Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

I could be wrong but I don't believe Biden ever said he didn't know his son worked for Burisma.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.

Biden's whole family is getting rich off of his VP terms. His brother was hired by a construction company even though he had no construction background. A few months later, that company was awarded a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq.

Gee, just a coincidence. Joe knew nothing about it I'm sure.

So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing
Would Trump have accepted the job?
Would he give a shit what people think?

Would his son? I seriously doubt it. He's working for free now anyway.

He is making millions
No, you would be lying as usual. Blatant LYING on FISA applications, altering official documents (a felony you know), and all sorts of other illegal acts committed by OBOZO’S people and you claim he knew nothing? Thanks for admitting he is an incompetent boob who had no business having the office he had.

Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'

Yeah, I know. A single text without context. It doesn’t mean what you’re claiming.

When did Strzok brief Obama?

Do you think he would make that public? The entire operation was clandestine. The text clearly stated DumBama wanted them to keep him updated on what was going on.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.

Biden's whole family is getting rich off of his VP terms. His brother was hired by a construction company even though he had no construction background. A few months later, that company was awarded a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq.

Gee, just a coincidence. Joe knew nothing about it I'm sure.

So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing
Would Trump have accepted the job?
Would he give a shit what people think?

Would his son? I seriously doubt it. He's working for free now anyway.

He is making millions

Not in the White House or anything related to his fathers presidency.
Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'

Yeah, I know. A single text without context. It doesn’t mean what you’re claiming.

When did Strzok brief Obama?

Do you think he would make that public? The entire operation was clandestine. The text clearly stated DumBama wanted them to keep him updated on what was going on.

You are making assumptions and don’t know what was being referenced in that text. Strzok and Obama weren’t sneaking off together to do briefings. It didn’t happen.
It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
I could be wrong but I don't believe Biden ever said he didn't know his son worked for Burisma.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.
"Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired."

Well he certainly couldn't know his son was working there before he was hired ... and he never said he didn't know his son was working there after he was hired .... so I'm not really clear on what your point is? :dunno:
My point is, biden is making it sound as if hunter was hired, then joe found out later about it. That doesnt seem likely to me.
"Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired."

Well he certainly couldn't know his son was working there before he was hired ... and he never said he didn't know his son was working there after he was hired .... so I'm not really clear on what your point is? :dunno:

His point is, there's a team of ... agents (?) trailing every member of the president's and vice president's families into every corner of the world, figuring out their every dealings, malfeasance, dalliance, whatever. While that sounds like something residing in that murky realm between paranoia and politically motivated mendacity, it opens the door to implicating Joe into Hunter's affairs, thus points to a promising avenue toward the smear-job Trump pursued with the help of such noble and honorable figures as are, without doubt, Giuliani, Parnas, and Fruman. And that's what Trump is now pursuing with that so-called "defense team", abusing the Senate of the United States as the theater to host his spectacle. The more it looks and sounds like a Fox entertainment show for rightarded geezers, the more pleased Trump will be, and the giddier our rightards on here are.
Actually, I wasnt suggesting a team of agents looking into every nook and cranny of hunters life, but I'm sure there are people who's job it is to watch after the presidents family and vps family.

When you are the child of a vp, there not much you can do that somebody doesnt know about.
"Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired."

Well he certainly couldn't know his son was working there before he was hired ... and he never said he didn't know his son was working there after he was hired .... so I'm not really clear on what your point is? :dunno:

His point is, there's a team of ... agents (?) trailing every member of the president's and vice president's families into every corner of the world, figuring out their every dealings, malfeasance, dalliance, whatever. While that sounds like something residing in that murky realm between paranoia and politically motivated mendacity, it opens the door to implicating Joe into Hunter's affairs, thus points to a promising avenue toward the smear-job Trump pursued with the help of such noble and honorable figures as are, without doubt, Giuliani, Parnas, and Fruman. And that's what Trump is now pursuing with that so-called "defense team", abusing the Senate of the United States as the theater to host his spectacle. The more it looks and sounds like a Fox entertainment show for rightarded geezers, the more pleased Trump will be, and the giddier our rightards on here are.
Actually, I wasnt suggesting a team of agents looking into every nook and cranny of hunters life, but I'm sure there are people who's job it is to watch after the presidents family and vps family.

When you are the child of a vp, there not much you can do that somebody doesnt know about.

This POS has finally agreed to pay child support to this woman since 2018. The only reason he didn't fight is because the judge wanted to see his financial records, which of course, go back to when he worked for Burisma. His initial claim was that he was broke since he didn't earn a paycheck since last May. I believe this to be true. It's not unheard of by people hooked on serious and expensive recreational drugs. His high paying jobs were apparently not enough to support his habit if he has not worked for so long.

The better question is, if he was such a great attorney, and his father had nothing to do with his success, why hasn't he worked since spring of last year?????
Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'

Yeah, I know. A single text without context. It doesn’t mean what you’re claiming.

When did Strzok brief Obama?

Do you think he would make that public? The entire operation was clandestine. The text clearly stated DumBama wanted them to keep him updated on what was going on.

You are making assumptions and don’t know what was being referenced in that text. Strzok and Obama weren’t sneaking off together to do briefings. It didn’t happen.

