Rudy receiving death threats

America was great when God was a part of it, since liberals have started getting their way about 50 or 60 years ago the country has gone to shit.
God wasn't part of America, dummy. He's not even mentioned on the founding fucking document. And this is a Liberal Nation. If you don't like it then move to fucking Jesusland. You aren't needed or wanted here.
Government meetings used to start with a prayer, until the likes of you got you're panties in a wad about it. God has always had a part in our government.
God was a tradition, he has nothing to do with the government that was founded without him even being mentioned. You want to live in a Christian nation so go do so, this isn't one of them.
I know thanks to liberals, now we have a muslim president.
Good, that would be long fucking overdue. In Jesusland you have to be a Christian, in America we banned religious tests for holding public office because this is not a Christian Nation, it's a Liberal one, so start packing, you aren't wanted here.

I disagree, people did not vote for Romney because he was a Mormon. Obama is not a Muslim, if he were, he would not have been elected. Discrimination, religious and otherwise are alive and well.
Isn't a good President. But to claim someone willing to become President, and thus be instantly blamed for every problem in the country if not world is ridiculous.

I blame Obama for his incompetency, corruption and extreme far Left agenda for America.

I think the reason he has an far Left agenda is because of what Giuliani said; he has no understanding of this country.
Good, that would be long fucking overdue. In Jesusland you have to be a Christian, in America we banned religious tests for holding public office because this is not a Christian Nation, it's a Liberal one, so start packing, you aren't wanted here.
There are more Christians than atheist, how does it feel being a minority?View attachment 37018
I'm agnostic, atheists and theists are both as dumb as dog shit, as are the vast majority of all other human beings and since I'm fucking smart I've been in the minority my whole damn life. How's it feel to be a dumbshit who doesn't understand religion or evolution?
I'm a Christian cause I understand it. Hopefully you will to before you figure out it and then it's to late.
All these little egotistical morons, believing they have their Ticket to Heaven and trying like hell to convince everyone else they are blessed. Believe in your lie little Christian, you're taking it to the grave where all humans return to the nothingness they came from.
Dear jknowgood and PaintMyHouse
the problem with Obama is his partisan beliefs that have become a nationalized religion.
it is one thing to practice your beliefs freely and privately through your own group, church or party.

But is wrongful and a violation of one's Constitutional oath of office
to IMPOSE such a political belief by federal law, such as Obama did with the ACA mandates.

Had these remained OPTIONAL and voluntary, that would still be constitutional.
But trying to force change on a federal level, instead of recognizing the
rights of states and people was a violation on two or three different counts:
the rights of states by the Tenth Amendment to manage their own population with mixed political beliefs, the right of the people by the First Amendment to exercise our political beliefs by choice not by force
(so people who choose mandates can comply by force, while people who choose free choice
are not subject to involuntary servitude by losing liberties or income/labor when no crime was committed and no due process or right to vote was allowed as on the state level).
and thus the Fourteenth Amendment not to discriminate on the basis of creed, by favoring those who believe right to health care trumps these Constitutional principles or beliefs in them.

Obama violated these by imposing the mandates and refusing to alter them
except by his approval alone, which makes him the dictator on the rules of this
political religion that keep changing at his whim (thus requiring people to have faith in him as their Pope to dictate the law they are forced to follow with no Constitutional check) which all citizens are bound to subscribe to or else face tax fines we had no say in.

So what are YOU worried about with Christian or Atheist views
that aren't being imposed by federal laws and tax mandates?

Your President just passed a law forcing every citizen to register for some kind of
option under this political religious order, without any say in the changing rules,
or else pay FINES TO FUND this regime to be imposed on us that keeps changing, regardless of your beliefs about it.

Why aren't you protesting this abuse of federal power to dictate a religion
that everyone is forced to pay tithes to?

Shouldn't people have the right to know and agree to terms of contracts and taxation IN ADVANCE BEFORE it is enforced and we are forced to pay fines for not complying?

What kind of tax based law is FORCED on people without knowledge of what the requirements are, how the program is going to work, and the rules keep changing.

Shouldn't you get the system straight first, THEN agree what parts to make mandatory while working the rest out that is voluntary so that part can change. Why change the mandatory parts? Shouldn't that be voluntary if it is experimental and people don't agree what works yet?


I wouldn't fund a church until I knew what they were practicing and agreed to that.
yet ALL AMERICANS are forced to fund a federal health care system when half the nation doesn't believe in doing it that way, and the nobody knows what the rules are going to change to. Yet we are all fined if we don't follow it?

Why aren't you disturbed by that?

