Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended

Besides he is 77 years
What does this mean?
Sorry I can not treat your attention deficit disorder or replace your vagina that your Mommy cut off
You're either implying that he shouldn't receive any punishment for crimes committed because he's old, or you're saying he shouldn't have been believed because he's old.

Which is it?

Most likely you're clueless and never had a point to make.
I am saying that if you suspend a 77 year old football player, that the game still goes on. Suspending Giuliani's license means less than nothing
It means plenty to Rudy.
Probably doesn’t. You don’t need a law license to have a podcast no one listens to and hock male enhancement pills.
I knew that you would see it my way. So are you embarrassed for being the fool?
Huh? It probably doesn’t affect Giuliani much.

The reason I find it interesting is how it lays out their lies so nicely.
What is this it that you keep referring too? Are you taking your meds?
How can you be in this thread for so long and still be so clueless as to the topic of it?
Again you want me to share your beliefs and needs and I do not. The fact is that you think that the World is different because of the fact that a 77 year old man can not represent himself. This means less than nothing as the videos of Hunter Biden stroking his penis while smoking crack are still there if you want to look.
You are clueless. I can’t help you.
You are a delusional schizzo if you think that I need help from a retard like you that lives off of welfare
You need help from someone. You can barely figure out what this thread is about.
What you can not understand is that this thread is meaningless, yet you believe that it is changing the World. This is how a delusional and dysfunctional mind works, not that you can know
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
What lies? The fact is that there were no lies
The decision documented in great detail the lies. You should read it.
What decision? Seriously you should decide to get medicated, or at least invest in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
The decision the thread is about. Do you have any idea what this thread is about or are you just here to troll?

Don’t answer. I know the truth.
Show me in the court document where Rudy admitted to lying.
I think the document is located on page 1 of this thread. Read it through and show me.
Thank You
Did need to show a court document, you have it's ruling.

Rudy Giuliani’s New York Law License Suspended Over False Election 2020 Statements
Read page 32. There is no decision yet. = no ruling yet
they decided to grant petitioner's motion and ordered fuckface giuliani to quit playing a lawyer. it is called an interim suspension.
Besides he is 77 years
What does this mean?
Sorry I can not treat your attention deficit disorder or replace your vagina that your Mommy cut off
You're either implying that he shouldn't receive any punishment for crimes committed because he's old, or you're saying he shouldn't have been believed because he's old.

Which is it?

Most likely you're clueless and never had a point to make.
I am saying that if you suspend a 77 year old football player, that the game still goes on. Suspending Giuliani's license means less than nothing
It means plenty to Rudy.
Probably doesn’t. You don’t need a law license to have a podcast no one listens to and hock male enhancement pills.
I knew that you would see it my way. So are you embarrassed for being the fool?
Huh? It probably doesn’t affect Giuliani much.

The reason I find it interesting is how it lays out their lies so nicely.
What is this it that you keep referring too? Are you taking your meds?
How can you be in this thread for so long and still be so clueless as to the topic of it?
Again you want me to share your beliefs and needs and I do not. The fact is that you think that the World is different because of the fact that a 77 year old man can not represent himself. This means less than nothing as the videos of Hunter Biden stroking his penis while smoking crack are still there if you want to look.
You are clueless. I can’t help you.
You are a delusional schizzo if you think that I need help from a retard like you that lives off of welfare
You need help from someone. You can barely figure out what this thread is about.
What you can not understand is that this thread is meaningless, yet you believe that it is changing the World. This is how a delusional and dysfunctional mind works, not that you can know
I didn’t say anything about changing the world. You’re lying to make yourself feel better. Or you’re just delusional.

This is about recognition that Giuliani’s post-election litigation was riddled with lies.
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
What lies? The fact is that there were no lies
The decision documented in great detail the lies. You should read it.
What decision? Seriously you should decide to get medicated, or at least invest in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
The decision the thread is about. Do you have any idea what this thread is about or are you just here to troll?

Don’t answer. I know the truth.
Show me in the court document where Rudy admitted to lying.
I think the document is located on page 1 of this thread. Read it through and show me.
Thank You
Did need to show a court document, you have it's ruling.

