Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

If Democratic politicians are acting illegally, why does Trump need Rudy?

Doesn’t he have a Justice Department?

Don't cry rightwinger, PLEASE. :D
It’s a reasonable question. Why can’t anyone answer it coherently?
Because they ALL KNOW that Trump and Giuliani did this for PERSONAL reason and gain.

They are not stupid, they just like to play stupid, for their Messiah, Cheater Don. :rolleyes:
The only semi-coherent answer that has been given is that “Trump doesn’t trust the DoJ” or that the DoJ is secretly already working on this despite their statements otherwise.

This ignores that Trump has appointed nearly every federal prosecutor. This ignores that Trump has his prosecutors working on his political errands already.

One silly poster even tried to convince me that Trump was just too busy to get the DoJ to work on it and was totally planning to do so sometime in the future.

Is there a law that says he has to do that?

Face the facts, the president didn't do anything wrong. He simply asked a question. Democrats jumped on the "gotcha now" train over a phone call, where there was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the president's part.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.
This is not any different than any of the crap the democrats try to pull.

Thank you for helping to support a point I have been making for the last 20 plus years....there is no fundamental difference between the two parties.

It is good to see you are starting to realize this fact.
This is not any different than any of the crap the democrats try to pull.

Thank you for helping to support a point I have been making for the last 20 plus years....there is no fundamental difference between the two parties.

It is good to see you are starting to realize this fact.

Except that some policies work, and some end up like San Francisco.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.

If Rudy goes public with it instead of giving it to the DOJ, after Trump asked the Ukraine to work specifically with Rudy, then we will know why Trump asked.
Don't cry rightwinger, PLEASE. :D
It’s a reasonable question. Why can’t anyone answer it coherently?
Because they ALL KNOW that Trump and Giuliani did this for PERSONAL reason and gain.

They are not stupid, they just like to play stupid, for their Messiah, Cheater Don. :rolleyes:
The only semi-coherent answer that has been given is that “Trump doesn’t trust the DoJ” or that the DoJ is secretly already working on this despite their statements otherwise.

This ignores that Trump has appointed nearly every federal prosecutor. This ignores that Trump has his prosecutors working on his political errands already.

One silly poster even tried to convince me that Trump was just too busy to get the DoJ to work on it and was totally planning to do so sometime in the future.

Is there a law that says he has to do that?

Face the facts, the president didn't do anything wrong. He simply asked a question. Democrats jumped on the "gotcha now" train over a phone call, where there was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the president's part.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.

Post a law that says so.
It’s a reasonable question. Why can’t anyone answer it coherently?
Because they ALL KNOW that Trump and Giuliani did this for PERSONAL reason and gain.

They are not stupid, they just like to play stupid, for their Messiah, Cheater Don. :rolleyes:
The only semi-coherent answer that has been given is that “Trump doesn’t trust the DoJ” or that the DoJ is secretly already working on this despite their statements otherwise.

This ignores that Trump has appointed nearly every federal prosecutor. This ignores that Trump has his prosecutors working on his political errands already.

One silly poster even tried to convince me that Trump was just too busy to get the DoJ to work on it and was totally planning to do so sometime in the future.

Is there a law that says he has to do that?

Face the facts, the president didn't do anything wrong. He simply asked a question. Democrats jumped on the "gotcha now" train over a phone call, where there was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the president's part.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.

Post a law that says so.

Not against the law. It just disproves Trump’s narrative. This was a personal request. Not a legal one.

Which is what makes it an abuse of power.
Because they ALL KNOW that Trump and Giuliani did this for PERSONAL reason and gain.

They are not stupid, they just like to play stupid, for their Messiah, Cheater Don. :rolleyes:
The only semi-coherent answer that has been given is that “Trump doesn’t trust the DoJ” or that the DoJ is secretly already working on this despite their statements otherwise.

This ignores that Trump has appointed nearly every federal prosecutor. This ignores that Trump has his prosecutors working on his political errands already.

One silly poster even tried to convince me that Trump was just too busy to get the DoJ to work on it and was totally planning to do so sometime in the future.

Is there a law that says he has to do that?

Face the facts, the president didn't do anything wrong. He simply asked a question. Democrats jumped on the "gotcha now" train over a phone call, where there was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the president's part.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.

