Rudy receiving death threats

Are they going to cut his head off, like Obie's poor misunderstood pals have threatened to do to him?
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
When was that?

Did I miss something?
When liberals started to take over, creating welfare which destroyed the black family. Taking prayer out of schools, now our schools have metal detectors. Taking the ten commandments out of public buildings our government is corrupted. Electing a muslim president, we are the laughing stock of the world, when not to long ago we were respected. Just to name a few to show you the failure of liberalism.
You're a total loon, but you live in the right state for them.
Defending Obama with death threats. They represent the stupidity of liberals perfectly.
Are they going to cut his head off, like Obie's poor misunderstood pals have threatened to do to him?
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
They didn't serve Jesus, which is why it worked. They didn't even mention the crazy fucker, it was considered rude and illiberal. Learn fucking American history, the real version and not that David Barton shit.
America was great when God was a part of it, since liberals have started getting their way about 50 or 60 years ago the country has gone to shit.
Wait...I thought the left was tolerant?? The left seems prone to violent extremism if you dare disagree with them, that sounds like ISIS.

We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.

You mean like the congregation of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago that Obama attended for 20 years where hate against Whites, Jews and even the United States was preached from the pulpit?
No, dummy.
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
When was that?

Did I miss something?
When liberals started to take over, creating welfare which destroyed the black family. Taking prayer out of schools, now our schools have metal detectors. Taking the ten commandments out of public buildings our government is corrupted. Electing a muslim president, we are the laughing stock of the world, when not to long ago we were respected. Just to name a few to show you the failure of liberalism.
You're a total loon, but you live in the right state for them.
Truth hurts? Not one lie in that.
The Amercian people don't liked to be tricked... the problem is half the country doesn't see it yet.. but they will.
Defending Obama with death threats. They represent the stupidity of liberals perfectly.
Are they going to cut his head off, like Obie's poor misunderstood pals have threatened to do to him?
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
They didn't serve Jesus, which is why it worked. They didn't even mention the crazy fucker, it was considered rude and illiberal. Learn fucking American history, the real version and not that David Barton shit.
Our Constitution makes no mention of Jesus and only a passing reference to God
Are they going to cut his head off, like Obie's poor misunderstood pals have threatened to do to him?
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
They didn't serve Jesus, which is why it worked. They didn't even mention the crazy fucker, it was considered rude and illiberal. Learn fucking American history, the real version and not that David Barton shit.
America was great when God was a part of it, since liberals have started getting their way about 50 or 60 years ago the country has gone to shit.
God wasn't part of America, dummy. He's not even mentioned on the founding fucking document. And this is a Liberal Nation. If you don't like it then move to fucking Jesusland. You aren't needed or wanted here.
Are they going to cut his head off, like Obie's poor misunderstood pals have threatened to do to him?
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
When was that?

Did I miss something?
When liberals started to take over, creating welfare which destroyed the black family. Taking prayer out of schools, now our schools have metal detectors. Taking the ten commandments out of public buildings our government is corrupted. Electing a muslim president, we are the laughing stock of the world, when not to long ago we were respected. Just to name a few to show you the failure of liberalism.
Jesus advocated feeding the hungry

When did Jesus ever go up to a poor person and scream.......Get a JOB

GOP base who'd applaud such remarks aren't anywhere near sufficient to win an election for dog catcher, let alone President.

The extreme far Left Democrat base that refuses to acknowledge the truth in Giuliani's statements are the ones that are not fit to be a part of this country. They are the scum of America.

Obama doesn't understand or give a shit about America. He is not a patriot and he sure as hell has no understanding of what made this country great. He was even too chickenshit to have served in the US military. I think most Americans know that. However, the despicable coalition of the greedy elements of this country that elected him don't really care. they just want their welfare checks and Obamaphones. Like Obama they don't care about America, only their own greed.

GOP base who'd applaud such remarks aren't anywhere near sufficient to win an election for dog catcher, let alone President.

The extreme far Left Democrat base that refuses to acknowledge the truth in Giuliani's statements are the ones that are not fit to be a part of this country. They are the scum of America.

Obama doesn't understand or give a shit about America. He is not a patriot and he sure as hell has no understanding of what made this country great. He was even too chickenshit to have served in the US military. I think most Americans know that. However, the despicable coalition of the greedy elements of this country that elected him don't really care. they just want their welfare checks and Obamaphones. Like Obama they don't care about America, only their own greed.

Isn't a good President. But to claim someone willing to become President, and thus be instantly blamed for every problem in the country if not world is ridiculous.

GOP base who'd applaud such remarks aren't anywhere near sufficient to win an election for dog catcher, let alone President.

The extreme far Left Democrat base that refuses to acknowledge the truth in Giuliani's statements are the ones that are not fit to be a part of this country. They are the scum of America.

Obama doesn't understand or give a shit about America. He is not a patriot and he sure as hell has no understanding of what made this country great. He was even too chickenshit to have served in the US military. I think most Americans know that. However, the despicable coalition of the greedy elements of this country that elected him don't really care. they just want their welfare checks and Obamaphones. Like Obama they don't care about America, only their own greed.

