Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists
Sorry your stupidity doesn’t change the political scale.

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists
Oh Francis... Always the victim...if it isn't aliens sticking objects up your ass, its something else...

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists
Oh Francis... Always the victim...if it isn't aliens sticking objects up your ass, its something else...
You have your Cultural Revolution, get to it Komrade

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists
Oh Francis... Always the victim...if it isn't aliens sticking objects up your ass, its something else...
You have your Cultural Revolution, get to it Komrade
Your childish posts would be more interesting, if you had any clue what communism is.

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists
Oh Francis... Always the victim...if it isn't aliens sticking objects up your ass, its something else...
You have your Cultural Revolution, get to it Komrade
Your childish posts would be more interesting, if you had any clue what communism is.
Useful Idiot speaks

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists

You are in a cult QsaderFrank

Bow to your Orange God

Here’s a slice of irony. Donnie’s favorite lawyer of all time - Roy Cohn - was disbarred 35 years ago TODAY!
Bit of advise to all lawyers. Don’t work for Donald or his children. It’s a career ender & ya may do time. ;)
Is it "hey lawyer's, don't work for Donald" or is it more like "hey Donald, quit hiring bad lawyer's" ???

The Orange cult is all about feelings.

Being lied to is OK as long as you are part of their tribe and are “fighting the libs.”

The libs/leftist have become thee most largest radical emotional brainwashed cult in the world, and it's beliefs are simply stupifying.

Donald's biggest regret might be in thinking that their was enough patriot's left to fight the declining situation in America today with him or it was him maybe not going about it in the right ways, otherwise he underestimated his opponent's when doing battle against them (the sneaky vipers). He ran head on into this, otherwise surprisingly in an America that has long since been changed due to the sad brainwashing of the people over the many years gone by now. He should have known, and he probably did in which is why he is fighting them right on and right on.

Fighting fire with fire would have been appropriate in the situation. Trump should have been just as cunning and sneaky as the leftist are in fighting them.

Drawing it's prey into various trap's seems to be a huge tactic of the libs/leftist today, and brazing American's like Trump were seemingly vulnerable to such tactics. It's ok though, because America has seen the light through the spectacle of watching it all from the side line's, and it can react without Trump having to call the left out any longer for them.

America has now been thoroughly informed on how evil the leftist are or how bad they can be. Now it's time to fight back through the many written or unwritten legal means that we the patriot's/people have left in this country, but first the isolation of the threat's must be an important forward thinking of today's citizen's, and the way to do that is to (i.e. quit supporting bad leftist agenda's or policies), either directly or indirectly people. It's simple really. Spend your money wisely starting NOW.

Otherwise (do your homework American's and/or people of concern). It's way easier than one would think, and this is upon understanding who one's undermining enemies truly are in this world today. It's simple really.

Just study their beliefs, and make your choices based on the contrasting tennant's found in those beliefs. If their beliefs contradict your beliefs by a huge margin, then find a way to either change their ways, convince them or maybe find a way for you, along with your children, to get far away from them.

If they are engaging in evilness, then it's not required that anyone be an enabler of such things, otherwise by supporting them or just going along with them.

Freedom of "CHOICE" is still the lynchpin of American thinking hopefully. Don't lose it people. Don't allow it to be taken from you. Make sure it's Choice's for good, and not choice's for evilness always that one is engaging in. Don't be evil or stop being evil if that is what is going on with you in life.

The leftist know that they are way off in the deep end, and seemingly it can't find it's way back to the safety of the shallows. They are drowning, and they are attempting to pull as many down with them as they can. You want to talk about emotion's, the left is eat up with it today. It's because the left is lost, and can't find it's compass to get back to shore.

The metaphoric life boat's can be launched, but only if they are willing to come aboard instead of pulling the rescuers into the abyss with them, and then attempting to hijack the life boat's for themselves.

Fuck your mother fucking asshole Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man.

Fuck any and all religion.

Praying for you.

pray for donny & his den of heathens. THEY are gonna need all the help they can get.

I think it should go to the Supreme Court.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't always work. Hence why the BIGGEST fraud in American history was allowed to take place.

<pssssst> you didn't get the memo? it already had the SC take a looksey. guess what?


^^^ read that last word ^^^

Here is the thing about Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You must.....REPEAT.....Must present provable, verifiable proof....evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud did in fact happen.

Over 60-Separate cases alleging such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were tossed for lack of evidence.

The thing is that they tried to prove it it's just that nobody would listen to them.

lol... um.... is that what they are telling you? do you ever research & find out facts or just swallow what you need to hear to soothe whatever butthurt you have about the chosen one loooooooooooosing?

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.

Post me a link to an article that proves this claim.

FactCheck PostsFeatured Posts

Rudy Giuliani’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims​

By Eugene Kiely and Robert Farley
Posted on June 24, 2021

A New York court suspended former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s law license in that state for making “demonstrably false and misleading statements” about the 2020 presidential election results to the courts and the public at large, while serving as former President Donald Trump’s lawyer.
In a 33-page order, the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court described the suspension as “immediate,” but “interim” — pending disciplinary proceedings before the court’s Attorney Grievance Committee, which initiated the action against Giuliani.
The appellate court noted that “misconduct alone” isn’t grounds for suspension. It also requires evidence that the misconduct is “an immediate threat to the public interest.”
“We find that there is evidence of continuing misconduct, the underlying offense is incredibly serious, and the uncontroverted misconduct in itself will likely result in substantial permanent sanctions at the conclusion of these disciplinary proceedings,” the court explained in its order.
The court, in an opinion that reads like a fact-checking article, singled out several examples of Giuliani’s falsehoods. We have written about some of those, as well as several others. Here we provide a recap of some of Giuliani’s false and misleading election fraud claims.
Rudy Giuliani's Bogus Election Fraud Claims -

you're welcome.

