Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Poor little Jitsy
No American ambassador was lynched.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Biden's laundered any money.

You are just a gullible Trumpkin.
He's just a foreigner who's not familiar with American events.
Another one with deep tds
What does Impeached Trump have to do with you being a foreigner??
He’s impeached because your deranged lol not good for democrats lol

Moron, how am I involved in Impeached Trump's impeachment? :cuckoo:
Your as in your party .. word games really?
Comey worked to cover all this up for Hillary.

Any who claims that Comey worked against Hillary in any way - I dismiss completely as woefully uninformed.
Sadly, you are the uninformed one. Unless you mean like Comey working for Hillary by publicly announcing the FBI was reopening the investigation into her email as early voting had already begun.


I laugh at your uninformed self - Faun.
How come you don't laugh at yourself for posting such absolute nonsense like claiming the man who, while Americans were voting, publicly announced Hillary was under investigation again --was working for Hillary? :cuckoo:

Why are you so stupid?

Slobbers the idiot who claims the man who publicly announced Hillary was under investigation, was working for her. :cuckoo:

It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.
I don't know. Ask him. Perhaps he's going to do something with Turmp's defense team with it. I am not Rudy. If he comes out with it Wednesday, so what? If he comes out with it next Friday, so what? As Hillary would say, what difference does it make at this point?

You leftists are so impatient.

'we leftists' are amused that you gullible Trumpettes believe what Giuliani tells you.

Just like you believe Trump when he tells you he had something big he is going to reveal someday- like how he says he will reveal his health insurance plan after the election.

How about less bragging about what you say you will do in the future- and more actually doing?

Trump said he would remove Commie Care and replace it with something better. Thanks to the RINO's in our party, Commie Care was never removed. In fact, they were taking applications until last month. There is only so much a President can do.

Ears said that a family would save $2,500 a month in health insurance costs. When is that going to happen? He said you will be able to keep your doctor. When is that going to happen? He said you will be able to keep your current insurance. Never happened. He said Commie Care would eliminate garbage healthcare plans. Commie Care is full of them, and they are the only plans that are semi-affordable.

I understand your efforts to change the subject.

You just don't have any explanation on why your Dear Leader has told you that he won't tell you his health insurance plans until after the election.

There is no real explanation other than the obvious- once again Trump has no plan, but is just telling people he does.

Why until after the election? Because if he is not elected he can just wave it off, and if he is elected, not one of his voters will care that he has no actual healthcare insurance plan in place- just like he didn't have one when he was trying to kill the ACA.

If he killed Commie Care and didn't have a plan, then you'd have a point. But it would be cumbersome to have two different government plans trying to do the same thing. It's like buying a bigger house. You don't buy the new house and then go back and sell the old one. You sell the old one first so you have the money for the new house.

But you do not sell your house till you have some where to move. At least no one with a brain does.

I don't know what the poster you replied to knows about finances and buying houses but I bought my house before I sold the one I had at the time.

It's called a bridge loan.

Yes you have to have the money to be able to pay 2 mortgages and you have to have a credit score above 800 at the same time which I do and I did. I have a good career so could afford to do that.

I understand far right radical extremists didn't go to college and don't make much money so they don't know that a person can buy a house before they sold the last one and pay 2 mortgages until the first house is sold.

Liberals like me can because we were responsible. We went to college and had very good careers. Unlike far right radical extremists who barely graduated high school by the skin of their teeth with a D average gpa who barely make minimum wage.

The fact that poster calls Obamacare commie care is a very good example of how down right stupid and uneducated that far right radical extremist is. Communism is an economic system of zero private ownership. Obamacare is private insurance. Not government owned insurance. All Obamacare is, is regulations on private corporate insurance. All the government does is help people pay for it if they don't have enough in income. The government doesn't own an insurance company. The government doesn't own hospitals or doctor's offices.

The stupidity of far right radical extremists is so old. It gets very old to have to tell the same people the same honest facts over and over again without the far right radical extremists accepting the honest facts.

All they can and will do is lie through their teeth. The truth is never on their side.

Yeah, I know. A single text without context. It doesn’t mean what you’re claiming.

When did Strzok brief Obama?

Do you think he would make that public? The entire operation was clandestine. The text clearly stated DumBama wanted them to keep him updated on what was going on.

You are making assumptions and don’t know what was being referenced in that text. Strzok and Obama weren’t sneaking off together to do briefings. It didn’t happen.

The problems with you leftists is that you ask for proof, and when provided, you come up with:

* That's not what was said.
* Your source is fraudulent.
* The witness has no credibility.
* Your assumptions are wrong.
* The statement is out of context.
* Prove what was said actually happened.

It seems to me that the only proof of anything are those you come up with. When anybody not inline with your agenda comes up with counter-proof, it's immediately dismissed. So the question is, why ask for proof you refuse to accept (even from your own sources line NBC) in the first place????
Sorry, but if you seriously think a single text message clipped out of context and doesn’t even reference what you’re talking about is proof, then you need to reconsider what you think counts as proof. You used this to invent a “clandestine” operation with zero evidence.

