Rudy receiving death threats

More shit Scott Walker does not know...we have the list...he does not know if he believes in Evolution: he does not know if Obama loves his country...and now this............
Scott Walker Says He Doesn’t Know If Obama Is Christian

Usually the President never hears the death threats. The Secret Service handles those issues and they find the person and arrest him. The Secret Service treats all threats to the President very seriously.

Rudy doesn't have that luxury.
Fk Rudy and all his ilk....
Same to you and enjoy the rest of your day.
Well then Fk you too mother effer...
Thank you, appreciate the liberal tolerance.
I do not appreciate anything about conservatives ....nothing at all... I disrespect you because you deserve disrespect...whining about Rudy LOL

Thank you for disrespecting me, I can think of no higher honor than to be disrespected by a left wing nutter.
You see Scott Walker, being an entitled white male and a self proclaimed Christian "on a political mission from God" to make the poor suffer as much as possible, Scotty white male Christianity is unassailable...Scott Walker is the real deal Christian...not so for the cocoa hued President can Obama be Christian when his skin is so dark ?????
Rudy receiving death threats

that is the way liberscum and demofools react when they are faced with the truth about their illegally elected "Dear Leader".

everyone who threatened Rudy should drop dead this instant..., oooops.., we may not have any liberasswypes left here, would that be a good thing ??

Rudy receiving death threats

that is the way liberscum and demofools react when they are faced with the truth about their illegally elected "Dear Leader".

everyone who threatened Rudy should drop dead this instant..., oooops.., we may not have any liberasswypes left here, would that be a good thing ??

You poor whinny victim of libruls ...wrap your face in duct tape and get under the bed punk boy
Defending Obama with death threats. They represent the stupidity of liberals perfectly.
Are they going to cut his head off, like Obie's poor misunderstood pals have threatened to do to him?
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
Yeah that has worked out good.
Rudy receiving death threats

that is the way liberscum and demofools react when they are faced with the truth about their illegally elected "Dear Leader".

everyone who threatened Rudy should drop dead this instant..., oooops.., we may not have any liberasswypes left here, would that be a good thing ??

You poor whinny victim of libruls ...wrap your face in duct tape and get under the bed punk boy

It seems to me Rudy is the one whining. He made a stupid, stupid statement and now he is whining.

Rudy receiving death threats

that is the way liberscum and demofools react when they are faced with the truth about their illegally elected "Dear Leader".

everyone who threatened Rudy should drop dead this instant..., oooops.., we may not have any liberasswypes left here, would that be a good thing ??

You poor whinny victim of libruls ...wrap your face in duct tape and get under the bed punk boy

It seems to me Rudy is the one whining. He made a stupid, stupid statement and now he is whining.
All of these Right wing nuts talk tough but when you slap them down the whining is piteous ...look at how they bleed for the "librul victim" Rudy....
Rudy receiving death threats

that is the way liberscum and demofools react when they are faced with the truth about their illegally elected "Dear Leader".

everyone who threatened Rudy should drop dead this instant..., oooops.., we may not have any liberasswypes left here, would that be a good thing ??

You poor whinny victim of libruls ...wrap your face in duct tape and get under the bed punk boy
ha ha ha, that your best insult ?
you need to pull one of your dear leaders used condoms over your face and return to the cesspool from which you slithered. :lmao: ... :up: ... :lmao: ... :up: ... :lmao: ... :up: ... :lmao: ... :up:

:fu: ................. :asshole:
More shit Scott Walker does not know...we have the list...he does not know if he believes in Evolution: he does not know if Obama loves his country...and now this............
Scott Walker Says He Doesn’t Know If Obama Is Christian


Sarah Palin clone ^^^? This guy is an empty suit. He is the anti leader, someone who will always asks this question on every issue: "how will my answer impact me and my personal ambition".

He is not a problem solver, he is a demagogue who has taken conservatism to a new low, afraid to answer a question which might cost him the nomination,

Does this record suggest he has earned presidential consideration?

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