Post a law that says so.

Not against the law. It just disproves Trump’s narrative. This was a personal request. Not a legal one.

So, can the president ask foreign governments questions about corruption or not?
Hey I'm sure that President Obama did plenty of things that the other side didn't like either. Am I right? Difference is, the other side did not try to impeach him over anything they got upset about.

You have TDS. You are hateful and it is eating at you.
So, can the president ask foreign governments questions about corruption or not?

As with a great many things in life, it is not if they can be done...but why they were done.

I can kill my neighbor if I do it for the right reasons.
The only semi-coherent answer that has been given is that “Trump doesn’t trust the DoJ” or that the DoJ is secretly already working on this despite their statements otherwise.

This ignores that Trump has appointed nearly every federal prosecutor. This ignores that Trump has his prosecutors working on his political errands already.

One silly poster even tried to convince me that Trump was just too busy to get the DoJ to work on it and was totally planning to do so sometime in the future.

Is there a law that says he has to do that?

Face the facts, the president didn't do anything wrong. He simply asked a question. Democrats jumped on the "gotcha now" train over a phone call, where there was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the president's part.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.

Post a law that says so.

Not against the law. It just disproves Trump’s narrative. This was a personal request. Not a legal one.

So, can the president ask foreign governments questions about corruption or not?
Depends. If the request comes as a sincere effort to fight corruption, sure. If it comes as an attempt to smear his political opponent, not so much.
Personally, I am MUCH more concerned with finding out what in the HELL is going on with the Bidens and if they are interfering with the sovereignty of other nations for their own personal gain, rather than a phone call INQUIRING about it!
Sunday morning now...the dirt was supposed to be delivered by Rudy on Friday.

Anyone have a link to what he dropped over night?

I don't know if Rudy dropped anything, but his erstwhile henchman dropped a huge hint. I bet it made Rudy nervous.

Lev Parnas has more recordings of Donald Trump, his attorney says

Sure, a corrupt man who is trying to seek leniency. Lol! Wonder if the dems will start another impeachment proceeding based on that?
Personally, I am MUCH more concerned with finding out what in the HELL is going on with the Bidens and if they are interfering with the sovereignty of other nations for their own personal gain, rather than a phone call INQUIRING about it!

That is because you are a partisan drone and are not allowed to question your own party.
Is there a law that says he has to do that?

Face the facts, the president didn't do anything wrong. He simply asked a question. Democrats jumped on the "gotcha now" train over a phone call, where there was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the president's part.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.

Post a law that says so.

Not against the law. It just disproves Trump’s narrative. This was a personal request. Not a legal one.

So, can the president ask foreign governments questions about corruption or not?
Depends. If the request comes as a sincere effort to fight corruption, sure. If it comes as an attempt to smear his political opponent, not so much.

If his opponent is ACTUALLY doing something wrong, then why would it be an attempt to smear rather than get to the bottom of it?
Personally, I am MUCH more concerned with finding out what in the HELL is going on with the Bidens and if they are interfering with the sovereignty of other nations for their own personal gain, rather than a phone call INQUIRING about it!

That is because you are a partisan drone and are not allowed to question your own party.

But I'm not a member of the republican party. I voted for Trump because he is NOT an establishment politician, and that is why members of both parties hate him.
If his opponent is ACTUALLY doing something wrong, then why would it be an attempt to smear rather than get to the bottom of it?

If you are trying to get to the bottom of it you use your DOJ and bring actual charges. If you are trying to smear you use your personal attorney and publish the "dirt" on the internet and FoxNews.
Well, if he wants to claim he wanted to root out corruption, yes, he does need to involve the DoJ. He’s accusing Biden of extremely serious crimes here. Giuliani isn’t a prosecutor and has no legal authority.

Post a law that says so.

Not against the law. It just disproves Trump’s narrative. This was a personal request. Not a legal one.

So, can the president ask foreign governments questions about corruption or not?
Depends. If the request comes as a sincere effort to fight corruption, sure. If it comes as an attempt to smear his political opponent, not so much.

If his opponent is ACTUALLY doing something wrong, then why would it be an attempt to smear rather than get to the bottom of it?

If he was actually attempting to get to the bottom of it, he would have the DoJ involved. He wouldn’t be cajoling Zelinsky personally.

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