Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
It's not illegal to lie to a lawyer.

It is against the law to lie to a judge.
But they cannot prove he lied.
They're just claiming that their opinions are facts.....and are different from Giulliani's facts. If the Democrats hadn't corrupted the courts and the DA weren't corrupt...they would have waited till after the audits were completed before issuing the suspensions. Clearly they're trying to suppress the truth.
And I half agree.
Political Bullshit
You have to add the Bush's in there as well.

And inbetween all that bullshit we got Obama and Trump
Both extreme ends of the polarizing table.

I would have voted for Obama if I had been in a place to vote at the time. The first term anyways.
I thought for sure he would bring this country together as did many republicans that also voted for him.
I was sitting in a truck garage at a TA truckstop the night he got elected. And the woman I was sitting with was black and I'm white.
And when they called it, we both hugged eachother hoping for change and a better tomorrow.

Fkd again.

And then comes Trump. I agree with the policies he platformed on. I don't know the man. But what he stood for, I liked.
And I watched as he said and did exactly what he said he would do. But they didn't make it easy. Every single step was a lawsuit or an impeachment. How's that Russia Collusion work out? Mueller was a real pro wouldn't ya say?
And what about our prestigious FBI, deliberately changing texts on emails, witholding evidence, paying off Britain to Spy on Americans.. the list goes on and on. And they are still going after him even after he has left the WH.
You don't see republicans going after Obama slamming him with lawsuits for allowing Joe and Son to steal our money and pay off Ukraine to dump a prosecuter that would have convicted Both The Big Man and Hunter.

They're all in it together. Like George Carlin Said: It's a Big Club Folks, and We Aint in it.
And that's the truth.

If Obama had never mandated attaching your taxes if you didn't get insurance. It would have passed probably without much pushback.
I was disabled and not working at the time the ACA rolled out. I needed a $400,000 operation.
I was told because I didn't have an income I didn't qualify.
I thought the insurance was supposed to be for those that couldn't afford insurance. Guess again.
They wiped out a lot of smaller insurance companies that might have provided me insurance, but the policies they put in place, the smaller insurance companies couldn't fulfill. So they got taken out.. like these small mom and pop shops got wiped out for big corporations like wal-mart and home depot.

The virus is real, the vaccines are a money making scheme. And I'm pretty sure they all have their hands dirty in it.

So while I agree with the meme there... it's missing a whole lot more piles of dung if you ask me.

It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
So the hair dye and lies might yet resume in a parallel universe somewhere between a crematorium and a porn shop? Cool! :lol:
You know... anything is possible at this point.
LOLOL.The fear of you dust

You locked your own GD kids up because you had Fauci cock in your mouths you fucking pieces of dog shit


It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
That's just the accusation though, It hasn't been proven in court yet. Thus, the suspension and not termination.
Any of those widespread voter fraud accusations and batshit crazy conspiracies been proven in court yet??

Has the fact it hasn't stopped you from believing them?
It might be proven that the courts have since failed, and now due to intimidation tactics alledgedly being used by the leftist who exert power over them now, it has since caused the judicial system to be badly compromised in the face of it all. The constitution (?) has things written in it that addresses such situation's that might arise in the cases of the courts failing correct ????
I guess it depends on who gets to interpret the Constitution.
Look I get it. This political divide is rediculous.
There are actual communists.. I'm not just name calling.. actual communists that have infiltrated our government for decades.
Little by little changing a law here, bringing in someone for this position, changing a law there.
All the while claiming democracy out one side of their mouth to get elected, while maneuving things in a position for a communist take over.
I don't know if people actually realize what's at stake here.
If they succeed, and they will if we remain divided, there won't be a constitution. There won't be a bill of rights, there won't be fairness and equity for anyone. They will start bullying even the ones who have been supporting their agenda.
This isn't about Democrats or Republicans people. It's way more serious than that.
This isn't a game.
But you all keep throwing sand in the sandbox at each other, keep up the stupid jokes and the name calling,
and before you know it.. you won't even be able to throw sand. They'll take that away from you to.
And don't think they are just coming after the Republicans. We're the only ones at this time holding the line.
While our fellow American Democrats are sitting on the fence.
If they take us down... your next.
They need you for votes to get their people elected into power.
They don't care about you and we know it. That's why we're trying to warn you, but you just think we're being what?
What is it that you democrats think the republicans are trying to do?
No doubt the same thing many republicans say the democrats are trying to do.

