Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Rudy is Trump's personal lawyer. He's investigating on behalf of his client, and nobody can tell him he can't. Now if Rudy has what he claims to have, and he puts that out to the public and it turns out to be true, does that mean all these people are liars? We already seen the Shokin interview, but the left quickly responded that Shokin alone cannot be trusted.

So, then you have now admitted that Trump asked Zelenskyy to work with Rudy on his personal behalf and not on the behalf of the country like has been the claim all along.

Interesting that you would openly admit that.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

Remember how for several years Trump promised he had stuff on Obama that 'you would never believe'.

If Giuliani really has any crap- why blathering about it rather than releasing it?

Do I believe that Giuliani will throw his monkey poo at the American people and call it evidence?
Do I believe Giuliani has anything of substance?
Because if he had anything of substance he wouldn't be handling it like a very bad Bond villain.
Rudy is Trump's personal lawyer. He's investigating on behalf of his client, and nobody can tell him he can't. Now if Rudy has what he claims to have, and he puts that out to the public and it turns out to be true, does that mean all these people are liars? We already seen the Shokin interview, but the left quickly responded that Shokin alone cannot be trusted.

So, then you have now admitted that Trump asked Zelenskyy to work with Rudy on his personal behalf and not on the behalf of the country like has been the claim all along.

Interesting that you would openly admit that.

Rudy was gathering evidence to prove his clients innocence. That's what your personal lawyers do for you. As for what he claims to have now, he stated he wasn't looking for it, but people approached him because nobody in the US would listen to them.

So it will work like this: If what Rudy says he has doesn't materialize, then you on the left will bash him the entire time Trump is in office. If he does have compelling evidence, you will say his witnesses are all not trustworthy.

No matter what happens, you TDS types will never accept anything if it favors Trump's position.
Rudy was gathering evidence to prove his clients innocence. That's what your personal lawyers do for you. As for what he claims to have now, he stated he wasn't looking for it, but people approached him because nobody in the US would listen to them.

So, then you are ok with the President of the United States asking the leader of another nation to work with his personal lawyer to help prove his innocence, even suggesting that not doing so could lead to a gap in aide?

So it will work like this: If what Rudy says he has doesn't materialize, then you on the left will bash him the entire time Trump is in office. If he does have compelling evidence, you will say his witnesses are all not trustworthy.

No matter what happens, you TDS types will never accept anything if it favors Trump's position.

And you Trump worshiper types will always say he had the goods but the deep state stopped him from using it.

You Trump worshipers are no different than the TDS folks.
Anything he releases was probably manufactured in some Kremlin espionage factory.
this is why people can't talk with you.

other side = makes up evidence / proof
the left - has been busted for spying on congress, falsifying evidence, making up RAPE crimes and inventing a RUSSIA hoax. yet you're worried the OTHER SIDE may do something similar.

when your rage is against the action, not the people, i may listen. til then you're just a nutless clown.
Russia is fucking with our country and the president is welcoming it. When the level of his treason finally comes out none of will admit to ever supporting Trump.
So far the only people documented to have welcomed Russian interference in a USA election are Hillary Clinton and the DNC. You dumbasses spent 40 million dollars of taxpayer money to show us that.
So, then you are ok with the President of the United States asking the leader of another nation to work with his personal lawyer to help prove his innocence, even suggesting that not doing so could lead to a gap in aide?

Trump never suggested that. It's a Democrat lie.

And you Trump worshiper types will always say he had the goods but the deep state stopped him from using it.

You Trump worshipers are no different than the TDS folks.

Yes we will if he provides the evidence and nobody can prove him wrong. Why wouldn't we?
I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...
Do you think the U.S. president should take an interest when there seems to be a kickback of U.S. aid funds to a U.S. citizen whose family was in charge of allocating the aid?
Rudy is Trump's personal lawyer. He's investigating on behalf of his client, and nobody can tell him he can't. Now if Rudy has what he claims to have, and he puts that out to the public and it turns out to be true, does that mean all these people are liars? We already seen the Shokin interview, but the left quickly responded that Shokin alone cannot be trusted.

So, then you have now admitted that Trump asked Zelenskyy to work with Rudy on his personal behalf and not on the behalf of the country like has been the claim all along.

