Running bet...will Obama pardon Hillary today?

Will he?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 61.5%

  • Total voters
I'll go with "no". A pardon would be an admission of guilt she wouldn't want.
I go with yes with as asterisk....not pardoning her because she is guilty, but to stop the investigations.
He'll pardon her. But I hope I'm wrong. I'm wondering how much Bill really wants her put away??

I say no. He is too prickly to do this favor for her. He had to hug her and make nice for years. Now his good will is spent. At this point, he is only interested in doing favors for "guys" like Bradley Manning.
Hmmmm tough call. Dems/Libs love drama, so, maybe yes .....
Are the Republicans really going to burn time and effort and energy going after her? Really?
I say no. He is too prickly to do this favor for her. He had to hug her and make nice for years. Now his good will is spent. At this point, he is only interested in doing favors for "guys" like Bradley Manning.
If BHO can pardon B.Manning then surely he will pardon Hillary.

The Manning pardon simply signaled that BHO is saving the really notorious for the end.

Today is his last day in office. Today he must pardon Hillary.

He won't get another chance after today.
doubtful. That would make him look bad. Also, im sure we would have heard if she sent in a request by now.

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