Rules For Traditionals: How People In Wedding Trades Can Defend Themselves

Whatever 'principles' these homophobic bakers are hiding behind are based in ignorance and fear. They are not 'principles' but mere excuses to perpetuate more petty repression against a class of American citizens who are committing no crime by simply being who they are.

And business owners are at liberty to, through the political process, advocate that their state or local public accommodations laws be repealed if they find them so 'offensive.'

Well, that makes it OK then, right? I mean if you can submit some meaningless petition that politicians will ignore, then you are still free!


Your understanding of freedom makes me want to vomit.

Stalin would love it.
Again, you can bitch all you want, but the courts, law, and constitution are against you

That's what slave owners told their slaves in 1860.
Unless the baker advertises Hitler cakes, he/she doesn't have to bake a Hitler cake. The baker wouldn't bake a Hitler cake for anyone. But if the baker agrees to bake a Hitler cake for me, she/he can't refuse to bake one for you.
Whatever 'principles' these homophobic bakers are hiding behind are based in ignorance and fear. They are not 'principles' but mere excuses to perpetuate more petty repression against a class of American citizens who are committing no crime by simply being who they are.

And business owners are at liberty to, through the political process, advocate that their state or local public accommodations laws be repealed if they find them so 'offensive.'

Well, that makes it OK then, right? I mean if you can submit some meaningless petition that politicians will ignore, then you are still free!


Your understanding of freedom makes me want to vomit.

Stalin would love it.
Again, you can bitch all you want, but the courts, law, and constitution are against you

That's what slave owners told their slaves in 1860.
No, it's what slave owners were told, ten years later, Bripiss.
You mean you admire Nazis who persecute bakers for insisting on their First Amendment rights.

You're a fucking Nazi. That's all you proved.

I respect anyone who stands by their convictions

If your hatred is worth more than $150k then you are getting what you signed up for

As I said: You're a fucking Nazi. That's all you proved.
You know nothing about Nazis or freedom. Freedom does not mean you can discriminate. Discrimination erodes freedom.

Yes it does. That's exactly what it means. Freedom means there's no Gaystapo telling you who you can do business with. Freedom means the absence of government initiated coercion. You're claiming freedom is where government runs your business and your life.

Freedom means you can walk into any business open to the public and purchase their goods and services, without being turned away on the basis of you race, age, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. Period. End of story.

If you want to be in business, you cannot impugn the freedom of your customers.

No it doesn't, dingbat. That's the liberal conception of freedom, which means ramming your personal preferences down everyone else's throat. Anything that involves initiating force against innocent people isn't freedom. It's tyranny, and that's exactly what the PA laws are.
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Whatever 'principles' these homophobic bakers are hiding behind are based in ignorance and fear. They are not 'principles' but mere excuses to perpetuate more petty repression against a class of American citizens who are committing no crime by simply being who they are.

And business owners are at liberty to, through the political process, advocate that their state or local public accommodations laws be repealed if they find them so 'offensive.'

Well, that makes it OK then, right? I mean if you can submit some meaningless petition that politicians will ignore, then you are still free!


Your understanding of freedom makes me want to vomit.

Stalin would love it.
Again, you can bitch all you want, but the courts, law, and constitution are against you

That's what slave owners told their slaves in 1860.
Then seek to amend the Constitution to prohibit public accommodations laws.

But until that happens, such laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional, in no way 'violating' the freedom of business owners.
Whatever 'principles' these homophobic bakers are hiding behind are based in ignorance and fear. They are not 'principles' but mere excuses to perpetuate more petty repression against a class of American citizens who are committing no crime by simply being who they are.

And business owners are at liberty to, through the political process, advocate that their state or local public accommodations laws be repealed if they find them so 'offensive.'

Well, that makes it OK then, right? I mean if you can submit some meaningless petition that politicians will ignore, then you are still free!


Your understanding of freedom makes me want to vomit.

Stalin would love it.
Again, you can bitch all you want, but the courts, law, and constitution are against you

That's what slave owners told their slaves in 1860.
No, it's what slave owners were told, ten years later, Bripiss.