Sure, if you trust Obama and liberals to work it out, if you have faith in it so it doesn't
both you, that's great! then YOU pay for this. But don't force others two who


that is pushing beliefs on people, and govt cannot be abused to force people
to change their beliefs or force them to have faith in something they don't believe in

how is this any different from forcing a national religion or belief?

just because it is secular then it is okay to force beliefs on people by national govt? really?
that's like forcing atheism because if it's secular then it's not a religion?
sorry that's unconstitutional and so is this health care agenda turned nationalized religion.
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Isn't this beautiful? Freedom of speech ends up in hate and threats. Why I oughta gouge out your eyes and look up your ISP and burn your house down. Sorry, pretending to be a liberal here.
Actually, Giuliani requested and was given a number of deferments

Wouldn't someone who loves his country as much as Rudy volunteer to protect it?

Giuliani was a Vietnam War era draft dodger just like Bill Clinton and Joe Biden. That never bothered you Moon Bats when applicable to your filthy ass Libtard politicians so it is disingenuous to bring it up to discredit Giuliani.

He is also a Liberal and I would never vote for him for any office.

However, that does not make him ineligible to comment on the fact that Obama has no connection with real America. What he said was absolutely true about Obama. In fact him being a Liberal gives a lot of credibility to his statements.
Yo, Rudy just said what he is thinking, this is America right? At least his comment showed who the real terrorist are in America, "The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party!"
...patriotic Americans such a Victoria Jackson (who wept for America when Obama got reelected)...
Calling that fat stupid xenophobic homophobic pig an American is an insult. She is a citizen of America, and that's all, and it's far more than she is worthy of.

Why is she not an American with equal free speech as anyone else?

Obama is an American why not Victoria Jackson?
Discrimination, religious and otherwise are alive and well.
Yes it is, but not by law, and not here even from the beginning.

I know, bigotry and hatred can be outlawed but never contained.
If I didn't need certain people of faith to get elected, I'd never vote for a one. Religion, like humanity itself, is a disease.

I don't vote religion, I vote platforms and ideas.
...patriotic Americans such a Victoria Jackson (who wept for America when Obama got reelected)...
Calling that fat stupid xenophobic homophobic pig an American is an insult. She is a citizen of America, and that's all, and it's far more than she is worthy of.

Why is she not an American with equal free speech as anyone else?

Obama is an American why not Victoria Jackson?
He is much more liberal than she is, and therefore much more rational as well. She is an American in name only, but she has plenty of company.
Yo, its like the "gipper" said, but I would put the word "Majority" of Americans are sick of this confused ass in the White House!

Actually that greedy coalition of dumbasses that elected the sonofabitch aren't sick of him. They love all the despicable destructive things he has done. That is why they are the scum of America. Just look at the idiots on this forum that try to defend him. If they had a clue as to Obama's incompetency and corruption they would have dumped him a long time ago but they aren't smart enough to figure it out.

Of course we are talking a bout the morons that in 2008 and 2012 thought Obama was their Messiah so we are not exactly talking about the best and the brightest, are we?
Discrimination, religious and otherwise are alive and well.
Yes it is, but not by law, and not here even from the beginning.

I know, bigotry and hatred can be outlawed but never contained.
If I didn't need certain people of faith to get elected, I'd never vote for a one. Religion, like humanity itself, is a disease.

I don't vote religion, I vote platforms and ideas.
I don't vote religion either but the closer you come to being in a cult, like Romney, the less likely I am to vote for you.
Yo, Rudy just said what he is thinking, this is America right? At least his comment showed who the real terrorist are in America, "The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party!"
Hi 1stRambo
I got jumped on by a fellow Democrat for referring to the "Democrat Party"
Can we start a campaign to ONLY refer to Democrats as a Democrat singular or Democrats plural.
But ONLY mention their party as a party. And do not acknowledge them as "Democrat or Democratic Party"
EXCEPT if ALL members of that group ACKNOWLEDGE their beliefs constitute a religion or creed.

If they do not see they act like a cult,
then they should be addressed as individuals ONLY.
Democrat or Democrats until this is accepted that parties are to be acknowledged the same as a religious group.

If they agree, then they can be the Democratic Party
and/or they can be the Democrat Party depending which denomination is which.
We'd have to agree which ones are like me who is a Constitutionalist and recognizes
all other beliefs and creeds equally protecting and included by the Constitution.
and which denomination is the fundamentalists like Obama who will exclude others an dnot
protect and defend all views equally by the Constitution.

I'm willing to petition the Democrats to decide which denomination is which.
I believe in isonomy and can explain my views, and the rest of the group
can decide and maybe let me and other Democrats like me be called
the Democrat Party who take responsibility for our views,
and the Democratic Party which acts as a religious entity or cult can be the other group.

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