Rudy receiving death threats

America was great when God was a part of it, since liberals have started getting their way about 50 or 60 years ago the country has gone to shit.
God wasn't part of America, dummy. He's not even mentioned on the founding fucking document. And this is a Liberal Nation. If you don't like it then move to fucking Jesusland. You aren't needed or wanted here.
Government meetings used to start with a prayer, until the likes of you got you're panties in a wad about it. God has always had a part in our government.
God was a tradition, he has nothing to do with the government that was founded without him even being mentioned. You want to live in a Christian nation so go do so, this isn't one of them.
I know thanks to liberals, now we have a muslim president.
Good, that would be long fucking overdue. In Jesusland you have to be a Christian, in America we banned religious tests for holding public office because this is not a Christian Nation, it's a Liberal one, so start packing, you aren't wanted here.
There are more Christians than atheist, how does it feel being a minority?
God wasn't part of America, dummy. He's not even mentioned on the founding fucking document. And this is a Liberal Nation. If you don't like it then move to fucking Jesusland. You aren't needed or wanted here.
Government meetings used to start with a prayer, until the likes of you got you're panties in a wad about it. God has always had a part in our government.
God was a tradition, he has nothing to do with the government that was founded without him even being mentioned. You want to live in a Christian nation so go do so, this isn't one of them.
I know thanks to liberals, now we have a muslim president.
Good, that would be long fucking overdue. In Jesusland you have to be a Christian, in America we banned religious tests for holding public office because this is not a Christian Nation, it's a Liberal one, so start packing, you aren't wanted here.
There are more Christians than atheist, how does it feel being a minority?View attachment 37018
I'm agnostic, atheists and theists are both as dumb as dog shit, as are the vast majority of all other human beings and since I'm fucking smart I've been in the minority my whole damn life. How's it feel to be a dumbshit who doesn't understand religion or evolution?
Government meetings used to start with a prayer, until the likes of you got you're panties in a wad about it. God has always had a part in our government.
God was a tradition, he has nothing to do with the government that was founded without him even being mentioned. You want to live in a Christian nation so go do so, this isn't one of them.
I know thanks to liberals, now we have a muslim president.
Good, that would be long fucking overdue. In Jesusland you have to be a Christian, in America we banned religious tests for holding public office because this is not a Christian Nation, it's a Liberal one, so start packing, you aren't wanted here.
There are more Christians than atheist, how does it feel being a minority?View attachment 37018
I'm agnostic, atheists and theists are both as dumb as dog shit, as are the vast majority of all other human beings and since I'm fucking smart I've been in the minority my whole damn life. How's it feel to be a dumbshit who doesn't understand religion or evolution?
I'm a Christian cause I understand it. Hopefully you will to before you figure out it and then it's to late.
God was a tradition, he has nothing to do with the government that was founded without him even being mentioned. You want to live in a Christian nation so go do so, this isn't one of them.
I know thanks to liberals, now we have a muslim president.
Good, that would be long fucking overdue. In Jesusland you have to be a Christian, in America we banned religious tests for holding public office because this is not a Christian Nation, it's a Liberal one, so start packing, you aren't wanted here.
There are more Christians than atheist, how does it feel being a minority?View attachment 37018
I'm agnostic, atheists and theists are both as dumb as dog shit, as are the vast majority of all other human beings and since I'm fucking smart I've been in the minority my whole damn life. How's it feel to be a dumbshit who doesn't understand religion or evolution?
I'm a Christian cause I understand it. Hopefully you will to before you figure out it and then it's to late.
All these little egotistical morons, believing they have their Ticket to Heaven and trying like hell to convince everyone else they are blessed. Believe in your lie little Christian, you're taking it to the grave where all humans return to the nothingness they came from.
They didn't serve Jesus, which is why it worked. They didn't even mention the crazy fucker, it was considered rude and illiberal. Learn fucking American history, the real version and not that David Barton shit.
America was great when God was a part of it, since liberals have started getting their way about 50 or 60 years ago the country has gone to shit.
God wasn't part of America, dummy. He's not even mentioned on the founding fucking document. And this is a Liberal Nation. If you don't like it then move to fucking Jesusland. You aren't needed or wanted here.
Government meetings used to start with a prayer, until the likes of you got you're panties in a wad about it. God has always had a part in our government.
God was a tradition, he has nothing to do with the government that was founded without him even being mentioned. You want to live in a Christian nation so go do so, this isn't one of them.
I know thanks to liberals, now we have a muslim president.

