Rudy On Glenn Beck Today

Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
He's the former mayor of New York who stopped the highest murder rate in the world and changed the percentages to some of the lowest. He scared the poo outta even the most hardened criminals.

He is now a corrupt crooked bastard. Two of his associates have already been indicted and Giuliani may be next.
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

Giuliani is a sleazy corrupt bastard. Two associates have been indicted and he is under investigation as well.
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.
LOL.. The documents he has are SWORN affidavits.... Your an idiot as the chain of evidence is intact and provable...

Corrupt bastards like Shokin. They can swear until the sun goes down and no one will care.
Rudy has evidence of wrongdoing and corruption and he's not turning it over to the justice dept.? And tainting any possible case by using it as a partisan political attack? Is this guy actually a lawyer or does he just play one on TV?
Way to go fuckwit... Even Barr said he will take whatever anyone has accumulated... Rudy has already supplied Barr with what he has..
I'm sure, what he didn't say is that any evidence he gets from Rudy and his shady sources is worthless in a court of law.
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?
Rudy put mafia bosses in jail.. He was a Southern District federal attorney.. He has his shit in a group... and you ignorant fucks are going to wear it..
The left seems "disturbed"
prove they are "worthless"...
What is Rudy? He is not an official investigator. Where did he get the "evidence"? What are his motives? All these things make the "evidence" not allowable. For this reason it cannot even be used to start an investigation since later evidence obtained from it would also be disallowed. Haven't you ever watched a cop/lawyer show?

Rudy can take it to court and if there is a trial the officials in Ukraine would be sent for as witnesses. And Rudy was US Associate Attorney General and United States Attorney for Southern District of NY as well as NYC mayor for 8 years. He reduced crime and took on the Mafia. He ain't no sleazy street lawyer like Obama. He has all his shit in one pile.

The legal standards for allowable evidence is pretty clear. It has to be collected from it's source by an officer of the law and it's chain of custody documented. We do not have that here. For all we know it came from the Kremlin's exceptional forgery labs. All we have is the word of a politically motivated proven liar.
LOL.. The documents he has are SWORN affidavits.... Your an idiot as the chain of evidence is intact and provable...

Corrupt bastards like Shokin. They can swear until the sun goes down and no one will care.

If Shokin was fired purportedly for not investigating Burisma, and he was replaced by Lutsenko, who did not investigate Burisma. It looks like Biden was the one who stopped the real investigation. Otherwise a real prosecutor would have investigated Burisma and cleaned it up. Biden likes his kick-back scheme and Hunter's big paydays.
Rudy is a pit bull, he will not let go, and Trump will order his leads to be followed-up by Barr and Durham. Soros and Biden should be very worried.

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