Interesting that you would openly admit that.

Rudy was gathering evidence to prove his clients innocence. That's what your personal lawyers do for you. As for what he claims to have now, he stated he wasn't looking for it, but people approached him because nobody in the US would listen to them.

So it will work like this: If what Rudy says he has doesn't materialize, then you on the left will bash him the entire time Trump is in office. If he does have compelling evidence, you will say his witnesses are all not trustworthy.

No matter what happens, you TDS types will never accept anything if it favors Trump's position.

Trump wasn’t facing any charges so Rudy wasn’t doing jack shit to exonerate Trump.
Rudy is Trump's personal lawyer. He's investigating on behalf of his client, and nobody can tell him he can't. Now if Rudy has what he claims to have, and he puts that out to the public and it turns out to be true, does that mean all these people are liars? We already seen the Shokin interview, but the left quickly responded that Shokin alone cannot be trusted.

So, then you have now admitted that Trump asked Zelenskyy to work with Rudy on his personal behalf and not on the behalf of the country like has been the claim all along.

Interesting that you would openly admit that.

Rudy was gathering evidence to prove his clients innocence. That's what your personal lawyers do for you. As for what he claims to have now, he stated he wasn't looking for it, but people approached him because nobody in the US would listen to them.

So it will work like this: If what Rudy says he has doesn't materialize, then you on the left will bash him the entire time Trump is in office. If he does have compelling evidence, you will say his witnesses are all not trustworthy.

No matter what happens, you TDS types will never accept anything if it favors Trump's position.

Trump wasn’t facing any charges so Rudy wasn’t doing jack shit to exonerate Trump.

He was impeached by the commies. Of course he was looking for evidence to forward to his defense team.
Rudy is Trump's personal lawyer. He's investigating on behalf of his client, and nobody can tell him he can't. Now if Rudy has what he claims to have, and he puts that out to the public and it turns out to be true, does that mean all these people are liars? We already seen the Shokin interview, but the left quickly responded that Shokin alone cannot be trusted.

So, then you have now admitted that Trump asked Zelenskyy to work with Rudy on his personal behalf and not on the behalf of the country like has been the claim all along.

Interesting that you would openly admit that.

Rudy was gathering evidence to prove his clients innocence. That's what your personal lawyers do for you. As for what he claims to have now, he stated he wasn't looking for it, but people approached him because nobody in the US would listen to them.

So it will work like this: If what Rudy says he has doesn't materialize, then you on the left will bash him the entire time Trump is in office. If he does have compelling evidence, you will say his witnesses are all not trustworthy.

No matter what happens, you TDS types will never accept anything if it favors Trump's position.

Trump wasn’t facing any charges so Rudy wasn’t doing jack shit to exonerate Trump.

Why do you care who OUR president is, Canuck?
Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!
It's tomorrow now.

Where is this dud?

Right next to YOUR duds about Stormy, Avenatti, Lev, Mueller, etc.......
I don’t know about duds. Stormy Daniels landed Trump’s personal attorney behind bars.
It's all about him? Watch the video posted. He said that he addressed the DOJ and State department with his evidence, and they wouldn't give him the time of day yet alone look at any of it. He's doing this to get public exposure.

Trump's DOJ and SD are not buying what he is selling? Perhaps because it is bullshit....did that ever occur to you, even for one tiny second?

No, it didn't, because regardless of Trump being in charge, the deep state is alive and well. That's why Trump got impeached.

At least you are open and honest about being a closed minded sheep when it comes to Trump.

What's closed minded about it? How many other Presidents ever had spies listening in on their phone calls to try and find the stupidest excuse for his masters to impeach him on?
What spies were listening into Trump’s phone call?
I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...
Do you think the U.S. president should take an interest when there seems to be a kickback of U.S. aid funds to a U.S. citizen whose family was in charge of allocating the aid?

The aid was allocated by Congress and the Senate, not by the Biden Family. There was never a suggestion of kickback in the aid since the aid isn’t money, it’s supplies and equipment.

You Russians seem to think American politicians carry around buckets of cash.
It's all about him? Watch the video posted. He said that he addressed the DOJ and State department with his evidence, and they wouldn't give him the time of day yet alone look at any of it. He's doing this to get public exposure.

