Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

Listen up, Trumpanzees:

Giuliani has been an attorney for about 50 years. He understands the burden of evidence and what is expected of him in a courtroom.

Rudy knew the judge would schedule an evidence hearing, demanding the evidence. Rudy knew he had no evidence. When Rudy lied, Rudy knew he was lying. And he knew the possible consequences of his lying, up to and including disbarment.

Yet, he persisted. Have you goons thought about why he did this? He did it because he did not care if he suffered embarrassment and disbarment. He did it because he had other rewards in mind that he valued more than his public image, his legacy, and his ability to practice law.

What were those rewards he had in mind? This will be the interesting thing to learn regarding Rudy's campaign of fraud.
i concur in part. what rudy did cannot be deemed "practicing law". but, he still was a bar member, and his shitshow paints all lawyers in a bad light. that's why he was told to sit down and shut up.
In other words, he was not betraying a client, and there was no cause to disbar him. Bust the damn bar already. I don't like the idiots they send to represent us in court, whether we're poor or middle class and get assigned a public defender, or we're extremely wealthy and can afford a private defense attorney without going bankrupt.
Giuliani wasnt suspended for betraying a client, it was due to:

"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

Whatever, you're still not answering my question
I answered the only question you asked me. Please understand: i do not care if you take my word for anything or nothing. If you cared to know the facts (that any person who has followed events of thw last year knows), you would either already have them or would be slightly embarrassed by your ignorance and would be looking for them. But you arent doing either of these things. Which means you are just trying to waste my time.
i concur in part. what rudy did cannot be deemed "practicing law". but, he still was a bar member, and his shitshow paints all lawyers in a bad light. that's why he was told to sit down and shut up.
In other words, he was not betraying a client, and there was no cause to disbar him. Bust the damn bar already. I don't like the idiots they send to represent us in court, whether we're poor or middle class and get assigned a public defender, or we're extremely wealthy and can afford a private defense attorney without going bankrupt.
Giuliani wasnt suspended for betraying a client, it was due to:

"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

Lied to courts. Lied to congress.

Trumpers: That's fine.
When somebody fails to answer a question that usually means they're the ones lying. All I want is a credible source geesh! :rolleyes:
No you don't. Else you would have looked for one. This isn't obscure or esoteric info. Literally any functional, rational adult who followed the events of the last year knows this stuff.
No lol but I was just shocked to see a video like that being posted by you as it's usually squeaky clean,.. but then after hearing the first thing coming out of his mouth LOL I don't know why but I pictured that coming out of you yourself. :laughing0301:
Why you think I posted it?
Giuliani wasnt suspended for betraying a client, it was due to:

"communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."
In other words, a lawyer was disbarred for saying something in a non-court-related context that somehow failed to toe the Democrat party line.

The state and local bar associations that "regulate" the practice of law throughout the United States really need to be ceased and desisted from being wholly Democratic Party-controlled political institutions.

Bust the bars. Put them out of business. We never did like any of the tripe brought by those bar lawyers in court anyways.
other words, a lawyer was disbarred for saying something in a non-court-related context that somehow failed to toe the Democrat party line.
It literally says "to courts" right in the quote.

You literally quoted it in your post.

Good fucking god you freaks have lost your grip on reality.

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..

"Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in the state of New York due to his false statements about the 2020 election, according to a court filing. A New York court ruled that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump."

So what??

Rudy wasn't really practicing law anyway....he has transcended to practicing God's law now....which is far more important.

Sounds like living in Nazi Germany
Well then, you and your colleagues would be very happy if this were true. Neo fascism defines the Republican Party in the third decade of the 21st Century. You Heil to Führer trump.

^ party copies Hitler, calls everyone opposed a "Fascist"
Conservatives get pissed as Hitlers fascism is their mantle..
^ Copies Hitler's Reichstag Fire, treats Republicans like Jews in Nazi Germany, calls us the Fascists

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