Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

So you're a landlord?

Nope. The house I own is being built and will be empty till the wife and I move into it when we retire, except for vacations. The house I live in I am renting as I will not live in it long enough to make any money off of it.

Okay, then it's established you are a first time home buyer given your military career. I'm a landlord, so those problems would be something I would not have to face if I sold this place. I would have a contractual stipulation that I could rent here for one year while I look for a new house to live in.

In any case, your mortgage is based on how much you take the loan for. Your payments would be much higher by taking out a loan for 200K than it would be for 100K. Sure, if you sold after you bought the new house, you can apply the equity to your new home, but that does not change the monthly mortgage unless you refinance, which is costly and a lot of paperwork. And by the time you do all that, the interest rates could increase.

So what people do to get the mortgage payment down is sell the old house first. I would rather have a mortgage payment of $800.00 than $1,500. So I would sell my home first because I could never afford a mortgage of $1,500 for X amount of years.

Does this make sense now?
You should learn about pre-approval.
So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing
It’s not only Ukraine that his son got kick backs it was every country joe Biden was the point man for Obama. It’s clear corruption.

Your tinfoil hat is wound tighter than usual today.

Just pointing out that we have less evidence of any Biden corruption than we do of Trump corruption.
That’s because you democrats are deranged you let Hillary get away with getting a ambassador and Troops Lynched, you let her hold classified emails on a private server, you let biden money launder millions to his family.. your derangement is deep lol
Poor little Jitsy
No American ambassador was lynched.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Biden's laundered any money.

You are just a gullible Trumpkin.
He's just a foreigner who's not familiar with American events.
Another one with deep tds
So you're a landlord?

Nope. The house I own is being built and will be empty till the wife and I move into it when we retire, except for vacations. The house I live in I am renting as I will not live in it long enough to make any money off of it.

Okay, then it's established you are a first time home buyer given your military career. I'm a landlord, so those problems would be something I would not have to face if I sold this place. I would have a contractual stipulation that I could rent here for one year while I look for a new house to live in.

In any case, your mortgage is based on how much you take the loan for. Your payments would be much higher by taking out a loan for 200K than it would be for 100K. Sure, if you sold after you bought the new house, you can apply the equity to your new home, but that does not change the monthly mortgage unless you refinance, which is costly and a lot of paperwork. And by the time you do all that, the interest rates could increase.

So what people do to get the mortgage payment down is sell the old house first. I would rather have a mortgage payment of $800.00 than $1,500. So I would sell my home first because I could never afford a mortgage of $1,500 for X amount of years.

Does this make sense now?

Actually I had bought and sold a couple of homes while in the Marines.

No, none of it makes sense because of the analogy you used it for. People do not sell a house without a plan of what to do next. Nobody with a brain does that.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.

Biden's whole family is getting rich off of his VP terms. His brother was hired by a construction company even though he had no construction background. A few months later, that company was awarded a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq.

Gee, just a coincidence. Joe knew nothing about it I'm sure.

So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing

Actually we brought more than that. Ukraine didn't seek out Hunter out of the 1.5 million attorneys we have in this country. Burisma wanted Hunter for protection, and it was worth the money to get it. What we do have is testimony from Shokin claiming that the reason he was fired is because he was breathing down the necks of Burisma, and in particular, Hunter.

Don't believe for a minute that Hunter is so good at what he does, everybody wanted that drug heads unique talent. The guy was a loser from day one. Without his father, he'd be chasing ambulances for money.

I believe that Hunter Biden is as talented and honest as Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump Jr. I find it fascinating to watch Trump libel the Biden's and how you lackeys of Trump's just parrot his claims.

Yes Shokin has made that claim.

The problem with that claim is that Joe Biden was following official U.S. foreign policy at the time, and U.S. policy was in line with the EU, the IMF and Ukrainian watchdogs.
The problem with that claim is that Shokin was part of a corrupt regime in a corrupt country who has a vested interest on blaming Biden and anyone else for his firing- rather than his own corruption and lack of pursuit of corruption.

But you know what- if Giuliani has evidence to support Shokin's claim- I want to see it.

Why do you think that Giuliani lied to you and said he would be providing evidence last Friday?

Even if he did, you on the left would be claiming he's FOS. Wait and see if he presents it.

Shokin was fired, and replaced by another prosecutor that was known to be just as corrupt as Shokin. But the administration didn't have any problem with that. They only had a problem with corrupt Shokin. Why???

We do not enforce requests of the IMF or the EU. We advance our own interests. Shokin's claim is much more believable than the other claims because for one, he was directly involved. Two, Hunter and John Kerry's family friend were likely not the best two people to take those Burisma jobs. Again, it makes more sense they were hired for protection than anything else.

This is why Trump asked Zelensky to look into the matter.
"Shokin was fired, and replaced by another prosecutor that was known to be just as corrupt as Shokin. But the administration didn't have any problem with that."

