Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
How did we start talking about Communist? Rudy is out of a job. Stick with the topic...

And if you think trump is going to swoop in and save Rudy or bail him out financially.....THINK AGAIN!:auiqs.jpg:

He is preparing to throw his own family under the bus.

"Who is this guy named Kushner? I don't remember ever meeting him. Maybe he was in a meeting or two with me."
Rump will pardon him. Oh wait :lol:
They also seem to be having a problem with Dominion hiding their software and refusing to hand over passwords so they can verify all of the votes that have been counted.
Well, they can verify all of the votes without any of that. I would have told them no as well.
Why so?
Are you afraid they might find something too?
Nope, but I know giving out admin passwords to proprietary software/hardware isn't a thing.
This is nothing for Rudy, he's had much worse. According to a former Mafia Captain, Rudy nearly had a hit put on him during his prosecutor days.
Back in the days before Rudy turned into a joke.

Sad what became of his legacy
He needed attention and relevance - Symptoms of malignant narcissism such as suffered by da Boss. Sad :(
In his heyday, Rudy would never have tolerated lying assholes like he has become
Nope, sadly ol’ Rude turned mafioso :(

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.
Another Trump acolyte destroyed by his relationship with Trump.
There was no hearing.

Meanwhile, two Marxist lawyers accused of throwing a Molotov Cocktail into a police vehicle have not had their law licenses suspended.

Nutty Rudy will get what he deserves.
Everything Rudy said was true, if just 1 percent of it is proven the USA descends into full civil war with the Americans facing the communist democrats
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
Charge them with what? It was like a blogger or something. It’s not a crime to be a big ole liar. Ask Trump.
Then it's not a crime for Rudy to lie.

Drooling retard alert
This isn’t a criminal proceeding.

Didn’t you realize that, big brain?
You said that it was not a crime for a CIA/FBI agent to lie. Actually depending on the circumstances it most certainly is, but that depends upon what the meaning of the word is is
WTF are you talking about?
You might want to get your attention deficit disorder treated
You’re confused.
Yup, do you think I should cash out at Sanderson Farms? because JP Morgan just raised their price target to 198 a share, it's really confusing because the sale is not even guaranteed yet. Do you have any advise?
It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
He may get his license back, eventually, but he'll never get a client.
I mean, what idiot would hire an attorney with his credibility?
It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
He may get his license back, eventually, but he'll never get a client.
I mean, what idiot would hire an attorney with his credibility?
trump......cause he will never pay him. nuts always have a nutty excuse at hand, when reality doesn't align with your goofy fantasies. Which is most of the time.

Total partisan hackery.

That they held no hearing proves that to be the fact.
Yes, ypur post is total partisan hackery. As demonstrated by your complete inability to present any argument whatsoever.

Rudy admitted he lied. Partisan hackery?
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
Your all still missing the point.
Keep playing in your fantasy world where trumps and bidens and guiliani's don't really matter.
Your all to caught up in the dream world to see the reality.
Enjoy the gossiping and the back biting and the name calling and all the political BS on both sides while you can.
One day you'll be working in the sweatshop for President Xi and you won't have time to think about BS.
They'll take your kids. nevermind.. they already have.. and you still don't see it.

Rudy is just another distraction people love to indulge in.
It's easier to bash or defend him then it is to be concerned about your own family, your own lives, your own children.

What a world, what a world.
How long you been on the computer or your phone today?
How much time you spent with your family?
I wonder what the percentages would be on that?

where are your priorities?

Rudy will take care of Rudy..
Who's taking care of you?

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.
Another Trump acolyte destroyed by his relationship with Trump.
It’s a thing! :D
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
Giuliani admitted his statements were false.
No he did not..........................Stop lying
He did. You should have read the decision (or whatever it should be called) about the proceedings.

Instead you blabber on about lord knows what making yourself look like an idiot because you don’t even understand what the subject matter is.
Yes, ypur post is total partisan hackery. As demonstrated by your complete inability to present any argument whatsoever.

Rudy admitted he lied. Partisan hackery?

They held no hearing, troll. And he admitted nothing.
They arent required to hold a hearing, crybaby cultist. So no, that's not a case for partisanship.

The ruling is temporary until they hold a full hearing. And when Rudy loses that one -- as he has publicly admitted on more than one occasion that he lied and the evidence stands against him -- you will be vomiting the same excuses. Because, cult.
Someone needs to do an autopsy on Giuliani's fall... how is it possible he goes from being "America's Mayor" to this shell of his former self... it can't all be because of Trump, can it?

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