Ruh roh..... 46% think Hillary should drop her bid

westwall seems to have the right rub on this. HRC has become her own worst enemy.
Palin is retarded.
Hillary is a narcissist.

No need to quibble guys Ill clear it up for ya right hand on my heart
She will be brutalized in the first debate, I predict many dems will see sanders for the first time and realize he actually cares about the issues, unlike hillary.

I actually agree with you on this. Sanders truly does care and I like most of his positions. I think he go's too far in some areas but Hillary cares about Hillary. She looks at the job of POTUS as a method of enriching herself. Sanders doesn't.
I can't bring myself to trust Hillary, I've tried, but there's just way to much bullshit.

She hasn't got an honest bone in her body. She is scum of the first order.

Again, YOU VOTED FOR PALIN!!! That is the definition of an idiot.

When have we ever,ever voted for VP's
JQA, TJ, MVB, TR, CC, HT, LBJ, RMN, GHWB all served or had served and succeeded by elevation or election.
I have to say I am actually shocked by this poll. I personally can't stand the woman but I figured there were more than enough brain dead fellow Democrats to keep her going, I might actually have been wrong...

"Voters are almost evenly divided on that question: the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Clinton should suspend her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination until all of the legal questions about her use of the private e-mail server are resolved. Nearly as many (44%) disagree. Nine percent (9%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)"

Should Hillary Clinton Suspend Her Campaign? - Rasmussen Reports™

Nothing surprising about it. Those are right wingers who will oppose anything concerning her anyway. Fortunately, it's not enough to keep her from becoming our next president.

Based on what I am seeing I seriously doubt she will even make it to the second round of Primaries. Her campaign is in serious trouble and you can thank Obama for that IMO.

You thought Romney would run away with it and voted for Sarah before that. I'm not sure your opinion can be counted on that much.

Ummm, no I didn't. I never had an opinion on Romney other than i despised him. And palin? get real dude.
Based on what I am seeing I seriously doubt she will even make it to the second round of Primaries. Her campaign is in serious trouble and you can thank Obama for that IMO.
She will be brutalized in the first debate, I predict many dems will see sanders for the first time and realize he actually cares about the issues, unlike hillary.

I actually agree with you on this. Sanders truly does care and I like most of his positions. I think he go's too far in some areas but Hillary cares about Hillary. She looks at the job of POTUS as a method of enriching herself. Sanders doesn't.
I can't bring myself to trust Hillary, I've tried, but there's just way to much bullshit.

She hasn't got an honest bone in her body. She is scum of the first order.

Again, YOU VOTED FOR PALIN!!! That is the definition of an idiot.

No I didn't you imbecile. I voted FOR Obama the first time around. Then when I saw how corrupt he was, I voted third Party.
She will be brutalized in the first debate, I predict many dems will see sanders for the first time and realize he actually cares about the issues, unlike hillary.

I actually agree with you on this. Sanders truly does care and I like most of his positions. I think he go's too far in some areas but Hillary cares about Hillary. She looks at the job of POTUS as a method of enriching herself. Sanders doesn't.
I can't bring myself to trust Hillary, I've tried, but there's just way to much bullshit.

She hasn't got an honest bone in her body. She is scum of the first order.

Again, YOU VOTED FOR PALIN!!! That is the definition of an idiot.

When have we ever,ever voted for VP's

You didn't know Palin was his choice for VP? A vote for McCain was a vote to put her one heartbeat away from the presidency, and lots of right wingers did just that.
She will be brutalized in the first debate, I predict many dems will see sanders for the first time and realize he actually cares about the issues, unlike hillary.

I actually agree with you on this. Sanders truly does care and I like most of his positions. I think he go's too far in some areas but Hillary cares about Hillary. She looks at the job of POTUS as a method of enriching herself. Sanders doesn't.
I can't bring myself to trust Hillary, I've tried, but there's just way to much bullshit.

She hasn't got an honest bone in her body. She is scum of the first order.

Again, YOU VOTED FOR PALIN!!! That is the definition of an idiot.

No I didn't you imbecile. I voted FOR Obama the first time around. Then when I saw how corrupt he was, I voted third Party.

Really? I've read your posts, and they are so Palinesque.
Obama won't stop until she's out. Instead of cancelling her vacation to visit the midwest, she should send Bill to meet privately with Obama and says unless he stops, the Clinton's will start their own campaign to link Obama and Val to ISIS and Al Qaeda

She has no future on her present course

Didn't they already meet on the golf course a week ago?
I actually agree with you on this. Sanders truly does care and I like most of his positions. I think he go's too far in some areas but Hillary cares about Hillary. She looks at the job of POTUS as a method of enriching herself. Sanders doesn't.
I can't bring myself to trust Hillary, I've tried, but there's just way to much bullshit.

