Rudy's first appearance since the FBI raid.

Few would trust what rudy says. His attorney already said only an idiot would believe what rudy has said. You need the specific wording of the warrant to determine what must be taken. You got that?

I don't think you get it. I think Rudy knows much more about laws and warrants than you could ever dream of.
Few would trust what rudy says. His attorney already said only an idiot would believe what rudy has said. You need the specific wording of the warrant to determine what must be taken. You got that?

I don't think you get it. I think Rudy knows much more about laws and warrants than you could ever dream of.
In that case, he knows how deep he is in the shit.
Rudy has been making idiotic statements.

He's desperate, scared, and crazy
Anything criminal in this so cal!ed Ukraine dirt, or just Ukrainian Russian propaganda?
Maybe that's part of the reason Biden still has 6000 troops around the White House.
They won't let us make a citizens' arrest.

Maybe that's part of the reason Biden still has 6000 troops around the White House.
They won't let us make a citizens' arrest.

The real reason is Piglosi and the other commies are going to try and do such radical things to this country they're afraid the people will rebel. 80% of people surveyed are against expanding the courts and adding states to the union.

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