Rudy Giuliani’s New York Law License Suspended Over False Election 2020 Statements
Read page 32. There is no decision yet. = no ruling yet
they decided to grant petitioner's motion and ordered fuckface giuliani to quit playing a lawyer. it is called an interim suspension.
Again suspending a 77 year old man that was not practicing law in the first place is a non evert. This is like saying that Brett Farve can not quarterback anymore, it means nothing, zero zippo and nada
Besides he is 77 years
What does this mean?
Sorry I can not treat your attention deficit disorder or replace your vagina that your Mommy cut off
You're either implying that he shouldn't receive any punishment for crimes committed because he's old, or you're saying he shouldn't have been believed because he's old.

Which is it?

Most likely you're clueless and never had a point to make.
I am saying that if you suspend a 77 year old football player, that the game still goes on. Suspending Giuliani's license means less than nothing
It means plenty to Rudy.
Rudy is just a total idiot. He made his he must lay on it.
and tuck his shirt in. and out. and in.
I have no trouble holding any discussions without bringing Trump into it.
This is a thread about Giuliani having his license suspended as a result of actions he took while representing Trump.

Of course Trump is going to factor into it.
Oh, I thought it was because they said Rudy lied
Jesus, guys this isn’t that complicated. It feels like we need to thumb this down so a toddler could understand it.

The lies were told as part of his representation of Trump.
What lies? The fact is that there were no lies
The decision documented in great detail the lies. You should read it.
What decision? Seriously you should decide to get medicated, or at least invest in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
The decision the thread is about. Do you have any idea what this thread is about or are you just here to troll?

Don’t answer. I know the truth.
Show me in the court document where Rudy admitted to lying.
I think the document is located on page 1 of this thread. Read it through and show me.
Thank You
Did need to show a court document, you have it's ruling.

Rudy Giuliani’s New York Law License Suspended Over False Election 2020 Statements
Read page 32. There is no decision yet. = no ruling yet
they decided to grant petitioner's motion and ordered fuckface giuliani to quit playing a lawyer. it is called an interim suspension.
Again suspending a 77 year old man that was not practicing law in the first place is a non evert. This is like saying that Brett Farve can not quarterback anymore, it means nothing, zero zippo and nada
i concur in part. what rudy did cannot be deemed "practicing law". but, he still was a bar member, and his shitshow paints all lawyers in a bad light. that's why he was told to sit down and shut up.
Again suspending a 77 year old man that was not practicing law in the first place is a non evert.
But he was practicing law. He was Trump’s attorney, might still be but they’ve basically bailed on any further litigation.
i concur in part. what rudy did cannot be deemed "practicing law". but, he still was a bar member, and his shitshow paints all lawyers in a bad light. that's why he was told to sit down and shut up.
The only reason he was subject to sanction is because he was practicing law. It was also the basis for the right being so upset at his office being searched given their concern for attorney client privilege.
i concur in part. what rudy did cannot be deemed "practicing law". but, he still was a bar member, and his shitshow paints all lawyers in a bad light. that's why he was told to sit down and shut up.
The only reason he was subject to sanction is because he was practicing law. It was also the basis for the right being so upset at his office being searched given their concern for attorney client privilege.
yeah, he even tried to represent clients at court, filed briefs and motions and stuff, but it was a malignant clown show, not "practicing law".
Besides he is 77 years
What does this mean?
Sorry I can not treat your attention deficit disorder or replace your vagina that your Mommy cut off
You're either implying that he shouldn't receive any punishment for crimes committed because he's old, or you're saying he shouldn't have been believed because he's old.

Which is it?

Most likely you're clueless and never had a point to make.
I am saying that if you suspend a 77 year old football player, that the game still goes on. Suspending Giuliani's license means less than nothing
It means plenty to Rudy.
Probably doesn’t. You don’t need a law license to have a podcast no one listens to and hock male enhancement pills.
I knew that you would see it my way. So are you embarrassed for being the fool?
Huh? It probably doesn’t affect Giuliani much.