Good Grief! Another knuckle dragging Neanderthal!
Julian is the only real person in the media since 2008.

the only one with any guts to stand up for we the people.

as for their outrage, death threats, accusing right wingers for everything, they can all go to hell in my book

Staph, I think you don't love America! I have every right to say it and think it. Right?
Giuliani stands by Obama comments -

Well, Rudy....."Stupid is as Stupid does"......:rofl:
Hmmm I see a difference between someone who takes responsibility
for what he says
and someone who makes ANONYMOUS threats.

Which person would you say has more credibility?

Now if someone stood up and challenged Rudy and Obama publicly
to resolve this issue so this can be proven or disproven, that would
be the better way to "kill" that dispute.

Either agree on the Constitution and how to enforce it
where it shows equal and inclusive love and protection
for ALL Americans and not just one party, or continue
with these one sided perceptions that
one party is racist and only hating Obama for race
and the other is Muslim apologist and denying terrorists
are a threat but continuing to treat fellow Americans as terrorists.

There are whole threads on how the Tea Party and anyone
enforcing the Constitution is racist, Klan, or other violent militant threats.

So if this minority can dictate what the media uses to propagandize
entire liberal parties and populations, that sounds like hate also.
Not love of anyone.

Hate and fear.

So if you are going to blame one, blame the other.
But don't try to excuse one and overcompensate by projecting
on the other.

And certainly don't express your objection
by "anonymous death threats" while claiming
it's the conservatives who are a threat to govt leaders?
I know thanks to liberals, now we have a muslim president.
Good, that would be long fucking overdue. In Jesusland you have to be a Christian, in America we banned religious tests for holding public office because this is not a Christian Nation, it's a Liberal one, so start packing, you aren't wanted here.
There are more Christians than atheist, how does it feel being a minority?View attachment 37018
I'm agnostic, atheists and theists are both as dumb as dog shit, as are the vast majority of all other human beings and since I'm fucking smart I've been in the minority my whole damn life. How's it feel to be a dumbshit who doesn't understand religion or evolution?
I'm a Christian cause I understand it. Hopefully you will to before you figure out it and then it's to late.
All these little egotistical morons, believing they have their Ticket to Heaven and trying like hell to convince everyone else they are blessed. Believe in your lie little Christian, you're taking it to the grave where all humans return to the nothingness they came from.
Julian is the only real person in the media since 2008.

the only one with any guts to stand up for we the people.

as for their outrage, death threats, accusing right wingers for everything, they can all go to hell in my book

Staph, I think you don't love America! I have every right to say it and think it. Right?

JimH52 patriotic Americans such a Victoria Jackson (who wept for America when Obama got reelected)
and Stephanie are so thrown off by a President that would put partisan beliefs over the Constitution
and establish a health care religion they keep changing the rules to, while targeting Conservatives as "terrorists" and downplaying Jihadist terrorism as "workplace violence."
that it is HARD to see love in such Americans
through all the GRIEF and ANGER from the ANGUISH.

Please do not underestimate these people's pain.

I just got off the phone with a very kind gentle Black businessman, who wants all people to be at peace,
and he is very liberal with his views including all people under God, and he is conservative,
and he has NO HOPE for either party who are making the system and economy CRASH.
There is too much brainwashing going on in the media, and they don't care if it is costing people
our freedom and destroying the country.

He is more concerned that we work at all our tasks and purpose, and organize for whatever happens.
So he cannot see any love of America in ANY of these leaders just pushing selfish political agenda.

Be fair.
"Rudy receiving death threats"

Which is wrong.

Just as wrong as Giuliani's comments concerning the president.
Obama criticized Bush, so if he can dish it out. He should be able to take it.

The only thing this discourse is proving is that Rudy has gone over the edge. I expect his two previous wives could see this coming?
Obama called BUSH unpatriotic for doing the same thing he is doing.

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