That prosecutor reopened the case onto Zlochevsky, got the case settled, got Zlochevsky to pay Hr 180 million, and then closed the case.

Something Shokin refused to deal with for about 2 years.
So...does anyone know if Rudy has dropped any thing yet? I might have missed it while I was at dinner.
You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

I never said anything about planting bugs. When you leftists hear or read things, your mind wonders off and makes up nonsense. With these phony FISA applications, you want me to believe this all didn't go back to the White House? Of course DumBama knew all about it, and probably led the charge.

According to the Horowitz report, that’s complete nonsense. You’re making completely unsupported accusations. Again.

No, you would be lying as usual. Blatant LYING on FISA applications, altering official documents (a felony you know), and all sorts of other illegal acts committed by OBOZO’S people and you claim he knew nothing? Thanks for admitting he is an incompetent boob who had no business having the office he had.

Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.
It’s not only Ukraine that his son got kick backs it was every country joe Biden was the point man for Obama. It’s clear corruption.

Your tinfoil hat is wound tighter than usual today.

Just pointing out that we have less evidence of any Biden corruption than we do of Trump corruption.
That’s because you democrats are deranged you let Hillary get away with getting a ambassador and Troops Lynched, you let her hold classified emails on a private server, you let biden money launder millions to his family.. your derangement is deep lol
Poor little Jitsy
No American ambassador was lynched.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Biden's laundered any money.

You are just a gullible Trumpkin.
He's just a foreigner who's not familiar with American events.
Another one with deep tds
What does Impeached Trump have to do with you being a foreigner??
"Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired."

Well he certainly couldn't know his son was working there before he was hired ... and he never said he didn't know his son was working there after he was hired .... so I'm not really clear on what your point is? :dunno:

His point is, there's a team of ... agents (?) trailing every member of the president's and vice president's families into every corner of the world, figuring out their every dealings, malfeasance, dalliance, whatever. While that sounds like something residing in that murky realm between paranoia and politically motivated mendacity, it opens the door to implicating Joe into Hunter's affairs, thus points to a promising avenue toward the smear-job Trump pursued with the help of such noble and honorable figures as are, without doubt, Giuliani, Parnas, and Fruman. And that's what Trump is now pursuing with that so-called "defense team", abusing the Senate of the United States as the theater to host his spectacle. The more it looks and sounds like a Fox entertainment show for rightarded geezers, the more pleased Trump will be, and the giddier our rightards on here are.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

Hmmm last Thursday.....'starting tomorrow'- which would be Friday.

Still waiting for that Giuliani 'cracking"

Which reminds me of the Fox News interview with Rudy

"Joe Biden has been a big crook for most of his career," Giuliani claimed during an interview on Justice with Judge Jeanine. "Every time Biden was a point man, you know what happened? The Biden family made millions and America got sold out."

Cutting him off, Pirro said: "Ok, and we need to have the evidence. Do you have the evidence of that?" she asked.

Giuliani again insisted that he'd already revealed the "evidence," saying he'd put it out there "in April" and also "in March." He claimed it was "ignored." The lawyer said it had even been played on Fox News, but Pirro seemed to disagree.

Again, Pirro cut off Trump's lawyer: "Alright, you know what Rudy, I'd love you to send it to me and I'm gonna lay out."

Giuliani then tried to promote coverage of the alleged Biden conspiracy by the far-right One America News Network (OANN). Pirro, with a laugh, interjected again.

"No, send it to me," she said, as Giuliani continued to promote a podcast he will do with OANN about the allegations.

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro confronts Giuliani to reveal "evidence" of Biden's alleged "corruption"
Your tinfoil hat is wound tighter than usual today.

Just pointing out that we have less evidence of any Biden corruption than we do of Trump corruption.
That’s because you democrats are deranged you let Hillary get away with getting a ambassador and Troops Lynched, you let her hold classified emails on a private server, you let biden money launder millions to his family.. your derangement is deep lol
Poor little Jitsy
No American ambassador was lynched.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Biden's laundered any money.

You are just a gullible Trumpkin.
He's just a foreigner who's not familiar with American events.
Another one with deep tds
What does Impeached Trump have to do with you being a foreigner??
He’s impeached because your deranged lol not good for democrats lol
Rudy Guliani is a "snake" like Trump's crime syndicate and family. He should have a treasure trove of Trump's crime documents, tweets, texts and emails. <---- Where are those?

Trump has been found to be the cleanest elected official in the history of history.
LOL yes Donald Trump has found himself to the the cleanest elected official of history.

After all- if you can't believe Donald Trump what used car salesman can you believe?
So you're a landlord?

Nope. The house I own is being built and will be empty till the wife and I move into it when we retire, except for vacations. The house I live in I am renting as I will not live in it long enough to make any money off of it.

Okay, then it's established you are a first time home buyer given your military career. I'm a landlord, so those problems would be something I would not have to face if I sold this place. I would have a contractual stipulation that I could rent here for one year while I look for a new house to live in.