You're just a fucking moron who is incapable of committing logic. Failure to get my point isn't a convincing argument. It's just proof that you're an idiot.
Whatever 'principles' these homophobic bakers are hiding behind are based in ignorance and fear. They are not 'principles' but mere excuses to perpetuate more petty repression against a class of American citizens who are committing no crime by simply being who they are.

And business owners are at liberty to, through the political process, advocate that their state or local public accommodations laws be repealed if they find them so 'offensive.'

Well, that makes it OK then, right? I mean if you can submit some meaningless petition that politicians will ignore, then you are still free!


Your understanding of freedom makes me want to vomit.

Stalin would love it.
Again, you can bitch all you want, but the courts, law, and constitution are against you

That's what slave owners told their slaves in 1860.
Then seek to amend the Constitution to prohibit public accommodations laws.

But until that happens, such laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional, in no way 'violating' the freedom of business owners.

Horseshit. Your theory that the Constitution justifies whatever government does is a symptom of mental retardation.

And business owners are at liberty to, through the political process, advocate that their state or local public accommodations laws be repealed if they find them so 'offensive.'

Well, that makes it OK then, right? I mean if you can submit some meaningless petition that politicians will ignore, then you are still free!


Your understanding of freedom makes me want to vomit.

Stalin would love it.
Again, you can bitch all you want, but the courts, law, and constitution are against you

That's what slave owners told their slaves in 1860.
No, it's what slave owners were told, ten years later, Bripiss.

You're just a fucking moron who is incapable of committing logic. Failure to get my point isn't a convincing argument. It's just proof that you're an idiot.
The courts tossed your worthy of day-old piss logic decades ago, Bripiss. Only you a few other total morons here fail to recognize that.
If a business does not want to serve you, why would you want to to give your hard earned money to that business? Move on, and go support a business more worthy of your money.

Because then discrimination wins.

So, discriminate against bigoted business owners who won't make cakes for gay weddings. Give your money to someone else and let the bigots starve.
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What business are these wedding vendors in anyway? Do they provide services to all heterosexual customers? Is servicing weddings their stock in trade?

They are in whatever business they want to be. If they want to make wedding cakes, they'll make wedding cakes. If they don't want to make one for you, they don't have to make one for you.

Is servicing a same sex wedding imperiling their immortal souls? Is that because they think they are providing a mercantile imprimatur on the ceremony? If associating with sinners is such a danger, do these puritanical wedding vendors morally vet each and every customer lest they fall into peril eternity-wise?

It doesn't matter if serving a gay wedding would make them Bill Gates, they don't want your money. They don't want to make you a cake. So move on!

Refusing services is a fundamental part of doing business. Just yesterday I refused service to 8 different clients. I hand picked the ones I would refuse service to, and when they walked in the front door I told them they would have to go somewhere else. They didn't like it, a couple tried to raise a fuss even. But at the end of the day they went somewhere else.
These vendors aren't refusing service because the same sex couples aren't wearing shirts or shoes. They are refusing because these clients are Gay. That's blanket discrimination, not selective discrimination. And it's wrong to conduct business that is open to the public that way.

You know what else is wrong? Trying to force people to do business the way you want them to. Two wrongs don't make a right. But they do make a leftwing loon.
If you refused their business because they were jerks or because they wore red shirts- perfectly legal.

So, refusing service because you don't like someone's shirt is morally acceptable? Then why in the fuck is it so objectionable to refuse service that would conflict with your religious beliefs?
Those on the right are welcome to go, not-for-profit if they believe Commerce should take a back seat to Religion in our republic.
Whatever 'principles' these homophobic bakers are hiding behind are based in ignorance and fear. They are not 'principles' but mere excuses to perpetuate more petty repression against a class of American citizens who are committing no crime by simply being who they are.

It doesn't make any difference what their motives are. You have no right to be served by any business, period.
Sorry Bripiss, but repeating what is wrong doesn't make it right. You lost this argument, decades ago.

Take some of your own advice. Forcing people to associate with other people they don't want to associate with is what's wrong. I realize a Nazi asshole like you will never understand that, but I will repeat it as many times as necessary for those who are capable of committing logic.

selling a cake is nothing like associating with people.