On the other hand, I have the Horowitz report which explains how Obama was briefed. Strzok never briefed the president. Comey did. Comey mentioned it in vague terms and Obama never asked any follow up.

Strzok says that text message is in reference to the investigation into Russian interference. Are you claiming that’s not perfectly plausible?

That would be the case if not for the phony Russia collusion nonsense that went on after Trump got elected. The fact of the matter is the Democrats turned over their server to a private company, and not the FBI. So what did they mean by Obama wanted to know everything they were doing?
Yeah, I know. A single text without context. It doesn’t mean what you’re claiming.

When did Strzok brief Obama?

Do you think he would make that public? The entire operation was clandestine. The text clearly stated DumBama wanted them to keep him updated on what was going on.

You are making assumptions and don’t know what was being referenced in that text. Strzok and Obama weren’t sneaking off together to do briefings. It didn’t happen.

The problems with you leftists is that you ask for proof, and when provided, you come up with:

* That's not what was said.
* Your source is fraudulent.
* The witness has no credibility.
* Your assumptions are wrong.
* The statement is out of context.
* Prove what was said actually happened.

It seems to me that the only proof of anything are those you come up with. When anybody not inline with your agenda comes up with counter-proof, it's immediately dismissed. So the question is, why ask for proof you refuse to accept (even from your own sources line NBC) in the first place????
Sorry, but if you seriously think a single text message clipped out of context and doesn’t even reference what you’re talking about is proof, then you need to reconsider what you think counts as proof. You used this to invent a “clandestine” operation with zero evidence.

On the other hand, I have the Horowitz report which explains how Obama was briefed. Strzok never briefed the president. Comey did. Comey mentioned it in vague terms and Obama never asked any follow up.

Strzok says that text message is in reference to the investigation into Russian interference. Are you claiming that’s not perfectly plausible?

That would be the case if not for the phony Russia collusion nonsense that went on after Trump got elected. The fact of the matter is the Democrats turned over their server to a private company, and not the FBI. So what did they mean by Obama wanted to know everything they were doing?

Obama wanted to know everything going on into the investigation pertaining to Russia. Not to Trump’s campaign. Simple explanation. Backed up by multiple accounts given under penalty of perjury.
So if you were Hunter Biden- you would have refused that offer of $500K a year?

I agree the optics look really bad, but the reality is that Joe Biden does not- and did not- have any authority to tell his son not to work for Burisma or not to work in Ukraine.

Really so far all that any of you have brought forth is that 'it looks bad'

Which really describes pretty much every business deal the Trump family is doing
Would Trump have accepted the job?
Would he give a shit what people think?

Would his son? I seriously doubt it. He's working for free now anyway.

He is making millions

Not in the White House or anything related to his fathers presidency.

He is running Trump Properties

Yes he is. So what? Donald can't actually run them and be President at the same time. And it's certainly a hell of a lot different than what happened between Joe and Hunter.
Do you think he would make that public? The entire operation was clandestine. The text clearly stated DumBama wanted them to keep him updated on what was going on.

You are making assumptions and don’t know what was being referenced in that text. Strzok and Obama weren’t sneaking off together to do briefings. It didn’t happen.

The problems with you leftists is that you ask for proof, and when provided, you come up with:

* That's not what was said.
* Your source is fraudulent.
* The witness has no credibility.
* Your assumptions are wrong.
* The statement is out of context.
* Prove what was said actually happened.

It seems to me that the only proof of anything are those you come up with. When anybody not inline with your agenda comes up with counter-proof, it's immediately dismissed. So the question is, why ask for proof you refuse to accept (even from your own sources line NBC) in the first place????
Sorry, but if you seriously think a single text message clipped out of context and doesn’t even reference what you’re talking about is proof, then you need to reconsider what you think counts as proof. You used this to invent a “clandestine” operation with zero evidence.

On the other hand, I have the Horowitz report which explains how Obama was briefed. Strzok never briefed the president. Comey did. Comey mentioned it in vague terms and Obama never asked any follow up.

Strzok says that text message is in reference to the investigation into Russian interference. Are you claiming that’s not perfectly plausible?

That would be the case if not for the phony Russia collusion nonsense that went on after Trump got elected. The fact of the matter is the Democrats turned over their server to a private company, and not the FBI. So what did they mean by Obama wanted to know everything they were doing?

Obama wanted to know everything going on into the investigation pertaining to Russia. Not to Trump’s campaign. Simple explanation. Backed up by multiple accounts given under penalty of perjury.

He didn't text in the Russia investigation. He said "everything" we are doing.

I thought it was common knowledge. I eagerly await your rationalization as to how this is “different”.

Trump Has Now Shifted $1.7 Million From Campaign Donors To His Private Business

thats not the same,,and he was paying himself back as per FEC rules,,,

Man, if I had known you were concerned about fiscal impropriety, I would tried to show you these:

Trump Must Pay $2 Million in Settlement of Suit Over Foundation

President Trump admitted to misusing nonprofit funds and was ordered to personally pay $2 million to an array of charities as part of a settlement to a lawsuit that accused his now-defunct foundation of illegally helping his 2016 campaign for the White House.