In any case, your mortgage is based on how much you take the loan for. Your payments would be much higher by taking out a loan for 200K than it would be for 100K. Sure, if you sold after you bought the new house, you can apply the equity to your new home, but that does not change the monthly mortgage unless you refinance, which is costly and a lot of paperwork. And by the time you do all that, the interest rates could increase.

So what people do to get the mortgage payment down is sell the old house first. I would rather have a mortgage payment of $800.00 than $1,500. So I would sell my home first because I could never afford a mortgage of $1,500 for X amount of years.

Does this make sense now?

Actually I had bought and sold a couple of homes while in the Marines.

No, none of it makes sense because of the analogy you used it for. People do not sell a house without a plan of what to do next. Nobody with a brain does that.

Well and no one tells his family that he is going to sell the house- and will tell his family what his plans are for where they will live- after the house is sold, and they move out.
rump is now pursuing with that so-called "defense team", abusing the Senate of the United States as the theater to host his spectacle. The more it looks and sounds like a Fox entertainment show for rightarded geezers, the more pleased Trump will be, and the giddier our rightards on here are.

Good thing the Democrats in the House didn't do that, huh?
I never said anything about planting bugs. When you leftists hear or read things, your mind wonders off and makes up nonsense. With these phony FISA applications, you want me to believe this all didn't go back to the White House? Of course DumBama knew all about it, and probably led the charge.

According to the Horowitz report, that’s complete nonsense. You’re making completely unsupported accusations. Again.

No, you would be lying as usual. Blatant LYING on FISA applications, altering official documents (a felony you know), and all sorts of other illegal acts committed by OBOZO’S people and you claim he knew nothing? Thanks for admitting he is an incompetent boob who had no business having the office he had.

Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'
So you're a landlord?

Nope. The house I own is being built and will be empty till the wife and I move into it when we retire, except for vacations. The house I live in I am renting as I will not live in it long enough to make any money off of it.

Okay, then it's established you are a first time home buyer given your military career. I'm a landlord, so those problems would be something I would not have to face if I sold this place. I would have a contractual stipulation that I could rent here for one year while I look for a new house to live in.

In any case, your mortgage is based on how much you take the loan for. Your payments would be much higher by taking out a loan for 200K than it would be for 100K. Sure, if you sold after you bought the new house, you can apply the equity to your new home, but that does not change the monthly mortgage unless you refinance, which is costly and a lot of paperwork. And by the time you do all that, the interest rates could increase.

So what people do to get the mortgage payment down is sell the old house first. I would rather have a mortgage payment of $800.00 than $1,500. So I would sell my home first because I could never afford a mortgage of $1,500 for X amount of years.

Does this make sense now?

Actually I had bought and sold a couple of homes while in the Marines.

No, none of it makes sense because of the analogy you used it for. People do not sell a house without a plan of what to do next. Nobody with a brain does that.

I didn't say with no plan. I just said they usually sell before they buy.
According to the Horowitz report, that’s complete nonsense. You’re making completely unsupported accusations. Again.

No, you would be lying as usual. Blatant LYING on FISA applications, altering official documents (a felony you know), and all sorts of other illegal acts committed by OBOZO’S people and you claim he knew nothing? Thanks for admitting he is an incompetent boob who had no business having the office he had.

Why the hell would you want the president knowing the details or any investigation? Keep politics out of justice.

Since we have the texts from perjurer Strokey, we know Obozo was informed of everything. As HE wanted it.
Strzok never briefed Obama.

Swing and a miss.

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'

Yeah, I know. A single text without context. It doesn’t mean what you’re claiming.

When did Strzok brief Obama?
This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
I could be wrong but I don't believe Biden ever said he didn't know his son worked for Burisma.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.

Biden's whole family is getting rich off of his VP terms. His brother was hired by a construction company even though he had no construction background. A few months later, that company was awarded a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq.

Gee, just a coincidence. Joe knew nothing about it I'm sure.

So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing
Would Trump have accepted the job?
Would he give a shit what people think?
Democrats see nothing wrong with names like Biden, Pelosi, Kerry.....ALL getting checks from Burisma. Republicans and Independents do have a problem with that.
I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
I could be wrong but I don't believe Biden ever said he didn't know his son worked for Burisma.
Well, he said he didnt know hunter was working for burisma until after he was hired.

I'm just thinking that there is probably nothing that the family of a president or vp can do that the president or vp isnt made aware of. Especially a major position in a corrupt country for a company that has corrupt people as owners or associates.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's possible that the son of a vice president can live his life and do business that the vp would never know about. Just seems unlikely, as the president and vp are likely briefed on things like that.

Biden's whole family is getting rich off of his VP terms. His brother was hired by a construction company even though he had no construction background. A few months later, that company was awarded a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq.

Gee, just a coincidence. Joe knew nothing about it I'm sure.

So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing
Would Trump have accepted the job?
Would he give a shit what people think?

Would his son? I seriously doubt it. He's working for free now anyway.

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