
The GOP never put a comprehensive alternative on the table. It should be blazingly clear to even the most retarded of rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats decades ago.

All the ballyhooing and 50-odd fake repeals is theater for the rubes.

Jesus H. Christ. Figure it out, tards!
If Rubio ran on fresh blood against a tired, outdated Hillary...he could win

But running on Reagan policies that predate even Hillary, will doom him
With the behind-the-scenes cooperation of the GOP Establishment, we will have single payer health care within the next 20 years.
As you, apparently, skimmed past the "net negative" part
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.

"It's law"

Laws can be repealed.


Six years in, and the GOP has still not put an alternative on the table.

I guess they're utterly stumped, eh?
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.
Search HR 3121
A repeal, with nothing comprehensive to reform our broken health care system. It has some tiny, tiny Band-Aids in it, that's it.
IOW, none of the plans republicans have presented are adequate for you.
Your claim was that they haven't proposed anything at all.
I'm on my phone googling and can find numerous results.
You're just being lazy and bullheaded
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
Rubio is at best a VP choice, he's not ready to be POTUS.
Now that could be true as he is not polished. But at this point I am willing to overlook polish and take honesty something Hillary lacks.

Democrats and the liberal dominated media would chew Rubio up and spit him out on the sidewalk, that's my opinion. As a VP he could help the ticket but the top of the ticket needs to be a candidate that can bitch slap the liberal media, at least hold their own. Rand has proven he can do that, Christie is pretty good at that also.

The thing is the GOP candidate will be running against the liberal media, it has no problem twisting the facts, intentionally distorting or taking comments out of context, or outright lying. They got Romney good when during one of the presidential debates the freaking debate moderator jumped into the debate taking Obama's side, and the moderator was wrong. That presented Romney with a great opportunity to bitch slap that moderator back in her place, instead it stunned Romney and he lost all momentum in that debate. The liberal media are sneaky bastards the GOP needs a candidate who can at least hold there own or its over.
Well if you want battle hard and tested with the press. No one beats Walker.
That will change. The more time passes, the more popular ObamaCare will become. A majority will want it "fixed" but not repealed.

You'll see.

If you take the gun away from their heads, forcing people to sign up, how many will want it?


Its law. Here to stay. Just as with Medicare, it needs changes made in order to work for all.

Difference is, the Repubs weren't working so hard to keep health care away from Americans the way they are now.

"It's law"

Laws can be repealed.


Six years in, and the GOP has still not put an alternative on the table.

I guess they're utterly stumped, eh?
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.
They don't have to win the Whitehouse either

They can be satisfied with pandering to the Teatards
The GOP Establishment sits on their thumbs for decades, and then when the Democrats finally do what they said all along they would do, the GOP puts on a show for the rubes to parrot.


Damn you Obaaaa....


Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
In the Bill of Rights where is healthcare? It's NOT a right therefore NOT a valid demand.
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
In the Bill of Rights where is healthcare? It's NOT a right therefore NOT a valid demand.

Non sequitur.

In the Bill of Rights, where are airport screenings?
If Rubio ran on fresh blood against a tired, outdated Hillary...he could win

But running on Reagan policies that predate even Hillary, will doom him
You missed his announcement speech
What showed he was his own man

List three things
Obviously pointed at Hillary:
They're busy looking backwards. So they do not see how jobs and prosperity today depend on our ability to complete -- compete in a global economy. And so our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing and borrowing and regulating like it was 1999
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
In the Bill of Rights where is healthcare? It's NOT a right therefore NOT a valid demand.

Non sequitur.

In the Bill of Rights, where are airport screenings?
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
In the Bill of Rights where is healthcare? It's NOT a right therefore NOT a valid demand.

Non sequitur.

In the Bill of Rights, where are airport screenings?
Non Sequitur is not valid in this case.
ACA you are FORCED to pay for.
Airport screenings you are not.
Apple vs Orange.
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
In the Bill of Rights where is healthcare? It's NOT a right therefore NOT a valid demand.

Non sequitur.

In the Bill of Rights, where are airport screenings?
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
And YOUR money IS property and one of your effects.
A mandate is a baseless warrant for your property.
Why does the GOP HAVE to put something on the table? They don't HAVE to do anything. The only thing they HAVE to do is what Conservatives tell them.

The GOP has to put something on the table because we cannot go back to the "status quo". The status quo was health care costs outpacing inflation FOR DECADES.

This is what should tell you that you have been sold down the river by your GOP masters. They had decades to do something about the problem, and did NOTHING. When they owned all three branches of government, they still did nothing.

And six years into Obama's regime, they STILL have not offered up a plan.

All those decades, the Democrats were telegraphing in the clear exactly what they would do if given half a chance.

So like I said, it should be obvious to even the most retarded of credulous rubes by now the GOP Establishment sold us all down the health care river to the Democrats a long time ago.
In the Bill of Rights where is healthcare? It's NOT a right therefore NOT a valid demand.

Non sequitur.

In the Bill of Rights, where are airport screenings?
Non Sequitur is not valid in this case.
ACA you are FORCED to pay for.
Airport screenings you are not.
Apple vs Orange.
I can write all the live long day what is wrong with the ACA, without using bold text, too!

In fact, I have written quite a few long and articulate posts about the disaster that is ObamaCare. So don't be one of those people stupid enough to think I support it.

However, just because I oppose ObamaCare does not mean I can go around ignoring reality like most ACA opponents do.

It's a simple fact health care costs outpaced inflation for decades and the GOP did nothing about it. It is also a simple fact the Democrats signaled what they would do about it. Are you old enough to remember HillaryCare? How about Ted Kennedy plugging away for single payer health care for decades before that?

So it isn't like ObamaCare blindsided the GOP. We saw it coming since I was knee high to a grasshopper.

Yet they did NOTHING to stop it. It is as obvious as the nose on your face the GOP abdicated on this issue.

You've been had, sucker. Wakey wakey.

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