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How Liberace Inspired Marco Rubio (Yes, Really) | Advocate.com

1 .Immigration Reform:
The Gang of Eight is a common colloquial term for the bi-partisan group of eight Senators writing the 2013 comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) bill. The group has also been instrumental in bringing Comprehensive Immigration Reform back to the legislative branch in the spring of 2013.[1]

Collectively, these eight senators wrote the first draft of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, commonly known as “the immigration bill.”[2]

Except that now he has abandoned comprehensive reform in favor of the xenophobic party line http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/marco-rubio-2016-immigration-116926

Instead, Rubio is renewing an argument he made originally that Congress should take up immigration reform in pieces, starting with proposals that Republicans largely support such as enforcement at the southern border, a mandatory electronic system to verify the legal status of employees and a new method to track people who overstay their visas. He’ll argue that deporting all 11 million immigrants here illegally is improbable, and call for an onerous series of steps to allow some to stay in the country. And a President Rubio would only entertain that possibility of citizenship after a enforcement-minded immigration laws are enacted first.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/marco-rubio-2016-immigration-116926#ixzz3zPVwozma

And there is this:


2. Support for Obama Trade:
Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It,” screamed a headline in Breitbart News, which last rode the Florida Republican on immigration.

Deciding vote is hyperbolic but Rubio’s was essential as the measure was advanced Tuesday by 60 votes, the exact number needed to overcome the Senate’s procedural hurdles.

A number of conservative groups have lashed out at giving Obama fast track authority on trade deals, claiming the accords have been created in secret and warning it would bring in more foreign workers. Plus they don’t want to give Obama any more power.

Republicans and conservatives are divided on the issue so it is difficult to say that he is not conservative because he supported it. Carson and Bush also backed it.

3. Muslim Immigration: That appears to be true , but it does not make him a flaming liberal. And this makes him a spineless coward: http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2015/12/08/marco-rubio-misrepresents-position-muslim-immigration-sean-hannity/

4. Support for corporate out sourcing: Of course that’s conservative! Conservative do not care about American Workers and readily sell their souls to the corporations.

5. Food stamp reform: This appears to be true. In 2011, he went against a Republican plan to shave $10M off of the program by reining in fraud. I have to wonder what he would say now if it came up. I don’t think that it has r will.

6. Obama’s war in Libya : Oh look where that came from! http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/rubio-takes-the-lead-to-support-obamas-war-in-libya/article/143035 Yes, he supported the war like CONSERVITIES will do. The fact that he bucked his party, that was against the intervention (most likely because Obama was for it) does not make him anything other than conservative. And then there is this:

And Rubio is trying to push the administration into fully embracing regime change as an explicit goal, thus providing a compelling clarity for American military action—a clarity that he thinks will increase support for the effort at home and the chances of success on the ground.

7. Worst attendance: That has what to do with being conservative or not? Do liberals have bad attendance records?

And lets not forget: http://www.salon.com/2016/02/05/marco_rubio_is_not_a_moderate_yesterdays_tea_partier_is_todays_establishment_favorite_partner/

In addition, he is a religious zealot, an oligarchist and opposes marriage equality, as I have documented right here. What was your point with this post? You like him because he is not conservative. Think about it!
Hell no!

Marco Rubio: I would tell rape victim ‘it’s a terrible situation’ but have the rapist’s baby anyway

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) promised on Sunday that he would sign an abortion ban as president that provided exceptions for rape even though he preferred for pregnant victims to have their rapists’ babies.

Following a Saturday night’s Republican Presidential Debate on ABC News, host George Stephanopoulos noted during a Sunday interview that Rubio had been hammered for his belief that abortion was wrong even in cases of rape or incest.

“Abortion to me is not a political issue,” Rubio insisted. “It’s a human rights issue. And so, if [Jeb Bush] wants to make it a political issue, that’s his right. For me, it’s not.”

“I do require an exception for life of the mother because I’m pro-life,” he continued. “Number two, as I’ve said, if they pass a law in Congress that has exceptions, I’ll sign it. Because I want to save lives.”

Marco Rubio’s disastrous debate performance leads Twitter to conclude he’s a ‘glitchy’ robot

Marcos Rubio’s ascent as the establishment Republican candidate for president may have crashed and burned Saturday night after his over-reliance on a single talking point regarding President Obama led viewers and commentators to conclude he came off like glitchy preprogrammed robot.

Rubio’s insistance on repeating “Let’s dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He is trying to change this country,” multiple times during the evening led to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie openly mocking him during the debate.