When did Giuliani serve in the US military?

He dodged the draft during VietNam

GOP base who'd applaud such remarks aren't anywhere near sufficient to win an election for dog catcher, let alone President.

The extreme far Left Democrat base that refuses to acknowledge the truth in Giuliani's statements are the ones that are not fit to be a part of this country. They are the scum of America.

Obama doesn't understand or give a shit about America. He is not a patriot and he sure as hell has no understanding of what made this country great. He was even too chickenshit to have served in the US military. I think most Americans know that. However, the despicable coalition of the greedy elements of this country that elected him don't really care. they just want their welfare checks and Obamaphones. Like Obama they don't care about America, only their own greed.

When did Giuliani serve in the US military?

He dodged the draft during VietNam

His draft number was never called, that's not dodging

GOP base who'd applaud such remarks aren't anywhere near sufficient to win an election for dog catcher, let alone President.

The extreme far Left Democrat base that refuses to acknowledge the truth in Giuliani's statements are the ones that are not fit to be a part of this country. They are the scum of America.

Obama doesn't understand or give a shit about America. He is not a patriot and he sure as hell has no understanding of what made this country great. He was even too chickenshit to have served in the US military. I think most Americans know that. However, the despicable coalition of the greedy elements of this country that elected him don't really care. they just want their welfare checks and Obamaphones. Like Obama they don't care about America, only their own greed.

When did Giuliani serve in the US military?

He dodged the draft during VietNam

Regarding your sig about the eggs. Why would anyone want to? :) Can't drink a gallon of milk or water either. Well you could, but you'd fall over dead. :)
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
When was that?

Did I miss something?
When liberals started to take over, creating welfare which destroyed the black family. Taking prayer out of schools, now our schools have metal detectors. Taking the ten commandments out of public buildings our government is corrupted. Electing a muslim president, we are the laughing stock of the world, when not to long ago we were respected. Just to name a few to show you the failure of liberalism.
Jesus advocated feeding the hungry

When did Jesus ever go up to a poor person and scream.......Get a JOB
Jesus said to help your neighbors, not tax the general public to death and make people dependent on government for life, all for a vote. That's actually a sin.
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
They didn't serve Jesus, which is why it worked. They didn't even mention the crazy fucker, it was considered rude and illiberal. Learn fucking American history, the real version and not that David Barton shit.
America was great when God was a part of it, since liberals have started getting their way about 50 or 60 years ago the country has gone to shit.
God wasn't part of America, dummy. He's not even mentioned on the founding fucking document. And this is a Liberal Nation. If you don't like it then move to fucking Jesusland. You aren't needed or wanted here.
Government meetings used to start with a prayer, until the likes of you got you're panties in a wad about it. God has always had a part in our government.

GOP base who'd applaud such remarks aren't anywhere near sufficient to win an election for dog catcher, let alone President.

The extreme far Left Democrat base that refuses to acknowledge the truth in Giuliani's statements are the ones that are not fit to be a part of this country. They are the scum of America.

Obama doesn't understand or give a shit about America. He is not a patriot and he sure as hell has no understanding of what made this country great. He was even too chickenshit to have served in the US military. I think most Americans know that. However, the despicable coalition of the greedy elements of this country that elected him don't really care. they just want their welfare checks and Obamaphones. Like Obama they don't care about America, only their own greed.

When did Giuliani serve in the US military?

He dodged the draft during VietNam

His draft number was never called, that's not dodging

Actually, Giuliani requested and was given a number of deferments

Wouldn't someone who loves his country as much as Rudy volunteer to protect it?
I don't know, are liberals smart enough to handle a sword without cutting themselves?
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
When was that?

Did I miss something?
When liberals started to take over, creating welfare which destroyed the black family. Taking prayer out of schools, now our schools have metal detectors. Taking the ten commandments out of public buildings our government is corrupted. Electing a muslim president, we are the laughing stock of the world, when not to long ago we were respected. Just to name a few to show you the failure of liberalism.
Jesus advocated feeding the hungry

When did Jesus ever go up to a poor person and scream.......Get a JOB

And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 25:30
We did just fine at killing enough people to found this nation, the one you are only too happy to ruin trying to serve Jesus.
This country was great when a majority in government served Jesus, now Jesus has been taken out. We have gone down the tubes. Thanks liberals.
When was that?

Did I miss something?
When liberals started to take over, creating welfare which destroyed the black family. Taking prayer out of schools, now our schools have metal detectors. Taking the ten commandments out of public buildings our government is corrupted. Electing a muslim president, we are the laughing stock of the world, when not to long ago we were respected. Just to name a few to show you the failure of liberalism.
Jesus advocated feeding the hungry

When did Jesus ever go up to a poor person and scream.......Get a JOB
Jesus said to help your neighbors, not tax the general public to death and make people dependent on government for life, all for a vote. That's actually a sin.

There was no such thing as a Democratic government at the time. People served the king or emperor.......he did not serve them

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