Rules From A Right-Wing Black Man

1. Back in the 8th grade where I was saddled with 'he talk like a white boy' I wasn't ideological at all. But having gotten to know myself, I questioned lots of thing, such as whether it is the nanny state, or policies that make individuals responsible for their own destinies is the best way to unleash the dynamism of black and brown communities that have for so long numbered among the least of us.

2. For a time, the party of Lincoln lost its vision, and I wouldn't have been a conservative fifty years ago....but Liberals are no longer the champions of civil and human rights. they fight to see that rights are allocated on a group basis. It is conservatives who have taken up the mantle of individual rights.

3. The following are the minimum rules for anyone who considers himself to be Right:

4. Liberty- We believe in the rule of law, the rights of people to determine their own fate. And we fight tyranny and oppression of all kinds.

5. Patriotism- The United States of America is our home, not only by accident of birth, but by choice as well. We take our duty to our home seriously. We hope to improve it by our work, and our values, and while we hope to leave it better than we found it, this does not connote fundamentally transforming it.

6. Family- Our families are the primary organization to which our lives are dedicated. We will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. We demand respect and consideration of our elders, and love and support our brothers and sisters.

7. Pride- We are Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, proud of our heritage, our forefathers and hope to represent their greatest hopes for us.

8. Industry- We work twice as hard and sometimes get half as far, but we work with dignity and we expect to be allowed to enjoy the rewards: and, yes, we did build that. We see creativity, dedication, and effort as the path to self-improvement.

9. Piety- We have abiding faith in God and the principles of righteousness. We strive to be true to transcendent values and take the long view of our purpose on earth. We intend to guard our own souls and souls of others from corruption, and tolerate all forms of religious expression and faith.

10. Pluralism- Our aspiration is for a tolerant and open society, and we welcome all people to enjoy its benefits and responsibilities.

a. Let's stipulate right away that one can be non-conservative, and endorse five or six of the rules.

11. Did you note the use of the word 'tolerant' in #10? It is of particular poignancy here, due to the anger with which the black left greets conservatives and conservatism. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. If an opponent is wrong, debate and discussion is in order. But if the opponent is evil, well, then, he must be destroyed!

12. In #6, we state that we will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. Liberal black leadership would apparently rather see black children condemned to substandard public schools and substandard educations rather than break their allegiance with the teachers' unions!
Empower black parents with school choice.

13. Our sense of industry is the very opposite of welfare policy, which nurtures dependency and kills initiative. Yet, black liberalism sneered at welfare reform, and cried that work programs were unfair. Which philosophy has been proven successful?

a. "According to the U.S. government, welfare reform helped to move 4.7 million Americans from welfare dependency to self-sufficiency within three years of enactment. The overall federal welfare caseload declined by 54% between 1996 and 2004." Arthur Brooks: Obama and 'Earning Your Success' -

b. " On July 12, the [Obama] administration unilaterally weakened the federally mandated work requirements for welfare recipients. Since welfare reform was passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996, the states have been required to have at least half of adult welfare recipients in qualified "work activities"—actual jobs, or participation in education or training programs. Now, however, Mr. Obama's Department of Health and Human Services has announced that the agency will issue waivers to the federal work requirement." Ibid.

It is a mistake to confuse the health of the progressive movement with the health of black America.
They are the inverse.
Joseph C. Phillips, "He Talk Like A White Boy."

BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)

It is imperative that you hire an amanuensis to read your posts, and inform you when you are about to embarrass yourself, as you've done in this case.

While I'm not applying for the position, here, gratis, is instruction on today's problem:

You see, Mr. Phillips, being of higher character than you are, is dismayed at some who would attack with vehemence, due to a difference in opinion.

From the OP:

" Did you note the use of the word 'tolerant' in #10? It is of particular poignancy here, due to the anger with which the black left greets conservatives and conservatism. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. If an opponent is wrong, debate and discussion is in order. But if the opponent is evil, well, then, he must be destroyed!"

Then, sure as freshly fried fox in a forest fire, you show up with this:

"BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)"

Did you, mistakenly, believe that his precis required some ignorant Left-wing black to prove his point?

Nay, nay! His story has the feel of truth and experience.

