three things
Obviously pointed at Hillary:
They're busy looking backwards. So they do not see how jobs and prosperity today depend on our ability to complete -- compete in a global economy. And so our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing and borrowing and regulating like it was 1999
How does that make him stand out from the rest of the clown car?

Rubio needs to show he is something new and different to beat Hillary.
Getting into the General will be a difficult needle to thread. But if he does, he'll be able to compare/contrast a lot easier than some others in the RCC.

The problem Rubio faces is that if he can't muster the charisma factor, he's gone. There will have to be a lot of smoke and mirrors for him to win because Clinton's record is superior to his in every way shape and form. Make it a contest of ideals and the future and perhaps he is able to win the day.
Rubio will have to take the middle away from Hillary. So far, I dont see it
Regarding his plan to protect the American economy, Rubio said new job growth is dependent on international trade. He called on Congress to give Trade Promotion Authority to President Obama so the president can finalize controversial trade deals that have drawn criticism from members of his own party. Rubio also criticized former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's role in the Obama administration's foreign policy.

Marco Rubio unveils The Rubio Doctrine

Vote for cloture: Yea

His stance on the PA really bothers me, though....
The GOP never put a comprehensive alternative on the table. It should be blazingly clear to even the most retarded of rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats decades ago.

All the ballyhooing and 50-odd fake repeals is theater for the rubes.

Jesus H. Christ. Figure it out, tards!
Simply repealing it and letting the market take over will be an improvement! Obamacare is a fucking catastrophe!

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