Rudy receiving death threats

Aren't fags fashionable nowadays? Maybe if he becomes a she and marries his cat, and get the transsexual weirdo LIBERAL vote. I have no clue where Obama is coming from, the weirdo mixed race class maybe...sorta? Giuliani represents US normal folks.
It is merely one man's opinion and he has a right to voice it, no matter what the tyrannical Left thinks.

However I suspect his opinion of the POTUS, is also held by many Americans. Of course, those on the Left will say it is racist, as they do of any criticism of this POTUS.
Just one man's opinion....Uhh,, No....From where did the death threats come?
Opinions are one thing...Issuing death threats for having an opinion is another.
Did you even consider what you were thinking before you posted?
Discrimination, religious and otherwise are alive and well.
Yes it is, but not by law, and not here even from the beginning.

I know, bigotry and hatred can be outlawed but never contained.
If I didn't need certain people of faith to get elected, I'd never vote for a one. Religion, like humanity itself, is a disease.

I don't vote religion, I vote platforms and ideas.
I don't vote religion either but the closer you come to being in a cult, like Romney, the less likely I am to vote for you.

Do you consider right to health care and liberalism to be a political religion?
do you vote for liberals and Democrats religiously and exclude others as "not American?
Then you might have a political religion.
Aren't fags fashionable nowadays? Maybe if he become a she and marry his cat, and get the transsexual weirdo LIBERAL vote. I have no clue where Obama is coming from, the weirdo mixed race class maybe...sorta? Giuliani represents US normal folks.
Obama is mixing and pushing party views/beliefs with the literal Constitutional process,
to integrate these political beliefs into govt,
but is excluding the traditional beliefs of Constitutionalism
and not seeing or including those beliefs as equal under the very Constitution he swore to uphold.
Yes it is, but not by law, and not here even from the beginning.

I know, bigotry and hatred can be outlawed but never contained.
If I didn't need certain people of faith to get elected, I'd never vote for a one. Religion, like humanity itself, is a disease.

I don't vote religion, I vote platforms and ideas.
I don't vote religion either but the closer you come to being in a cult, like Romney, the less likely I am to vote for you.

Do you consider right to health care and liberalism to be a political religion?
do you vote for liberals and Democrats religiously and exclude others as "not American?
Then you might have a political religion.
I'm a Liberal, I vote for Liberals, but when I can't I vote for Democrats since they are more in keeping with the American way of life while your side is more in keeping with the Dark Ages.
And you think this warrants death threats? For criticizing Obama?

You idiot.

Did he bring this on himself? I think he did. Rudy has become a bumbling, stumbling idiot in the Republican Party....which is a pretty big honor....from what I understand.
Death threats? Seriously?...
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Has your agenda and ideology become so insecure, so arrogant that you think it is in good form to issue death threats against those who do not comply or conform to your ideology?
Is that the kind of country in which you wish to live?
Yo, the Republicans better have observers at every Voting Precinct in America in the next election, because this traitor Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill. is going to get his army of illegals in the U.S.A. to vote Socialist!
Giuliani represent normal heterosexual people .Obama seems a little neurotic and mixed up to me. Obama puts me out of job, and wants to help illegal aliens. Baffo, great job, Miramar Obama or whatever your F-king name is.
Giuliani represent normal heterosexual people .Obama seems a little neurotic and mixed up to me. Obama puts me out of job, and wants to help illegal aliens. Baffo, great job, Miramar Obama or whatever your F-king name is.

Maybe you just weren't good enough to keep.
Giuliani represent normal heterosexual people.
Ah, no...
Guliani is a dope, but his comments certainly don't warrant death threats.
Why is he a dope? Because he's not a flaming liberal?

He may have been one of the best mayors New York City has ever had, but he lost me when he asked Ron Paul to take back his statement about blowback leading to the 9/11 attacks. Ron Paul was completely right, but Guliani kept up with his "they hate us for our freedoms" bullshit. He was definitely a decent mayor, but I wouldn't want him handling our foreign policy.
Nutanyahoo is welcoming Jews to Israel. Maybe Rudy should consider moving. Nutanyahoo would probably name a new "settlement" after him.

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