Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

Does anyone realize that people who support Trump are able to go on about their daily lives, discussing all kinds of topics.
Like whether or not Rudy will loe his licence without ever bringing Trump into it.
And yet Democrats can't. They allow Trump to control their thoughts their actions their emotions.
They are addicted to Trump.
And they call us Trump worshippers LOL

Look in the mirror you hypocrites
Yes, ypur post is total partisan hackery. As demonstrated by your complete inability to present any argument whatsoever.

Rudy admitted he lied. Partisan hackery?

They held no hearing, troll. And he admitted nothing.
Why does Rudy have to admit he lied? Everyone knows he lied....It is expected that defendants may lie in court, but it is getting pretty sad when an attorney, that used to be respected, lies continually not only in court, but to the American People.

From his shenanigans n Ukraine to his lies about the 2020 Presidential election, Rudy has been lying threw his teeth. It seems he can hardly take a breath without throwing out some insane lie. No pardon for Rudy. trump will not come to his rescue. He is too busy with his own lies to worry about the punishment that Rudy is now facing for his falsehoods.

As for the statement that was made on this board that implied Rudy is now doing "God's work." When did God start supporting Liars?

Poor Rudy. He thought trump would nominate him to be AG. Nope....Then he thought trump would give him a cushy cabinet post. Nope....Finally he thought trump would give him a sweeping pardon. Nope....trump used Rudy and now he is being screwed, first by the New York Bar and then by Dominion Machines.

Rudy better stock up on hair dye. He is going to need it in the coming months.
Rudy should have started laying low 15 years ago and taken a stray DUI case from time to time.

Now he should write a book and maybe teach a class: Destroying Your Legacy 101.
Does anyone realize that people who support Trump are able to go on about their daily lives, discussing all kinds of topics.
Like whether or not Rudy will loe his licence without ever bringing Trump into it.
And yet Democrats can't. They allow Trump to control their thoughts their actions their emotions.
They are addicted to Trump.
And they call us Trump worshippers LOL

Look in the mirror you hypocrites

We’ll look in the mirror if you will ;)

I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
Something Democrats can't help to avoid.
It's TDS... it's real.
It's like a fixation.
I can have discussions without bringing in Obama or Biden or Clinton..
I actaully have a life that doesn't revolve around political icons.
These are your gods Democrats. Bow down and worship them.
And Trump is your leader.


"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

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In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
He did. You should have read the decision (or whatever it should be called) about the proceedings.

Instead you blabber on about lord knows what making yourself look like an idiot because you don’t even understand what the subject matter is.
LOL the fact is that Trump is hiring the Biden family and Kimballa Paris to run his next election campaign, he can not lose with Hunter wanking off on his behalf. I presume you did see Hunter Biden smoking crack and wanking off with the ugly chinese crack whores. Great stuff
You’re a lunatic.
Yea I know, one voice in my head is telling me to invest in semiconductors and another is telling me to double down on my chicken farm and still another is demanding that I buy peanut butter, but what is the sense of buying peanut butter without grape jelly. What would you do Shirley?


Catch the Earth creature

Rice and beans.. and plenty of it
LOL my kid is a bodybuilder, he eats like 2 pounds of rice a day, along with a dozen eggs
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
He did. You should have read the decision (or whatever it should be called) about the proceedings.

Instead you blabber on about lord knows what making yourself look like an idiot because you don’t even understand what the subject matter is.
LOL the fact is that Trump is hiring the Biden family and Kimballa Paris to run his next election campaign, he can not lose with Hunter wanking off on his behalf. I presume you did see Hunter Biden smoking crack and wanking off with the ugly chinese crack whores. Great stuff
You’re a lunatic.
Yea I know, one voice in my head is telling me to invest in semiconductors and another is telling me to double down on my chicken farm and still another is demanding that I buy peanut butter, but what is the sense of buying peanut butter without grape jelly. What would you do Shirley?


Catch the Earth creature

Rice and beans.. and plenty of it
LOL my kid is a bodybuilder, he eats like 2 pounds of rice a day, along with a dozen eggs
The way the prices are going... he may have to go on a strict diet.
Have you gone shopping lately?

He lied to you about election fraud, Trump supporters.

As did Sydney Powell, Linn Wood, Mike Lindell, and Trump himself.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.

I would totally support the Execution of the Lying, Low Life, Shit Sucking, Slime Drinking,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing, Orange Fuck Faced Traitor Donald Trump....please Put Him Up Against The His Wall and Shoot Him. I pay to see that!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Trump was the greatest president since Lincoln, and if he chooses he will be again
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
He did. You should have read the decision (or whatever it should be called) about the proceedings.

Instead you blabber on about lord knows what making yourself look like an idiot because you don’t even understand what the subject matter is.
LOL the fact is that Trump is hiring the Biden family and Kimballa Paris to run his next election campaign, he can not lose with Hunter wanking off on his behalf. I presume you did see Hunter Biden smoking crack and wanking off with the ugly chinese crack whores. Great stuff
You’re a lunatic.
Yea I know, one voice in my head is telling me to invest in semiconductors and another is telling me to double down on my chicken farm and still another is demanding that I buy peanut butter, but what is the sense of buying peanut butter without grape jelly. What would you do Shirley?


Catch the Earth creature

Rice and beans.. and plenty of it
LOL my kid is a bodybuilder, he eats like 2 pounds of rice a day, along with a dozen eggs
The way the prices are going... he may have to go on a strict diet.
Have you gone shopping lately?

View attachment 505403
Yea just bought another three dozen eggs and a gallon of milk, and three giant boxes of corn flakes. He usually eats a half a box before bed
He lied to you about election fraud, Trump supporters.

As did Sydney Powell, Linn Wood, Mike Lindell, and Trump himself.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.

I would totally support the Execution of the Lying, Low Life, Shit Sucking, Slime Drinking,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing, Orange Fuck Faced Traitor Donald Trump....please Put Him Up Against The His Wall and Shoot Him. I pay to see that!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Trump was the greatest president since Lincoln, and if he chooses he will be again
I'd prefer to see him as Speaker of the House.
That way we could get real meaningful bills passed.
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
He did. You should have read the decision (or whatever it should be called) about the proceedings.

Instead you blabber on about lord knows what making yourself look like an idiot because you don’t even understand what the subject matter is.
LOL the fact is that Trump is hiring the Biden family and Kimballa Paris to run his next election campaign, he can not lose with Hunter wanking off on his behalf. I presume you did see Hunter Biden smoking crack and wanking off with the ugly chinese crack whores. Great stuff
You’re a lunatic.
Yea I know, one voice in my head is telling me to invest in semiconductors and another is telling me to double down on my chicken farm and still another is demanding that I buy peanut butter, but what is the sense of buying peanut butter without grape jelly. What would you do Shirley?


Catch the Earth creature

Rice and beans.. and plenty of it
LOL my kid is a bodybuilder, he eats like 2 pounds of rice a day, along with a dozen eggs
The way the prices are going... he may have to go on a strict diet.
Have you gone shopping lately?

View attachment 505403
Yea just bought another three dozen eggs and a gallon of milk, and three giant boxes of corn flakes. He usually eats a half a box before bed
He must be a teenager. He'll regret it in his 40's.
And have real indictments.
And real impeachments.
And put the real criminals in gitmo
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
What lies?
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
What lies? The fact is that there were no lies
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
What lies?
Hey you stole my question, what gives
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
How is Jesus involved? Are you smoking the pot from my farm again
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
What lies?
the lies he told knowing that they were lies, leading to his suspension.

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