The problems with you leftists is that you ask for proof, and when provided, you come up with:

* That's not what was said.
* Your source is fraudulent.
* The witness has no credibility.
* Your assumptions are wrong.
* The statement is out of context.
* Prove what was said actually happened.

It seems to me that the only proof of anything are those you come up with. When anybody not inline with your agenda comes up with counter-proof, it's immediately dismissed. So the question is, why ask for proof you refuse to accept (even from your own sources line NBC) in the first place????
Rudy Guliani is a "snake" like Trump's crime syndicate and family. He should have a treasure trove of Trump's crime documents, tweets, texts and emails. <---- Where are those?

Trump has been found to be the cleanest elected official in the history of history.
LOL yes Donald Trump has found himself to the the cleanest elected official of history.

After all- if you can't believe Donald Trump what used car salesman can you believe?

Mueller found that.
All I know is all the leftist doom and gloom predictions about Trump have pretty much turned out the opposite. :113: They seem to be on a roll being wrong about everything all the time.
Biden's whole family is getting rich off of his VP terms. His brother was hired by a construction company even though he had no construction background. A few months later, that company was awarded a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq.

Gee, just a coincidence. Joe knew nothing about it I'm sure.

So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing
Would Trump have accepted the job?
Would he give a shit what people think?

Would his son? I seriously doubt it. He's working for free now anyway.

He is making millions

Not in the White House or anything related to his fathers presidency.

He is running Trump Properties
All I know is all the leftist doom and gloom predictions about Trump have pretty much turned out the opposite. :113: They seem to be on a roll being wrong about everything all the time.
Well, he has been a horrible President

Destroying our international reputation
Offending our allies
Destroying our environment
Running massive debt in a strong economy
Becoming a laughing stock to the world

Yeah, I know. A single text without context. It doesn’t mean what you’re claiming.

When did Strzok brief Obama?

Do you think he would make that public? The entire operation was clandestine. The text clearly stated DumBama wanted them to keep him updated on what was going on.

You are making assumptions and don’t know what was being referenced in that text. Strzok and Obama weren’t sneaking off together to do briefings. It didn’t happen.

The problems with you leftists is that you ask for proof, and when provided, you come up with:

* That's not what was said.
* Your source is fraudulent.
* The witness has no credibility.
* Your assumptions are wrong.
* The statement is out of context.
* Prove what was said actually happened.

It seems to me that the only proof of anything are those you come up with. When anybody not inline with your agenda comes up with counter-proof, it's immediately dismissed. So the question is, why ask for proof you refuse to accept (even from your own sources line NBC) in the first place????
Sorry, but if you seriously think a single text message clipped out of context and doesn’t even reference what you’re talking about is proof, then you need to reconsider what you think counts as proof. You used this to invent a “clandestine” operation with zero evidence.

On the other hand, I have the Horowitz report which explains how Obama was briefed. Strzok never briefed the president. Comey did. Comey mentioned it in vague terms and Obama never asked any follow up.

Strzok says that text message is in reference to the investigation into Russian interference. Are you claiming that’s not perfectly plausible?
That’s because you democrats are deranged you let Hillary get away with getting a ambassador and Troops Lynched, you let her hold classified emails on a private server, you let biden money launder millions to his family.. your derangement is deep lol
Poor little Jitsy
No American ambassador was lynched.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Biden's laundered any money.

You are just a gullible Trumpkin.
He's just a foreigner who's not familiar with American events.
Another one with deep tds
What does Impeached Trump have to do with you being a foreigner??
He’s impeached because your deranged lol not good for democrats lol

Moron, how am I involved in Impeached Trump's impeachment? :cuckoo:
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
This is premature

wait till biden wins the democrat nomination then lay it on him

Biden won't win the nomination. It will be Warren most likely because of identity politics.
I will be surprised if warren gets the nomination

she has followers but surely not even democrats could choose her as the best choice for president

Sander's seems to be moving up in the ratings. I would love to see the voters nominate him just to see what slimy moves the DNC will pull to make sure he doesn't get the nomination. I would like to see them piss off their voters so badly, that Trump wouldn't even have to campaign to win reelection.

Trump has been campaigning for reelection since March of 2017

Bernie has been campaigning for the last 30 years, whats your point?
He explained this last nite on judge Jeannie

Yes he has it all and bringing it out

He is on fire to prove just how corrupt democrats are

People like Mac 1958 here proves every day with his posting

Mac 1958 you better run and hide now did you see the big jump in trumps approval

Just wait until Barr and Durham brings their proof that you people are indeed corrupt to the core

that is exactly what the dems and their media suck buddies are scared of. A second Trump term when he can expose them all.
This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
I could be wrong but I don't believe Biden ever said he didn't know his son worked for Burisma.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.
"Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired."

Well he certainly couldn't know his son was working there before he was hired ... and he never said he didn't know his son was working there after he was hired .... so I'm not really clear on what your point is? :dunno:
My point is, biden is making it sound as if hunter was hired, then joe found out later about it. That doesnt seem likely to me.

More like:
Joe to Burisma "put my son on your board and I will make sure the USA takes care of you financially" "by the way, if you also put the kids of Pelosi, Romney, and Kerry on your board you can get whatever you want from the USA"

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