The reason I find it interesting is how it lays out their lies so nicely.
What is this it that you keep referring too? Are you taking your meds?
How can you be in this thread for so long and still be so clueless as to the topic of it?
Again you want me to share your beliefs and needs and I do not. The fact is that you think that the World is different because of the fact that a 77 year old man can not represent himself. This means less than nothing as the videos of Hunter Biden stroking his penis while smoking crack are still there if you want to look.
You are clueless. I can’t help you.
You are a delusional schizzo if you think that I need help from a retard like you that lives off of welfare
You need help from someone. You can barely figure out what this thread is about.
What you can not understand is that this thread is meaningless, yet you believe that it is changing the World. This is how a delusional and dysfunctional mind works, not that you can know
I didn’t say anything about changing the world. You’re lying to make yourself feel better. Or you’re just delusional.

This is about recognition that Giuliani’s post-election litigation was riddled with lies.
And what is different today that was not the same yesterday?


Now can you explain why you want to pay more taxes? Or how you can afford medical insurance for every Mexican who comes here
Yes, ypur post is total partisan hackery. As demonstrated by your complete inability to present any argument whatsoever.

Rudy admitted he lied. Partisan hackery?

As for the statement that was made on this board that implied Rudy is now doing "God's work." When did God start supporting Liars?

Yes, ypur post is total partisan hackery. As demonstrated by your complete inability to present any argument whatsoever.

Rudy admitted he lied. Partisan hackery?

They held no hearing, troll. And he admitted nothing.
Rudy is now doing "God's work."

What does the Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man say about a Man who strips down to his skivvies in expectation of receiving a blow job from an underage girl?

Ghouli did that, so inquiring minds want to know. What does the Male-God Head getting blow jobs underage girls.

You bunch of brain dead sycophantic toil foil followers swallow every slime encrusted lie the Traitor told you, even you know when you were being lied to. It YOU people who keep saying the Fuck Faced Orange Asshole won. He didn't.

YOU need to get a life.
Yes, ypur post is total partisan hackery. As demonstrated by your complete inability to present any argument whatsoever.

Rudy admitted he lied. Partisan hackery?

As for the statement that was made on this board that implied Rudy is now doing "God's work." When did God start supporting Liars?

Yes, ypur post is total partisan hackery. As demonstrated by your complete inability to present any argument whatsoever.

Rudy admitted he lied. Partisan hackery?

They held no hearing, troll. And he admitted nothing.
Rudy is now doing "God's work."

What does the Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Man say about a Man who strips down to his skivvies in expectation of receiving a blow job from an underage girl?

Ghouli did that, so inquiring minds want to know. What does the Male-God Head getting blow jobs underage girls.

You bunch of brain dead sycophantic toil foil followers swallow every slime encrusted lie the Traitor told you, even you know when you were being lied to. It YOU people who keep saying the Fuck Faced Orange Asshole won. He didn't.

YOU need to get a life.
Keep pointing your finger in the mirror.
Eventually you will convince yourself that you are right.
He lied to you about election fraud, Trump supporters.

As did Sydney Powell, Linn Wood, Mike Lindell, and Trump himself.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.

I would totally support the Execution of the Lying, Low Life, Shit Sucking, Slime Drinking,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing, Orange Fuck Faced Traitor Donald Trump....please Put Him Up Against The His Wall and Shoot Him. I pay to see that!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Trump was the greatest president since Lincoln, and if he chooses he will be again

Greatest at what?

Siding with Russian Dictator against 17-U.S. Intelligence Agencies that agree Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Giving classified information to both Russian Ambassador and Russian Foreign Minister during Oval Office meeting covered only by the Russian Press.

Telling the President of Philippines the location of two U.S. Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines.

Taking children away from their Mother at Gun Point and then losing track of where those children are, making reuniting families damn near impossible.

Encouraging Russia to hack the emails of his Political Opponent.

Of spending one full year of a 4-year term playing fucking golf, he had promised to give golfing.

Attacking Gold Star Families.

Boasting of sexually assaulting/sexually abusing Women.

Of banging a porn star while his wife was pregnant.

Of cheating on each of his wives.

Of wanting to bang his daughter.

Fuck that Orange Lying Dried Up fucking dog trud.

Fuck his followers as well.
He lied to you about election fraud, Trump supporters.

As did Sydney Powell, Linn Wood, Mike Lindell, and Trump himself.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.

I would totally support the Execution of the Lying, Low Life, Shit Sucking, Slime Drinking,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing, Orange Fuck Faced Traitor Donald Trump....please Put Him Up Against The His Wall and Shoot Him. I pay to see that!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Trump was the greatest president since Lincoln, and if he chooses he will be again

Greatest at what?