To review: it appears that you are not only stupid, but disreputable as well.
1. Back in the 8th grade where I was saddled with 'he talk like a white boy' I wasn't ideological at all. But having gotten to know myself, I questioned lots of thing, such as whether it is the nanny state, or policies that make individuals responsible for their own destinies is the best way to unleash the dynamism of black and brown communities that have for so long numbered among the least of us.

2. For a time, the party of Lincoln lost its vision, and I wouldn't have been a conservative fifty years ago....but Liberals are no longer the champions of civil and human rights. they fight to see that rights are allocated on a group basis. It is conservatives who have taken up the mantle of individual rights.

3. The following are the minimum rules for anyone who considers himself to be Right:

4. Liberty- We believe in the rule of law, the rights of people to determine their own fate. And we fight tyranny and oppression of all kinds.

5. Patriotism- The United States of America is our home, not only by accident of birth, but by choice as well. We take our duty to our home seriously. We hope to improve it by our work, and our values, and while we hope to leave it better than we found it, this does not connote fundamentally transforming it.

6. Family- Our families are the primary organization to which our lives are dedicated. We will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. We demand respect and consideration of our elders, and love and support our brothers and sisters.

7. Pride- We are Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, proud of our heritage, our forefathers and hope to represent their greatest hopes for us.

8. Industry- We work twice as hard and sometimes get half as far, but we work with dignity and we expect to be allowed to enjoy the rewards: and, yes, we did build that. We see creativity, dedication, and effort as the path to self-improvement.

9. Piety- We have abiding faith in God and the principles of righteousness. We strive to be true to transcendent values and take the long view of our purpose on earth. We intend to guard our own souls and souls of others from corruption, and tolerate all forms of religious expression and faith.

10. Pluralism- Our aspiration is for a tolerant and open society, and we welcome all people to enjoy its benefits and responsibilities.

a. Let's stipulate right away that one can be non-conservative, and endorse five or six of the rules.

11. Did you note the use of the word 'tolerant' in #10? It is of particular poignancy here, due to the anger with which the black left greets conservatives and conservatism. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. If an opponent is wrong, debate and discussion is in order. But if the opponent is evil, well, then, he must be destroyed!

12. In #6, we state that we will fight for the proper upbringing of our children. Liberal black leadership would apparently rather see black children condemned to substandard public schools and substandard educations rather than break their allegiance with the teachers' unions!
Empower black parents with school choice.

13. Our sense of industry is the very opposite of welfare policy, which nurtures dependency and kills initiative. Yet, black liberalism sneered at welfare reform, and cried that work programs were unfair. Which philosophy has been proven successful?

a. "According to the U.S. government, welfare reform helped to move 4.7 million Americans from welfare dependency to self-sufficiency within three years of enactment. The overall federal welfare caseload declined by 54% between 1996 and 2004." Arthur Brooks: Obama and 'Earning Your Success' -

b. " On July 12, the [Obama] administration unilaterally weakened the federally mandated work requirements for welfare recipients. Since welfare reform was passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996, the states have been required to have at least half of adult welfare recipients in qualified "work activities"—actual jobs, or participation in education or training programs. Now, however, Mr. Obama's Department of Health and Human Services has announced that the agency will issue waivers to the federal work requirement." Ibid.

It is a mistake to confuse the health of the progressive movement with the health of black America.
They are the inverse.
Joseph C. Phillips, "He Talk Like A White Boy."

BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)

It is imperative that you hire an amanuensis to read your posts, and inform you when you are about to embarrass yourself, as you've done in this case.

While I'm not applying for the position, here, gratis, is instruction on today's problem:

You see, Mr. Phillips, being of higher character than you are, is dismayed at some who would attack with vehemence, due to a difference in opinion.

From the OP:

" Did you note the use of the word 'tolerant' in #10? It is of particular poignancy here, due to the anger with which the black left greets conservatives and conservatism. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. If an opponent is wrong, debate and discussion is in order. But if the opponent is evil, well, then, he must be destroyed!"

Then, sure as freshly fried fox in a forest fire, you show up with this:

"BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)"

Did you, mistakenly, believe that his precis required some ignorant Left-wing black to prove his point?

Nay, nay! His story has the feel of truth and experience.

