Rudy receiving death threats

Hi Emily,
Yo, first you need to change Parties, it does
n`t need to be a Republican, it can be Independent? Your Party left you real Democrats a longtime ago, I would say after John F. Kennedy was killed! You sound like a smart person, so please run like HELL from the Radical Party!
I can see it now. Rudy will be whining like a baby on the Sunday talk shows. He'll probably be surrounded by Mossad agents.
I like Obama, but I can't relate to him. He is my president, I won't insult him. I wish we had Rudy running the place not this liberal crypto muslim.I wish.
Hi Emily,
Yo, first you need to change Parties, it doesView attachment 37031 n`t need to be a Republican, it can be Independent? Your Party left you real Democrats a longtime ago, I would say after John F. Kennedy was killed! You sound like a smart person, so please run like HELL from the Radical Party!
That is a myth that jfk wasn't as leftist as the rest of them when evidence says other wise. Just looking how commie his family is tells us which way he would have leaned if he had lived . He did vote no on civil rights after all
I like Obama, but I can't relate to him. He is my president, I won't insult him. I wish we had Rudy running the place not this liberal crypto muslim.I wish.

He sure as hell ain't my President. He is the President of that greedy coalition of despicable scumbags that voted for him.

By the way, speaking of insults.

Obama called Bush unpatriotic for having debt. Of course it was the same debt that Obama voted for as Senator so his remarks were unfounded coming from Obama's filthy mouth.

Seriously, leftie? You think Rudy deserves death threats and has it coming? What is it with radicals that make them think death threats are a reasonable response to being offended. The left and radical Muslims do have a lot in common.

Rudy can say whatever he wants and anyone can disagree or insult him. He can take it and won't respond with threats. People don't bring on death threats with mere words. It's radicals who are quick to resort to violence who are sick. Never ceases to amaze me what some liberals will accept as normal.
I like Obama, but I can't relate to him. He is my president, I won't insult him. I wish we had Rudy running the place not this liberal crypto muslim.I wish.

He sure as hell ain't my President. He is the President of that greedy coalition of despicable scumbags that voted for him.

By the way, speaking of insults.

Obama called Bush unpatriotic for having debt. Of course it was the same debt that Obama voted for as Senator so his remarks were unfounded coming from Obama's filthy mouth.

That'll leave a mark...or it should
Giuliani made the point spot on. Obama is not culturally black but is an assimilated white, black wannabe.
Obama's only lineage connection to American black culture and plight is through his assimilated American white mother's side. His absentee father was an African national from a country with virtually no involvement in the slave trade beyond some ownership.
But the abject shallowness of skin color and afroid skeletal features is all that matters to the bigoted left wing blacks and the guilty left wing whites.
Another possible threat would be kidnapping Rudy and put him in a 10X10 locked room along with Rosie O'Donnell, Debbie Wasserman, and Barney Frank. For at least 4 days.

Or to force him to watch all the al Franklin skits from SNL repeatedly!
It is merely one man's opinion and he has a right to voice it, no matter what the tyrannical Left thinks.

However I suspect his opinion of the POTUS, is also held by many Americans. Of course, those on the Left will say it is racist, as they do of any criticism of this POTUS.
Just one man's opinion....Uhh,, No....From where did the death threats come?
Opinions are one thing...Issuing death threats for having an opinion is another.
Did you even consider what you were thinking before you posted?

Rudy voiced an opinion. That is his right. My post mentioned nothing about death I am at a lose as to what you are bitching about.
The dnc rag the Washingtoncompost has been completely stupid over this. Now it's Walkers fault for not "correcting" Rudy like he's some child or something. Just because they (the Demcorat party) treat their voters like they are their slaves. they (Democrat party) believe everyone should step on Rudy's freedoms of speech or get beat the hell down.

DESPERATION sure can be ugly and stupid too
Did he bring this on himself? I think he did. Rudy has become a bumbling, stumbling idiot in the Republican Party....which is a pretty big honor....from what I understand.

Only sick bastards like you would be happy he's getting death threats for openly criticizing President Obama.

Now let me ask you something:

What exactly has Obama done to show love for this country?
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Did he bring this on himself? I think he did. Rudy has become a bumbling, stumbling idiot in the Republican Party....which is a pretty big honor....from what I understand.

Only sick bastards like you would be happy he's getting death threats for openly criticizing President Obama.

Now let me ask you something:

What exactly has he done to show love for this country?

yet they claim it's the right tearing this country down. I hope people had their fill of them under Obama. which I think they did and is why they voted them into minority statues. So let the left keep up with their nasty dirty politics. I think they are HELPING Republicans like they did the last TWO ELECTIONS

you all are on roll. first questioning a Governors college choices, wigging over evolution and NOW look like fools

Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing (in a very ugly way -- see picture above)
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Sounds like Rudy should be more concerned with the skeletons in his own closet.

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