Siding with Russian Dictator against 17-U.S. Intelligence Agencies that agree Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Giving classified information to both Russian Ambassador and Russian Foreign Minister during Oval Office meeting covered only by the Russian Press.

Telling the President of Philippines the location of two U.S. Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines.

Taking children away from their Mother at Gun Point and then losing track of where those children are, making reuniting families damn near impossible.

Encouraging Russia to hack the emails of his Political Opponent.

Of spending one full year of a 4-year term playing fucking golf, he had promised to give golfing.

Attacking Gold Star Families.

Boasting of sexually assaulting/sexually abusing Women.

Of banging a porn star while his wife was pregnant.

Of cheating on each of his wives.

Of wanting to bang his daughter.

Fuck that Orange Lying Dried Up fucking dog trud.

Fuck his followers as well.
Trump and I have dual ownership of your mind.

Again Trump was the greatest President since Lincoln, but retards like you who have nothing actually want to pay more taxes so you can have less than nothing
He lied to you about election fraud, Trump supporters.

As did Sydney Powell, Linn Wood, Mike Lindell, and Trump himself.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.

I would totally support the Execution of the Lying, Low Life, Shit Sucking, Slime Drinking,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing, Orange Fuck Faced Traitor Donald Trump....please Put Him Up Against The His Wall and Shoot Him. I pay to see that!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Trump was the greatest president since Lincoln, and if he chooses he will be again

Greatest at what?

Siding with Russian Dictator against 17-U.S. Intelligence Agencies that agree Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Giving classified information to both Russian Ambassador and Russian Foreign Minister during Oval Office meeting covered only by the Russian Press.

Telling the President of Philippines the location of two U.S. Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines.

Taking children away from their Mother at Gun Point and then losing track of where those children are, making reuniting families damn near impossible.

Encouraging Russia to hack the emails of his Political Opponent.

Of spending one full year of a 4-year term playing fucking golf, he had promised to give golfing.

Attacking Gold Star Families.

Boasting of sexually assaulting/sexually abusing Women.

Of banging a porn star while his wife was pregnant.

Of cheating on each of his wives.

Of wanting to bang his daughter.

Fuck that Orange Lying Dried Up fucking dog trud.

Fuck his followers as well.
Trump and I have dual ownership of your mind.

Again Trump was the greatest President since Lincoln, but retards like you who have nothing actually want to pay more taxes so you can have less than nothing
The former president was a damaged man-child, maybe you're one too.

This is a piece that might interest you . . .

They don't even try to do it covertly anymore, and Americans don't care.

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media​

February 5, 2018

“Former CIA director John Brennan has become the latest member of the NBC News and MSNBC family, officially signing with the network as a contributor,” chirps a recent article by The Wrap, as though that’s a perfectly normal thing to have to write and not a ghastly symptom of an Orwellian dystopia. NBC reports that the former head of the depraved, lying, torturing, propagandizing, drug trafficking, coup-staging, warmongering Central Intelligence Agency “is now a senior national security and intelligence analyst.”

CIA Information Operations Center logo

Brennan, who played a key role in the construction of the establishment’s Russia narrative that has been used to manufacture public consent for world-threatening new cold war escalations, is just the latest addition in an ongoing trend of trusted mainstream media outlets being packed to the gills with stalwarts from the U.S. intelligence community. Brennan joins CIA and DoD Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash on the NBC/MSNBC lineup, who is serving there as a national security analyst, as well as NBC intelligence/national security reporter and known CIA collaborator Ken Dilanian.

Former Director of National Intelligence, Russiagate architect, and known Russophobic racist James Clapper was welcomed to the CNN “family” last year by Chris “It’s Illegal to Read WikiLeaks” Cuomo and now routinely appears as an expert analyst for the network. Last year CNN also hired a new national security analyst in Michael Hayden, who has served as CIA Director, NSA Director, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and an Air Force general. . . . "

This is a piece that might interest you . . .

They don't even try to do it covertly anymore, and Americans don't care.