But neither side can see that neither side is winning. It's the ones in those seats on Capital hill that call themselves Americans, which they are not, that are winning. And we're all going to lose everything if we don't stop this stupidity and division now.
It's time to wake up.
It's getting late.
We don't have time for this nonsense.

Here's your soapbox back
The actual communist are the President and too many Senators and Congress members, though for political expediency they prefer the title Socialist. Joe McCarthy was a man ahead of his time and a great patriot, we need him now
Good Grief.....McCarthy was a nut. But I can understand your admiration for him....QAnon and the MAGA cult have revived many of his unhinged claims. Did you enjoy January 6th? Break any windows in the Capitol?
Dude Joe Biden and his son took billions from the communist. So get used to it. Now tell us what colors are your Lamborghinis being that you want to pay more taxed like a retard
This is nothing for Rudy, he's had much worse. According to a former Mafia Captain, Rudy nearly had a hit put on him during his prosecutor days.
Back in the days before Rudy turned into a joke.

Sad what became of his legacy
He needed attention and relevance - Symptoms of malignant narcissism such as suffered by da Boss. Sad :(
In his heyday, Rudy would never have tolerated lying assholes like he has become
Everything Rudy said was true, if just 1 percent of it is proven the USA descends into full civil war with the Americans facing the communist democrats
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
Charge them with what? It was like a blogger or something. It’s not a crime to be a big ole liar. Ask Trump.
Then it's not a crime for Rudy to lie.

Drooling retard alert
This isn’t a criminal proceeding.

Didn’t you realize that, big brain?
You said that it was not a crime for a CIA/FBI agent to lie. Actually depending on the circumstances it most certainly is, but that depends upon what the meaning of the word is is
WTF are you talking about?
You might want to get your attention deficit disorder treated
They also seem to be having a problem with Dominion hiding their software and refusing to hand over passwords so they can verify all of the votes that have been counted.
Well, they can verify all of the votes without any of that. I would have told them no as well.
Why so?
Are you afraid they might find something too?
Actions have consequences.

Lawyers are officers of the court.

Giuliani may lie to Trump and Trump supporters, but lying in open court is a disbarrable offense.

He is suspended now. if Guiliani is disbarred, got what he deserved though I have no doubt he will appeal the suspension.
Watch for it…Rudy‘s lawyers will claim dementia
Might be a viable defense ^
But none of it will matter. Fraudulani will be in prison soon ;)
It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
That's just the accusation though, It hasn't been proven in court yet. Thus, the suspension and not termination.
Any of those widespread voter fraud accusations and batshit crazy conspiracies been proven in court yet??

Has the fact it hasn't stopped you from believing them?
It might be proven that the courts have since failed, and now due to intimidation tactics alledgedly being used by the leftist who exert power over them now, it has since caused the judicial system to be badly compromised in the face of it all. The constitution (?) has things written in it that addresses such situation's that might arise in the cases of the courts failing correct ????
I guess it depends on who gets to interpret the Constitution.
Look I get it. This political divide is rediculous.
There are actual communists.. I'm not just name calling.. actual communists that have infiltrated our government for decades.
Little by little changing a law here, bringing in someone for this position, changing a law there.
All the while claiming democracy out one side of their mouth to get elected, while maneuving things in a position for a communist take over.
I don't know if people actually realize what's at stake here.
If they succeed, and they will if we remain divided, there won't be a constitution. There won't be a bill of rights, there won't be fairness and equity for anyone. They will start bullying even the ones who have been supporting their agenda.
This isn't about Democrats or Republicans people. It's way more serious than that.
This isn't a game.
But you all keep throwing sand in the sandbox at each other, keep up the stupid jokes and the name calling,
and before you know it.. you won't even be able to throw sand. They'll take that away from you to.
And don't think they are just coming after the Republicans. We're the only ones at this time holding the line.
While our fellow American Democrats are sitting on the fence.
If they take us down... your next.
They need you for votes to get their people elected into power.
They don't care about you and we know it. That's why we're trying to warn you, but you just think we're being what?
What is it that you democrats think the republicans are trying to do?
No doubt the same thing many republicans say the democrats are trying to do.

