Rudy receiving death threats

Giuliani's second wife, Donna Hanover, tearfully discusses the dissolution of her marriage which she first learned of from a Giuliani press conference.
Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him. And remember Bernie Kerik? He's the Giulaini police commissioner, business partner and sidekick whose nomination as homeland security secretary narrowly preceded indictments. He then did his national service in prison.
You know Rudy Giuliani was brought up the right way
Wayne Barrett What Rudy Giuliani knows about love - NY Daily News
Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being "brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country," a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy's uncle.
Usually the President never hears the death threats. The Secret Service handles those issues and they find the person and arrest him. The Secret Service treats all threats to the President very seriously.

Rudy doesn't have that luxury.
Fk Rudy and all his ilk....
Same to you and enjoy the rest of your day.
Well then Fk you too mother effer...
Thank you, appreciate the liberal tolerance.
I do not appreciate anything about conservatives ....nothing at all... I disrespect you because you deserve disrespect...whining about Rudy LOL
the truth just pisses you off like all ignorant progressives....
You know Rudy Giuliani was brought up the right way
Wayne Barrett What Rudy Giuliani knows about love - NY Daily News
Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being "brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country," a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy's uncle.

Obviously, you do not love Rudy.....revealing all those skeletons of his past.....:badgrin:
You know Rudy Giuliani was brought up the right way
Wayne Barrett What Rudy Giuliani knows about love - NY Daily News
Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being "brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country," a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy's uncle.

Obviously, you do not love Rudy.....revealing all those skeletons of his past.....:badgrin:
I am only doing it because the bum started calling out he is fair game for exposure ...and there is more ..
This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah

Look at what those democrats are doing....That your party asshole.
Those are good Christian you
Nope those where democrats LIKE YOU. That is who all you democrats are.
Those were white privileged Christians ..exactly like you...the Christian ISIS
Let's not forget to that this phony self proclaimed America's Mayor dissed the first responders before and after 9/11. All he did a couple of days after was walk around the rubble making sure he had a camera crew there to film him then when the Fire and Police First responders asked for benefits because of being exposed to hazard materials he refused to give it to them just like he didn't provide them with good and proper radios during the attacks and while they were in the buildings helping people. Giuliani is a loser and he needs to be ignored.


Rudy why dont you explain your companies website to your fellow Americans??

Middle East Practice Group Bracewell Giuliani International Lawyers Dubai Office Bracewell Giuliani
oh dear. what the left forgets is there is a stash people can go back to show their two faced hypocrisy. what a nasty man that Obama is

FLASHBACK: Liberals Cheered Obama When He Questioned George Bush’s Patriotism (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, February 21, 2015, 3:15 PM

In 2008 then Senator Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. Bush added about four trillion to the debt in eight years after the 9-11 attacks and mortgage crisis. Barack Obama then added the same amount of debt in less than three years.
Via Flopping Aces:

You certainly didn’t hear any reporters lecturing Obama for his uncivil rhetoric after that outrageous attack.

ALL of it here:
FLASHBACK Liberals Cheered Obama When He Questioned George Bush s Patriotism Video The Gateway Pundit

OK... Let me spell it out for you and follow this tirade with a serious question.

What has been done to this sitting president is unprecedented. He has been blocked from doing anything other than a half assed medical insurance reform..then has received massive complaints about what was blocked from his intended bill.

Here is the problem. You morons have created a situation that will NEVER go away. You have ruined a presidency....fine. If there ever is a republican president again his presidency will be toast.. and on and on. What you VERY stupid people have done is destroy respect for an institution and the validity of the power of the vote. Congratulations!!! You lose an election..maybe matter...just stab the president in the back and blame the crime on him. The presidency will never again be respected. Why...because payback is a bitch. Are you proud of that? If you are then you truly are as dumb as I give you credit for being.

Now the question.

You claim my posts are negative, in so many not so well chosen words..

I post many serious posts on this MB not related to the anger I feel towards neocons/teapartymorons. Where are your serious thoughtful posts? Where do you contribute anything that you believe makes this a better more informed message board?
Last edited:
This is when Jesus ruled the south...Holy Schnikes those be white Christians going ISIS on Black Americans ...say hallelujah

Look at what those democrats are doing....That your party asshole.
Those are good Christian you
Nope those where democrats LIKE YOU. That is who all you democrats are.
Those were white privileged Christians ..exactly like you...the Christian ISIS
Those where democrats like you. That is your party. that is its true face and you must agree whole heartedly with it because you defend it.
The dumbass insisted that the command center be placed inside the World Trade Center - and this was AFTER the first WTC bombing. People thought he was nuts, and it turns out people were right. It definitely contributed to the confusion, and probably the death toll.
And your hero Obama hates the country. I will stick with Rudy.

Obama is NOT MY hero but he is the sitting president of MY country and for that he gets my respect. A-holes like you that make monkey noises from the freedom and anonymity of the internet mean less than nothing. You have no respect for what deserves respect and wonder why nobody wants fools LIKE you in the white house. You morons may be able to steer like minded morons in less educated parts of our country to win small elections but mark my words. America will never allow someone as dangerously stupid as Bush back in as the leader of the free world.

oh You libs are so full of it. NOT one of your kind (the left/libs) showed respect to President Bush. and you were probably one marching in the streets holding a sign comparing Bush to Hitler, while our military had BOOTS on the ground in Iraq. so save us the sermon

I only GIVE respect to someone who give me the same. Obama has done nothing but shown and spewed disrespect on, WE THE PEOPLE he represents. like you're doing now

Go fuck yourself Steph. I'm not a "Lib" by ANY stretch. You are a liar. NOW THAT is a fact!

Poor Staph. She knows the party of old white men is dying. 2014 was their last gasp. She is desperate.

Being old and white isn't the problem. Being old, white and stupid is the problem.
Rudi is a liar playing the victim after his slander.
If anyone is getting death threats after what Rudi said it is Obama, but you don't hear him crying like Baby Rudi.

Usually the President never hears the death threats. The Secret Service handles those issues and they find the person and arrest him. The Secret Service treats all threats to the President very seriously.

As they should.
Let's not forget to that this phony self proclaimed America's Mayor dissed the first responders before and after 9/11. All he did a couple of days after was walk around the rubble making sure he had a camera crew there to film him then when the Fire and Police First responders asked for benefits because of being exposed to hazard materials he refused to give it to them just like he didn't provide them with good and proper radios during the attacks and while they were in the buildings helping people. Giuliani is a loser and he needs to be ignored.


Rudy why dont you explain your companies website to your fellow Americans??

Middle East Practice Group Bracewell Giuliani International Lawyers Dubai Office Bracewell Giuliani
Again you dont know what your talking about. Must suck to be as ignorant as you.

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