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media​

February 5, 2018

“Former CIA director John Brennan has become the latest member of the NBC News and MSNBC family, officially signing with the network as a contributor,” chirps a recent article by The Wrap, as though that’s a perfectly normal thing to have to write and not a ghastly symptom of an Orwellian dystopia. NBC reports that the former head of the depraved, lying, torturing, propagandizing, drug trafficking, coup-staging, warmongering Central Intelligence Agency “is now a senior national security and intelligence analyst.”

CIA Information Operations Center logo

Brennan, who played a key role in the construction of the establishment’s Russia narrative that has been used to manufacture public consent for world-threatening new cold war escalations, is just the latest addition in an ongoing trend of trusted mainstream media outlets being packed to the gills with stalwarts from the U.S. intelligence community. Brennan joins CIA and DoD Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash on the NBC/MSNBC lineup, who is serving there as a national security analyst, as well as NBC intelligence/national security reporter and known CIA collaborator Ken Dilanian.

Former Director of National Intelligence, Russiagate architect, and known Russophobic racist James Clapper was welcomed to the CNN “family” last year by Chris “It’s Illegal to Read WikiLeaks” Cuomo and now routinely appears as an expert analyst for the network. Last year CNN also hired a new national security analyst in Michael Hayden, who has served as CIA Director, NSA Director, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and an Air Force general. . . . "

Has caitlin checked phax opinion?
He lied to you about election fraud, Trump supporters.

As did Sydney Powell, Linn Wood, Mike Lindell, and Trump himself.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.

I would totally support the Execution of the Lying, Low Life, Shit Sucking, Slime Drinking,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing, Orange Fuck Faced Traitor Donald Trump....please Put Him Up Against The His Wall and Shoot Him. I pay to see that!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Trump was the greatest president since Lincoln, and if he chooses he will be again

Greatest at what?

Siding with Russian Dictator against 17-U.S. Intelligence Agencies that agree Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Giving classified information to both Russian Ambassador and Russian Foreign Minister during Oval Office meeting covered only by the Russian Press.

Telling the President of Philippines the location of two U.S. Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines.

Taking children away from their Mother at Gun Point and then losing track of where those children are, making reuniting families damn near impossible.

Encouraging Russia to hack the emails of his Political Opponent.

Of spending one full year of a 4-year term playing fucking golf, he had promised to give golfing.

Attacking Gold Star Families.

Boasting of sexually assaulting/sexually abusing Women.

Of banging a porn star while his wife was pregnant.

Of cheating on each of his wives.

Of wanting to bang his daughter.

Fuck that Orange Lying Dried Up fucking dog trud.

Fuck his followers as well.
Trump and I have dual ownership of your mind.

Again Trump was the greatest President since Lincoln, but retards like you who have nothing actually want to pay more taxes so you can have less than nothing
The former president was a damaged man-child, maybe you're one too.
Thanks for caring, you are very special to me too

This is a piece that might interest you . . .

They don't even try to do it covertly anymore, and Americans don't care.

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media​

February 5, 2018

“Former CIA director John Brennan has become the latest member of the NBC News and MSNBC family, officially signing with the network as a contributor,” chirps a recent article by The Wrap, as though that’s a perfectly normal thing to have to write and not a ghastly symptom of an Orwellian dystopia. NBC reports that the former head of the depraved, lying, torturing, propagandizing, drug trafficking, coup-staging, warmongering Central Intelligence Agency “is now a senior national security and intelligence analyst.”

CIA Information Operations Center logo

Brennan, who played a key role in the construction of the establishment’s Russia narrative that has been used to manufacture public consent for world-threatening new cold war escalations, is just the latest addition in an ongoing trend of trusted mainstream media outlets being packed to the gills with stalwarts from the U.S. intelligence community. Brennan joins CIA and DoD Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash on the NBC/MSNBC lineup, who is serving there as a national security analyst, as well as NBC intelligence/national security reporter and known CIA collaborator Ken Dilanian.

Former Director of National Intelligence, Russiagate architect, and known Russophobic racist James Clapper was welcomed to the CNN “family” last year by Chris “It’s Illegal to Read WikiLeaks” Cuomo and now routinely appears as an expert analyst for the network. Last year CNN also hired a new national security analyst in Michael Hayden, who has served as CIA Director, NSA Director, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and an Air Force general. . . . "

Brennan is in the early stages of heart failure, so he will not be around for long anyway. The guy can't say three words without being out of breath

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