To review: it appears that you are not only stupid, but disreputable as well.

you're weird
BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)

It is imperative that you hire an amanuensis to read your posts, and inform you when you are about to embarrass yourself, as you've done in this case.

While I'm not applying for the position, here, gratis, is instruction on today's problem:

You see, Mr. Phillips, being of higher character than you are, is dismayed at some who would attack with vehemence, due to a difference in opinion.

From the OP:

" Did you note the use of the word 'tolerant' in #10? It is of particular poignancy here, due to the anger with which the black left greets conservatives and conservatism. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. If an opponent is wrong, debate and discussion is in order. But if the opponent is evil, well, then, he must be destroyed!"

Then, sure as freshly fried fox in a forest fire, you show up with this:

"BS. Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)"

Did you, mistakenly, believe that his precis required some ignorant Left-wing black to prove his point?

Nay, nay! His story has the feel of truth and experience.

To review: it appears that you are not only stupid, but disreputable as well.

you're weird

Did you notice that I was more descriptive than that:
'it appears that you are not only stupid, but disreputable as well.'

If you'd care to dispute that identification, there are several routes you can try:

1. You can retract your blanket statement about Mr. Phillips and the other accomplished black intellectuals.


2. You can attempt to focus your limited ability on the specifics of the OP.

I suggest you simply amble away before I give you the profound and intense spanking that you so richly deserve.
There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America - there's the United States of America.
Barack Obama
Read more at Liberal Quotes - BrainyQuote

Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

Well, the GOP wasn't actually treating him with respect and "open arms" now were they? Who was that JERK that stood up and yelled "you lie!!!"?
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There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America - there's the United States of America.
Barack Obama
Read more at Liberal Quotes - BrainyQuote

Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

Well, the GOP wasn't actually treating him with respect and "open arms" now were they? Who was that JERK that stood up and yelled "you lie!!!"?

He did lie.
Well, the GOP wasn't actually treating him with respect and "open arms" now were they? Who was that JERK that stood up and yelled "you lie!!!"?

He did lie.

evidence? links? sources?

The president specifically promised the American people that Obamacare would not cover those who are here illegally.

$8.5 million of a $28.8 million award to community healthcare centers has been specifically set aside to help seasonal and migrant farm workers, and that the clinics have been told not to ask for immigration status.

Looks like Rep. Joe Wilson was right after all. Obama lied.
He did lie.

evidence? links? sources?

The president specifically promised the American people that Obamacare would not cover those who are here illegally.

$8.5 million of a $28.8 million award to community healthcare centers has been specifically set aside to help seasonal and migrant farm workers, and that the clinics have been told not to ask for immigration status.

Looks like Rep. Joe Wilson was right after all. Obama lied.

Oh, give me a break. At least post a link from a credible source, and not a right wing rag, authored by a lawyer who lists and Newsmax as sources. LOL. Not buying it.
the republican party could improve their voting average amoung black voters if they stopped cheating them out of their votes to win elections.

You see black people would be more attracted to a party that didnt have to cheat them to win.

Try actually making a sound argument for why your policies might work.

Quit blaming EVERYONE else for why peopel of color hate your party and take some responibility for what you have done for decades.

The court records are clear and full of the evidence of why blacks hate your party.

YOU work to keep black people from voting WHEREVER you can get away with it.
There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America - there's the United States of America.
Barack Obama
Read more at Liberal Quotes - BrainyQuote

Obama to GOP: 'I won'
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -

Well, the GOP wasn't actually treating him with respect and "open arms" now were they? Who was that JERK that stood up and yelled "you lie!!!"?

You should re-discover the correct time-line.

The die was cast by the windbag-in-chief as he immediately put the lie to "President of all the people" with the "I won" comment.

Well, the GOP wasn't actually treating him with respect and "open arms" now were they? Who was that JERK that stood up and yelled "you lie!!!"?

You should re-discover the correct time-line.

The die was cast by the windbag-in-chief as he immediately put the lie to "President of all the people" with the "I won" comment.

Mmmph. And you have to endure him for the next 4 years. LOL
you're weird

Did you notice that I was more descriptive than that:
'it appears that you are not only stupid, but disreputable as well.'

If you'd care to dispute that identification, there are several routes you can try:

1. You can retract your blanket statement about Mr. Phillips and the other accomplished black intellectuals.


2. You can attempt to focus your limited ability on the specifics of the OP.

I suggest you simply amble away before I give you the profound and intense spanking that you so richly deserve.