She hasn't got an honest bone in her body. She is scum of the first order.

Again, YOU VOTED FOR PALIN!!! That is the definition of an idiot.

No I didn't you imbecile. I voted FOR Obama the first time around. Then when I saw how corrupt he was, I voted third Party.

Really? I've read your posts, and they are so Palinesque.

Only to a brain dead moron. Hello brain dead moron!
I have to say I am actually shocked by this poll. I personally can't stand the woman but I figured there were more than enough brain dead fellow Democrats to keep her going, I might actually have been wrong...

"Voters are almost evenly divided on that question: the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Clinton should suspend her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination until all of the legal questions about her use of the private e-mail server are resolved. Nearly as many (44%) disagree. Nine percent (9%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)"

Should Hillary Clinton Suspend Her Campaign? - Rasmussen Reports™

Nothing surprising about it. Those are right wingers who will oppose anything concerning her anyway. Fortunately, it's not enough to keep her from becoming our next president.

Based on what I am seeing I seriously doubt she will even make it to the second round of Primaries. Her campaign is in serious trouble and you can thank Obama for that IMO.
I can just picture Hillary in the Oval Office with Obama right after he took office with Obama saying "Hillary, you should use Bills old server for your state department emails"!
I can't bring myself to trust Hillary, I've tried, but there's just way to much bullshit.

She hasn't got an honest bone in her body. She is scum of the first order.

Again, YOU VOTED FOR PALIN!!! That is the definition of an idiot.

No I didn't you imbecile. I voted FOR Obama the first time around. Then when I saw how corrupt he was, I voted third Party.

Really? I've read your posts, and they are so Palinesque.

Only to a brain dead moron. Hello brain dead moron!
Palinesque with a hint of trump. What a combination you are.
She hasn't got an honest bone in her body. She is scum of the first order.

Again, YOU VOTED FOR PALIN!!! That is the definition of an idiot.

No I didn't you imbecile. I voted FOR Obama the first time around. Then when I saw how corrupt he was, I voted third Party.

Really? I've read your posts, and they are so Palinesque.

Only to a brain dead moron. Hello brain dead moron!
Palinesque with a hint of trump. What a combination you are.

So that makes you moron with a hint of dumbass?:biggrin: Care to address the fact that more people think she should quit than don't....
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The press sec's comments were very obvious that Obama favors Biden getting into the race.

I agree and Biden is a much better choice that Hilbat. A Hilbat who has way to much baggage and who's a woman most people don't like at all. Even fellow Dems don't much like her.

Biden is a much better choice than Hilbat will ever be.
The press sec's comments were very obvious that Obama favors Biden getting into the race.

I agree and Biden is a much better choice that Hilbat. A Hilbat who has way to much baggage and who's a woman most people don't like at all. Even fellow Dems don't much like her.

Biden is a much better choice than Hilbat will ever be.

If that is what you believe, you are free to vote for him. I suspect you will vote for neither, and are hoping Trump or some other Palin like republican wins.
Biden is becoming a more viable option to HRC every day. If he announces and EW is publicly announced as his VP candidate, it's over for HRC. It allows the woman who feel they must vote for a female candidate to ditch Hillary.
I have to say I am actually shocked by this poll. I personally can't stand the woman but I figured there were more than enough brain dead fellow Democrats to keep her going, I might actually have been wrong...

"Voters are almost evenly divided on that question: the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Clinton should suspend her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination until all of the legal questions about her use of the private e-mail server are resolved. Nearly as many (44%) disagree. Nine percent (9%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)"

Should Hillary Clinton Suspend Her Campaign? - Rasmussen Reports™
No, as usual you were wrong.
I have to say I am actually shocked by this poll. I personally can't stand the woman but I figured there were more than enough brain dead fellow Democrats to keep her going, I might actually have been wrong...

"Voters are almost evenly divided on that question: the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Clinton should suspend her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination until all of the legal questions about her use of the private e-mail server are resolved. Nearly as many (44%) disagree. Nine percent (9%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)"

Should Hillary Clinton Suspend Her Campaign? - Rasmussen Reports™
No, as usual you were wrong.
Yes, as usual, westwall is wrong.

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