Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

But they cannot prove he lied.
They literally said the evidence proves he lied. Good god.
I expect the outcome will be brutal for Rudy...and it will give a preview of the Dominion Machine lawsuit. Rudy could be homeless after they finish with him.
The only way for Dominion to win a lawsuit, is to first explain to the American voter's why it refuses to be transparent in a contested American election. If they refuse to be totally transparent when critical request are made in order to prove election integrity, then the United States government should sanction them on behalf of the American people, and they should ban them from ever participating in another American election. They alledgedly have let down the American people over the issue, and they have assumed a bad grade on their appearance of lacking to be honest and transparent in concerns of our election's. nuts always have a nutty excuse at hand, when reality doesn't align with your goofy fantasies. Which is most of the time.

Total partisan hackery.

That they held no hearing proves that to be the fact.
They didn’t need a hearing you idiot. There have been several dozen of those in which Rudy outed himself.

Dude shoulda quit while he was way ahead and prior to the dementia. He over now :)
It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
He may get his license back, eventually, but he'll never get a client.
I mean, what idiot would hire an attorney with his credibility?
trump......cause he will never pay him.
It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
He may get his license back, eventually, but he'll never get a client.
I mean, what idiot would hire an attorney with his credibility?
Especially stoopid idiots?

This suspension was not needed and draconian.
"old white man persecuted for bucking the agenda"

Remember when “conservatives” believed in personal responsibility and accountability for one’s actions?

That was before they decided to toss their beliefs and bow down to an Orange God.
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
He did. You should have read the decision (or whatever it should be called) about the proceedings.

Instead you blabber on about lord knows what making yourself look like an idiot because you don’t even understand what the subject matter is.
LOL the fact is that Trump is hiring the Biden family and Kimballa Paris to run his next election campaign, he can not lose with Hunter wanking off on his behalf. I presume you did see Hunter Biden smoking crack and wanking off with the ugly chinese crack whores. Great stuff
It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
That's just the accusation though, It hasn't been proven in court yet. Thus, the suspension and not termination.
Any of those widespread voter fraud accusations and batshit crazy conspiracies been proven in court yet??

Has the fact it hasn't stopped you from believing them?
Not yet. That I'm aware of. I know the courts wouldn't hear the cases, so they never got to see the evidence.
They said there was no standing or something.
I saw. I watched the state senate hearings in Georgia, Pennsylvania, I forget if any others.
I saw windows covered with cardboard so people who were there to oversee the process couldn't.
I heard lots of testimonies under oath of they had eye witnessed.
I heard the testimonies of the forensic people and the problems with the machines.
And on and on..
But No court would take a case.
So as of right now, I don't believe anything has been proven one way or another in a court of law.
But new evidence is coming out daily. And some of the States are calling for their own internal audits.
And from what I hear, it's going to be interesting.

I don't have any bets on the table. I jus would like to know, was there fraud? Who actually won the election?
And how are we going to fix this from happening again in the future.

That sounds fair to me, does it sound fair to you?


Giuliani, in courts of law, when asked specifically about evidence pertaining to election fraud, literally said there was none.

He can lie to you all he wants in the public domain because you can’t emotionally accept that Trump lost. But lying in courts of law has consequences, including losing one’s license or going to prison.

This is Kabuki Theater.
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
He did. You should have read the decision (or whatever it should be called) about the proceedings.

Instead you blabber on about lord knows what making yourself look like an idiot because you don’t even understand what the subject matter is.
LOL the fact is that Trump is hiring the Biden family and Kimballa Paris to run his next election campaign, he can not lose with Hunter wanking off on his behalf. I presume you did see Hunter Biden smoking crack and wanking off with the ugly chinese crack whores. Great stuff
He lied to you about election fraud, Trump supporters.

As did Sydney Powell, Linn Wood, Mike Lindell, and Trump himself.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.

None of that is going to happen. The final election results have already been revealed.

You are being lied to by grifters and dishonest actors, of which Trump is the biggest.

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