Trump's DOJ and SD are not buying what he is selling? Perhaps because it is bullshit....did that ever occur to you, even for one tiny second?

No, it didn't, because regardless of Trump being in charge, the deep state is alive and well. That's why Trump got impeached.

At least you are open and honest about being a closed minded sheep when it comes to Trump.

What's closed minded about it? How many other Presidents ever had spies listening in on their phone calls to try and find the stupidest excuse for his masters to impeach him on?
What spies were listening into Trump’s phone call?

The one who relayed the details of the call to the so-called whistleblower. It's never happened before as long as I can remember.
Trump's DOJ and SD are not buying what he is selling? Perhaps because it is bullshit....did that ever occur to you, even for one tiny second?

No, it didn't, because regardless of Trump being in charge, the deep state is alive and well. That's why Trump got impeached.

At least you are open and honest about being a closed minded sheep when it comes to Trump.

What's closed minded about it? How many other Presidents ever had spies listening in on their phone calls to try and find the stupidest excuse for his masters to impeach him on?
What spies were listening into Trump’s phone call?

The one who relayed the details of the call to the so-called whistleblower. It's never happened before as long as I can remember.

That doesn’t make them a spy. That was a person with authorization and need to be on the phone call.

It’s never happened because it’s never needed to happen before. These were hardly the only people who were alarmed by Trump’s conversation. This was even referred to the DoJ who pretended to care for like 5 seconds.
I don't think any president should use his office, and outside and inside sources, and diplomatic policy, and foreign governments to gather information, outside of the legal process to do such through the DOJ, on ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN, let alone, TO BE DOING SUCH AGAINST A POLITICAL RIVAL'S (in the upcoming election), SON....

it would be abusing his power if it were any American citizen imo... we have rights ya know....even when overseas...

So what you're saying is that it's an abuse of power if a President is looking into the abuse of power by the last VP.

That sounds logical.

not at all what I said....

Trump isn't following the law, WHICH would be by going through the DOJ to investigate Joe Biden...

He's using his personal campaign lawyer and operative, Giuliani, with our State department cronies and so called diplomats he chose, AND A FOREIGN GOVT, to smear his opponent, and NOT DOING IT THROUGH the LEGAL process, the DOJ.



is that you over there still selling those used cars???
Did he do anything illegal??? Unethical, yes.... but illegal? Like, did he get his daddy to go against US Policy ?
So if Trump's boy got the same deal, would you say the same?

I was just reading an article on the Biden's. Joe's brother always worked with him one way or another. His brother got a VIP job with a construction company. What luck too, that construction company got the bid for a 1.5 billion dollar housing project contract in Iraq from our federal government. Like Hunter, this guy had no experience in housing.

This whole family is corrupt it seems.

Republicans run the Justice Department

What are they waiting for?

1. Get your facts straight and verified and your ducks in a row.

2. Do they have confirmation, or are they waiting for more information?

3. In politics, timing is everything.
should the DOJ actions be based on political timing?
well, roy, it sure was for the last admin. but you liked it then.

sucks when you let it go for your side and it comes back to you like a bad used car.
No, it didn't, because regardless of Trump being in charge, the deep state is alive and well. That's why Trump got impeached.

At least you are open and honest about being a closed minded sheep when it comes to Trump.

What's closed minded about it? How many other Presidents ever had spies listening in on their phone calls to try and find the stupidest excuse for his masters to impeach him on?
What spies were listening into Trump’s phone call?

The one who relayed the details of the call to the so-called whistleblower. It's never happened before as long as I can remember.

That doesn’t make them a spy. That was a person with authorization and need to be on the phone call.

It’s never happened because it’s never needed to happen before. These were hardly the only people who were alarmed by Trump’s conversation. This was even referred to the DoJ who pretended to care for like 5 seconds.

We have the transcript. We know what was said. There was nothing wrong with what Trump said yet alone an impeccable offense. The spy is a deep stater. If speculation is correct who he is, he was in a meeting with Ukraine officials at the White House during DumBama, discussing how they could stop Trump.

He was working for more than the government, he was working for the Democrat party.

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