That's exactly what it is, numskull. The usual liberal trick of changing the definition of words, only fools the gullible.
Yes it does. That's exactly what it means. Freedom means there's no Gaystapo telling you who you can do business with. Freedom means the absence of government initiated coercion. You're claiming freedom is where government runs your business and your life.

Freedom means you can walk into any business open to the public and purchase their goods and services, without being turned away on the basis of you race, age, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. Period. End of story.

If you want to be in business, you cannot impugn the freedom of your customers.

Neither the Baker or the Florist denied service IN THEIR BUSINESS.
Entirely untrue, but it matters not a damn. Do you think they bake cakes on-site?

They denied service over what the cake and flowers were for, which is none of their fucking business,

Here's a lovely cake. If YOU want to ice it once you leave, be my guest.

Have a nice day
Yeah, doesn't work that way when it comes to a wedding cake. Wedding cakes are now for gay people as well. If you can't deal with that, close, you won't be missed.

That's called fascism, asshole. No one is surprised that you support it.
Yes it does. That's exactly what it means. Freedom means there's no Gaystapo telling you who you can do business with. Freedom means the absence of government initiated coercion. You're claiming freedom is where government runs your business and your life.

Freedom means you can walk into any business open to the public and purchase their goods and services, without being turned away on the basis of you race, age, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. Period. End of story.

If you want to be in business, you cannot impugn the freedom of your customers.

Neither the Baker or the Florist denied service IN THEIR BUSINESS.
Entirely untrue, but it matters not a damn. Do you think they bake cakes on-site?

They denied service over what the cake and flowers were for, which is none of their fucking business,

Oh, I see, flowers and cake aren't their business?

Got it
Flowers and cake is their business, what some does with those after buying them isn't. Got it?

Again, you don't decide how other people choose to run their businesses - at least not in a free country you don't.

“Freedom means there's no Gaystapo telling you who you can do business with. Freedom means the absence of government initiated coercion. You're claiming freedom is where government runs your business and your life.”


Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional, as authorized by the Commerce Clause; consequently there is no 'coercion,' no one is being 'forced' to do anything, and no freedom is being 'denied.'

Wrong. They are an infringement on your rights. The commerce clause doesn't authorize the federal government to regulate private businesses except in the case of a transaction across state lines, and transfer of funds is the only thing it allows the government to regulate.
Freedom means you can walk into any business open to the public and purchase their goods and services, without being turned away on the basis of you race, age, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. Period. End of story.

If you want to be in business, you cannot impugn the freedom of your customers.

Neither the Baker or the Florist denied service IN THEIR BUSINESS.
Entirely untrue, but it matters not a damn. Do you think they bake cakes on-site?

They denied service over what the cake and flowers were for, which is none of their fucking business,

Oh, I see, flowers and cake aren't their business?

Got it
Flowers and cake is their business, what some does with those after buying them isn't. Got it?

So a Jewish baker must bake a cake with the words "Hitler was right. Long live the third reich"?

Got it.

That's just the kind of cake PMH would like to buy.
Unless the baker advertises Hitler cakes, he/she doesn't have to bake a Hitler cake. The baker wouldn't bake a Hitler cake for anyone. But if the baker agrees to bake a Hitler cake for me, she/he can't refuse to bake one for you.

So what if the baker advertises heterosexual wedding cakes?
Well, that makes it OK then, right? I mean if you can submit some meaningless petition that politicians will ignore, then you are still free!


Your understanding of freedom makes me want to vomit.

Stalin would love it.
Again, you can bitch all you want, but the courts, law, and constitution are against you

That's what slave owners told their slaves in 1860.
No, it's what slave owners were told, ten years later, Bripiss.

You're just a fucking moron who is incapable of committing logic. Failure to get my point isn't a convincing argument. It's just proof that you're an idiot.
The courts tossed your worthy of day-old piss logic decades ago, Bripiss. Only you a few other total morons here fail to recognize that.

The court never was big on logic. It's a gang of political stooges looking for an excuse to produce the ruling their benefactors put them there to make.

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