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

Trump University attendees are getting paid back.

A federal judge in the Southern District of California on Monday finalized a $25 million settlement to be paid to attendees of the now-defunct real estate seminar called Trump University.

Next, you'll be wanting to see Trump's taxes. Wonders never cease.
No, you only have so much time to find a house, so you pick one quickly. Everybody I know that bought another home did it exactly that way, including my sister who moved just last year. There was no way she was going to speculate when she would be able to sell her old house and go bankrupt. After she sold it, the realtor wrote in a 60 day moving time which is pretty standard in the industry.

The person that wanted the house before the last buyer couldn't get the loan from the bank. That's why you don't buy a new house first. It took him over a month until the final refusal. Now if she waited all that time, then had to re-list the old house to start all over again, she would have been foreclosed on because most people can't pay on two mortgages.

So, your sister did not even look around and have some houses in mind for when she sold her old house, she just sold it and then started to replace it?

That is fucking stupid. What if the house she found after looking for a month had a 60 day moving time? Then she is homeless for a month.

I do not know anyone, ever, outside of those in the military being sent to a new station that sold a house without somewhere to live already picked out.

When you apply for a loan, they take your old house into consideration. Trust me, it's the way most people buy another home.

So you find a home for let's say 200K. To secure the loan, you need at least 20K cash to do it. Then the underwriters get the application, and deny or accept the application based on your income and ability to pay. You are denied the new home loan because you have an existing mortgage you are paying on. You are paying the mortgage, taxes, insurance, everything figured in. Even if you got the loan, it's likely at a higher interest rate than you'd get with a large down payment. And, you'd be broke paying on two loans instead of one.

Doing it the way most people do it, you sell the home first, buy another one, and use the equity plus whatever other money you have available to make the down payment. You get a lower payment, likely a little lower interest rate, guaranteed approval, and you know where you stand for your move to the new house.

and you have no where to live in-between selling one and buying one. Nobody with a brain sells their house without a plan of where they are going to move.

Let me make a suggestion at this point. Record some episodes of house sales on HGTV. See the way they do it. Then perhaps you'll realize that's the way it's done. The most interesting show is Property Brothers. They are on a timeline, half of the time they are in a rush to get the family out of their old home before they have to contractually leave, and get into the new home they bought that's being renovated.

I have worked on several "reality shows" like the one you are talking about.

There is nothing "reality" about those shows. Everything is scripted and worked out with the producer, director and executive producer. They go over the shows the day before taping. They create conflict when there is none. They create situations that aren't real and don't happen naturally.

They rehearse and do multiple taping of scenes over and over. Then pick the scene they want to air.

There is nothing real or reality about them. The ones that are a contest already have the winner picked out before the show is even taped.

I'm not surprised that you actually think those shows are real. You are one of the most stupid, lazy and gullible posters on this board. If it fits what you want to believe, you fall for it hook line and sinker.

Yes people buy a house before their existing house is sold. I did. It's called a bridge loan. Yes, you have two have a very high credit score and a high income to qualify. I'm not surprised you don't know this. You have no education in economics and finance. You probably didn't go to college and barely graduated high school by the skin of your teeth and probably have never made over 20 grand a year in your life. You could never qualify or afford a bridge loan and 2 mortgages at the same time.

I can and have.

People like you really shouldn't be talking about subjects you have no clue in what you're talking about and make a fool of yourself to all of us who do.
Sadly, you are the uninformed one. Unless you mean like Comey working for Hillary by publicly announcing the FBI was reopening the investigation into her email as early voting had already begun.


I laugh at your uninformed self - Faun.
How come you don't laugh at yourself for posting such absolute nonsense like claiming the man who, while Americans were voting, publicly announced Hillary was under investigation again --was working for Hillary? :cuckoo:

Why are you so stupid?

Slobbers the idiot who claims the man who publicly announced Hillary was under investigation, was working for her. :cuckoo:

It makes about as much sense as Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected so they hacked the DNC and John Podesta's email accounts then released the emails that damaged Hillary and helped make sure she lost.

These people are nuts.

If Ukraine worked to get Hillary elected they wouldn't have hacked the DNC and John Podesta's emails then released them.

These people are so messed up they don't see their arguments are totally illogical and stupid.

I don't understand the world that you live in.

The country of Ukraine prosecuted officials in Ukraine for interfering in our election on behalf of Hillary.
They were found guilty under Ukrainian law.
Ukraine officially apologized to the USA and President Trump after his election for their government involvement against him.

The fact that you don't know that - is your own fault.

I thought it was common knowledge. I eagerly await your rationalization as to how this is “different”.

Trump Has Now Shifted $1.7 Million From Campaign Donors To His Private Business

thats not the same,,and he was paying himself back as per FEC rules,,,
He was paying himself with donor money. It’s the same.

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