Spank me, bitch. And after you do....I'll give you the "dicking down", that you're clamoring for. What's the major holdup?

1. First, learn how to correctly address your betters.

2. Here is what you deserve: know-nothing non-entities like you have been taught to smear and libel those who have accomplished.
And that is the course you use, the only one of which you are capable.

Let me guess: government school grad?

3. There is an old joke that says every Arabic word has four meanings:
the first is the common usage,
the second is the exact opposite of the first,
the third is something pertaining to a camel,
and the fourth is so unspeakably vulgar that no one will tell you what it is.
I can’t decide whether you fit the third or fourth.

To review:
You are an insignificant little worm who has failed to learn respect, and, as a result, deserves none.

Further, you are so simple-minded that when I wrote of the vehemence of black Liberals towards black conservatives, you leapt forward to verify same. Could you be more stupid?

Time for you to head back into the Roach Motel…
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Did you notice that I was more descriptive than that:
'it appears that you are not only stupid, but disreputable as well.'

If you'd care to dispute that identification, there are several routes you can try:

1. You can retract your blanket statement about Mr. Phillips and the other accomplished black intellectuals.


2. You can attempt to focus your limited ability on the specifics of the OP.

I suggest you simply amble away before I give you the profound and intense spanking that you so richly deserve.

Spank me, bitch. And after you do....I'll give you the "dicking down", that you're clamoring for. What's the major holdup?

1. First, learn how to correctly address your betters.

2. Here is what you deserve: know-nothing non-entities like you have been taught to smear and libel those who have accomplished.
And that is the course you use, the only one of which you are capable.

Let me guess: government school grad?

3. There is an old joke that says every Arabic word has four meanings:
the first is the common usage,
the second is the exact opposite of the first,
the third is something pertaining to a camel,
and the fourth is so unspeakably vulgar that no one will tell you what it is.
I can’t decide whether you fit the third or fourth.

To review:
You are an insignificant little worm who has failed to learn respect, and, as a result, deserves none.

Further, you are so simple-minded that when I wrote of the vehemence of black Liberals towards black conservatives, you leapt forward to verify same. Could you be more stupid?

Time for you to head back into the Roach Motel…

1. Betters? A skank ho? Hardly my better, you strumpet. I come from a upper middle class family, with members that are known, "globally", for their accomplishments.
2. Know nothing???? Bitch, I'm routinely asked for my services because all of what I do know. And what have you accomplished but presenting a false front, while spending most of your time on your back?
3. Arabic word? Bitch, you're losing it with each successive post you make. Now you're rambling about etymologies and such. You must not know who you're dealing with. I'm an uppity, educated n-word. XXXXXXX
4. Respect? You have to bring some to receive some, you skank ho. And I always counter white conservatives attempts to "co-opt" black conservatives as their standard bearers, in vain attempts to prove they are not racist fucks. You talk out one side of your mouth about black liberals and suck the dick of black return for what? You don't even know. When I want to know what you think, I'll ask. Until then, say nothing, do nothing, until I give you the go ahead. This is a man's world, and I just pulled your chain.
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1. Betters? A skank ho? Hardly my better, you strumpet. I come from a upper middle class family, with members that are known, "globally", for their accomplishments.
2. Know nothing???? Bitch, I'm routinely asked for my services because all of what I do know. And what have you accomplished but presenting a false front, while spending most of your time on your back?
3. Arabic word? Bitch, you're losing it with each successive post you make. Now you're rambling about etymologies and such. You must not know who you're dealing with. I'm an uppity, educated n-word. The kind your daddy warned you about. I will fuck you up, figuratively and literally.
4. Respect? You have to bring some to receive some, you skank ho. And I always counter white conservatives attempts to "co-opt" black conservatives as their standard bearers, in vain attempts to prove they are not racist fucks. You talk out one side of your mouth about black liberals and suck the dick of black return for what? You don't even know. When I want to know what you think, I'll ask. Until then, say nothing, do nothing, until I give you the go ahead. This is a man's world, and I just pulled your chain.
The democratic party plantation house boy nigga has spoken......... :cuckoo: :lol:

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