But neither side can see that neither side is winning. It's the ones in those seats on Capital hill that call themselves Americans, which they are not, that are winning. And we're all going to lose everything if we don't stop this stupidity and division now.
It's time to wake up.
It's getting late.
We don't have time for this nonsense.

Here's your soapbox back
The actual communist are the President and too many Senators and Congress members, though for political expediency they prefer the title Socialist. Joe McCarthy was a man ahead of his time and a great patriot, we need him now
Good Grief.....McCarthy was a nut. But I can understand your admiration for him....QAnon and the MAGA cult have revived many of his unhinged claims. Did you enjoy January 6th? Break any windows in the Capitol?
You wouldn't believe me if I showed you who was behind it anyways.
So save your breath.
I keep asking but nobody seems to have an answer.. what exactly is qanon?
I know what MAGA is.
I never been to DC.. well that's not entirely true I've driven through it in my 18 wheeler, but never had a chance to stop and take in the sights. Don't look like anyone will be either.
Sorry my Fellow Americans, your Capital is off limits to you. It belongs to China Now.
It's just a suspension.
until such time as disciplinary matters pending before the Committee have been concluded, and until further order of this Court
page 32
"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

That sounds to me like....well....Liars are not welcomed in court rooms. I doubt Rudy will ever be able to practise law in NY again. All because he actually believed trump.....
That's just the accusation though, It hasn't been proven in court yet. Thus, the suspension and not termination.
Any of those widespread voter fraud accusations and batshit crazy conspiracies been proven in court yet??

Has the fact it hasn't stopped you from believing them?
Not yet. That I'm aware of. I know the courts wouldn't hear the cases, so they never got to see the evidence.
They said there was no standing or something.
I saw. I watched the state senate hearings in Georgia, Pennsylvania, I forget if any others.
I saw windows covered with cardboard so people who were there to oversee the process couldn't.
I heard lots of testimonies under oath of they had eye witnessed.
I heard the testimonies of the forensic people and the problems with the machines.
And on and on..
But No court would take a case.
So as of right now, I don't believe anything has been proven one way or another in a court of law.
But new evidence is coming out daily. And some of the States are calling for their own internal audits.
And from what I hear, it's going to be interesting.

I don't have any bets on the table. I jus would like to know, was there fraud? Who actually won the election?
And how are we going to fix this from happening again in the future.

That sounds fair to me, does it sound fair to you?

Ya, you heard a buttload of bullshit. ;)
OK, Let's Take A Look At......Dum...De.....Dum.....Dum


Wow for the hills its.....DOMINION!!!!!

Here is problem.

As my Drill Sergeant Lando used to tell us, "You cannot make Chicken Soup Out of Chicken Shit"...and all you idiots have is a ton pure grade AAA-Chicken Shit.

What it boils down to is this.

As regards

You have Accusations (You have no proof).

You have Conjecture (You have no proof).

You have Contention (You have not proof).

You have Hyperbole (You have no proof).

You have Innuendo (You have no proof).

You have Supposition (You have no proof).

You need the one thing you do not have.

Last edited:
Everything Rudy said was true, if just 1 percent of it is proven the USA descends into full civil war with the Americans facing the communist democrats
In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.
Why not charge the person who told him?

Because the CIA/FBI agent would spill the beans
Charge them with what? It was like a blogger or something. It’s not a crime to be a big ole liar. Ask Trump.
Then it's not a crime for Rudy to lie.

Drooling retard alert
This isn’t a criminal proceeding.

Didn’t you realize that, big brain?
You said that it was not a crime for a CIA/FBI agent to lie. Actually depending on the circumstances it most certainly is, but that depends upon what the meaning of the word is is
WTF are you talking about?
You might want to get your attention deficit disorder treated
You’re confused.

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