That's not a very good grasp on logic you are displaying, there. I will give you credit for not being that dumb and will assume that you are likely posturing and self soothing.

Whatever, you're still not answering my question. :rolleyes:

well i did. it was easy peasy. either you are too damn lazy ... or you actually DON'T want the truth, because that would mean you would hafta question your decision regarding your vote for someome who's broken nearly all 10 commandments & did commit all 7 deadly sins.

i noticed that you never responded to my question about how you felt knowing that donny coveted an old woman's home & property so he could advance & expand his casino's biz'nez. hmmmmmm.....
When somebody fails to answer a question that usually means they're the ones lying. All I want is a credible source geesh! :rolleyes:

& then you will CONveniently pass it by as if it weren't there.

i noticed that you hav done that - alot. you & the other trump humpers have much in common.
When somebody fails to answer a question that usually means they're the ones lying. All I want is a credible source geesh! :rolleyes:
No you don't. Else you would have looked for one. This isn't obscure or esoteric info. Literally any functional, rational adult who followed the events of the last year knows this stuff.

yep - all it took was a couple key words & VOILA!

unbiased credible acts.

Fuck your mother fucking asshole Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man.

Fuck any and all religion.

Praying for you.

pray for donny & his den of heathens. THEY are gonna need all the help they can get.

I think it should go to the Supreme Court.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't always work. Hence why the BIGGEST fraud in American history was allowed to take place.

<pssssst> you didn't get the memo? it already had the SC take a looksey. guess what?


^^^ read that last word ^^^

Here is the thing about Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You must.....REPEAT.....Must present provable, verifiable proof....evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Election Fraud/Voter Fraud did in fact happen.

Over 60-Separate cases alleging such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were tossed for lack of evidence.

The thing is that they tried to prove it it's just that nobody would listen to them.

lol... um.... is that what they are telling you? do you ever research & find out facts or just swallow what you need to hear to soothe whatever butthurt you have about the chosen one loooooooooooosing?

In his response to the complaint, Rudy admitted it wasn’t true but it’s not his fault because he was just going by what someone told him.

Post me a link to an article that proves this claim.

FactCheck PostsFeatured Posts

Rudy Giuliani’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims​

By Eugene Kiely and Robert Farley
Posted on June 24, 2021

A New York court suspended former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s law license in that state for making “demonstrably false and misleading statements” about the 2020 presidential election results to the courts and the public at large, while serving as former President Donald Trump’s lawyer.
In a 33-page order, the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court described the suspension as “immediate,” but “interim” — pending disciplinary proceedings before the court’s Attorney Grievance Committee, which initiated the action against Giuliani.
The appellate court noted that “misconduct alone” isn’t grounds for suspension. It also requires evidence that the misconduct is “an immediate threat to the public interest.”
“We find that there is evidence of continuing misconduct, the underlying offense is incredibly serious, and the uncontroverted misconduct in itself will likely result in substantial permanent sanctions at the conclusion of these disciplinary proceedings,” the court explained in its order.
The court, in an opinion that reads like a fact-checking article, singled out several examples of Giuliani’s falsehoods. We have written about some of those, as well as several others. Here we provide a recap of some of Giuliani’s false and misleading election fraud claims.
Rudy Giuliani's Bogus Election Fraud Claims -

you're welcome.

You've already lost, you just don't know it yet. Keep making a fool of yourself though, because it will become a witness against you in the day of judgement in which you desire so greatly. Playing with a hot iron eventually gets a person burned, and these days many are playing with the hot iron. You've been burned in life just as many have, but for some reason you don't learn. It's ok though, because the road is wide yet the gate is narrow, and your wishes will be fulfilled sadly enough for you.... Many think that they will just go back to nothing, as if never being born at all, but ohhh if it were just that simple. Prepare for judgement, as there will be no escaping it. Repent Now, and change in your ways before it's to late or remain lost forever. Your choice.
That's not a very good grasp on logic you are displaying, there. I will give you credit for not being that dumb and will assume that you are likely posturing and self soothing.

Whatever, you're still not answering my question. :rolleyes:

well i did. it was easy peasy. either you are too damn lazy ... or you actually DON'T want the truth, because that would mean you would hafta question your decision regarding your vote for someome who's broken nearly all 10 commandments & did commit all 7 deadly sins.

i noticed that you never responded to my question about how you felt knowing that donny coveted an old woman's home & property so he could advance & expand his casino's biz'nez. hmmmmmm.....
Yet you side with people who have broken every commandment...including "Thou Shalt Not Kill".

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists
Oh Francis... Always the victim...if it isn't aliens sticking objects up your ass, its something else...
You have your Cultural Revolution, get to it Komrade
Your childish posts would be more interesting, if you had any clue what communism is.
Communism has several forms.....but the primary difference between communism and socialism is how they are enforced. Socialism thru coercion and communism at the point of a gun. Maybe if you somehow get rid of every gun on the planet you can keep your socialism from becoming communism....but then they would just resort to using swords or knives......or large mobs burning our cities.

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