This is not the first time it has been noted that Rubio’s responses to questions seems preprogrammed.
A little scared, PP?
Anybody with a brain, a sense of social justice or a moral compass would be scared. Anybody who cares about this country would be scared. Guess you're not scared.

Guess you're a pussy.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. It tell me all that I need to know about the level of intellect -or lack thereof- that we are dealing with here.
Yeah, because that photo shopped picture exhibits maturity and deep thought.

You're both wimps.
A little scared, PP?
Anybody with a brain, a sense of social justice or a moral compass would be scared. Anybody who cares about this country would be scared. Guess you're not scared.

Guess you're a pussy.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. It tell me all that I need to know about the level of intellect -or lack thereof- that we are dealing with here.

Not my fault you're a pussy.
A little scared, PP?
Anybody with a brain, a sense of social justice or a moral compass would be scared. Anybody who cares about this country would be scared. Guess you're not scared.

Guess you're a pussy.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. It tell me all that I need to know about the level of intellect -or lack thereof- that we are dealing with here.
Yeah, because that photo shopped picture exhibits maturity and deep thought.

You're both wimps.
Wow, you figured out that it was photo shopped! I'm impressed!
A little scared, PP?
Anybody with a brain, a sense of social justice or a moral compass would be scared. Anybody who cares about this country would be scared. Guess you're not scared.

Guess you're a pussy.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. It tell me all that I need to know about the level of intellect -or lack thereof- that we are dealing with here.
Yeah, because that photo shopped picture exhibits maturity and deep thought.

You're both wimps.
Wow, you figured out that it was photo shopped! I'm impressed!
No. What I figured out that one petulant idiot was calling another an idiot. No one expects high-brow exchanges here, but still, there should be limits to sinking into an intellectual abyss.
Anybody with a brain, a sense of social justice or a moral compass would be scared. Anybody who cares about this country would be scared. Guess you're not scared.

Guess you're a pussy.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. It tell me all that I need to know about the level of intellect -or lack thereof- that we are dealing with here.
Yeah, because that photo shopped picture exhibits maturity and deep thought.

You're both wimps.
Wow, you figured out that it was photo shopped! I'm impressed!
No. What I figured out that one petulant idiot was calling another an idiot. No one expects high-brow exchanges here, but still, there should be limits to sinking into an intellectual abyss.

You prefer to be alone down there?
Anybody with a brain, a sense of social justice or a moral compass would be scared. Anybody who cares about this country would be scared. Guess you're not scared.

Guess you're a pussy.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. It tell me all that I need to know about the level of intellect -or lack thereof- that we are dealing with here.
Yeah, because that photo shopped picture exhibits maturity and deep thought.

You're both wimps.
Wow, you figured out that it was photo shopped! I'm impressed!
No. What I figured out that one petulant idiot was calling another an idiot. No one expects high-brow exchanges here, but still, there should be limits to sinking into an intellectual abyss.
And who exactly is it that 's sinking into an intellectual abyss Meathead? I'm smart enough not to get into a pissing match here and let assholes drag me down to their level. It should be pretty clear who the real idiot is here.
Marco Rubio Says He Isn't a 'Hater,' But Check His Record | Advocate.com

Ham, a writer for conservative websites and a Fox News contributor, served as the debate’s obligatory right-winger. The Republican National Committee actually requires voices such as hers and conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt to be given a platform or the networks risk losing the debates altogether.

Ham started out by telling Rubio that it’s “one of the lazier pieces of political wisdom” to claim Republicans are losing with younger voters on social issues. “On one hand, it’s clear young people across the political spectrum increasingly favor same-sex marriage,” she said, “however, young voters have not moved to the left on abortion.” Then she asked Rubio, “How do you speak to millennials on both these issues while Democrats will inevitably charge intolerance and extremism?”

Then came the bullshit.

“I don’t believe that believing in traditional marriage the way I do makes you a bigot or a hater,” he said. “It means that you believe that this institution that’s been around for millennia is an important cornerstone of our society. I respect people that believe differently. But I believe deeply that marriage should be between one man and one woman.”

Rubio is glossing over a lot of policy ideas to cast himself merely as a believer in traditional marriage who respects others’ opinions.

In fact he has no respect for people who believe differently. If he did, he would not be plotting to pull the rug out from under those who have won the right to marry the one that they love.

Like many of the other Republican candidates, he’s promised to nominate judges to the Supreme Court who will tilt its ideological balance. Rubio told the Christian Broadcasting Network in November that marriage equality "is current law, it is not settled law." That’s an important term, “settled law,” because it means Rubio believes the court could reverse itself. Undoing the Obergefell ruling, according to Rubio, just requires sending his restocked court another case — which would be an opportunity to reverse itself

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